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Epigenetic and also somaclonal divergence in Dendrocalamus farinosus regarding physiological development along with lignin deterioration.
A new species of codling Physiculus megastomus sp. nov. is described based on the holotype and a subadult paratype collected from northern and eastern Taiwan. The new species is classified in Physiculus by the presence of a ventral light organ on the abdomen and a chin barbel, and the absence of vomerine teeth. It is distinguished from congeners in having a large mouth with the posterior end of the maxilla extending well behind the level of the posterior margin of the orbit, its length 57.8‒60.7% in head length (HL) and the combination of the following characters both jaws bearing caniniform teeth; snout, suborbital area, and gular region fully scaled; ventral light organ small, its length 5.5‒6.7% of distance from the interventral line to the origin of the anal fin (InV-af), located approximately at the mid-point of InV-af; five gill rakers on the upper limb of the first gill arch. DNA barcoding supported the establishment of the new species.In the study, microphthalmous species of the genus Lathrobium Gravenhorst from northern Anatolia are examined. Two new species are described, illustrated, and distinguished from congeners Lathrobium kacari sp. n. (orum province) and L. celiki sp. n. (Amasya province). A new synonym is proposed Lathrobium bodemeyeri Bernhauer, 1903 = L. paphlagonicum Assing, 2001 syn. n. An updated key to the microphthalmous Lathrobium species of Turkey is presented. Distributions of microphthalmous Lathrobium species in Anatolia are mapped. A total of eight microphthalmous species is now known from Turkey.Kribiodorum is a small genus of non-biting midges, currently composed of only five nominal species, one Nearctic, two African and two Oriental. The objective of this study is to provide the first report of this genus to the Neotropical region and to describe a new species, based on male and female from southern Amazonas state, Brazil. Kribiodorum amazonicum sp. n. is easily distinguished from the congeneric species by the color pattern of the wings and legs and by the morphology of the genitalia.The genus Hissarica Viidalepp (Geometridae, Geometrinae) is restored from synonymy with Xenochlorodes Warren. The moths and their male and female genitalia are illustrated and characterized in comparison with those of Hierochthonia Prout and Xenochlorodes. Taxonomic positions of Hierochthonia alexandraria Prout and Eucrostes petitaria Christoph are discussed and the new genus Ratsa Viidalepp Kostjuk gen. nov. is established for them, creating the new combinations Ratsa alexandraria Prout and Ratsa petitaria Christoph.The genus Brachygaster Leach (Hymenoptera Evaniidae) is reported from India for the first time and two new species, B. rarum sp. nov. and B. kawadai sp. nov., are described from Maharashtra and Jharkhand. The new species are compared with oriental species viz., B. tschekylli Madl and B. conjugens Enderlein.Scale insects (Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha Coccomorpha) are obligate plant parasites feeding on plant sap; some are damaging pests in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. Despite their economic importance, the scale insects found in continental Africa have not been extensively studied and the keys for identifying them are incomplete and scattered through the literature in several languages. The aim of this study is to improve our understanding of the African scale insect fauna. As a first step towards their identification, we provide a key to the 23 families currently known from continental Africa, based on slide-mounted adult females, covering Aclerdidae, Asterolecaniidae, Cerococcidae, Coccidae, Conchaspididae, Dactylopiidae, Diaspididae, Eriococcidae, Halimococcidae, Kermesidae, Kerriidae, Kuwaniidae, Lecanodiaspididae, Margarodidae, Matsucoccidae, Micrococcidae, Monophlebidae, Ortheziidae, Phoenicococcidae, Pseudococcidae, Putoidae, Rhizoecidae and Stictococcidae.The genus Leptobrachella is one of the most speciose and taxonomically troubling groups of Asian anurans. Herein, we describe a new species of Leptobrachella from Doi Inthanon, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand based on the integration of morphological, acoustic and molecular data. The new species, Leptobrachella murphyi sp. nov., is morphologically distinguished from its congeners on the basis of body size, dorsal skin texture and coloration, ventral coloration and pattern, degree of webbing and fringing on the fingers and toes, iris coloration in life, pattern of markings on flanks and pattern of body macroglands. It also differs from its phylogenetically close congeners by an uncorrected p-distance of >9.6% for a fragment of 16S rRNA. The advertisement call of the new species consists of 4.54.7 kHz (at 15 C) and without a distinct introductory note. Leptobrachella murphyi sp. nov. likely occurs across the Thanon Thong Chai Range and analyses provide evidence of unknown biodiversity and species composition on Doi (mountain) Inthanon. In addition, the congeneric species L. minima was also confirmed in Doi Inthanon. The coexistence pattern of Leptobrachella in Doi Inthanon deserves further study. As Thailands highest mountain and biodiversity reservoir, the need for further biological exploration is urgent given ongoing habitat loss and degradation.Platystethynium (Platypatasson) earlyi Huber, sp. n. (Hymenoptera Mymaridae), is described from both sexes reared from an egg of Rhaphidophoridae (Orthoptera) found in an old mining tunnel in New Zealand. The male is micropterous and has lateral ocelli but no median ocellus, a unique feature in Mymaridae found so far only in males of Platystethynium Ogloblin species. The remaining described Eastern Hemisphere species of Platystethynium are discussed and Platystethynium glabrum Jin Li, syn. n., is placed in synonymy under P. onomarchicidum