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Plant-soil feedbacks support clarify biodiversity-productivity interactions.
Faba bean is a cool-season grain legume crop, which is grown worldwide for food and feed. Despite a decrease in area under faba bean in the past, the interest in growing faba bean is increasing globally due to its high seed protein content and its excellent ecological service. The crop is, however, exposed to diverse biotic and abiotic stresses causing unstable, low grain yield. Although, sources of resistance to main diseases, such as ascochyta blight (Ascochyta fabae Speg.), rust (Uromyces viciae-fabae (Pers.) Schroet.), chocolate spot (Botrytis fabae Sard.) and gall disease (Physioderma viciae), have been identified, their resistance is only partial and cannot prevent grain yield losses without agronomical practices. Tightly associated DNA markers for host plant resistance genes are needed to enhance the level of resistance. Less progress has been made for abiotic stresses. Different breeding methods are proposed, but until now line breeding, based on the pedigree method, is the dominant practice in breedi the breeding process for enhancing genetic gain in this species.Polyamines have been implicated in ameliorating the detrimental effects of drought and saline conditions on plant growth and development. The independent impact of these two abiotic stresses on polyamine (PA) biosynthesis, catabolism, and homeostasis, as well as on their transcript abundance in tomato leaves, is presented here. We show that the total levels of putrescine (PUT), spermidine (SPD), and spermine (SPM) increase up to 72 h during drought and up to 48 h during salinity stress before their precipitable drop thereafter. Thus, tomato plants maintain survivability to drought as well as salinity stress for up to 3 and 2 days, respectively. Independent multivariant analyses of drought and salinity stress kinetic data separately showed a closer association with levels of free, conjugated, and bound forms of SPD and SPM, but not with free or bound PUT. However, combined multivariant analyses showed a closer association of free SPD, conjugated SPD, and bound SPD with both stresses; SPD-bound and SPM conjugat of PAs but negatively to carbon flow genes. Most of the PA biosynthesis genes were coordinately regulated under both stresses. Collectively, these results indicate that PAs are distinctly regulated under drought and salinity stress with different but specific homologs of PA biosynthesis and catabolic genes contributing to the accumulation of free, conjugated, and bound forms of PAs.Soil salinity is one of the major factors that limit the area of cultivable land and yield potential of crops. The ability of salt tolerance varies with plant species. Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a moderately salt-sensitive and economically important crop, however, their biological processes involved in salt-stress response remain unclear. In this study, we investigated the role of A. hypogaea L. ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE 4s (AhABI4s) in salt tolerance and elucidated its mode of action in peanuts. The results showed that the downregulation of AhABI4s via whole plant virus-induced gene silencing has enhanced the survival rate, biomass accumulation, and root/shoot ratio of peanut seedlings in response to salt-stress. Transcriptomics, quantitative proteomics, and phosphoproteomic analyses were performed using AhABI4s-silenced and Mock plants. The expression pattern of 15,247 genes, 1,900 proteins, and 2,620 phosphorylation sites were affected by silencing of AhABI4s in peanut leaf and root after sodium chloride (NaCl) treatment. Among them, 63 potential downstream target genes of ABI4 changed consistently at both transcription and translation levels, and the protein/phosphorylation levels of 31 ion transporters/channels were also affected. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) showed that ABI4 was able to bind to the promoters of HSP70, fructokinase (FRK), and pyruvate kinase (PK) coding genes in vitro. In addition, we also detected a binding preference of AhABI4 for CACT(G/T)GCA motif in the promoters of down-regulated genes in peanut leaf. Collectively, the potential downstream targets which were regulated at the levels of transcription and translation, binding preference, and in vivo phosphorylation sites that had been revealed in this study will provide new insight into the AhABI4s-mediated salt tolerance regulation mechanism in peanuts.Rice (Oryza sativa) is an imperative staple crop for nearly half of the world's population. Challenging environmental conditions encompassing abiotic and biotic stresses negatively impact the quality and yield of rice. To assure food supply for the unprecedented ever-growing world population, the improvement of rice as a crop is of utmost importance. ABT-199 research buy In this era, "omics" techniques have been comprehensively utilized to decipher the regulatory mechanisms and cellular intricacies in rice. Advancements in omics technologies have provided a strong platform for the reliable exploration of genetic resources involved in rice trait development. Omics disciplines like genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics have significantly contributed toward the achievement of desired improvements in rice under optimal and stressful environments. The present review recapitulates the basic and applied multi-omics technologies in providing new orchestration toward the improvement of rice desirable traits. The article also provides a catalog of current scenario of omics applications in comprehending this imperative crop in relation to yield enhancement and various environmental stresses. Further, the appropriate databases in the field of data science to analyze big data, and retrieve relevant information vis-à-vis rice trait improvement and stress management are described.In recent