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Progression associated with individual gyroid photonic uric acid inside fowl down.
A "superspreader" refers to an unusually contagious organism infected with a disease. With respect to a human borne illnesses, a superspreader is someone who is more likely to infect other humans when compared to a typically infected person. The existence of human superspreaders is deeply entrenched in history; the most famous case being that of Typhoid Mary. Through contact tracing, epidemiologists have identified human superspreaders in measles, tuberculosis, rubella, monkeypox, smallpox, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, and SARS. The recent outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has shifted the focus back on the superspreaders. We herein present a case report of a COVID-19 superspreader with a hitherto unusually high number of infected contacts. The index case was a 33 year old male who resided in a low income settlement comprising of rehabilitated slum dwellers and worked as a healthcare worker (HCW) in a tertiary care hospital and had tested positive for COVID-19.On contact tracing, he had a total of 125 contacts, of which 49 COVID-19 infections had direct or indirect contact with the index case, qualifying him as a "superspreader." This propagated infection led to an outbreak in the community. Contact tracing, testing and isolation of such superspreaders from the other members of the community is essential to stop the spread of this disease and contain the COVID-19 pandemic.The regularity of musical beat makes it a powerful stimulus promoting movement synchrony among people. Synchrony can increase interpersonal trust, affiliation, and cooperation. Musical pieces can be classified according to the quality of groove; the higher the groove, the more it induces the desire to move. We investigated questions related to collective music-listening among 33 participants in an experiment conducted in a naturalistic yet acoustically controlled setting of a research concert hall with motion tracking. First, does higher groove music induce (1) movement with more energy and (2) higher interpersonal movement coordination? Second, does visual social information manipulated by having eyes open or eyes closed also affect energy and coordination? Participants listened to pieces from four categories formed by crossing groove (high, low) with tempo (higher, lower). Their upper body movement was recorded via head markers. Self-reported ratings of grooviness, emotional valence, emotional intensity, and familiarity were collected after each song. A biomechanically motivated measure of movement energy increased with high-groove songs and was positively correlated with grooviness ratings, confirming the theoretically implied but less tested motor response to groove. Participants' ratings of emotional valence and emotional intensity correlated positively with movement energy, suggesting that movement energy relates to emotional engagement with music. Movement energy was higher in eyes-open trials, suggesting that seeing each other enhanced participants' responses, consistent with social facilitation or contagion. Furthermore, interpersonal coordination was higher both for the high-groove and eyes-open conditions, indicating that the social situation of collective music listening affects how music is experienced.
Network meta-analysis (NMA) synthesizes direct and indirect evidence on multiple treatments to estimate their relative effectiveness. However, comparisons between disconnected treatments are not possible without making strong assumptions. When studies including multiple doses of the same drug are available, model-based NMA (MBNMA) presents a novel solution to this problem by modeling a parametric dose-response relationship within an NMA framework. In this article, we illustrate several scenarios in which dose-response MBNMA can connect and strengthen evidence networks.

We created illustrative data sets by removing studies or treatments from an NMA of triptans for migraine relief. We fitted MBNMA models with different dose-response relationships. For connected networks, we compared MBNMA estimates with NMA estimates. For disconnected networks, we compared MBNMA estimates with NMA estimates from an "augmented" network connected by adding studies or treatments back into the data set.

