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Supraspinal sensorimotor along with pain-related reorganization from a hemicontusion rat cervical spine damage.
They achieved accuracies of about 53% and 72%, respectively. On the subject-independent classification, ADL outperforms CNN by resulting stable accuracies for both training and testing, different from CNN that experience accuracy degradation to approximately 50%. These results imply that ADL is a promising machine learning in dealing with the issue in the subject-independent classification.Motivated by the inconceivable capability of human brain in simultaneously processing multi-modal signals and its real-time feedback to the outer world events, there has been a surge of interest in establishing a communication bridge between the human brain and a computer, which are referred to as Brain-computer Interfaces (BCI). To this aim, monitoring the electrical activity of brain through Electroencephalogram (EEG) has emerged as the prime choice for BCI systems. To discover the underlying and specific features of brain signals for different mental tasks, a considerable number of research works are developed based on statistical and data-driven techniques. However, a major bottleneck in development of practical and commercial BCI systems is their limited performance when the number of mental tasks for classification is increased. In this work, we propose a new EEG processing and feature extraction paradigm based on Siamese neural networks, which can be conveniently merged and scaled up for multi-class problems. The idea of Siamese networks is to train a double-input neural network based on a contrastive loss-function, which provides the capability of verifying if two input EEG trials are from the same class or not. In this work, a Siamese architecture, which is developed based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and provides a binary output on the similarity of two inputs, is combined with One vs. Rest (OVR) and One vs. One (OVO) techniques to scale up for multi-class problems. The efficacy of this architecture is evaluated on a 4-class Motor Imagery (MI) dataset from BCI Competition IV2a and the results suggest a promising performance compared to its counterparts.Automatically detecting and removing Electroencephalogram (EEG) outliers is essential to design robust brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). In this paper, we propose a novel outlier detection method that works on the Riemannian manifold of sample covariance matrices (SCMs). Existing outlier detection methods run the risk of erroneously rejecting some samples as outliers, even if there is no outlier, due to the detection being based on a reference matrix and a threshold. To address this limitation, our method, Riemannian Spectral Clustering (RiSC), detects outliers by clustering SCMs into non-outliers and outliers, based on a proposed similarity measure. This considers the Riemannian geometry of the space and magnifies the similarity within the non-outlier cluster and weakens it between non-outlier and outlier clusters, instead of setting a threshold. To assess RiSC performance, we generated artificial EEG datasets contaminated by different outlier strengths and numbers. Comparing Hit-False (HF) difference between RiSC and existing outlier detection methods confirmed that RiSC could detect outliers significantly better (p less then 0.001). In particular, RiSC improved HF difference the most for datasets with the most severe outlier contamination.EEG signal classification is an important task to build an accurate Brain Computer Interface (BCI) system. Many machine learning and deep learning approaches have been used to classify EEG signals. Besides, many studies have involved the time and frequency domain features to classify EEG signals. On the other hand, a very limited number of studies combine the spatial and temporal dimensions of the EEG signal. Brain dynamics are very complex across different mental tasks, thus it is difficult to design efficient algorithms with features based on prior knowledge. Therefore, in this study, we utilized the 2D AlexNet Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to learn EEG features across different mental tasks without prior knowledge. First, this study adds spatial and temporal dimensions of EEG signals to a 2D EEG topographic map. Second, topographic maps at different time indices were cascaded to populate a 2D image for a given time window. Finally, the topographic maps enabled the AlexNet to learn features from the spatial and temporal dimensions of the brain signals. The classification performance was obtained by the proposed method on a multiclass dataset from BCI Competition IV dataset 2a. The proposed system obtained an average classification accuracy of 81.09%, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art methods by a margin of 4% for the same dataset. The results showed that converting the EEG classification problem from a (1D) time series to a (2D) image classification problem improves the classification accuracy for BCI systems. Also, our EEG topographic maps enabled CNN to learn subtle features from spatial and temporal dimensions, which better represent mental tasks than individual time or frequency domain features.In this paper, we review several advances in different fields that provide new potential for brain-computer interfaces enabled by directly interfacing biological neural networks with electrodes, including recent successes with liquid injected conductive channels and mesh electronics supported by 3D scaffolds. Based on this review, it is clear that the success of biological neural connectivity is dependent on the precision and density of the inserted electrodes. In order to better understand the dynamics of this relationship, we propose a simple impedance-based electrode connectivity model, based on which we perform a simulation of the impact of both electrode density and electrode precision on the amount of information lost as part of the connection. Although the examples illustrated are more informative rather than conclusive, the