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In Vivo Super-Resolution Track-Density Imaging with regard to Thalamic Nuclei Id.
The further transgenic experiments showed the overexpression of VcTCP18 in Arabidopsis significantly decreased the seed germination rate in contrast to the wild type. The bud dormancy phenomena as late-flowering, fewer rosettes and main branches were also observed in transgenic plants. Overall, this study provides the first insight into the evolution, expression, and function of VcTCP genes, including the discovery that VcTCP18 negatively regulated bud dormancy release in blueberry. The results will deepen our understanding of the function of TCPs in plant growth and development.Festuca rubra subsp. pruinosa is a perennial grass that inhabits sea cliffs, a habitat where salinity and low nutrient availability occur. Selleckchem Panobinostat These plants have a rich fungal microbiome, and particularly common are their associations with Epichloë festucae in aboveground tissues and with Fusarium oxysporum and Periconia macrospinosa in roots. In this study, we hypothesized that these fungi could affect the performance of F. rubra plants under salinity, being important complements for plant habitat adaptation. Two lines of F. rubra, each one consisting of Epichloë-infected and Epichloë-free clones, were inoculated with the root endophytes (F. oxysporum and P. macrospinosa) and subjected to a salinity treatment. Under salinity, plants symbiotic with Epichloë had lower Na+ content than non-symbiotic plants, but this effect was not translated into plant growth. P. macrospinosa promoted leaf and root growth in the presence and absence of salinity, and F. oxysporum promoted leaf and root growth in the presence and absence of salinity, plus a decrease in leaf Na+ content under salinity. The growth responses could be due to functions related to improved nutrient acquisition, while the reduction of Na+ content might be associated with salinity tolerance and plant survival in the long term. Each of these three components of the F. rubra core mycobiome contributed with different functions, which are beneficial and complementary for plant adaptation to its habitat in sea cliffs. Although our results do not support an obvious role of Epichloë itself in FRP salt tolerance, there is evidence that Epichloë can interact with root endophytes, affecting host plant performance.Grain yield, which is one of the most important traits in rice breeding, is controlled in part by panicle branching patterns. Numerous genes involved in the control of panicle architecture have been identified through mutant and QTL characterization. Previous studies suggested the importance of several AP2/ERF transcription factor-encoding genes in the control of panicle development, including the AINTEGUMENTA/PLETHORA-like (euANT/PLT) genes. The ANT gene was specifically considered to be a key regulator of shoot and floral development in Arabidopsis thaliana. However, the likely importance of paralogous euANT/PLT genes in the regulation of meristem identities and activities during panicle architecture development has not to date been fully addressed in rice. In this study, we observed that the rice euANT/PLT genes displayed divergent temporal expression patterns during the branching stages of early panicle development, with spatial localization of expression in meristems for two of these genes. Moreover, a functional analysis of rice ANT-related genes using genome editing revealed their importance in the control of panicle architecture, through the regulation of axillary meristem (AM) establishment and meristem fate transition. Our study suggests that the paralogous euANT/PLT genes have become partially diversified in their functions, with certain opposing effects, since they arose from ancestral gene duplication events, and that they act in regulating the branching of the rice panicle.The Tibetan Plateau is highly sensitive to elevated temperatures and has experienced significant climate warming in the last decades. While climate warming is known to greatly impact alpine ecosystems, the gas exchange responses at the leaf and community levels to climate warming in alpine meadow ecosystems remain unclear. In this study, the alpine grass, Elymus nutans, and forb, Potentilla anserina, were grown in open-top chambers (OTCs) for 3 consecutive years to evaluate their response to warming. Gas exchange measurements were used to assess the effects of in-situ warming on leaf- and community-level photosynthetic carbon assimilation based on leaf photosynthetic physiological parameters. We introduced a means of up-scaling photosynthetic measurements from the leaf level to the community level based on six easily measurable parameters, including leaf net photosynthetic rate, fresh leaf mass per unit leaf area, fresh weight of all plant leaves in the community, the percentage of healthy leaves, the percentage of received effective light by leaves in the community, and community coverage. The community-level photosynthetic carbon assimilation and productivity all increased with warming, and the net photosynthetic rate at the leaf level was significantly higher than at the community level. Under elevated temperature, the net photosynthetic rate of E. nutans decreased, while that of P. anserina increased. These results indicated that climate warming may significantly influence plant carbon assimilation, which could alter alpine meadow community composition in the future.Low temperatures (LT) in spring can have a major impact on the yields of wheat in winter. Wheat varieties with different cold sensitivities (the cold-tolerant Yannong 19 variety and the cold-sensitive Yangmai 18 variety) were used to study the responses