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left about twelve
started walking to the pond
car came
i frantically layed in ditch and prayed nobody saw me
kept walking towards pond
just before walking into open field we saw headlights
dashed straight into woods and crouched
watched two trucks pass
started walking out
saw nother car
dashed straight back into woods
walked through tall grass in complete open to pond
tried taking pictures but nothing showed up in camera
trees looked like people
kept walking
goal was to walk to trails
car came while in clear area
ran for what looked like basic hedges
ran into thorns
once in thorns i was still standinf up and car could see
so i crouched down, still stuck in thorns
scratches all the way up leg and on my face
once car past i unstuck myself
i had a deep cut on my shin that started bleeding down my leg and various other cuts scattered all along my legs
kept walking, running into woods when cars came
passed a house with light on in screened in porch
dog in house started barking loudly
drunk man in porch stood up
his bench creaking
he walked out the door
looks like he picked up a gun
we started runnning
ran for our lives
fadter then ever
didnt think about being tired just running
dashed into woods and kept running
scratching legs and bruising
once past house we turned left onto another road and kept walking
so tired and done
realized wed have to pass the mans house again
realized the possibility that we very well might die on our way home
walking slowly down road at 2:30 in the morning next to my best friend whos typing her goodbyes into her phone just in case someone found us dead in the morning
thought about everyone i love and what i havent said to them and all the things i havent done
realized i spend almost all of my time focusing on what im going to do in the fur=ture that i forget to actually do the stuff i want to do
sat back to back in middle of road staring at the stars
friend talking about how god has a time set for us to come home and that even if it is tonight its all part of gods will
after ten minutes we decided to start walking back
before turning the corner towards his house we stopped and looked around
his light was still on
we could see him
we slipped our shoes off to make less noise
feet cool on the smooth pavement
grabbed my friends hand and started slowly walking past his house
he was looking down at something
longest two minutes of my life
slowly and silently walking past his house with the mindset that we might get shot
trying not to breath
heel toe heel toe heel toe
squeezed my friends hand
finallly made it past his house without him- or his dog, noticing
let out huge sigh of relief and ran, feeling free
continued walking until we made it back to the house
snuck nack into the house and turned on the lights
legs were a total mess
scratches, bites, brusises

im way too young to know what its like to honestly think youre going to die
what you think about and who yiu want to be with you and what yiu want to tell people when you think youre dying id important'
theres all these pop songs now about living like youre going to die tomorrow but you never realize how true the statement is until youve experienced a dangerous situation wherr ypu think youre dying
you dont think about the times you were embarassed or made silly mistakes
they dont matter in the moment
so go out there
be yourself even if youre not sure who that is
tell people what you feel
do whats on your bucket list
just go for it
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Regards; Team

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