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Quantitative morphometric analysis involving molar enamel and also alveolar navicular bone using micro-computed tomography in older rodents.
The therapeutic alliance (TA), the relationship that develops between a therapist and a client/patient, is a critical factor in the outcome of psychological therapy. As mental health care is increasingly adopting digital technologies and offering therapeutic interventions that may not involve human therapists, the notion of a TA in digital mental health care requires exploration. To date, there has been some incipient work on developing measures to assess the conceptualization of a digital TA for mental health apps. However, the few measures that have been proposed have more or less been derivatives of measures from psychology used to assess the TA in traditional face-to-face therapy. This conceptual paper explores one such instrument that has been proposed in the literature, the Mobile Agnew Relationship Measure, and examines it through a human-computer interaction (HCI) lens. Through this process, we show how theories from HCI can play a role in shaping or generating a more suitable, purpose-built measure of the digital therapeutic alliance (DTA), and we contribute suggestions on how HCI methods and knowledge can be used to foster the DTA in mental health apps.
Commercially acquired wearable activity trackers such as the Fitbit provide objective, accurate measurements of physically active time and step counts, but it is unclear whether these measurements are more clinically meaningful than self-reported physical activity.

The aim of this study was to compare self-reported physical activity to Fitbit-measured step counts and then determine which is a stronger predictor of BMI by using data collected over the same period reflecting comparable physical activities.

We performed a cross-sectional analysis of data collected by the Health eHeart Study, a large mobile health study of cardiovascular health and disease. Adults who linked commercially acquired Fitbits used in free-living conditions with the Health eHeart Study and completed an International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) between 2013 and 2019 were enrolled (N=1498). Fitbit step counts were used to quantify time by activity intensity in a manner comparable to the IPAQ classifications of total acti activity, particularly for moderate activity, vigorous activity, and summary measures of total activity. Consumer-marketed wearable activity trackers such as the Fitbit may be useful for measuring health-relevant physical activity in clinical practice and research.
The notion of anytime, anyplace communication is characteristic of the current generation of learners. Such communications have facilitated the growth and integration of a blended or hybrid learning platform in multiple educational settings. However, there are limited reports on the use of an anytime, anyplace communication platform in clinical inpatient medical education.

The setting of a high-demand inpatient clinical rotation is ideal for the use of collaborative software, and this integration is expected to positively influence medical education. The purpose of this study is to evaluate medical students' and residents' educational experiences with incorporating a simple, web-based content management and file sharing platform into an internal medicine inpatient rotation.

During an inpatient internal medicine rotation, faculty and learners jointly used collaborative software for educational purposes, and a postrotation survey tool was used to measure the educational influence of the software.

Based effective blended learning features to a traditional clinical setting is achievable.
Older people are at increased risk of adverse health events because of reduced physical activity. There is concern that activity levels are further reduced in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as many older people are practicing physical and social distancing to minimize transmission. Mobile health (mHealth) and eHealth technologies may offer a means by which older people can engage in physical activity while physically distancing.

The objective of this study was to assess the evidence for mHealth or eHealth technology in the promotion of physical activity among older people aged 50 years or older.

We conducted a rapid review of reviews using PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. We searched for systematic reviews published in the English language in 3 electronic databases MEDLINE, CINAHL Plus, and Scopus. Two reviewers used predefined inclusion criteria to select relevant reviews and extracted data on review characteristics and intervention effectivlude self-monitoring, incorporation of theory and behavior change techniques, and social and professional support.
Electronic health records store large amounts of patient clinical data. Despite efforts to structure patient data, clinical notes containing rich patient information remain stored as free text, greatly limiting its exploitation. This includes family history, which is highly relevant for applications such as diagnosis and prognosis.

This study aims to develop automatic strategies for annotating family history information in clinical notes, focusing not only on the extraction of relevant entities such as family members and disease mentions but also on the extraction of relations between the identified entities.

This study extends a previous contribution for the 2019 track on family history extraction from national natural language processing clinical challenges by improving a previously developed rule-based engine, using deep learning (DL) approaches for the extraction of entities from clinical notes, and combining both approaches in a hybrid end-to-end system capable of successfully extracting family mem system obtained F
scores of 0.6480 and 0.5082 in the training and test sets, respectively.

