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hs of all type specimens examined are presented for the first time.The millipede genus Amplaria Chamberlin, 1941 (senior synonym of Vaferaria Causey, 1958 and Speostriaria Causey, 1960) is endemic to western North America, from Mt. SCH-442416 nmr Palomar and San Luis Obispo, California, north to southwestern British Columbia, Canada, and east to northern Idaho. Seven species names are currently assigned to the genus. Below I describe ten additional new species Amplaria crawfordi, Amplaria fontinalis, Amplaria rykkenae, Amplaria arcata, Amplaria baughi, Amplaria staceyi, Amplaria umatilla, Amplaria cervus, Amplaria mendocino and Amplaria flucticulus, and provide new records of Amplaria nazinta Chamberlin.A catalogue of the chrysidid type specimens housed at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zürich with revision and discussion of their status is presented. Selected images of the primary types are given. The new replacement name Chrysis robertsi Rosa nom. nov. pro Chrysis viridicyanea Linsenmaier, 1959, nec Giebel, 1862 is given. Ellampus subauratus Mocsáry, 1890 spec. resurr. is restored from the previous synonymy with Philoctetes sareptanus (Mocsáry, 1889). The new synonymy Ellampus schulthessi subauratus Mocsáry, 1890 = E. conifer Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, 1932 syn. nov. is proposed.The present study deals with the diversity of the genus Levinsenia in the Sea of Marmara. The specimens of Levinsenia were collected on soft and hard substrata at depths ranging from 10 to 500 m at 98 stations in 2013. Among the material, two new species, namely Levinsenia longobranchiata n. sp. and L. vulgaris n. sp., and five already known species (L. demiri, L. kosswigi, L. materi, L. marmarensis, L. tribranchiata) were found. Levinsenia longobranchiata n. sp. is mainly characterized by having very long branchiae (longer than the body width) and five prebranchial chaetigers without notopodial postchaetal lobes. Levinsenia vulgaris n. sp. is mainly characterized by having short branchiae (shorter than the body width) and five prebranchial chaetigers with notopodial postchaetal lobes. The SEM images enabled us to define some previously neglected/indistinct characters in the taxonomy of Levinsenia such as the degree of the fusion of the branchiae with the notopodia; the morphology of dorso-lateral irregular pores, cheek organ, ciliated patches and lateral organs on the lateral sides of the prostomium; and the shape and distribution of the lateral sense organs along the body. All species found in the region were presented and described, by also taking these novel characters into account.The "World Catalogue of Opiliones" (WCO) is a collaborative effort to comprehensively index the Earth's species of harvestmen. This paper announces one component of the WCO, "WCO-Lite" a website available at https// WCO-Lite provides a graphic user interface for a second component of the WCO, "Opiliones of the World", a database on the taxonomy of the harvestmen curated in TaxonWorks (TW). WCO-Lite interfaces include (1) a checklist of all valid taxa of the arachnid Opiliones, exhaustive up to December 2018; (2) a taxonomic tree; (3) a search engine comprising two modules; and (4) a counter of species diversity for each taxon. An e-Book companion was launched simultaneously with WCO-Lite version 1.1 on September 12, 2020 to account for the formal publication of mandatory nomenclatural changes and availability of taxonomic names. The collective components of the WCO are also being summarized in a forthcoming conventional paper-form catalogue, currently in manuscript stage.The Palaearctic species of the genus Oryttus Spinola, 1836, are reviewed and a key to these species is given. Oryttus konradschmidti sp. nov. is described from the United Arab Emirates and Tunisia.Chalcogenia rejzeki sp. nov. from Kenya is described, illustrated and compared with the most similar species, and attributed to the Chalcogenia sulcipennis species-group within the genus Chalcogenia Saunders 1871. Brief catalogue of the genus Chalcogenia with new country records is provided.Aplectana longa n. sp. (Ascaridida Cosmocercidae) from the small intestine of Gastrotheca microdiscus (Amphibia