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The mammalian Target of Rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) nutrient-sensing pathway is a central regulator of cell growth and metabolism and is dysregulated in diabetes. The eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (EIF-4E) protein, a key regulator of gene translation and protein function, is controlled by mTORC1 and EIF-4E Binding Proteins (EIF4EBPs). Both EIF4EBPs and ribosomal protein S6K kinase (RP-S6K) are downstream effectors regulated by mTORC1 but converge to regulate two independent pathways. We investigated whether the risk of type 2 diabetes varied with genetically predicted EIF-4E, EIF-4A, EIF-4G, EIF4EBP, and RP-S6K circulating levels using Mendelian Randomization. We estimated the causal role of EIF-4F complex, EIF4EBP, and S6K in the circulation on type 2 diabetes, based on independent single nucleotide polymorphisms strongly associated (p = 5 × 10-6) with EIF-4E (16 SNPs), EIF-4A (11 SNPs), EIF-4G (6 SNPs), EIF4EBP2 (12 SNPs), and RP-S6K (16 SNPs). The exposure data were obtained from the INTERVAect. This unbiased Mendelian Randomization estimate is consistent with a protective causal association of EIF-4E and EIF-4A on type 2 diabetes. EIF-4E and EIF-4A may be targeted for intervention by repurposing existing therapeutics to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.The proteasome is responsible for selective degradation of proteins. It exists in mammalian cells under four main subtypes, which differ by the combination of their catalytic subunits the standard proteasome (β1-β2-β5), the immunoproteasome (β1i-β2i-β5i) and the two intermediate proteasomes (β1-β2-β5i and β1i-β2-β5i). The efficiency of the four proteasome subtypes to degrade ubiquitinated or oxidized proteins remains unclear. Using cells expressing exclusively one proteasome subtype, we observed that ubiquitinated p21 and c--myc were degraded at similar rates, indicating that the four 26S proteasomes degrade ubiquitinated proteins equally well. Under oxidative stress, we observed a partial dissociation of 26S into 20S proteasomes, which can degrade non-ubiquitinated oxidized proteins. Oxidized calmodulin and hemoglobin were best degraded in vitro by the three β5i-containing 20S proteasomes, while their native forms were not degraded. Circular dichroism analyses indicated that ubiquitin-independent recognition of oxidized proteins by 20S proteasomes was triggered by the disruption of their structure. Accordingly, β5i-containing 20S proteasomes degraded unoxidized naturally disordered protein tau, while 26S proteasomes did not. Our results suggest that the three β5i-containing 20S proteasomes, namely the immunoproteasome and the two intermediate proteasomes, might help cells to eliminate proteins containing disordered domains, including those induced by oxidative stress.Root growth responds to local differences in N-form and concentration. This is known for artificial systems and assumed to be valid in soil. The purpose of this study is to challenge this assumption for soil mesocosms locally supplied with urea with and without nitrification inhibitor. Soil column experiments with Vicia faba ('Fuego') and Hordeum vulgare ('Marthe') were performed to investigate soil solution chemistry and root growth response of these two species with contrasting root architectures to the different N-supply simultaneously. Root growth was analysed over time and separately for the fertiliser layer and the areas above and below with X-ray CT (via region growing) and WinRHIZO. Additionally, NO3- and NH4+ in soil and soil solution were analysed. In Vicia faba, no pronounced differences were observed, although CT analysis indicated different root soil exploration for high NH4+. In Hordeum vulgare, high NO3- inhibited lateral root growth while high NH4+ stimulated the formation of first order laterals. The growth response to locally distributed N-forms in soil is species specific and less pronounced than in artificial systems. The combination of soil solution studies and non-invasive imaging of root growth can substantially improve the mechanistic understanding of root responses to different N-forms in soil.Health differences among the elderly and the role of medical treatments are topical issues in aging societies. We demonstrate the use of modern statistical learning methods to develop a data-driven health measure based on 21 years of pharmacy purchase and mortality data of 12,047 aging individuals. The resulting score was validated with 33,616 individuals from two fully independent datasets and it is strongly associated with all-cause mortality (HR 1.18 per point increase in score; 95% CI 1.14-1.22; p = 2.25e-16). When combined with Charlson comorbidity index, individuals with elevated medication score and comorbidity index had over six times higher risk (HR 6.30; 95% CI 3.84-10.3; AUC = 0.802) compared to individuals with a protective score profile. Alone, the medication score performs similarly to the Charlson comorbidity index and is associated with polygenic risk for coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes.The mitochondrial network of cardiac cells is finely tuned for ATP delivery to sites of energy demand; however, emergent phenomena, such as mitochondrial transmembrane potential oscillations or propagating waves of depolarization have been observed under metabolic stress. #link# While regenerative signaling by reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced ROS release (RIRR) has been suggested as a potential trigger, it is unknown how it could lead to widespread responses. Here, we present a novel computational model of RIRR transmission that explains the mechanisms of this phenomenon. The results reveal that superoxide mediates neighbor-neighbor activation of energy-dissipating ion channels, while hydrogen peroxide distributes oxidative stress to sensitize the network to