fundamental takeaway from this work is that electrode density is a substantially important parameter while electrode precision is necessarily helpful.Catheter ablation is a common treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF), but its success rate is around 60%. It is believed that the success rate can be improved if the procedure were to be guided by the specific AF triggers found in the "Flashback", i.e. the trend of around 500 ventricular beats preceding the AF onset stored in an implantable cardiac monitor (ICM). The need to automatically classify these different triggers atrial tachycardia (AT), atrial flutter, premature atrial contractions (PAC) or Spontaneous AF has motivated the design in this paper of an unsupervised classification method evaluating statistical and geometrical Heart Rate Variability (HRV) features extracted from the Flashback. From a cohort of 132 patients (57± 12 years, male 67%), 528 Flashbacks were extracted and classified into 5 different clusters after the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was computed on the HRV features. 2 principal components explained more than 95% of the variance and were a combination of the mean R-R interval, Square root of the mean squared differences of successive R-R intervals (RMSSD), Standard deviation of the R-R intervals (SDNN) and Poincare descriptors, SD1 and SD2. RMSSD and SD1 were significantly different among all clusters (p-value less then 0.05, with Holm's correction) showing that distinct patterns can be found using this method.Clinical Relevance-Preliminary step towards ablation strategy guidance using the AF trigger patterns to improve catheter ablation success rates.Recent developments in wearable sensors demonstrate promising results for monitoring physiological status in effective and comfortable ways. One major challenge of physiological status assessment is the problem of transfer learning caused by the domain inconsistency of biosignals across users or different recording sessions from the same user. We propose an adversarial inference approach for transfer learning to extract disentangled nuisance-robust representations from physiological biosignal data in stress status level assessment. We exploit the trade-off between task-related features and person-discriminative information by using both an adversary network and a nuisance network to jointly manipulate and disentangle the learned latent representations by the encoder, which are then input to a discriminative classifier. Results on cross-subjects transfer evaluations demonstrate the benefits of the proposed adversarial framework, and thus show its capabilities to adapt to a broader range of subjects. Finally we highlight that our proposed adversarial transfer learning approach is also applicable to other deep feature learning frameworks.The multi-label electrocardiogram (ECG) classification is to automatically predict a set of concurrent cardiac abnormalities in an ECG record, which is significant for clinical diagnosis. Modeling the cardiac abnormality dependencies is the key to improving classification performance. To capture the dependencies, we proposed a multi-label classification method based on the weighted graph attention networks. In the study, a graph taking each class as a node was mapped and the class dependencies were represented by the weights of graph edges. A novel weights generation method was proposed by combining the self-attentional weights and the prior learned co-occurrence knowledge of classes. The algorithm was evaluated on the dataset of the Hefei Hi-tech Cup ECG Intelligent Competition for 34 kinds of ECG abnormalities classification. And the micro-f 1 and the macro-f 1 of cross validation respectively were 91.45% and 44.48%. The experiment results show that the proposed method can model class dependencies and improve classification performance.Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia and a precursor to many fatal cardiac conditions. Catheter ablation, which is a minimally invasive treatment, is associated with limited success rates in patients with persistent AF. Rotors are believed to maintain AF and core of rotors are considered to be robust targets for ablation. Recently, multiscale entropy (MSE) was proposed to identify the core of rotors in ex-vivo rabbit hearts. However, MSE technique is sensitive to intrinsic parameters, such as scale factor and template dimension, that may lead to an imprecise estimation of entropy measures. The purpose of this research is optimize MSE approach to improve its accuracy and sensitivity in rotor core identification using simulated EGMs from human atrial model. Specifically, we have identified the optimal time scale factor (τopt) and optimal template dimension (Τopt) that are needed for efficient rotor core identification. The τopt was identified to be 10, using a convergence graph, and the Τopt (~20 ms) remained the same at different sampling rates, indicating that optimized MSE will be efficient in identifying core of the rotor irrespective of the signal acquisition system.Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an irregular heart rhythm due to disorganized atrial electrical activity, often sustained by rotational drivers called rotors. In the present work, we sought to characterize and discriminate whether simulated single stable rotors are located in the pulmonary veins (PVs) or not, only by using non-invasive signals (i.e., the 12-lead ECG). Several features have been extracted from the signals, such as Hjort descriptors, recurrence quantification analysis (RQA), and principal component analysis. All the extracted features have shown significant discriminatory power, with particular emphasis to the RQA parameters. A decision tree classifier achieved 98.48% accuracy, 83.33% sensitivity, and 100% specificity on simulated data.Clinical Relevance-This study might guide ablation procedures, suggesting doctors to proceed directly in some patients with a pulmonary veins isolation, and avoiding the prior use of an invasive atrial mapping system.
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