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The Impact in the COVID-19 Pandemic on Tourists' WTP: Using the Depending Appraisal Strategy.
The endothelial monolayer forms a barrier between the lumen of blood vessels and the underlying tissues. Stable VE-cadherin-based adherens junctions are essential for maintaining this barrier, whereas their remodeling is required for angiogenesis in health and disease. Here, we position the ERAD-associated ubiquitin ligase MARCH6 as a determinant of angiogenic sprouting and barrier integrity through its ability to promote the degradation of the rate-limiting cholesterol biosynthetic enzyme squalene epoxidase (SQLE). Accordingly, MARCHF6 ablation in endothelial cells increases SQLE protein and cholesterol load. This leads to altered membrane order, disorganized adherens junctions, decreased endothelial barrier function, and impaired SQLE-dependent sprouting angiogenesis. Akin to MARCHF6 silencing, the overexpression of SQLE impairs angiogenesis. However, angiogenesis is also attenuated when SQLE is silenced, indicating that fine-tuning cholesterol biosynthesis is a determinant of healthy endothelial function. In summary, we propose a mechanistic link between regulation of cholesterol homeostasis by the MARCH6-SQLE axis and endothelial integrity and angiogenesis.During global pandemics, the spread of information needs to be faster than the spread of the virus in order to ensure the health and safety of human populations worldwide. In our current crisis, the demand for SARS-CoV-2 drugs and vaccines highlights the importance of biological targets and their three-dimensional shape. In particular, structural biology as a field was poised to quickly respond to crises due to previous experience and expertise and because of its early adoption of open access practices.In this issue of Structure, Zhou et al. report the structures of full-length lethal and edema factors, the cytotoxic components of the deadly anthrax toxin, in complex with the toxin's cell binding and delivery module, the protective antigen prechannel, providing an atomic description for the toxin recruitment prior to translocation.Doublecortin-like kinase 1 (DCLK1) is critical for neurogenesis, but overexpression is also observed in multiple cancers and is associated with poor prognosis. Nevertheless, the function of DCLK1 in cancer, especially the context-dependent functions, are poorly understood. We present a "toolkit" that includes the DCLK1 inhibitor DCLK1-IN-1, a complementary DCLK1-IN-1-resistant mutation G532A, and kinase dead mutants D511N and D533N, which can be used to investigate signaling pathways regulated by DCLK1. Using a cancer cell line engineered to be DCLK1 dependent for growth and cell migration, we show that this toolkit can be used to discover associations between DCLK1 kinase activity and biological processes. In particular, we show an association between DCLK1 and RNA processing, including the identification of CDK11 as a potential substrate of DCLK1 using phosphoproteomics.Epigenetic alterations occur in many physiological and pathological processes. N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modification is the most prevalent modification in eukaryotic mRNAs. However, the role of m6A modification in pathological angiogenesis remains elusive. In this study, we showed that the level of m6A modification was significantly upregulated in endothelial cells and mouse retinas following hypoxic stress, which was caused by increased METTL3 levels. GLPG0634 ic50 METTL3 silencing or METTL3 overexpression altered endothelial cell viability, proliferation, migration, and tube formation in vitro. METTL3 knockout in vivo decreased avascular area and pathological neovascular tufts in an oxygen-induced retinopathy model and inhibited alkali burn-induced corneal neovascularization. Mechanistically, METTL3 exerted its angiogenic role by regulating Wnt signaling through the m6A modification of target genes (e.g., LRP6 and dishevelled 1 [DVL1]). METTL3 enhanced the translation of LRP6 and DVL1 in an YTH m6A RNA-binding protein 1 (YTHDF1)-dependent manner. Collectively, this study suggests that METTL3-mediated m6A modification is an important hypoxic stress-response mechanism. The targeting of m6A through its writer enzyme METTL3 is a promising strategy for the treatment of angiogenic diseases.Bietti's crystalline dystrophy (BCD) is an incurable retinal disorder caused by the polypeptide 2 of cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily V (CYP4V2) mutations. Patients with BCD present degeneration of retinal pigmented epithelial (RPE) cells and consequent blindness. The lack of appropriate disease models and patients' RPE cells limits our understanding of the pathological mechanism of RPE degeneration. In this study, using CYP4V2 mutant pluripotent stem cells as disease models, we demonstrated that RPE cells with CYP4V2 mutations presented a disrupted fatty acid homeostasis, which were characterized with excessive accumulation of poly-unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), including arachidonic acid (AA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). The PUFA overload increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, impaired mitochondrial respiratory functions, and triggered mitochondrial stress-activated p53-independent apoptosis in CYP4V2 mutant RPE cells. Restoration of the mutant CYP4V2 using adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2) can effectively reduce PUFA deposition, alleviate mitochondria oxidative stresses, and rescue RPE cell death in BCD RPE cells. Taken together, our results highlight a role of PUFA-induced mitochondrial damage as a central node to potentiate RPE degeneration in BCD patients. AAV2-mediated gene therapy may represent a feasible strategy for the treatment of BCD.T cells engineered to express chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) targeting CD19 have produced impressive outcomes for the treatment of B cell malignancies, but different products vary in kinetics, persistence, and toxicity