We evaluated the impact of several factors on the performance of DL models, and we present an end-to-end system for extracting family history information from clinical notes, which can help in the structuring and reuse of this type of information. The final hybrid solution is provided in a publicly available code repository.
We evaluated the impact of several factors on the performance of DL models, and we present an end-to-end system for extracting family history information from clinical notes, which can help in the structuring and reuse of this type of information. The final hybrid solution is provided in a publicly available code repository.While memories are often thought of as flashbacks to a previous experience, they do not simply conserve veridical representations of the past but must continually integrate new information to ensure survival in dynamic environments. Therefore, 'drift' in neural firing patterns, typically construed as disruptive 'instability' or an undesirable consequence of noise, may actually be useful for updating memories. buy compound 78c In our view, continual modifications in memory representations reconcile classical theories of stable memory traces with neural drift. Here we review how memory representations are updated through dynamic recruitment of neuronal ensembles on the basis of excitability and functional connectivity at the time of learning. Overall, we emphasize the importance of considering memories not as static entities, but instead as flexible network states that reactivate and evolve across time and experience.
This study aimed to investigate the incidence of severe infections in patients of a dedicated rheumatoid arthritis (RA) clinic, identify the associated risk factors, and derive an infection risk screening tool.

Between January and July 2019, 263 eligible patients with a diagnosis of RA were recruited retrospectively and consecutively from an RA clinic of an Australian tertiary hospital. The primary outcome was severe infection (requiring hospital admission) between January 2018 and July 2019. We collected data from medical records and pathology results. We used validated scores, such as the disease activity score of 28 joints (DAS28) and the Charlson comorbidity index, to assess the disease activity and comorbidity burden. Multivariable logistic regression was used for statistical analysis.

A total of 45 severe infection episodes occurred in 34 (13%) patients, corresponding to 10.8 infections per 100 patient-years. Respiratory (53%) and urinary (13%) tract infections were the most common. link2 In the multiva-risk patients and inform the tailored clinical decision making.
To the best of our knowledge, this was one of the first Australian studies to evaluate severe infection rates in a real-world RA cohort. The rates remained high and comparable with those of the older studies. Lymphopenia, disease activity, comorbidity burden, and previous severe infection were the independent risk factors for infection. A model comprising easily assessable clinical and biological parameters has an excellent predictive potential for severe infection. Once validated, it may be developed into a screening tool to help clinicians rapidly identify the high-risk patients and inform the tailored clinical decision making.Statin-associated immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy (IMNM) is a rare presentation of a statin-associated myopathy. Patients usually present with muscle weakness and pain in the setting of statin use with elevated creatine kinase (CK) levels and a positive anti-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase (anti-HMGCR) antibody. Muscle biopsies typically show necrosis, CD68+ macrophages, and minimal lymphocytes. We present a case of a 67-year-old woman who had 2 months of progressive weakness and bilateral lower extremity pain after initiating atorvastatin therapy with symptoms persisting after statin cessation. She was found to have high anti-HMGCR antibody titers, and the biopsy of the rectus femoris muscle showed a prominent endomysial inflammatory cell infiltrate with necrotic and regenerative fibers and an atypical extensive inflammatory infiltrate composed of both CD4+ helper T cells and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells. She showed symptom resolution and normalization of CK levels and inflammatory markers with treatment involving a prolonged prednisone taper and a brief course of azathioprine, which was stopped because of the adverse effects.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of clinical Pilates exercises in patients with fibromyalgia (FM) and to compare the effects of one-to-one and group-based exercise methods.

A total of 42 women (mean age, 50.90±7.78 years) with FM were included. The participants were randomly divided into 2 groups (one-to-one exercise, n=16; group-based exercise, n=26). Disease impact was evaluated with the FM Impact Questionnaire, functional status with the Health Assessment Questionnaire, anxiety with the Beck Anxiety Inventory, quality of life with short form-36, and biopsychosocial status with the Bilişsel Egzersiz Terapi Yaklaşımı-biopsychosocial questionnaire. All the evaluations were performed pre- and post-treatment. link3 Clinical Pilates exercises were carried out 2 days a week for 6 weeks.

When the pre- and post-treatment data were compared, significant improvement was seen in all parameters in the group-based exercise group; in the one-to-one exercise group, improvement was noted in disease impact, quality of life, and biopsychosocial status.
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