Ogloblin. A key to females, and males where known, of the described Eastern Hemisphere species of Platystethynium is given.Twelve species of the genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera) are reported from the Maghreb; six in Tunisia, eight in Morocco, and eleven in Algeria. These three North African countries are inhabited by common species, except that H. siltalai has been reported only from Algeria and H. pandiel only from Morocco. A list of Hydropsyche species known from the Maghreb is presented and a key for identification of described larvae of Maghreb Hydropsyche species is provided.The ornithological collection of the Museum fr Naturkunde Berlin houses an important collection of birds of the genus Batis, with many type specimens used in descriptions dating from the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Some of these scientific names are still in use today, but others are synonyms. We herein provide an updated list of all this type material for 10 names (species and subspecies) with 34 types and 21 paratypes, and we designate a lectotype for Batis puella Reichenow, 1893.It is widely accepted among the Cladocera (Crustacea) taxonomists that almost all cosmopolitan taxa are represented by some un-revised complexes of cryptic species. But many macro taxa of the cladocerans are still unrevised. The aim of this work is to analyze the taxonomic status of Oriental populations of the genus Bosminopsis Richard, 1895 (Anomopoda Bosminidae) based on morphological characters. We have studied populations from India, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea and concluded that Oriental populations belong to a single species, Bosminopsis africanus (Daday, 1908), initially described from Africa. Analysis of literature data confirms that is widely distributed through whole Oriental zone. A single large mucro, or the mucro accompanied by an additional small spine in both sexes, is the main trait which differentiates B. africanus from B. zernowi Linko, 1901 distributed in more northern regions of Eurasia.Catharsius harpagus Harold, 1877 and Catharsius parafastidiosus Ferreira, 1971, both previously considered to belong to the Afrotropical fauna, are herein synonymised with the Asian Catharsius birmanensis Lansberge, 1874 in what are the first cases of transcontinental mislabelling within this genus. This leaves the C. harpagus sensu Ferreira, 1960 (nec Harold) without a name, and Catharsius haroldi sp. nov. is thus described herein. Catharsius convexiusculus (Shipp, 1897) is transferred to the genus Metacatharsius Paulian, 1939, and Metacatharsius omoensis (Mller, 1941) is restored to its original combination in the genus Catharsius.A new species of Apteroscirtus is described from Angola, enlarging the known area of distribution of this genus to west-southern Africa.Using recent samplings and specimens from ancient collections, 14 sites and five species of stalked crinoids have been listed in the Miocene of the southern Rhodanian basin (southeastern France). Three species and two genera are new for science Papacrinus avignonensis n. gen., n sp. (Balanocrininae), Paraconocrinus rhodanicus n. sp. (Rhizocrinidae) and Gastecrinus vinealis n. gen., n. sp. (Incertae sedis). The identification among the Mediterranean Miocene fauna of the genus Metacrinus, now confined to the Indo-Pacific province, was confirmed by the discovery of brachial ossicles attributed to Metacrinus berthei. The richest and most diversified site was exposed during temporal excavations at the Place du Palais des Papes in Avignon. Four out of the five stalked crinoid species were found in this fossil assemblage in which M. berthei predominates. ?Endoxocrinus gastaldii is associated with M. berthei in several sites. Using dissociated ossicles, differences in quantitative and qualitative characters between these two species are deeply analyzed with their taphonomical, taxonomical and paleoecological consequences. Paleoreliefs and valleys, which had been incised during the Burdigalian, channeled currents. They favored stalked crinoid settlement on various substrates during the late BurdigalianLower Langhian transgression. Comparison with the extant fauna allows us to estimate the depth range of the biotopes with stalked crinoids from 100 to 250 m. These estimates are in agreement with those deduced from other paleontological studies.The Neotropical genus Lopesiodinia Prado is represented by two species, L. diversa Prado (Brazil Rio de Janeiro) and L. alvarengai Prado (Brazil Par). The genus is reviewed here, and three new species are described and illustrated Lopesiodinia marcusi sp. nov. (Brazil Amazonas, Maranho), L. argentata sp. nov. (Brazil Amazonas) and L. pontarolloi sp. nov. (Brazil Amazonas, Maranho). A key to identify the subfamilies and extant genera and the species of Traginopinae from the Neotropical Region is presented.Here, we describe four new species of Crellidae Dendy, 1922 and discuss characters and relationships from published molecular phylogenies including crellid sponges. New species proposed are Crella (Pytheas) chiloensis Fernandez, Gastaldi, Pardo Hajdu, sp. nov., from southern Chile (15 m depth), C. (P.) desventuradae Fernandez, Gastaldi, Zapata-Herndez Hajdu, sp. selleck products nov., from Desventuradas Archipelago (1020 m depth), Crella (P.) santacruzae Fernandez, Gastaldi, Thompson Hajdu, sp. nov., from deep waters off Argentina (750 m depth) and Crellomima sigmatifera Fernandez, Gastaldi Hajdu, sp. nov., from the Chilean fjords region (ca. 20 m depth). These new species are set apart from each other and from known species mainly due to aspects of their spiculation. Chelae microscleres and acanthostyles supply characters that might be used to infer phylogenetic relationships and to verify the monophyly of Crella Gray, 1867 and Crellidae, which has seemingly been contradicted by preliminary molecular data available in the systematics literature.
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