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Presurgical Assessment of the Sensorimotor Cortex Employing Resting-State fMRI.
We describe a patient who developed severe tracheal stenosis while on treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis. Bronchoscopic-guided balloon dilatation succeeded in managing this disorder. Diagnosis of tracheobronchial tuberculosis requires a high index of suspicion because symptoms are usually attributed to co-existing pulmonary disease and airway lesions are not detectable on chest x-ray. Interventional bronchoscopy is employed to restore airway patency once significant stenosis develops. read more Should bronchoscopic measures fail, surgical options can be considered. © 2020 The Authors.A 50-year-old male presented to our hospital complaining of dry cough and slight fever. A chest CT scan showed a mass in the right upper lung lobe, pleural effusion on both sides, and multiple liver tumors. He was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer (SCLC), and then antitumor chemotherapy was started. Thereafter, his condition deteriorated rapidly, and died 2 days later. An autopsy revealed that the cause of death was ruptured liver metastases. SCLC is a highly invasive disease and often metastasizes to the liver, but the rupture of liver metastases is rare. Clinical features and imaging findings were of a great help in diagnosing ruptured hepatic metastasis. Physicians need to pay attention to this condition, especially after chemotherapy has initiated. © 2020 The Authors."Vaping" is a rapidly growing habit seen worldwide, especially amongst the younger population. Several aspects of vaping have made it more appealing than cigarettes and have lead to the conversion of many smokers. Appeal resides in the belief that it is a healthier alternative to cigarettes. It also has the ability to interchange flavors and type of oil used. The focus of advertisement for vaporized products is its use as a smoking cessation aid. Systematic reviews have failed to display evidence of harmful processes other than exposure to nicotine (Bullen et al., 2013; Burstyn, 2013) [1,2]. We report a clinical case of a woman who suffered diffuse alveolar hemorrhage correlated with e-cigarette usage due to history and negative findings of extensive rheumatologic and infectious disease workup. Her presentation, clinical course, and effective therapy are outlined here. © 2020 The Authors.A pulmonary vein occlusion and biopsy proven pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD) and hemangiomatosis is found in a bilateral lung transplant patient. A 61-year-old male presents with dyspnea and chest pain with minimal exertion at routine follow up on post-transplant day of 50. Chest CT demonstrates new occlusion of bilateral superior pulmonary veins and diffuse pulmonary edema. Pulmonary vein occlusion is confirmed by trans-esophageal echocardiogram, and PVOD and hemangiomatosis is corroborated with lung biopsy. Normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) and reduced DLCO are also consistent with PVOD. Vigilant evaluation of large pulmonary venous thrombus is as important as of arterial thrombus in a postsurgical transplant status. A dedicated protocol of pulmonary venous phase scan would be beneficial to identify subtle pulmonary venous abnormalities. Although PVOD/PCH is normally considered in patients with nonspecific PAH symptoms, lacking of direct manifestation of PAH should not dismiss the diagnosis of PVOD/PCH, particularly in lung transplant individuals with large pulmonary vein occlusion, progressive respiratory symptoms, DLCO abnormalities, and pulmonary congestion since it may represent a wide spectrum of occlusive vascular disease. © 2020 The Authors.Background Thoracoscopic pleural biopsy is an efficient procedure in patients with undiagnosed exudative pleurisy. Rigid or flexible forceps have been widely used for this procedure. Recently, the use of cryo-techniques was reported in pleural biopsy during semi-rigid thoracoscopy; however, the feasibility and safety of pleural cryobiopsy in elderly patients have not yet been fully elucidated. Case reports We describe two elderly patients who safely underwent semi-rigid thoracoscopic cryobiopsy and were diagnosed with tuberculous pleurisy. Both were >85 years of age, and chest auscultation revealed reduced breath sounds in the right lower zones. Laboratory investigations revealed an elevated level of C-reactive protein without leukocytosis in both patients. Computed tomography scan of the chest revealed right pleural effusion in both patients. Pleural fluid biochemical analysis results were indicative of an exudate. Sputum cultures demonstrated no bacterial growth and smears were negative for the presence of acid-fast bacilli. For definitive diagnosis, pleural biopsy was performed via thoracoscopic cryobiopsy. Specimens obtained from the cryoprobe demonstrated 200-300-μm caseating and non-caseating epitheloid cell granulomas with Langerhans type giant cells. Based on the above results, both patients were diagnosed with TB pleurisy. Anti-tuberculosis treatment resulted in good clinical outcome in both patients. Conclusion Cryobiopsy is easier and more efficient than biopsy with conventional forceps. Our findings in these patients suggest that semi-rigid thoracoscopic cryobiopsy might be a useful alternative diagnostic method for undiagnosed pleural effusion in elderly patients. © 2020 The Authors.Ovarian cancer is a critically lethal gynecologic malignancy. More than 80% of patients with ovarian cancer have relapses within 5 years after initial treatment. However, recurrence from ovarian cancer more than 20 years later is extremely rare. We report a case of a 67-year-old female with mediastinal metastasis from ovarian cancer 29 years after initial gynecologic surgery and chemotherapy. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Central venous catheter have become ubiquitous with greater than 15 million catheter days/year in the intensive care setting alone. However, the procedure carries with it several immediate and other delayed complications that can result in significant morbidity, mortality, and increased healthcare cost. We report a rare case of significantly delayed complications associated with intravascular loss of guide wire during central venous catheter placement and its impact on patient's long term management. The case highlights not only the importance of proper technique and safety precaution in performing an increasingly common procedure, but also the need for timely identification and rectification of medical errors, especially in the context of improved physician-patient communication. © 2020 The Authors.Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is characterized by cystic lung disease, abdominal tumor and involvement of the axial lymph nodes. We report a very rare case of LAM with malignant lymphoma. A 51-year-old female had medical history of recurrent pneumothorax and nephrectomy for a left renal angiomyolipoma and was diagnosed with LAM by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery at the age of 30. She presented with left neck mass. Computed tomography and magnetic response imaging showed multiple enlarged cervical lymph nodes. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) showed abnormal uptake in the mass. We suspected a malignant tumor or extrapulmonary lesion of LAM, and performed surgical biopsy. Pathologically, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma was diagnosed, but LAM was not detected. After she received six cycles of R-CHOP chemotherapy, FDG-PET turned negative and complete metabolic response was achieved. As LAM is reported to be silent for FDG-PET, unusual uptake of FDG is useful for identifying other neoplasms. For this case, FDG-PET was useful for the differential diagnosis and therapeutic evaluation. © 2020 The Authors.Anterior mediastinal teratomas are common and are generally characterized as slow growing tumors. Very few reports documenting rapidly growing tumors exist. Here, we describe a case of a mature teratoma showing rapid growth in 1 year treated with complete surgical resection. © 2019 The Authors.Background Intestinal tuberculosis (ITB) is a fraction of extrapulmonary TB, and its diagnosis often pose a significant challenge due to nonspecific presentation. Several methods have been utilized to diagnosed ITB, including findings of specific inflammatory process on histopathological examination. We hereby report three cases of ITB that manifested as caecal and adnexal mass. Case report First case, a 22-year-old male, presenting with abdominal pain, underwent exploratory laparotomy, biopsy, right hemicolectomy, and anastomosis end-to-side to the transverse ileocolical region due to partial ileus obstruction from caecal tumor. The second and third cases, a 27-year-old and 39-year-old females, both presenting with abdominal pain and distension, underwent exploratory laparotomy, adhesiolysis and biopsy. Histopathological examination in all three cases showed chronic granulomatous inflammation caused by TB. All three patients were diagnosed as ITB and received 6 months of anti-tuberculosis drug (ATD). Discussion Intestinal TB most commonly affected region is the ileocaecal, accounts for 64% of the incidence of gastrointestinal TB. The main reasons for the predilection of ileocaecal region are due to relatively longer faecal static, the abundant of lymphoid tissue, a neutral pH environment and absorptive transport mechanisms that allow swallowed mycobacterium to be absorbed. Intestinal TB may pose similar symptoms as those found in pulmonary TB, yet patients most commonly presenting with abdominal pain. Bacteriological signs and histopathological findings are gold standard for ITB diagnosis. Therapy for ITB includes pharmacological ATD and surgical therapy. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Pressure-regulated volume control (PRVC) is a mode of ventilation in which the ventilator attempts to achieve set tidal volume at lowest possible airway pressure. This mode of ventilation is being commonly used as the initial mode of ventilation in many intensive care units. We describe two cases where this adaptive mode of ventilation became maladaptive leading to patient-ventilator dyssynchrony. © 2019 The Authors.Purpose To evaluate and compare the compressive strength and antimicrobial efficacy of Amalgomer CR and Fuji IX. Method 40 restorative pellets were taken for evaluating compressive strength and 40 blood agar petridishes for antimicrobial efficacy. 40 restorative pellets were fabricated from the tested materials according to manufacturer intructions. Then the pellets were subjected to compressive strength testing using Instron Universal Testing machine. Antibacterial activity of Amalgomer CR and Fuji IX was assessed using the agar diffusion test. The powder and liquid of each test material was mixed and inserted in the punched wells (6 mm × 2 mm) in agar petridishes. An empty well was taken as control to authenticate the results. The agar plates were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h for Streptococcus mutans growth and then size of the inhibition zones was measured using vernier caliper. Results Amalgomer CR had shown significantly higher Compressive Strength but comparable antimicrobial efficay to GIC Fuji IX. Conclusion Amalgomer CR can be recommended as a permanent restorative material based on its better compressive strength and comparable antimicrobial efficacy to GIC Fuji IX. © 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Craniofacial Research Foundation.
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