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The initial Arbitrary Observational Survey regarding Hurdle Actions versus COVID-19.
Increasing interest is aroused by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) based on specific TCM syndrome. As the most common CHB syndromes, spleen-stomach dampness-heat (SSDH) syndrome and liver-gallbladder dampness-heat (LGDH) syndrome are still apt to be confused in TCM diagnosis, greatly hindering the stable exertion of TCM effectiveness. It is urgently needed to provide objective and biological evidences for differentiation and identification of the two significant syndromes. In this study, microRNA (miRNA) microarray analyses coupled with bioinformatics were employed for comparative miRNA profiling of SSDH and LGDH patients. It was found that the two syndromes had both the same and different significantly differentially expressed miRNAs (SDE-miRNAs). Commonness and specificity were also both found between their SDE-miRNA-based bioinformatics analyses, including Hierarchical Clustering, Gene Ontology (GO), Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways, and miRNA-GO/pathway networks. Furthermore, syndrome-specific SDE-miRNAs were identified as the potential biomarkers, including hsa-miR-1273g-3p and hsa-miR-4419b for SSDH as well as hsa-miR-129-1-3p and hsa-miR-129-2-3p for LGDH. All these laid biological and clinical bases for classification and diagnosis of the two significant CHB dampness-heat syndromes including SSDH and LGDH, providing more opportunities for better application of TCM efficacy and superiority in CHB treatment. Copyright © 2020 Li Wen et al.Objective To determine the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture for perimenopausal depression. Methods We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, PubMed, EMBASE, CNKI, VIP Citation Databases, Wan Fang, and online trial registries such as for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the efficacy and safety of acupuncture for perimenopausal depression. Literature screening, data extraction, and determination of the risk of bias were performed by two researchers independently. The extracted data were pooled and meta-analyzed using RevMan5.3 software. Results In total, 16 RCTs covering 1311 patients were enrolled. Overall, the results showed that acupuncture was more effective in the treatment of perimenopausal depression than antidepressants (OR = 2.68, 95% CI (1.84, 3.90), P less then 0.00001). Furthermore, HAMD scores in the manual acupuncture group and electroacupuncture group were lower than those of antidepressants (manual acupuncture vs. antidepressants (MD = -2.35, 95% CI (-2.93, -1.77), P less then 0.00001) and electroacupuncture vs. antidepressants (MD = -1.2, 95% CI (-1.92, -0.48), P=0.001)). Data analysis revealed that the treatment effect of acupuncture was more stable than that of antidepressants (MD = -2.4, 95% CI (-3.37, -1.43), P less then 0.00001). Moreover, acupuncture was safer than antidepressants based on the incidence of adverse events (OR = 0.23, 95% CI (0.1, 0.52), P=0.0004). But acupuncture has no effect on estrogen levels (P ≥ 0.05). Conclusions Acupuncture for perimenopausal depression is safe and effective. Moreover, it has more stable long-term effects than antidepressants and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). We recommend acupuncture as a clinical treatment of perimenopausal depression. Copyright © 2020 Xiao Xiao et al.Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of acupuncture on urinary retention and provide treatment suggestions. Methods A total of 113 hospitalized patients with urinary retention were included in this study. The GV20, CV6, CV4, CV3, ST28, SP6, and SP9 points were selected as the main acupoints. Acupuncture therapy was conducted for 30 minutes per session. The total number of treatment sessions was determined by the symptoms and the length of hospital stay. Bladder postvoid residual urine volume (PVR) was measured pretreatment and posttreatment by ultrasonic. Efficacy defined as spontaneous urination and a residual urine volume less then 50 mL was measured. Results The median number of acupuncture treatment sessions was 3 (range, 1-12 times). Acupuncture treatment significantly reduced the PVR (545.1 ± 23.9 mL vs 67.4 ± 10.7 mL; p less then 0.001). Among the 113 patients, 99 (87.6%) patients were cured and 8 (7.1%) patients were improved of their urinary retention. The remaining 6 (5.3%) patients' urinary retention did not improve. The effective rate was 94.7%. There was significant difference in the efficacy rate between patients with one urinary catheterization and with two or more. Acupuncture treatment was not associated with side effects. Conclusion Acupuncture is an effective and safe treatment option for urinary retention. Early application of acupuncture treatment should be considered in clinic, and repeated urinary catheter insertion and removal should be avoided. Our study suggests that a randomized controlled study with a large sample size to verify the efficacy of acupuncture for the treatment of urinary retention is warranted. Copyright © 2020 Suhui Chen et English, Portuguese, Objetivo Analisar a distribuição do vírus Mayaro (MAYV) na América Latina e Caribe e avaliar os mecanismos nacionais de vigilância. Métodos Dados da literatura acadêmica sobre a febre Mayaro na América Latina e Caribe foram coletados de maio de 2018 a maio de 2019. Foram pesquisadas as bases de dados PubMed, ClinicalKey, Scopus, Nature, SciELO, LILACS e Google Acadêmico para identificar artigos em revistas revisadas por pares; também foram examinados dados de autoridades sanitárias, incluindo a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS), e dos ministérios de saúde. Artigos relacionados com MAYV publicados de 1954 a 2019 foram revisados. Este relatório incluiu artigos que contribuíssem para o entendimento