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So I made a series last year (when I was 13 so don't judge) and I have got no idea how to continue it! Here is a summary of what happened so far:
A girl named Marissa moved from Minnesota to Westchester with her parents and sister. Because of her parents' job, she had to go to a boarding school with her sister. She ended up having a lot of nightmares for some odd reason while at the school and even passed out and was sent to her parents' house for a little break before they went to their new job. More weird things happened like: she saw her roommate outside at 3am in the rain and when she went outside she was gone and instead saw two girls that were twins that told her to go away, her roommate went to sick bay and she didn't remember anything.
There was a school dance later on, and while there, a boy (who Marissa's roommate had a crush on) danced with Marissa. Her roommate saw and ran away, crying, into the hallway. Marissa followed her, and she saw smoke everywhere. She opened the door where it was coming from and saw her roommate tied up on a chair with duct tape on her mouth and the weird twins standing next to her. They had a small bunch of sticks that they set on fire that were starting to burn the wood floor. Marissa started to freak out and told them to untie her, but they didn't. They told Marissa that her roommate was their spy, but she didn't obey them and they were getting rid of her. They also said they had to get rid of Marissa too because she found out. She passed out from the smoke and woke up in a forest with all her friends from her new and old school (apart from her roommate), and they were all wearing the same thermal wetsuits.They tried to make their way out of the forest, but they couldn't and the episode ends with them cutting the vine (I don't know why I made them do that, I just wanted the episode to be a cliffhanger) that Marissa was climbing down to see if there was a way out, with Marissa falling down a cliff and onto grass below.
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