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Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP1) is implicated in the detection and processing of unligated Okazaki fragments and other DNA replication intermediates, highlighting such structures as potential sources of genome breakage induced by PARP inhibition. Here, we show that PARP1 activity is greatly elevated in chicken and human S phase cells in which FEN1 nuclease is genetically deleted and is highest behind DNA replication forks. PARP inhibitor reduces the integrity of nascent DNA strands in both wild-type chicken and human cells during DNA replication, and does so in FEN1-/- cells to an even greater extent that can be detected as postreplicative single-strand nicks or gaps. Collectively, these data show that PARP inhibitors impede the maturation of nascent DNA strands during DNA replication, and implicate unligated Okazaki fragments and other nascent strand discontinuities in the cytotoxicity of these compounds.The noradrenergic locus ceruleus (LC) is the first site of detectable tau pathology in Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the mechanisms underlying the selective vulnerability of the LC in AD have not been completely identified. In the present study, we show that DOPEGAL, a monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) metabolite of norepinephrine (NE), reacts directly with the primary amine on the Lys353 residue of tau to stimulate its aggregation and facilitate its propagation. Inhibition of MAO-A or mutation of the Lys353 residue to arginine (Lys353Arg) decreases tau Lys353-DOPEGAL levels and diminishes tau pathology spreading. selleck kinase inhibitor Wild-type tau preformed fibrils (PFFs) trigger Lys353-DOPEGAL formation, tau pathology propagation and cognitive impairment in MAPT transgenic mice, all of which are attenuated with PFFs made from the Lys353Arg mutant. Thus, the selective vulnerability of LC neurons in AD may be explained, in part, by NE oxidation via MAO-A into DOPEGAL, which covalently modifies tau and accelerates its aggregation, toxicity and propagation.Polymorphisms in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes strongly influence autoimmune disease risk. HLA risk alleles may influence thymic selection to increase the frequency of T cell receptors (TCRs) reactive to autoantigens (central hypothesis). However, research in human autoimmunity has provided little evidence supporting the central hypothesis. Here we investigated the influence of HLA alleles on TCR composition at the highly diverse complementarity determining region 3 (CDR3), which confers antigen recognition. We observed unexpectedly strong HLA-CDR3 associations. The strongest association was found at HLA-DRB1 amino acid position 13, the position that mediates genetic risk for multiple autoimmune diseases. We identified multiple CDR3 amino acid features enriched by HLA risk alleles. Moreover, the CDR3 features promoted by the HLA risk alleles are more enriched in candidate pathogenic TCRs than control TCRs (for example, citrullinated epitope-specific TCRs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis). Together, these results provide genetic evidence supporting the central hypothesis.Cerebellar and afferent ataxias present with a characteristic gait disorder that reflects cerebellar motor dysfunction and sensory loss. These disorders are a diagnostic challenge for clinicians because of the large number of acquired and inherited diseases that cause cerebellar and sensory neuron damage. Among such conditions that are recessively inherited, Friedreich ataxia and RFC1-associated cerebellar ataxia, neuropathy, vestibular areflexia syndrome (CANVAS) include the characteristic clinical, neuropathological and imaging features of ganglionopathies, a distinctive non-length-dependent type of sensory involvement. In this Review, we discuss the typical and atypical phenotypes of Friedreich ataxia and CANVAS, along with the features of other recessive ataxias that present with a ganglionopathy or polyneuropathy, with an emphasis on recently described clinical features, natural history and genotype-phenotype correlations. We review the main developments in understanding the complex pathology that affects the sensory neurons and cerebellum, which seem to be most vulnerable to disorders that affect mitochondrial function and DNA repair mechanisms. Finally, we discuss disease-modifying therapeutic advances in Friedreich ataxia, highlighting the most promising candidate molecules and lessons learned from previous clinical trials.Since the original description of amyloid-β plaques and tau tangles more than 100 years ago, these lesions have been considered the neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer disease (AD). The prevalence of plaques, tangles and dementia increases with age, and the lesions are considered to be causally related to the cognitive symptoms of AD. Current schemes for assessing AD lesion burden examine the distribution, abundance and characteristics of plaques and tangles at post mortem, yielding an estimate of the likelihood of cognitive impairment. Although this approach is highly predictive for most individuals, in some instances, a striking mismatch between lesions and symptoms can be observed. A small subset of individuals harbour a high burden of plaques and tangles at autopsy, which would be expected to have had devastating clinical consequences, but remain at their cognitive baseline, indicating 'resilience'. The study of these brains might provide the key to understanding the 'black box' between the accumulation of plaques and tangles and cognitive impairment, and show the way towards disease-modifying treatments for AD. In this Review, we begin by considering the heterogeneity of clinical manifestations associated with the presence of plaques and tangles, and then focus on insights derived from the rare yet informative individuals who display high amounts of amyloid and tau deposition in their brains (observed directly at autopsy) without manifesting dementia during life. The resilient response of these individuals to the gradual accumulation of plaques and tangles has potential implications for assessing an