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Tastes regarding Treatment Strategies amid Females using Low-Risk DCIS and also Oncologists.
Our findings suggest this 10-item scale is a reliable and valid tool for quantifying clients' trust in CHWs, with potential utility for tracking and improving CHW and health systems performance over time.
The Trust in CHWs Scale, which includes Health care competence and Respectful communication sub-scales, is the first such scale developed and validated globally. Our findings suggest this 10-item scale is a reliable and valid tool for quantifying clients' trust in CHWs, with potential utility for tracking and improving CHW and health systems performance over time.
Ensuring that Community Health Workers (CHWs) are motivated is critical to their performance, retention and well-being - and ultimately to the effectiveness of community health systems worldwide. While CHW motivation is as multi-dimensional construct, there is no multi-dimensional measure available to guide programming. In this study, we developed and validated a pragmatic, multi-dimensional measure of CHW motivation.

Scale validation entailed qualitative and survey research in Mali and Bangladesh. We developed a pool of work satisfaction items as well as several items assessing the importance of hypothesized sub-dimensions of motivation, based on the literature and expert consultations. Qualitative research helped finalize scale sub-dimensions and items. We tested the scale in surveys with CHWs in Mali (n = 152, 40% female, mean age 32) and Bangladesh (n = 76 women, mean age 46). We applied a split-sample exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis (EFA/CFA) in Mali, and EFA in Bangladesh, then assessed reltion. We recommend the scale be employed in future research around CHW performance and community health systems strengthening worldwide. The scale should be further evaluated within longitudinal studies assessing CHW performance and retention outcomes over time.
We found that the Multi-dimensional Motivation (MM) scale for CHWs is a valid and reliable measure that comprehensively assesses motivation. We recommend the scale be employed in future research around CHW performance and community health systems strengthening worldwide. The scale should be further evaluated within longitudinal studies assessing CHW performance and retention outcomes over time.
Low rates of contraceptive continuation in Bangladesh are a symptom of poor quality family planning (FP) counseling. Improving family planning counseling by the country's community health care workers (CHWs) could improve contraceptive continuation. This study explores client experiences of care from CHWs, as measured by the method information index plus (MII+) and communication quality metric.

Conducted in a peri-urban sub-district with low contraceptive use rates, this mixed methods study explores FP client experiences with community-based counseling and referrals by Family Welfare Assistants (FWAs), a CHW cadre providing FP services. Client- and patient-reported experience with community FP services was measured by the MII+ and communication quality metric. A quantitative post-service exit survey was coupled with observations of the interactions between 62 FWAs and 692 female clients to measure FWA and client FP knowledge, FWA capacities, attitudes, quality of FP communication, FP referrals, and contra aids, refresher training, and supervision.
Quality community-based FP counseling could help address rising contraceptive discontinuation rates in Bangladesh. While MII and MII+ scores in this study were low, and FWA evinced numerous misconceptions, FWAs demonstrated strong communication skills that facilitate rapport and trust with their clients and communities. Bangladesh's policy and programs should capitalize upon these relationships and enhance CHWs' knowledge of all method types, and side effects management, with updated job aids, refresher training, and supervision.
In resource-constrained settings, Community Health Workers (CHWs) are the first point of contact between communities and the health system, as providers of maternal and newborn health services. However, little is known of the quality of community-based postnatal care (PNC). We assessed the content of PNC provided by CHWs and women's experiences of care in two Kenyan counties.

We used a cross-sectional, mixed methods design to examine the quality of PNC services provided by CHWs. Trained observers attended PNC home visits to assess technical quality using a 25-item checklist covering four PNC domains infant health warning signs, maternal health warning signs, essential newborn care, and breastfeeding. The observers completed an 8-item communication quality checklist. We conducted follow-up surveys with observed PNC clients to assess their experiences of care. Finally, we used in-depth interviews with CHWs and focus group discussions with observed PNC clients to understand the experiential quality of care.
experiential quality of care, including communication quality, and trusting relationships. This study also demonstrated the strength of the CHWs' role in establishing linkages between the community and facilities, as long as the CHW are perceived as, and enabled to be, an integral part of the PHC network in Kenya.
This study identified gaps in the technical quality of CHW PNC practices, while also recognizing positive elements of experiential quality of care, including communication quality, and trusting relationships. This study also demonstrated the strength of the CHWs' role in establishing linkages between the community and facilities, as long as the CHW are perceived as, and enabled to be, an integral part of the PHC network in Kenya.
Community health workers (CHWs) play a critical role in supporting health systems, and in improving the availability and accessibility to health care. However, CHW programs globally continue to face challenges with poor performance and high levels of CHW attrition. CHW programs are often underfunded and poorly planned, which can lead to loss of motivation by CHWs. The study aims to determine preferences of CHWs for job incentives with the goal of furthering their motivation and success.