mitochondrial criticality. The findings demonstrate the feasibility of RIRR as a synchronizing factor across the dimensions of the adult heart cell and illustrate how a cascade of failures at the organellar level can scale to impact cell and organ level functions of the heart.An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.Disinfection residuals in drinking water protect water quality and public heath by limiting planktonic microbial regrowth during distribution. However, we do not consider the consequences and selective pressures of such residuals on the ubiquitous biofilms that persist on the vast internal surface area of drinking water distribution systems. Using a full scale experimental facility, integrated analyses were applied to determine the physical, chemical and biological impacts of different free chlorine regimes on biofilm characteristics (composition, structure and microbiome) and water quality. Unexpectedly, higher free chlorine concentrations resulted in greater water quality degredation, observable as elevated inorganic loading and greater discolouration (a major cause of water quality complaints and a mask for other failures). High-chlorine concentrations also reduced biofilm cell concentrations but selected for a distinct biofilm bacterial community and inorganic composition, presenting unique risks. The results challenge the assumption that a measurable free chlorine residual necessarily assures drinking water safety.Localization of light is the photon analog of electron localization in disordered lattices, for whose discovery Anderson received the Nobel prize in 1977. link2 The question about its existence in open three-dimensional materials has eluded an experimental and full theoretical verification for decades. Here we study numerically electromagnetic vector wave transmittance through realistic digital representations of hyperuniform dielectric networks, a new class of highly correlated but disordered photonic band gap materials. We identify the evanescent decay of the transmitted power in the gap and diffusive transport far from the gap. Near the gap, we find that transport sets off diffusive but, with increasing slab thickness, crosses over gradually to a faster decay, signaling localization. We show that we can describe the transition to localization at the mobility edge using the self-consistent theory of localization based on the concept of a position-dependent diffusion coefficient.Characterization of the dynamic conformational changes in membrane protein signaling complexes by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy remains challenging. Here we report the site-specific incorporation of 4-trimethylsilyl phenylalanine (TMSiPhe) into proteins, through genetic code expansion. Crystallographic analysis revealed structural changes that reshaped the TMSiPhe-specific amino-acyl tRNA synthetase active site to selectively accommodate the trimethylsilyl (TMSi) group. The unique up-field 1H-NMR chemical shift and the highly efficient incorporation of TMSiPhe enabled the characterization of multiple conformational states of a phospho-β2 adrenergic receptor/β-arrestin-1(β-arr1) membrane protein signaling complex, using only 5 μM protein and 20 min of spectrum accumulation time. ML 210 solubility dmso showed that extracellular ligands induced conformational changes located in the polar core or ERK interaction site of β-arr1 via direct receptor transmembrane core interactions. These observations provided direct delineation and key mechanism insights that multiple receptor ligands were able to induce distinct functionally relevant conformational changes of arrestin.Cell death is intrinsically linked with immunity. Disruption of an immune-activated MAPK cascade, consisting of MEKK1, MKK1/2, and MPK4, triggers cell death and autoimmunity through the nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR) protein SUMM2 and the MAPK kinase kinase MEKK2. In this study, we identify a Catharanthus roseus receptor-like kinase 1-like (CrRLK1L), named LETUM2/MEDOS1 (LET2/MDS1), and the glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein LLG1 as regulators of mekk1-mkk1/2-mpk4 cell death. LET2/MDS1 functions additively with LET1, another CrRLK1L, and acts genetically downstream of MEKK2 in regulating SUMM2 activation. LET2/MDS1 complexes with LET1 and promotes LET1 phosphorylation, revealing an intertwined regulation between different CrRLK1Ls. link3 LLG1 interacts with the ectodomain of LET1/2 and mediates LET1/2 transport to the plasma membrane, corroborating its function as a co-receptor of LET1/2 in the mekk1-mkk1/2-mpk4 cell death pathway. Thus, our data suggest that a trimeric complex consisting of two CrRLK1Ls LET1, LET2/MDS1, and a GPI-anchored protein LLG1 that regulates the activation of NLR SUMM2 for initiating cell death and autoimmunity.Negative symptoms are a transdiagnostic feature of serious mental illness (SMI) that can be potentially "digitally phenotyped" using objective vocal analysis. In prior studies, vocal measures show low convergence with clinical ratings, potentially because analysis has used small, constrained acoustic feature sets. We sought to evaluate (1) whether clinically rated blunted vocal affect (BvA)/alogia could be accurately modelled using machine learning (ML) with a large feature set from two separate tasks (i.e., a 20-s "picture" and a 60-s "free-recall" task), (2) whether "Predicted" BvA/alogia (computed from the ML model) are associated with demographics, diagnosis, psychiatric symptoms, and cognitive/social functioning, and (3) which key vocal features are central to BvA/Alogia ratings. Accuracy was high (>90%) and was improved when computed separately by speaking task. ML scores were associated with poor cognitive performance and social functioning and were higher in patients with schizophrenia versus depression or mania diagnoses.
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