individual's risk of AD and for the development of interventions aimed at preserving cognition.Mutations in the TP53 tumour suppressor gene are found in ~50% of human cancers [1-6]. TP53 functions as a transcription factor that directly regulates the expression of ~500 genes, some of them involved in cell cycle arrest/cell senescence, apoptotic cell death or DNA damage repair, i.e. the cellular responses that together prevent tumorigenesis [1-6]. Defects in TP53 function not only cause tumour development but also impair the response of malignant cells to anti-cancer drugs, particularly those that induce DNA damage [1-6]. Most mutations in TP53 in human cancers cause a single amino acid substitution, usually within the DNA binding domain of the TP53 protein. These mutant TP53 proteins are often expressed at high levels in the malignant cells. Three cancer causing attributes have been postulated for mutant TP53 proteins the inability to activate target genes controlled by wt TP53 (loss-of-function, LOF) that are critical for tumour suppression, dominant negative effects (DNE), i.e. blocking the function of wt TP53 in cells during early stages of transformation when mutant and wt TP53 proteins are co-expressed, and gain-of-function (GOF) effects whereby mutant TP53 impacts diverse cellular pathways by interacting with proteins that are not normally engaged by wt TP53 [1-6]. The GOF effects of mutant TP53 were reported to be essential for the sustained proliferation and survival of malignant cells and it was therefore proposed that agents that can remove mutant TP53 protein would have substantial therapeutic impact [7-9]. In this review article we discuss evidence for and against the value of targeting mutant TP53 protein for cancer therapy.Cancer cells are known for their ability to adapt variable metabolic programs depending on the availability of specific nutrients. Our previous studies have shown that uptake of fatty acids alters cellular metabolic pathways in colon cancer cells to favor fatty acid oxidation. Here, we show that fatty acids activate Drp1 to promote metabolic plasticity in cancer cells. Uptake of fatty acids (FAs) induces mitochondrial fragmentation by promoting ERK-dependent phosphorylation of Drp1 at the S616 site. This increased phosphorylation of Drp1 enhances its dimerization and interaction with Mitochondrial Fission Factor (MFF) at the mitochondria. Consequently, knockdown of Drp1 or MFF attenuates fatty acid-induced mitochondrial fission. In addition, uptake of fatty acids triggers mitophagy via a Drp1- and p62-dependent mechanism to protect mitochondrial integrity. Moreover, results from metabolic profiling analysis reveal that silencing Drp1 disrupts cellular metabolism and blocks fatty acid-induced metabolic reprograming by inhibiting fatty acid utilization. Functionally, knockdown of Drp1 decreases Wnt/β-catenin signaling by preventing fatty acid oxidation-dependent acetylation of β-catenin. As a result, Drp1 depletion inhibits the formation of tumor organoids in vitro and xenograft tumor growth in vivo. Taken together, our study identifies Drp1 as a key mediator that connects mitochondrial dynamics with fatty acid metabolism and cancer cell signaling.Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and aggressive form of brain cancer, with treatment options often constrained due to inherent resistance of malignant cells to conventional therapy. We investigated the impact of triggering programmed cell death (PCD) by using BH3 mimetic drugs in human GBM cell lines. We demonstrate that co-targeting the pro-survival proteins BCL-XL and MCL-1 was more potent at killing six GBM cell lines compared to conventional therapy with Temozolomide or the bromodomain inhibitor JQ1 in vitro. Enhanced cell killing was observed in U251 and SNB-19 cells in response to dual treatment with TMZ or JQ1 combined with a BCL-XL inhibitor, compared to single agent treatment. This was reflected in abundant cleavage/activation of caspase-3 and cleavage of PARP1, markers of apoptosis. U251 and SNB-19 cells were more readily killed by a combination of BH3 mimetics targeting BCL-XL and MCL-1 as opposed to dual treatment with the BCL-2 inhibitor Venetoclax and a BCL-XL inhibitor. The combined loss of BAX and BAK, the essential executioners of intrinsic apoptosis, rendered U251 and SNB-19 cells refractory to any of the drug combinations tested, demonstrating that apoptosis is responsible for their killing. In an orthotopic mouse model of GBM, we demonstrate that the BCL-XL inhibitor A1331852 can penetrate the brain, with A1331852 detected in both tumour and healthy brain regions. We also investigated the impact of combining small molecule inducers of ferroptosis, erastin and RSL3, with BH3 mimetic drugs. We found that a BCL-XL or an MCL-1 inhibitor potently cooperates with inducers of ferroptosis in killing U251 cells. Overall, these findings demonstrate the potential of dual targeting of distinct PCD signalling pathways in GBM and may guide the utility of BCL-XL inhibitors and inducers of ferroptosis with standard of care treatment for improved therapies for GBM.The generation of organoids and tissues with programmable cellular complexity, architecture and function would benefit from the simultaneous differentiation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) into divergent cell types. Yet differentiation protocols for the overexpression of specific transcription factors typically produce a single cell type. Here we show that patterned organoids and bioprinted tissues with controlled composition and organization can be generated by simultaneously co-differentiating hiPSCs into distinct cell types via the forced overexpression of transcription factors, independently of culture-media composition. Specifically, we used such orthogonally induced differentiation to generate endothelial cells and neurons from hiPSCs in a one-pot system containing either neural or endothelial stem-cell-specifying media, and to produce vascularized and patterned cortical organoids within days by aggregating inducible-transcription-factor and wild-type hiPSCs into randomly pooled or multicore-shell embryoid bodies.
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