Relevant incentive attributes were identified through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with CHWs, non-governmental organization CHWs, CHW supervisors, and policy-level stakeholders. Based on seven attributes (eg, training, workload, stipend) we developed a discrete choice experiment (DCE) that was administered to 399 CHWs across eight districts in Uganda. We used conditional and mixed multinomial logit models to estimate the utility of each job attribute. We calculated the marginal willingness to accept as tase of USH85 300 (US$23) for branded uniforms to no identification.

This study utilized CHW and policymaker perspectives to identify realistic and pragmatic incentives to improve CHW working conditions, which is instrumental in improving their retention. Non-monetary incentives (eg, identification, transportation) are crucial motivators for CHWs and should be considered as part of the compensation package to facilitate improved performance of CHW programs.
This study utilized CHW and policymaker perspectives to identify realistic and pragmatic incentives to improve CHW working conditions, which is instrumental in improving their retention. Non-monetary incentives (eg, identification, transportation) are crucial motivators for CHWs and should be considered as part of the compensation package to facilitate improved performance of CHW programs.
Community health systems (CHS) are integral in promoting well-being in humanitarian settings, like Haiti, a country plagued by disruptive socio-political and environmental shocks over the past two decades. Haiti's community health workers (CHWs) as critical intermediaries have persisted throughout these contextual shocks. This study explores how shocks influence CHS functionality and resilience in Haiti.

We applied an inductive and deductive qualitative approach to understand the lived experience of CHS actors. A desk review of peer-review and grey literature searched 393 and identified 25 relevant documents on community health policies, guidelines, and strategies implemented over the last fifteen years in Haiti. In-depth interviews with policy and program stakeholders (n = 12), CHWs (n = 24), and CHW supervisors and community health auxiliary nurses (n = 15) were conducted.

Various shocks - political transitions, natural disasters, and disease outbreaks - describe Haiti's protracted complex humanitariaitical transitions, natural disasters, and disease outbreaks in Haiti continue to profoundly influence CHS functioning, despite mitigating policy and programming efforts. This study documents the relevance of CHS in maintaining primary health care for a country in protracted crises and suggests that propositions of CHW resilience can be explored in complex humanitarian settings globally.
Political transitions, natural disasters, and disease outbreaks in Haiti continue to profoundly influence CHS functioning, despite mitigating policy and programming efforts. This study documents the relevance of CHS in maintaining primary health care for a country in protracted crises and suggests that propositions of CHW resilience can be explored in complex humanitarian settings globally.
Arising from the Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak, the 2015-2021 Investment Plan aimed to improve the health status of the Liberian population through building a resilient health system that contributes to achieving equitable health outcomes. Recognizing the significance of community participation in overcoming the EVD outbreak, strengthening community systems emerged as one of the most important strategies for bridging the gap in accessing primary health care (PHC) services. selleck chemical This study reviewed the community health policy development process in order to draw lessons from the health system strengthening efforts in Liberia post-EVD crisis.

A government-led health system analysis approach was applied to assess, review and revise the community health program in Liberia. The mixed method approach combines the use of an adapted tool to assess bottlenecks and solutions during workshops, a qualitative survey (key informant interviews and focus group discussions) to assess perceptions of challenges and perspectnowledge about policy development processes and reforms on community health in Liberia, and most likely other African settings with weak health systems. Community-based systems will play an even bigger role as we move toward building resilience for future shocks and strengthening PHC, which will require that communities be viewed as actors in the health system rather than just clients of health services.
This article contributes toward the existing body of knowledge about policy development processes and reforms on community health in Liberia, and most likely other African settings with weak health systems. Community-based systems will play an even bigger role as we move toward building resilience for future shocks and strengthening PHC, which will require that communities be viewed as actors in the health system rather than just clients of health services.
Preventing visual impairment due to avoidable causes has been a long-standing global priority. Of all blindness in Sierra Leone, 91.5% is estimated to be avoidable and 58.2% treatable, however there are only 6 ophthalmologists for the whole country. Task-shifting has been suggested as a strategy to address this issue and a training intervention was developed to create a cadre of community-based staff known as Ophthalmic Community Health Officers (OCHOs). This qualitative study aimed to explore the experiences of OCHOs, their relationship with other eye health workers, and how they interact with the wider health system, in order to provide recommendations for the design and delivery of future task shifting strategies.

Between April and May 2018, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 42 participants including OCHOs (n = 13), traditional ophthalmic staff (n = 17) and other stakeholders from the districts (n = 6), training institution staff (n = 4) and MOH headquarters (n = 2). We identified participants using purposive sampling.
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