years, deep-learning-based fruit-detection technology has exhibited excellent performance in modern horticulture research. However, deploying deep learning algorithms in real-time field applications is still challenging, owing to the relatively low image processing capability of edge devices. Such limitations are becoming a new bottleneck and hindering the utilization of AI algorithms in modern horticulture. In this paper, we propose a lightweight fruit-detection algorithm, specifically designed for edge devices. The algorithm is based on Light-CSPNet as the backbone network, an improved feature-extraction module, a down-sampling method, and a feature-fusion module, and it ensures real-time detection on edge devices while maintaining the fruit-detection accuracy. The proposed algorithm was tested on three edge devices NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX, NVIDIA Jetson TX2, and NVIDIA Jetson NANO. The experimental results show that the average detection precision of the proposed algorithm for orange, tomato, and apple datasets are 0.93, 0.847, and 0.850, respectively. Deploying the algorithm, the detection speed of NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX reaches 21.3, 24.8, and 22.2 FPS, while that of NVIDIA Jetson TX2 reaches 13.9, 14.1, and 14.5 FPS and that of NVIDIA Jetson NANO reaches 6.3, 5.0, and 8.5 FPS for the three datasets. Additionally, the proposed algorithm provides a component add/remove function to flexibly adjust the model structure, considering the trade-off between the detection accuracy and speed in practical usage.Valeriana jatamansi Jones (Syn. V. wallichii DC.) is an aromatic, medicinal herb used as a tranquilizer and in treating sleep disorders. Rhizome is mainly used to extract essential oil (EO) and valepotriates. High quality and economic yield of rhizomes are available in the third year of growth. Therefore, the cultivation of V. jatamansi is not picking up, and over-exploitation of this plant from wild habitats to meet the increasing demand of the pharmaceutical industry is the cause of threat to the genetic diversity of the species. Further, collections from the wild are heterogeneous, resulting in variable produce. The development of clonal lines can ensure uniform quality and yield of rhizome biomass. An effective clonal propagation method was standardized using different hormonal concentrations of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) on apical shoot cuttings from the selected clone CSIR-IHBT-VJ-05 for different time durations and raised over various planting media. NAA treatment of 50 ppm concentration for 30 min was found optimum for root induction in apical shoots of V. jatamansi. Variations for EO composition within the clone were non-significant, while samples of the control population were variable. The best quality EO (patchouli alcohol ∼62%) was available during the third year of plant growth. A propagation technique for large-scale quality plant material (QPM) production has been standardized to reduce the stress over natural resources and promote V. jatamansi for use in the aromatic and pharmaceutical industry.Plant microgametogenesis involves stages leading to the progressive development of unicellular microspores into mature pollen. Despite the active and continuing interest in the study of male reproductive development, little is still known about the hormonomics at each ontogenetic stage. In this work, we characterized the profiles and dynamics of phytohormones during the process of microgametogenesis in four Nicotiana species (Nicotiana tabacum, Nicotiana alata, Nicotiana langsdorffii, and Nicotiana mutabilis). Taking advantage of advanced HPLC-ESI-MS/MS, twenty to thirty endogenous hormone derivatives were identified throughout pollen ontogenesis, including cytokinins, auxins, ABA and its derivatives, jasmonates, and phenolic compounds. The spectra of endogenous phytohormones changed dynamically during tobacco pollen ontogeny, indicating their important role in pollen growth and development. The different dynamics in the accumulation of endogenous phytohormones during pollen ontogenesis between N. tabacum (section Nicotiana) and the other three species (section Alatae) reflects their different phylogenetic positions and origin within the genus Nicotiana. We demonstrated the involvement of certain phytohormone forms, such as cis-zeatin- and methylthiol-type CKs, some derivatives of abscisic acid, phenylacetic and benzoic acids, in pollen development for the first time here. Our results suggest that unequal levels of endogenous hormones and the presence of specific derivatives may be characteristic for pollen development in different phylogenetic plant groups. These results represent the currently most comprehensive study of plant hormones during the process of pollen development.Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by plants are essential indicators of their physiological response to environmental conditions. But evidence of natural variation in VOC emissions and their contributing factors is still limited, especially for non-cultivated species. Here we explored the natural volatile emissions of Dracophyllum subulatum Hook.f., an endemic shrub to the North Island Central Plateau of New Zealand, and determined some environmental factors driving the plant's emissions. Volatile emissions of D. subulatum were measured on four separate occasions from December 2017 to September 2018 using the "push-pull" headspace sampling technique and analyzed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). D. subulatum was classified based on the volatiles measured on each sampling occasion using linear discriminant analysis (LDA). On each sampling occasion, we also recorded and compared ambient air temperature, herbivory damage, total soil nitrogen (N), available phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and soil moisture content.
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