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These results suggest that PCOLCE2 secreted by TMSCs may be used as a therapeutic candidate to enhance host defences by increasing neutrophil oxidative bursts. PCOLCE2 levels in TMSCs could be used as a marker to select TMSCs exhibiting high efficacy for enhancing neutrophil oxidative bursts.In this study, a phosphate solubilizing microorganism was isolated from the soil of an agricultural field in Lithuania. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, the strain was identified as Bacillus sp. and submitted to the NCBI database, Sector of Applied Bio-catalysis, University Institute of Biotechnology, Vilnius, Lithuania and allocated the accession number KY882273. The Bacillus sp. was assigned with the number MVY-004. The culture nutrient medium and growth conditions were optimized molasses was used as a carbon source; yeast extract powder was used as an organic source; NH4H2PO4 was used as a nitrogen source; the culture growth temperature was 30 ± 0.5 °C; the initial value of pH was 7.0 ± 0.5; the partial pressure of oxygen (pO2) was 60 ± 2.0; the mixer revolutions per minute (RPM) were 25-850, and the incubation and the fermentation time was 48-50 h. Analysis using Liquid Chromatography Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (LC-TOF/MS) results showed that Bacillus sp. MVY-004 produced organic acids such as citric, succinic, 2-ketogluconic, gluconic, malic, lactic, and oxalic acids. Furthermore, the experiment showed that Bacillus sp. MVY-004 can also produce the following phytohormones indole-3-acetic (IAA), jasmonic (JA), and gibberellic (GA3) acids. In the climate chamber, the experiment was performed using mineral fertilizer (NPS-124010 80 Kg ha-1) and mineral fertilizers in combination with Bacillus sp. MVY-004 cells (NPS-124010 80 Kg ha-1 + Bacillus sp. MVY-004) in loamy soil. Analysis was performed in three climate conditions normal (T = 20 °C; relative humidity 60%); hot and dry (T = 30 °C; relative humidity 30%); hot and humid (T = 30 °C; relative humidity 80%).Plant pathogens are key threats to agriculture and global food security, causing various crop diseases that lead to massive economic losses. Palm oil is a commodity export of economic importance in Southeast Asia, especially in Malaysia and Indonesia. However, the sustainability of oil palm plantations and production is threatened by basal stem rot (BSR), a devastating disease predominantly caused by the fungus Ganoderma boninense Pat. In Malaysia, infected trees have been reported in nearly 60% of plantation areas, and economic losses are estimated to reach up to ~USD500 million a year. This review covers the current knowledge of the mechanisms utilized by G. boninense during infection and the methods used in the disease management to reduce BSR, including cultural practices, chemical treatments and antagonistic microorganism manipulations. Newer developments arising from multi-omics technologies such as whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) are also reviewed. Future directions are proposed to increase the understanding of G. boninense invasion mechanisms against oil palm. It is hoped that this review can contribute towards an improved disease management and a sustainable oil palm production in this region.Atherosclerosis is the preliminary cause of coronary artery disease, one of the diseases that account for the largest number of fatal mortalities. Physical activity is an effective strategy to restrain atherosclerosis from deterioration. Evidence indicated that changes in the proteomic profile are highly associated with atherosclerosis development, but the mechanism behind exercise for atherosclerosis amelioration has not yet been investigated from a proteomics perspective. Hence, the proteomic profiles could further elucidate the systematic effects of exercise intervention on ApoE knockout atherosclerotic model and high-fat-diet intervention. In the current study, Apoeem1Narl/Narl mice were randomly allocated into a normal diet (ND), Western diet (WD), and WD with 12-week exercise intervention (WD EX) groups. The plasma proteome between WD and WD EX groups demonstrate the significant difference, and ten major pathways, including cardiovascular disease (CVD)-hematological disease, inflammatory disease, infectious diseases, inflammatory response, cell-to-cell signaling and interaction, connective tissue disorders_inflammatory disease, metabolic disease_organismal injury and abnormalities, cell-to-cell signaling and interaction, connective tissue disorders_inflammatory disease, and endocrine system disorders_gastrointestinal disease, etc., were generated by the IPA analysis. The 15 proteins (MYOCD, PROS1, C2, SERPINA10, CRP, F5, C5, CFB, FGG, CFH, F12, PRDX2, PROZ, PPIA, and HABP2) critically involved in CVD-hematological disease pathway showed significant difference between WD and WD EX groups. In current study, exercise could significantly alleviate the significantly elevated C5 and inflammation induced by the WD group in accordance with amelioration of atherosclerosis. Therefore, exercise could mitigate chemotaxis through the modulation of the C5 level and innate immunity, thereby alleviating the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis in Western-diet-induced obese mice.The African catfish Clarias gariepinus has been introduced for aquaculture in Bangladesh due to the scarcity of indigenous C. batrachus fingerlings. However, the government of Bangladesh has banned the farming of C. gariepinus due to the carnivorous nature of this species. Recently C. gariepinus has been reported by fish farmers and consumers in Bangladesh, and unplanned hybridization between native and exotic species has been suspected. This study attempts to know the purity of C. batrachus by analyzing mitochondrial genes. Both directly sequenced and retrieved Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit I (COI) and cytochrome b (Cytb) genes from C. gareipinus and C. batrachus were analyzed by MEGA software. The morphologically dissimilar C. batrachus showed the least genetic distance (0.295) from C. gariepinus, which provided evidence of hybridization between the two species. Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenetic trees showed that C. batrachus from Bangladesh did not cluster with C. batrachus of other countries, instead C. batrachus clustered with the exotic C. gariepinus. The suspected hybrid formed sister taxa with the exotic C. gariepinus. The study corroborates the genetic deterioration of C. batrachus by unplanned hybridization with the invasive C. gariepinus. Unplanned hybridization has deleterious consequences; therefore, immediate action is necessary for aquaculture sustainability and biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh.Venlafaxine, a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, is a widely prescribed antidepressant that is detected in municipal wastewater effluents at µg/L concentrations. It has been shown to impact the early life stages of fish, including neurodevelopment and behaviour in larvae, but whether such early exposures have longer-term consequences are far from clear. Here, we sought to determine whether zygotic deposition of venlafaxine, mimicking a maternal transfer scenario, disturbs the metabolic rate and behavioural performance using zebrafish (Danio rerio). This was tested using freshly fertilized embryos (1-4 cell stage) microinjected with either 0, 1 or 10 ng of venlafaxine and raised to either juvenile (60 days post-fertilization) or adult (10-12 months post-fertilization). Zygotic venlafaxine exposure led to a reduction in the active metabolic rate and aerobic scope, but this was only observed in female fish. On the other hand, the total distance travelled in an open field assessment was greater at the highest concentration of venlafaxine only in the adult males. At the juvenile stage, behavioural assessments demonstrated that venlafaxine exposure may increase boldness-including hyperactivity, lower thigmotaxis, and a reduction in the distance to a novel object. Taken together, these results demonstrate that zygotic venlafaxine exposure may impact developmental programming in a sex-specific manner in fish.In 1993, the discovery of microRNAs in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) altered the paradigmatic view of RNA biology and post-transcriptional gene regulation. Further study revealed the role of microRNAs in disease development and progression. In particular, this review highlights microRNA-223 (miR-223 or miRNA-223) expression in malignant neoplastic disorders. miR-223 expression controls aspects of hematopoiesis and apoptosis, and cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. miR-223 regulates a number of gene targets, including cytoplasmic activation/proliferation-associated protein-1 (Caprin-1), insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R), and other cell proliferation- and cell cycle-associated genes. Several studies have proposed miR-223 as a novel biomarker for early cancer diagnosis. Here, we emphasize miR-223's role in the development and progression of cancer.Doublecortin (DCX) is a microtubule associated protein, essential for correct central nervous system development and lamination in the mammalian cortex. It has been demonstrated to be expressed in developing-but not in mature-neurons. The teleost visual system is an ideal model to study mechanisms of adult neurogenesis due to its continuous life-long growth. Here, we report immunohistochemical, in silico, and western blot analysis to detect the DCX protein in the visual system of teleost fish. We clearly determined the expression of DCX in newly generated cells in the retina of the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni, but not in the cyprinid fish Danio rerio. Here, we show that DCX is not associated with migrating cells but could be related to axonal growth. This work brings to light the high conservation of DCX sequences between different evolutionary groups, which make it an ideal marker for maturing neurons in various species. The results from different techniques corroborate the absence of DCX expression in zebrafish. In A. burtoni, DCX is very useful for identifying new neurons in the transition zone of the retina. In addition, this marker can be applied to follow axons from maturing neurons through the neural fiber layer, optic nerve head, and optic nerve.Thalassemic syndromes are characterized by clinical heterogenicity. For severe disease forms, lifelong blood transfusions remain the mainstay of therapy, while iron overload monitoring and adequate chelation treatment are required in order to ensure effective disease management. Compared to previous chelators, the new deferasirox film-coated tablet (DFX FCT) is considered to offer a more convenient and well-tolerated treatment scheme, aiming at better treatment-related and patient-related outcomes. The present study's objective was to prospectively evaluate the safety and efficacy of DFX FCT in children and adolescents with transfusion-dependent thalassemia. Data collected included patient demographics, hematology and biochemistry laboratory work up, magnetic resonance imaging of heart and liver for iron load, as well as ophthalmological and audiological examination prior to and a year following drug administration. Study results confirmed DFX FCT safety in older children in a manner similar to adults, but demonstrated increased frequency of adverse events in younger patients, mainly, involving liver function.
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