In connected networks, disconnected networks and increase precision while making less strong assumptions than alternative approaches. MBNMA relies on correct specification of the dose-response relationship, which requires sufficient data at different doses to allow reliable estimation. We recommend that systematic reviews for NMA search for and include evidence (including phase II trials) on multiple doses of agents where available.Members of marginalized communities experience health disparities or inequities and are underrepresented in health research. Community engagement in research is a catalyst for researchers to address health disparities while prioritizing community needs and strengthening community capacity. There is limited knowledge on how to engage underrepresented communities throughout the research process, particularly on initiating a partnership and planning research with a community. The purpose of this reflection piece is to share individual cases of research engagement within four communities immigrant postpartum women, rural residents engaged in farming, low literate and non-English speaking adults, and individuals with intellectual disabilities in the United States. In each case, we explain how we initiated partnerships with the communities, continued to integrate community feedback to guide research questions, and implemented tailored methodologies. Finally, we discuss commonalities and differences in approaches used, tailoring within, and lessons learned when working with these diverse, underrepresented communities during the research process.Emotional regulation is crucial to psychological functioning and mental health. Studies of male batterers indicate the critical role that emotional processing plays in the violence they exert upon their partners or ex-partners. The aim of this study was to investigate the neural bases of emotional regulation in male batterers-both in experiencing and suppressing emotions-when faced with pictures of intimate partner violence (IPV). We conducted a fMRI study to compare brain functioning when emotions were experienced or increased with the case in which emotions were suppressed or reduced in response to IPV pictures and unpleasant pictures. The sample consisted of three groups Male Batterers Group (MBG, n = 26), that is, men convicted for IPV; Other Offenders Group (OOG, n = 27), men convicted of crimes other than IPV; and a Non-offenders Group (n = 29), that is, men without a criminal history. The results reveal that in MBG, the brain areas that previous studies have related to suppression and experience processes were activated when faced with unpleasant pictures. However, a different pattern of functioning was found when experiencing IPV pictures. That could be explained by a low capacity to empathize with their partners or ex-partners and by the use of maladaptive emotional regulation strategies. In addition, MBG showed activation in brain areas previously related to suppression but did not modulate their emotions, showing a similar emotional state after suppression and experience. The results of this preliminary study suggest that in psychological treatments for male batterers, it is important to promote empathy towards partners or ex-partners, along with adaptive strategies of emotional regulation.OCCUPATIONAL APPLICATIONSOccupational hazards and work-related accidents are a substantial problem in countries around the world. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop appropriate techniques to assess and reduce the risk of occupational hazards. In many situations, however, exact data are inadequate to model real-life scenarios, because of the complexity of occupational health and safety (OHS) risk assessment problems. We present a new OHS risk assessment model to assess and rank the risk of occupational hazards based on combination weighting and uncertain linguistic information. Moreover, a practical example of a shopping mall construction project is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. The new model was found to provide a useful, practical, and flexible way for risk evaluation in OHS. In particular, it offered a new method for capturing domain expert opinions and prioritizing potential occupational hazards to improve the health and safety of workers.This study examined the relationships between acculturative stress, intimate partner violence (IPV), and life satisfaction of immigrant Vietnamese wives. A total of 288 immigrant Vietnamese women who were married to Korean men and were living in South Korea participated in the survey. As expected, the results indicated that acculturative stress was negatively related to life satisfaction. Moreover, IPV significantly moderated the relationship between acculturative stress and life satisfaction. The moderating role of IPV is evident when the acculturative stress is low.Small-group interventions allow for tailored instruction for students with learning difficulties. A crucial first step is the accurate identification of students who need such an intervention. This study investigated how teachers decide whether their students need a remedial reading intervention. To this end, 64 teachers of 697 third-grade students from Germany were asked to rate whether a reading intervention for their students was "not necessary," "potentially necessary," or "definitely necessary." Independent experimenters tested the students' reading and spelling abilities with standardized tests, and a subsample of 370 children participated in standardized tests of phonological awareness and vocabulary. Findings show that teachers' decisions with regard to students' needing a reading intervention overlapped more with results from standardized spelling assessments than from reading assessments. Hierarchical linear models indicated that students' spelling abilities, along with phonological awareness and vocabulary, explained variance in teachers' ratings over and above students' reading skills. Teachers thus relied on proximal cues such as spelling skills to reach their decision. These findings are discussed in relation to clinical standards and educational contexts. Findings indicate that the teachers' assignment of children to interventions might be underspecified, and starting points for specific teacher training programs are outlined.Objectives Alcohol use remains a public health concern with accumulating evidence pointing to alcohol-associated prospective memory (PM) deficits. PM is the cognitive ability to remember to perform an intended action at some point in the future. Following PRISMA guidelines, we searched the evidence base to identify and explore the evidence of a relationship between alcohol use and PM. Methods We conducted a systematic literature search in Medline, Embase, Pubmed, CINAHL, PsycINFO and Web of Science databases. Studies were included if they met the following criteria English language publication, healthy adult participants (16 years and over), primary data on the effects of alcohol on PM. Results Eight peer-reviewed studies were eligible for inclusion, of which five were randomized controlled trials examining the acute effects of a mild dose of alcohol and three were cross-sectional studies assessing the long-term effects of different drinking patterns on PM. Four main findings were supported by the literature (1) compared with placebo, an acute administration of a mild alcohol dose to healthy social drinkers may lead to poorer PM performance, (2) alcohol consumption over the recommended weekly units can be associated with impaired PM function, (3) other cognitive domains can play a contributing role in alcohol-induced PM impairment, and (4) following future event simulation alcohol-induced PM impairment may be improved.
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