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Imipramine (IMI) is a frequently prescribed tricyclic antidepressant and widely detected in the natural waters, while the environmental fate of IMI is yet poorly understood. Here, we investigated the photodegradation of IMI under simulated sunlight in the presence of humic substances (HS), typically including humic acid (HA) and fulvic acid (FA). The direct and indirect IMI photodegradation was found to increase both with increasing pH and with deoxygenation of the reaction solutions. The excited triplet state of HS (3HS⁎) was mainly responsible for the photosensitized degradation of IMI according to the steady-state quenching and direct time-resolved experiments. The electron transfer interaction between 3HS⁎ and IMI was observed by laser flash photolysis (LFP) with bimolecular reaction rate constants of (4.9 ± 0.4) × 109 M-1 s-1. Evidence of electron transfer from IMI to 3HS⁎ was further demonstrated by the photoproduct analysis. The indirect photodegradation was triggered off in the side chain of IMI with the nonbonding nitrogen electron transferring to 3HS⁎, followed by hydroxylation, demethylation and cleavage of the side chain. Very important that HS photosystem does not lose its efficiency with decreasing of IMI concentration, meaning that the studied photosystem still be used at environmentally relevant concentrations of IMI. These results suggest that photodegradation could be an important attenuation pathway for IMI in HS-rich and anaerobic natural waters.
We aimed to establish a representative exposure response function between PM
and lung cancer to evaluate the impact on lung cancer burden and the benefits gained in association with the environmental policy change in Beijing, China.

Based on population-based cancer registration data during 2001-2016, using a spatiotemporal Poisson regression model, long-term concentrations of PM
were linked to sex-age adjusted incidence rates of total lung cancer and its pathological subtypes. We calculated the health and monetary benefits associated with air quality improvement using the cost of illness method.

In the constructed regression model, a 10μg/m
increment of PM
was associated with increases of 6.0% (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 4.3%, 7.7%), 14.8% (10.3%, 19.4%), and 6.5% (3.3%, 9.8%) in the incidence of total lung cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma, respectively. The estimated associations indicate that long-term exposure to PM
contributed 1947 to 3059 incident cases of lung cavidence for the notable reduction in lung cancer burden and medical expenditure savings that were achieved through air quality improvements in Beijing from 2014 to 2016.In the Baltic Sea region, salmon are valued for the ecological, economic, and cultural benefits they provide. However, these fish are threatened due to historical overfishing, disease, and reduced access to spawning rivers. Climate change may pose another challenge for salmon management. Therefore, we conducted a problem-framing study to explore the effects climate change may have on salmon and the socio-ecological system they are embedded within. Addressing this emerging issue will require the cooperation of diverse stakeholders and the integration of their knowledge and values in a contentious management context. Therefore, we conducted this problem framing as a participatory process with stakeholders, whose mental models and questionnaire responses form the basis of this study. By framing the climate change problem in this way, we aim to provide a holistic understanding of the problem and incorporate stakeholder perspectives into the management process from an early stage to better address their concerns ameet their goals for these fish considering climate change. Further, social variables, like "politics," "international cooperation," and "employment" comprised a large proportion of the stakeholders' diagrams, demonstrating the importance of these factors for salmon management.An understanding of the inter-species relationships, especially their metabolic network in a mixed-culture system, is crucial to design an effective inoculum for enhancing the power generation of wastewater fed microbial fuel cell (MFC). In the present study, the influence of microbial mutualistic interactions on the power generation of palm oil mill effluent fed MFCs has been widely investigated by designing several co-culture and mixed culture inoculums. Among the different inoculum compositions, the highest power density of 14.8 W/m3 was achieved by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiella variicola co-culture inoculum due to their synergistic relationships which were inter-linked via fermentation-based metabolites. Besides, the interaction of K. variicola and Bacillus cereus positively influenced the power generation resulting in a maximum power density of 11.8 W/m3 whereas the antagonistic relationship between B. cereus and P. aeruginosa resulted in a lower power generation of 1.9 W/m3. The microbial mutualistic interactions were investigated with polarization, cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), as well as by using metabolite and biofilm analysis. It was observed that the synergism between bacteria enhanced power generation through the production of higher electron shuttling mediators and efficient biofilm formation as evidenced by polarization, CV and EIS analysis. In contrast, the antagonistic relationship resulted in production of cell inhibiting metabolites leading to the formation of ineffective biofilm. These findings demonstrate that the synergistic interaction between or within microorganisms is emergent in designing co-culture or mixed-culture inoculum for achieving maximum power generation in MFCs.Machair is a vulnerable low-lying coastal ecosystem with internationally recognised conservation importance. It is characterised by wind-blown calcareous shell-sand soils that support a patchwork of low-input land-use types including species rich grasslands and small-scale arable