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Onychomatricoma: an often wrongly diagnosed growth of the claws.
As a whole these may not only better stratify individual risk of disease progression but also identify patients benefiting from earlier valve intervention. In this paper, we review the maladaptive response of the LV to chronic pressure overload, describing the different signaling pathways and mechanisms that underly both hypertrophy and remodeling. Histomorphology changes in this setting are described and we try to make sense of the use of new imaging tools for LV characterization.Deep hashing methods have been shown to be the most efficient approximate nearest neighbor search techniques for large-scale image retrieval. However, existing deep hashing methods have a poor small-sample ranking performance for case-based medical image retrieval. The top-ranked images in the returned query results may be as a different class than the query image. This ranking problem is caused by classification, regions of interest (ROI), and small-sample information loss in the hashing space. To address the ranking problem, we propose an end-to-end framework, called Attention-based Triplet Hashing (ATH) network, to learn low-dimensional hash codes that preserve the classification, ROI, and small-sample information. We embed a spatial-attention module into the network structure of our ATH to focus on ROI information. The spatial-attention module aggregates the spatial information of feature maps by utilizing max-pooling, element-wise maximum, and element-wise mean operations jointly along the channel axis. To highlight the essential role of classification in direntiating case-based medical images, we propose a novel triplet cross-entropy loss to achieve maximal class-separability and maximal hash code-discriminability simultaneously during model training. The triplet cross-entropy loss can help to map the classification information of images and similarity between images into the hash codes. Moreover, by adopting triplet labels during model training, we can utilize the small-sample information fully to alleviate the imbalanced-sample problem. Extensive experiments on two case-based medical datasets demonstrate that our proposed ATH can further improve the retrieval performance compared to the state-of-the-art deep hashing methods and boost the ranking performance for small samples. Compared to the other loss methods, the triplet cross-entropy loss can enhance the classification performance and hash code-discriminability.Cervical cancer has been one of the most lethal cancers threatening women's health. Nevertheless, the incidence of cervical cancer can be effectively minimized with preventive clinical management strategies, including vaccines and regular screening examinations. Screening cervical smears under microscope by cytologist is a widely used routine in regular examination, which consumes cytologists' large amount of time and labour. Computerized cytology analysis appropriately caters to such an imperative need, which alleviates cytologists' workload and reduce potential misdiagnosis rate. However, automatic analysis of cervical smear via digitalized whole slide images (WSIs) remains a challenging problem, due to the extreme huge image resolution, existence of tiny lesions, noisy dataset and intricate clinical definition of classes with fuzzy boundaries. In this paper, we design an efficient deep convolutional neural network (CNN) with dual-path (DP) encoder for lesion retrieval, which ensures the inference efficiency and the sensitivity on both tiny and large lesions. Incorporated with synergistic grouping loss (SGL), the network can be effectively trained on noisy dataset with fuzzy inter-class boundaries. Inspired by the clinical diagnostic criteria from the cytologists, a novel smear-level classifier, i.e., rule-based risk stratification (RRS), is proposed for accurate smear-level classification and risk stratification, which aligns reasonably with intricate cytological definition of the classes. Extensive experiments on the largest dataset including 19,303 WSIs from multiple medical centers validate the robustness of our method. With high sensitivity of 0.907 and specificity of 0.80 being achieved, our method manifests the potential to reduce the workload for cytologists in the routine practice.How to fast and accurately assess the severity level of COVID-19 is an essential problem, when millions of people are suffering from the pandemic around the world. Currently, the chest CT is regarded as a popular and informative imaging tool for COVID-19 diagnosis. However, we observe that there are two issues - weak annotation and insufficient data that may obstruct automatic COVID-19 severity assessment with CT images. To address these challenges, we propose a novel three-component method, i.e., 1) a deep multiple instance learning component with instance-level attention to jointly classify the bag and also weigh the instances, 2) a bag-level data augmentation component to generate virtual bags by reorganizing high confidential instances, and 3) a self-supervised pretext component to aid the learning process. We have systematically evaluated our method on the CT images of 229 COVID-19 cases, including 50 severe and 179 non-severe cases. Our method could obtain an average accuracy of 95.8%, with 93.6% sensitivity and 96.4% specificity, which outperformed previous works.Sparse sampling and parallel imaging techniques are two effective approaches to alleviate the lengthy magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data acquisition problem. Promising data recoveries can be obtained from a few MRI samples with the help of sparse reconstruction models. To solve the optimization models, proper algorithms are indispensable. AZ 3146 datasheet The pFISTA, a simple and efficient algorithm, has been successfully extended to parallel imaging. However, its convergence criterion is still an open question. Besides, the