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Transcriptome profiling unveils components for the advancement regarding insect seasonality.
The qualitative results revealed underlying limitations to nurses' clinical practice, including "feeling undervalued".

There is a dearth of EBP knowledge among Bolivian nurses stemming from a lack of preparation in EBP environments, including EBP training opportunities. This situation affects nurses' professional dimensions of relational work, power, and collaboration. Collaborative research among educators, professional nursing societies, and local and international organizations could provide initiatives for implementing EBP, based on local health profiles.
There is a dearth of EBP knowledge among Bolivian nurses stemming from a lack of preparation in EBP environments, including EBP training opportunities. This situation affects nurses' professional dimensions of relational work, power, and collaboration. Collaborative research among educators, professional nursing societies, and local and international organizations could provide initiatives for implementing EBP, based on local health profiles.Delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) is not well controlled in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients undergoing oxaliplatin (L-OHP)-based chemotherapy. Whether neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist addition to a first-generation 5HT3 antagonist (1st 5-HT3 RA) and dexamethasone (DEX) is beneficial to these patients remains controversial. Furthermore, whether palonosetron (PALO) or aprepitant (APR) is more effective in controlling delayed CINV is unclear. Belinostat manufacturer We, therefore, investigated whether PALO+DEX or 1st 5-HT3 RA+DEX+APR was more effective in controlling delayed CINV, and the risk factors for delayed CINV, in CRC patients undergoing L-OHP-based chemotherapy. Data were pooled from two prospective observational Japanese studies and a phase III trial to compare CINV incidence between the PALO + DEX (PALO) and 5-HT3 RA+DEX+APR (APR) groups by propensity score-matched analysis. CINV risk factors were identified using logistic regression models. The CINV incidence was higher in the PALO group than in the APR group. Logistic regression analysis revealed alcohol consumption, motion sickness, and the PALO+DEX regimen as independent risk factors for delayed nausea, and female sex and the PALO+DEX regimen as those for delayed vomiting. Compared with prophylactic PALO + DEX, 1st 5-HT3 RA+DEX+APR was more effective in controlling delayed CINV. Thus, CRC patients receiving L-OHP-based chemotherapy should be treated with three antiemetics, including APR.Recent advances in optical coding, drug delivery, diagnostics, tissue engineering, shear-induced gelation, and functionally engineered rheology crucially depend on microparticles and microfibers with tunable shape, size, and composition. However, scalable manufacturing of the required complex micromaterials remains a long-standing challenge. Here in-air polymerization of liquid jets is demonstrated as a novel platform to produce microparticles and microfibers with tunable size, shape, and composition at high throughput (>100 mL h-1 per nozzle). The polymerization kinetics is quantitatively investigated and modeled as a function of the ink composition, the UV light intensity, and the velocity of the liquid jet, enabling engineering of complex micromaterials in jetting regimes. The size, morphology, and local chemistry of micromaterials are independently controlled, as highlighted by producing micromaterials using 5 different photopolymers as well as multi-material composites. Simultaneous optimization of these control parameters yields rapid fabrication of stimuli-responsive Janus fibers that function as soft actuators. Finally, in-air photopolymerization enables control over the curvature of printed droplets, as highlighted by high-throughput printing of microlenses with tunable focal distance. The combination of rapid processing and tunability in composition and architecture opens a new route toward applications of tailored micromaterials in soft matter, medicine, pharmacy, and optics.Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) is an option for breast-conserving therapy in early-stage breast cancer. IORT is given in one fraction at the time of surgery and eliminates the need for adjuvant external beam radiation therapy. However, previous trials indicate increased local failure rates compared with whole-breast irradiation, which engenders controversy around the appropriate use of IORT. We conducted a prospective study of patients diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer (T1-T2, N0-N1) at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) between 2013 and 2017 and treated with lumpectomy followed by intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT). Data collected included stage of disease, tumor location, histology, tumor markers, lymph node status, surgical margin size, recurrence, cosmetic outcomes, and length of follow-up. In-breast tumor recurrence rate (IBTR) in the 77 evaluable patients was 3.9% (3 patients). Margins were close (1 mm or less) in all three recurrent patients, and two were initially diagnosed with DCIS. Recurrence rates in our patients were comparable to prior reports. All recurrences were in patients with close margins indicating that this may represent a predictive feature for exclusion from IORT; additional studies are essential to determine the recurrence rates among patients treated with IORT and to identify potential predictors of IORT eligibility.
Brown and brite adipocytes within the mammalian adipose organ provide non-shivering thermogenesis and thus, have an exceptional capacity to dissipate chemical energy as heat. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) of the n3-series, abundant in fish oil, have been repeatedly demonstrated to enhance the recruitment of thermogenic capacity in these cells, consequently affecting body adiposity and glucose tolerance. These effects are scrutinized in mice housed in a thermoneutral environment and in a human dietary intervention trial.

Mice are housed in a thermoneutral environment eliminating the superimposing effect of mild cold-exposure on thermogenic adipocyte recruitment. Dietary fish oil supplementation in two different inbred mouse strains neither affects body mass trajectory nor enhances the recruitment of brown and brite adipocytes, both in the presence and absence of a β3-adrenoreceptor agonist imitating the effect of cold-exposure on adipocytes. In line with these findings, dietary fish oil supplementation of persons with overweight or obesity fails to recruit thermogenic adipocytes in subcutaneous adipose tissue.