production. In contrast to numerous above-ground studies, few below-ground studies have been made on the Machair. Thus, a knowledge gap exists, and no baseline data is available to determine the impact, if any, of fundamental changes in Machair land management practices such as a move from traditional rotational to permanent grazing, and increased use of inorganic fertiliser. To address this knowledge deficit, we assessed the impact of different agronomic management practices (cropped, fallow and grasslands) on the structure of soil nematode communities over a two-year period along a geographically limited north-south gradient of coastal Machair of the Outer Hebrides archipelago. Land use followed by season were the main drivers of nematode communities from Machair soils. Functionally, nematode communities from grassland were typically distinct from cropped or fallow communities driven primarily by differential contributions to the overall nematode community by the dominant bacterial-feeding nematodes. Temporally, nematode communities sampled in spring and autumn were distinct.Studies have demonstrated the role of acanthocephalan as environmental bioindicators. The dynamics in the parasite-host relationship that define the patterns of distribution of trace metals in parasites and, in its host, are extremely variable. In addition, the neotropical region, which is a major maintainer of the biodiversity of fish and parasites, remains little explored in this subject. Therefore, our objective was to analyze and compare the concentration of Cadmium (Cd) in the tissues of Prochilodus lineatus and Serrasalmus marginatus collected from Baía and Paraná rivers, as well as to assess the use of acanthocephalan as environmental bioindicators of pollution and their Cd bioaccumulation capacity. We collected 53 fish, 20 specimens of Prochilodus lineatus from Paraná River and 17 from Baía River, in addition to 16 specimens of Serrasalmus marginatus from Baía River, in September 2017 and March 2018. Tissues of the fish along with their parasites were subjected a Cd concentration analysis by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. CA-074 Me cost The results revealed that the parasites had higher concentrations than all the tissues of S. marginatus, P. lineatus from Baía River and Paraná River. The high Cd concentrations in these parasites derived from their bioaccumulation capacity, because of the absorption of nutrients directly from the intestinal content of the fish through the tegument, as well as for the presence of Cd on the surface waters of Praná River floodplain. Besides that, the Coefficient of Spearman Rank Correlation showed that the infrapopulation size seems to affect Cd bioaccumulation in the parasites, smaller infrapopulations demonstrate a higher accumulation capacity compared to the larger ones. With that, we concluded that the two acanthocephalans species analyzed in this study have a good capacity for Cd accumulation, and can be used as accumulation indicators of trace-metal pollution. Accumulation indicators provide important information on the biological availability of pollutants.Electro-oxidation of acetaminophen (ACT) in three different doped secondary effluents collected from a conventional Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant (MWWTP), a MWWTP using a membrane bioreactor (WWTP MBR) and a lab-scale MBR treating source-separated urine (Urine MBR) was investigated by electro-Fenton (EF) coupled with anodic oxidation (AO) using sub-stoichiometric titanium oxide anode (Ti4O7). After 8 h of treatment, 90 ± 15%, 76 ± 3.8% and 46 ± 1.3% of total organic carbon removal was obtained for MWWTP, MWWTP-MBR and Urine-MBR respectively, at a current intensity of 250 mA, pH of 3 and [Fe2+] = 0.2 mM. Faster degradation of ACT was observed in the WWTP MBR because of the lower amount of competitive organic matter, however, >99% degradation of ACT was obtained after 20 min for all effluents. The acute toxicity of the treated effluent was measured using Microtox® tests. Results showed an initial increase in toxicity, which could be assigned to formation of more toxic by-products than parent compounds. From 3D excitation and emission matrix fluorescence (3DEEM), different reactivity was observed according to the nature of the organic matter. Particularly, an increase of low molecular weight organic compounds fluorescence was observed during Urine MBR treatment. This could be linked to the slow decrease of the acute toxicity during Urine MBR treatment and ascribed to the formation and recalcitrance of toxic organic nitrogen and chlorinated organic by-products. By comparison, the acute toxicity of other effluents decreased much more rapidly. Finally, energy consumption was calculated according to the objective to achieve (degradation, absence of toxicity, mineralization).Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding and metagenomics analyses can improve taxonomic resolution in biodiversity studies. Only recently, these techniques have been applied in aerobiology, to target bacteria, fungi and plants in airborne samples. Here, we present a nine-month aerobiological study applying eDNA metabarcoding in which we analyzed simultaneously airborne diversity and variation of fungi and plants across five locations in North and Central Italy. We correlated species composition with the ecological characteristics of the sites and the seasons. The most abundant taxa among all sites and seasons were the fungal genera Cladosporium, Alternaria, and Epicoccum and the plant genera Brassica, Corylus, Cupressus and Linum, the latter being much more variable among sites. PERMANOVA and indicator species analyses showed that the plant diversity from air samples is significantly correlated with seasons, while that of fungi varied according to the interaction between seasons and sites. The results consolidate the performance of a new eDNA metabarcoding pipeline for the simultaneous amplification and analysis of airborne plant and fungal particles.
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