geral do MAYV, com informações sobre distribuição geográfica e epidemiologia. Resultados Foram registrados 901 casos de MAYV em humanos em 11 países da América Latina e do Caribe. Desde a sua descoberta em 1954 em Trinidad e Tobago, o MAYV foi isolado em indivíduos na Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Equador, Guiana Francesa, Haiti, México, Panamá, Peru e Venezuela. Desses 901 casos, 42 foram comunicados exclusivamente pelas autoridades sanitárias. Por sua vez, 844 casos autóctones confirmados ou suspeitos e 15 casos importados foram descritos na literatura. Nenhum mecanismo nacional de vigilância do MAYV foi identificado na literatura ou pelas autoridades sanitárias. E7080 Conclusões Na América Latina e Caribe, a vigilância do MAYV é limitada em contraste com a presença do vírus na região; é importante melhorar os sistemas de vigilância desse arbovírus nos países English, Spanish Objetivo Presentar un método para identificar áreas críticas relacionadas con ciertas enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias con fines de vigilancia sanitaria y analizar su asociación con los indicadores de pobreza en Brasil. Métodos Se cartografiaron las tasas de incidencia de dengue, enfermedad de Chagas aguda, esquistosomiasis, lepra, hepatitis A, leishmaniasis cutánea, leishmaniasis visceral, leptospirosis, malaria y tuberculosis. Se efectuaron análisis para los años 2010 a 2017 a partir de un indicador de síntesis, calculado como el promedio de los coeficientes de incidencia promedio para cada enfermedad, normalizado por la media y la desviación estándar durante el período analizado. La base de población estimada fue la de 2014. Los coeficientes calculados se estratificaron para clasificar los municipios según presentaran una situación crítica muy alta, alta, media, baja o muy baja para cada enfermedad. Se seleccionaron también indicadores de diferentes dimensiones que expresaran las desigualdades socioeconómicas y la segregación espacial en los municipios brasileños, y se evaluó su asociación con las enfermedades estudiadas. Resultados El indicador demostró que el 40,5% de los municipios brasileños presentan una situación crítica alta, en especial en las regiones Norte y Centro-oeste y parte del Nordeste. Los indicadores "proporción de pobreza", "basura en los alrededores", "aguas servidas en los alrededores" y "familias encabezadas por mujeres" pueden aumentar la posibilidad de que la localidad presente una situación más crítica para las enfermedades. El indicador "red cloacal adecuada" puede considerarse un potencial factor de protección. Conclusiones La técnica utilizada fue adecuada para orientar las acciones de vigilancia sanitaria en el país y permite la articulación entre la vigilancia local y otros sectores para evitar los problemas de salud causados por las enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias y los factores relacionados.Using eight two-year panels from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data for the period 2004 to 2012, we examine the effect of economic shocks on mental health spending by families with children. Estimating two-part expenditure models within the correlated random effects framework, we find that employment shocks have a greater impact on mental health spending than do income or health insurance shocks. Our estimates reveal that employment gains are associated with a lower likelihood of family mental health services utilization. By contrast employment losses are positively related to an increase in total family mental health. We do not detect a link between economic shocks and mental health spending on behalf of fathers.Increasingly targeted in drug discovery, protein-protein interactions challenge current high throughput screening technologies in the pharmaceutical industry. Developing an effective and efficient method for screening small molecules or compounds is critical to accelerate the discovery of ligands for enzymes, receptors and other pharmaceutical targets. Here, we report developments of methods to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for screening protein-protein interactions using atomic force microscopy (AFM) force spectroscopy. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of these developments on detecting the binding process between focal adhesion kinases (FAK) with protein kinase B (Akt1), which is a target for potential cancer drugs. link2 These developments include optimized probe and substrate functionalization processes and redesigned probe-substrate contact regimes. Furthermore, a statistical-based data processing method was developed to enhance the contrast of the experimental data. Collectively, these results demonstrate the potential of the AFM force spectroscopy in automating drug screening with high throughput.Purpose The purpose of the present study was to perform an independent calculation of dosimetric parameters associated with a new 192Ir brachytherapy source model, IRAsource. Materials and methods The parameters of air kerma strength (AKS), dose rate constant (DRC), geometry function (GF), radial dose function (RDF), as well as two-dimensional (2D) anisotropy function (AF) of IRAsource 192Ir source model were calculated in this study. The MC n-particle extended (MCNPX) code was also employed for simulating high dose rate (HDR), IRAsource and 192Ir source; and formalism was used for calculating dosimetry parameters based on task group number 43 updated report (TG-43 U1). link3 Results The results of this study were consistent with the ones reported about the IRAsource source by Sarabiasl et al. The AKS per 1 mCi activity and the DRC values were also equal to 3.65 cGycm2 h-1 mCi-1 and 1.094 cGyh-1U-1; respectively. The comparison of the results of the DRC and the RDF reported by Sarabiasl et al. also validated the 192Ir IRAsource simulation in this study.
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