Thus, the authors' data question the hypothesized potential of n3-PUFA as modulators of adipocyte-based thermogenesis and energy balance regulation.
Thus, the authors' data question the hypothesized potential of n3-PUFA as modulators of adipocyte-based thermogenesis and energy balance regulation.
To evaluate the validity of craniofacial growth predictors in class II and III malocclusion.

An electronic search was conducted until August 2020 in PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embase, EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Bireme, Lilacs and Scielo including all languages. The articles were selected and analyzed by two authors independently and the selected studies was assessed using the 14-item Quality Assessment Tool for Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2). The quality of evidence and strength of recommendation was assessed by the GRADE tool.

In a selection process of two phases, 10 articles were included. The studies were grouped according to malocclusion growth predictor in (1) class II (n = 4); (2) class III (n = 5) and (3) class II and III (n = 1). The predictors were mainly based on data extracted from cephalometries and characterized by equations, structural analysis, techniques and computer programs among others. The analyzed studies were methodologically heterogeneous and had low to moderate qual to design a reliable predictor.
Previous studies indicated that excessive screen time was associated with hypertension in children and adolescents. In our hospital, pregnant women tended to spend a lot of time on electronic devices like smartphones. We aimed to explore the relationship between the screen time and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP).

A case-control study was conducted from November 2019 to May 2020. A total of 160 women with HDP and 197 healthy controls who gave birth to children in the same hospital were recruited and information was recorded by questionnaires. Multivariate analysis was conducted to assess the effect of screen time on HDP.

The results showed that, exposure to electronic screen before nocturnal sleep in cases was significantly longer than that in controls (P = 0.011, odds ratio = 1.50). Smartphones (and/or tablet computers) used only for entertainment also significantly increased the susceptibility to HDP (P < 0.001, odds ratio = 2.84). Other related factors were following work experience during pregnancy (P = 0.034, odds ratio = 0.53), history of diabetes mellitus (P = 0.013, odds ratio = 2.55), history of family hypertension (P < 0.001, odds ratio = 3.81), body mass index of pre-pregnancy (>25 kg/m
) (P < 0.001, odds ratio = 6.16).

In conclusion, long exposure to electronic screen before nocturnal sleep and the smartphones usage for only entertainment may be associated with the susceptibility to HDP.
In conclusion, long exposure to electronic screen before nocturnal sleep and the smartphones usage for only entertainment may be associated with the susceptibility to HDP.
Canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (CIPF) is a chronic, interstitial lung disease that mainly affects West Highland white terriers (WHWTs) and is characterized by excessive deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) in the lung. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) participate in remodeling of ECM.

To compare metalloproteinase-2, -7 and -9 activities in blood or bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) samples or both of CIPF WHWTs with healthy WHWTs, healthy dogs of other breeds, and dogs with other lung diseases and determine if these MMPs could be used as diagnostic and prognostic markers for CIPF.

Forty-four CIPF WHWTs, 24 dogs with chronic bronchitis (CB), 17 with eosinophilic bronchopneumopathy (EBP), 10 with bacterial pneumonia, 39 healthy WHWTs, and 35 healthy dogs of other breeds.

Cross-sectional observational study. Pro-MMP and active MMP activities were analyzed by zymography.

In serum, significantly higher (P < .01) pro-MMP-7 activities were observed in CIPF WHWTs compared to healthy dogs of other breeds, dogs with CB and dogs with EBP. In BALF of CIPF WHWTs, both pro-MMP-9 and pro-MMP-2 activities were significantly higher (P < .01) compared to healthy WHWTs, but these differences were not detected in plasma. The CIPF WHWTs had significantly higher (P < .05) activities of pro-MMP-9 compared to dogs with CB and of pro-MMP-2 compared to dogs with CB and EBP. No statistically significant prognostic factors were observed in CIPF WHWTs.

Serum MMP-7 and BALF MMP-2 and -9 potentially may be useful diagnostic markers but not prognostic markers for CIPF.
Serum MMP-7 and BALF MMP-2 and -9 potentially may be useful diagnostic markers but not prognostic markers for CIPF.Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) inhibitor and histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor have been developed as potential anticancer drugs. However, the cytotoxicity of PI3K inhibitor or HDAC inhibitor alone is relatively weak. We recently developed a novel HDAC/PI3K dual inhibitor FK-A11 and confirmed its enhanced cytotoxicity when compared to that of PI3K inhibitor or HDAC inhibitor alone on several cancer cell lines. However, the in vivo antitumor activity of FK-A11 was insufficient. We conducted high-throughput RNA interfering screening and identified gene LPIN1 which enhances the cytotoxicity of FK-A11. Downregulation of LPIN1 enhanced simultaneous inhibition of HDAC and PI3K by FK-A11 and enhanced the cytotoxicity of FK-A11. Propranolol, a beta-adrenoreceptor which is also a LPIN1 inhibitor, enhanced the in vitro and in vivo cytotoxicity and antitumor effect of FK-A11. These findings should help in the development of FK-A11 as a novel HDAC/PI3K dual inhibitor.
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