existing convergence criterion of single-coil pFISTA cannot be applied to the parallel imaging pFISTA, which, therefore, imposes confusions and difficulties on users about determining the only parameter - step size. In this work, we provide the guaranteed convergence analysis of the parallel imaging version pFISTA to solve the two well-known parallel imaging reconstruction models, SENSE and SPIRiT. Along with the convergence analysis, we provide recommended step size values for SENSE and SPIRiT reconstructions to obtain fast and promising reconstructions. Experiments on in vivo brain images demonstrate the validity of the convergence criterion.The resection of small, low-dense or deep lung nodules during video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is surgically challenging. Nodule localization methods in clinical practice typically rely on the preoperative placement of markers, which may lead to clinical complications. We propose a markerless lung nodule localization framework for VATS based on a hybrid method combining intraoperative cone-beam CT (CBCT) imaging, free-form deformation image registration, and a poroelastic lung model with allowance for air evacuation. The difficult problem of estimating intraoperative lung deformations is decomposed into two more tractable sub-problems (i) estimating the deformation due the change of patient pose from preoperative CT (supine) to intraoperative CBCT (lateral decubitus); and (ii) estimating the pneumothorax deformation, i.e. a collapse of the lung within the thoracic cage. We were able to demonstrate the feasibility of our localization framework with a retrospective validation study on 5 VATS clinical cases. Average initial errors in the range of 22 to 38 mm were reduced to the range of 4 to 14 mm, corresponding to an error correction in the range of 63 to 85%. To our knowledge, this is the first markerless lung deformation compensation method dedicated to VATS and validated on actual clinical data.It has been a key topic to decompose the brain's spatial/temporal function networks from 4D functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. With the advantages of robust and meaningful brain pattern extraction, deep neural networks have been shown to be more powerful and flexible in fMRI data modeling than other traditional methods. However, the challenge of designing neural network architecture for high-dimensional and complex fMRI data has also been realized recently. In this paper, we propose a new spatial/temporal differentiable neural architecture search algorithm (ST-DARTS) for optimal brain network decomposition. The core idea of ST-DARTS is to optimize the inner cell structure of the vanilla recurrent neural network (RNN) in order to effectively decompose spatial/temporal brain function networks from fMRI data. Based on the evaluations on all seven fMRI tasks in human connectome project (HCP) dataset, the ST-DARTS model is shown to perform promisingly, both spatially (i.e., it can recognize the most stimuli-correlated spatial brain network activation that is very similar to the benchmark) and temporally (i.e., its temporal activity is highly positively correlated with the task-design). To further improve the efficiency of ST-DARTS model, we introduce a flexible early-stopping mechanism, named as ST-DARTS+, which further improves experimental results significantly. To our best knowledge, the proposed ST-DARTS and ST-DARTS+ models are among the early efforts in optimally decomposing spatial/temporal brain function networks from fMRI data with neural architecture search strategy and they demonstrate great promise.Although deep learning models like CNNs have achieved great success in medical image analysis, the small size of medical datasets remains a major bottleneck in this area. To address this problem, researchers have started looking for external information beyond current available medical datasets. Traditional approaches generally leverage the information from natural images via transfer learning. More recent works utilize the domain knowledge from medical doctors, to create networks that resemble how medical doctors are trained, mimic their diagnostic patterns, or focus on the features or areas they pay particular attention to. In this survey, we summarize the current progress on integrating medical domain knowledge into deep learning models for various tasks, such as disease diagnosis, lesion, organ and abnormality detection, lesion and organ segmentation. For each task, we systematically categorize different kinds of medical domain knowledge that have been utilized and their corresponding integrating methods. We also provide current challenges and directions for future research.Fully annotated data sets play important roles in medical image segmentation and evaluation. Expense and imprecision are the two main issues in generating ground truth (GT) segmentations. In this paper, in an attempt to overcome these two issues jointly, we propose a method, named SparseGT, which exploit variability among human segmenters to maximally save manual workload in GT generation for evaluating actual segmentations by algorithms. Pseudo ground truth (p-GT) segmentations are created by only a small fraction of workload and with human-level perfection/imperfection, and they can be used in practice as a substitute for fully manual GT in evaluating segmentation algorithms at the same precision. p-GT segmentations are generated by first selecting slices sparsely, where manual contouring is conducted only on these sparse slices, and subsequently filling segmentations on other slices automatically. By creating p-GT with different levels of sparseness, we determine the largest workload reduction achievable for each considered object, where the variability of the generated p-GT is statistically indistinguishable from inter-segmenter differences in full manual GT segmentations for that object.
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