of the wheat grain starch synthesis and dry material accumulation to short-term LT during the booting stage. The effects of short-term LT on the activities of key wheat grain starch synthesis enzymes, starch content and grain dry-matter accumulation were determined by exposing the wheat to simulated LT of from -2 to 2°C. Short-term LT stress caused a decrease in the fullness of the wheat grains along with decreased activities of adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase, EC2.7.7.27), soluble starch synthase (SSS, EC2.4.1.21), granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS, EC2.4.1.21), and starch branching enzyme (SBE, EC2.4.1.18) at different spike positions during the filling stage. The rate of grain starch accumulation and starch content decreased with decreasing temperatures. Also, the duration of grain filling increased, the mean and the maximum filling rates were reduced and the quality of the grain dry-matter decreased. The number of grains per spike and the thousand-grain weight of the mature grains also decreased. Our data showed that short-term LT stress at the booting stage caused a decrease in the activities of key starch synthesis enzymes at the grain-filling stage. These changes reduced the accumulation of starch, decreased the filling rate, and lowered the accumulation of grain dry matter to ultimately decrease grain yields.In a local environment, plant networks include interactions among individuals of different species and among genotypes of the same species. While interspecific interactions are recognized as main drivers of plant community patterns, intraspecific interactions have recently gained attention in explaining plant community dynamics. However, an overview of intraspecific genotype-by-genotype interaction patterns within wild plant species is still missing. From the literature, we identified 91 experiments that were mainly designed to investigate the presence of positive interactions based on two contrasting hypotheses. Kin selection theory predicts partisan help given to a genealogical relative. The rationale behind this hypothesis relies on kin/non-kin recognition, with the positive outcome of kin cooperation substantiating it. On the other hand, the elbow-room hypothesis supports intraspecific niche partitioning leading to positive outcome when genetically distant genotypes interact. Positive diversity-productivity relationship rationalizes this hypothesis, notably with the outcome of overyielding. We found that both these hypotheses have been highly supported in experimental studies despite their opposite predictions between the extent of genetic relatedness among neighbors and the level of positive interactions. Interestingly, we identified a highly significant effect of breeding system, with a high proportion of selfing species associated with the presence of kin cooperation. Nonetheless, we identified several shortcomings regardless of the species considered, such as the lack of a reliable estimate of genetic relatedness among genotypes and ecological characterization of the natural habitats from which genotypes were collected, thereby impeding the identification of selective drivers of positive interactions. We therefore propose a framework combining evolutionary ecology and genomics to establish the eco-genomic landscape of positive GxG interactions in wild plant species.The panicle apical abortion (PAA) causes severe yield losses in rice production, but details about its development and molecular basis remain elusive. Here, we detected PAA quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in three environments using a set of chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) that was constructed with indica Changhui121 as the recurrent parent and japonica Koshihikari as the donor parent. First, we identified a novel major effector quantitative trait locus, qPAA7, and selected a severe PAA line, CSSL176, which had the highest PAA rate among CSSLs having Koshihikari segments at this locus. Next, an F2 population was constructed from a cross between CSS176 and CH121. Using F2 to make recombinantion analysis, qPAA7 was mapped to an 73.8-kb interval in chromosome 7. Among nine candidate genes within this interval, there isn't any known genes affecting PAA. According to the gene annotation, gene expression profile and alignment of genomic DNA, LOC_Os07g41220 and LOC_Os07g41280 were predicted as putative candidate genes of qPAA7. Our study provides a foundation for cloning and functional characterization of the target gene from this locus.Predicting respiration from roots and soil microbes is important in agricultural landscapes where net flux of carbon from the soil to the atmosphere is of large concern. Yet, in riparian agroecosystems that buffer aquatic environments from agricultural fields, little is known on the differential contribution of CO2 sources nor the systematic patterns in root and microbial communities that relate to these emissions. We deployed a field-based root exclusion experiment to measure heterotrophic and autotrophic-rhizospheric respiration across riparian buffer types in an agricultural landscape in southern Ontario, Canada. We paired bi-weekly measurements of in-field CO2 flux with analysis of soil properties and fine root functional traits. We quantified soil microbial community structure using qPCR to estimate bacterial and fungal abundance and characterized microbial diversity using high-throughput sequencing. Mean daytime total soil respiration rates in the growing season were 186.1 ± 26.7, 188.7 ± 23.0, 278.6 ± d to determine interactions between root traits and soil microbial community structure to predict soil respiration.
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