profiles based on the co-stimulatory domains included in the CAR. In this study, we performed transcriptional profiling of bulk CAR T cell populations and single cells to characterize the transcriptional states of human T cells transduced with CD3ζ, 4-1BB-CD3ζ (BBζ), or CD28-CD3ζ (28ζ) co-stimulatory domains at rest and after activation by triggering their CAR or their endogenous T cell receptor (TCR). We identified a transcriptional signature common across CARs with the CD3ζ signaling domain, as well as a distinct program associated with the 4-1BB co-stimulatory domain at rest and after activation. CAR T cells bearing BBζ had increased expression of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II genes, ENPP2, and interleukin (IL)-21 axis genes, and decreased PD1 compared to 28ζ CAR T cells. Similar to previous studies, we also found BBζ CAR CD8 T cells to be enriched in a central memory cell phenotype and fatty acid metabolism genes. Our data uncovered transcriptional signatures related to costimulatory domains and demonstrated that signaling domains included in CARs uniquely shape the transcriptional programs of T cells.UNC-45B is a multidomain molecular chaperone that is essential for the proper folding and assembly of myosin into muscle thick filaments in vivo. It has previously been demonstrated that the UCS domain is responsible for the chaperone-like properties of the UNC-45B. To better understand the chaperoning function of the UCS domain of the UNC-45B chaperone, we engineered mutations designed to 1) disrupt chaperone-client interactions by removing and altering the structure of a putative client-interacting loop and 2) disrupt chaperone-client interactions by changing highly conserved residues in a putative client-binding groove. We tested the effect of these mutations by using a, to our knowledge, novel combination of complementary biophysical assays (circular dichroism, chaperone activity, and small-angle x-ray scattering) and in vivo tools (Caenorhabditis elegans sarcomere structure). Removing the putative client-binding loop altered the secondary structure of the UCS domain (by decreasing the α-helix content), leading to a significant change in its solution conformation and a reduced chaperoning function. Additionally, we found that mutating several conserved residues in the putative client-binding groove did not alter the UCS domain secondary structure or structural stability but reduced its chaperoning activity. In vivo, these groove mutations were found to significantly alter the structure and organization of C. elegans sarcomeres. Furthermore, we tested the effect of R805W, a mutation distant from the putative client-binding region, which in humans, has been known to cause congenital and infantile cataracts. Our in vivo data show that, to our surprise, the R805W mutation appeared to have the most drastic detrimental effect on the structure and organization of the worm sarcomeres, indicating a crucial role of R805 in UCS-client interactions. Hence, our experimental approach combining biophysical and biological tools facilitates the study of myosin-chaperone interactions in mechanistic detail.The segregation of lipids into lateral membrane domains has been extensively studied. It is well established that the structural differences between phospholipids play an important role in lateral membrane organization. When a high enough cholesterol concentration is present in the bilayer, liquid-ordered (Lo) domains, which are enriched in cholesterol and saturated phospholipids such as sphingomyelin (SM), may form. We have recently shown that such a formation of domains can be facilitated by the affinity differences of cholesterol for the saturated and unsaturated phospholipids present in the bilayer. In mammalian membranes, the saturated phospholipids are usually SMs with different acyl chains, the abundance of which vary with cell type. In this study, we investigated how the acyl chain structure of SMs affects the formation of SM- and cholesterol-enriched domains. From the analysis of trans-parinaric acid fluorescence emission lifetimes, we could determine that cholesterol facilitated lateral segregation most with the SMs that had 16 carbon-long acyl chains. Using differential scanning calorimetry and Förster resonance energy transfer techniques, we observed that the SM- and cholesterol-enriched domains with 16 carbon-long SMs were most thermally stabilized by cholesterol. The Förster resonance energy transfer technique also suggested that the same SMs also form the largest Lo domains. In agreement with our previously published data, the extent of influence that cholesterol had on the propensity of lateral segregation and the properties of Lo domains correlated with the relative affinity of cholesterol for the phospholipids present in the bilayers. Therefore, the specific SM species present in the membranes, together with unsaturated phospholipids and cholesterol, can be used by the cell to fine-tune the lateral structure of the membranes.Zebrafish (Danio rerio) swim within days of fertilization, powered by muscles of the axial myotomes. Forces generated by these muscles can be measured rapidly in whole, intact larval tails by adapting protocols developed for ex vivo muscle mechanics. But it is not known how well these measurements reflect the function of the underlying muscle fibers and sarcomeres. Here, we consider the anatomy of the 5-day-old, wild-type larval tail, and implement technical modifications to measuring muscle physiology in intact tails. Specifically, we quantify fundamental relationships between force, length, and shortening velocity, and capture the extreme contractile speeds required to swim with tail-beat frequencies of 80-100 Hz. Therefore, we analyze 1000 frames/s videos to track the movement of structures, visible in the transparent tail, which correlate with sarcomere length. We also characterize the passive viscoelastic properties of the preparation to isolate forces contributed by nonmuscle structures within the tail.
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