Hemiphractidae) is described and illustrated. The new species is characterized by the combination of a unique set of morphological characters 1) Large body size in both sexes; 2) Lateral alae absent; 3) Gubernaculum present, small, thin, weakly sclerotized, pointed at the distal end and curved proximally at the end, with a small and punctiform papilla-like dilation, and 4) Caudal papillae arrangement (9+106). The distribution pattern of caudal papillae is similar only to Aplectana chamaeleonsis. Nevertheless, Aplectana longa n. sp. is easily differentiated from this species by the arrangement of precloacal papillae. This is the 57th species of the Aplectana and the 16th species reported from Brazil.Three new species of sap beetles in the genus Soronia Erichson (S. expansa sp. nov., S. magnipunctura sp. nov. and S. xiangxiyuanica sp. nov.) are described and photographed. Two newly recorded species from China, S. gratiosa Kirejtshuk, 1988 and S. grisea (Linnaeus, 1758), are photographed and this new range extension is documented. A key to species of the genus Soronia in China is provided.The genus Rhyncogonus Sharp, 1885, is represented in French Polynesia by 65 species found in the Austral, Marquesas, Society and Tuamotu archipelagos. Hitherto unknown from the fifth archipelago of French Polynesia, the Gambier Islands, a new species of Rhyncogonus has been discovered by the botanist Jean-François Butaud on Motu Teiku, a small island never previously investigated for plants and insects. Rhyncogonus duhameli sp. nov. is here described and illustrated.Here we describe a new monotypic glomerid genus, Macedomeris gen. nov., with Macedomeris ivoi sp. nov. (a presumed troglobiont) as its type species. The new genus clearly differs from all other genera within the order Glomerida by the combination of several morphological characters the presence of a characteristic deep lateral pit ("Ohrgrube") on both sides of the thoracic shield, the absence of striking ornamentation on tergites, the fusion of tergite 11 with the anal shield, and the lack of a large medial hump. In addition, Macedomeris gen. nov. differs from other members of the Glomerida by its general appearance, the presence of 2 or 3 vestigial ommatidia and a very wide syncoxite of a 2-segmented leg-pair 17 in the male. Notes on its ecology, troglomorphic features, and relationships with similar members of the tribe Doderiini are also given.Recent survey work for planthoppers at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica found two new species allied with Cenchrea Westwood. The cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 18S were sequenced for the new taxa and used these data to assess the genus-level standing of the new taxa. The new taxa do not cluster with Cenchrea dorsalis Westwood, the type species of Cenchrea. A new genus Tico gen. n. described for the reception of new species described as Tico emmettcarri sp. n. (the type species) and Tico pseudosororius sp. n. Cenchrea sororia Fennah is moved to Tico gen. n., to form the new combination Tico sororius (Fennah). Tico gen. n. is compared with allied genera, and review genus-level diagnostic features and the species composition of Cenchrea, which appears to be compositionally heterogenous, but additional data is needed to evaluate genus-level placement of most species.The poorly known sole Brachirus aspilos (Bleeker 1852) is redescribed on the basis of the holotype and 48 non-type specimens from Japan, Taiwan, Philippine, Singapore, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. The species is characterized by the following combination of characters dorsal-fin rays 64-76 (mode 71), anal-fin rays 51-62 (56), pored scales on straight portion of lateral line 93-126 (118); vertebrae 41-44 (43); pectoral-fin rays 4-7 (6) and 4-7 (5) on ocular and blind sides, respectively; pelvic-fin rays 4-6 (5) and 4-5 (4) on ocular and blind sides, respectively; caudal-fin rays 13-15 (14); body slightly elongate, its depth 40.0-51.0 (mean 45.5)% SL; head length 16.1-23.9 (18.6)% SL; pectoral fin on ocular side longer than that on blind side, 5.3-7.6 (6.6)% SL and 4.0-6.0 (4.8)% SL, respectively; pelvic fin on ocular side longer than that on blind side, 4.9-7.4 (6.0)% SL and 4.3-7.5 (5.8)% SL, respectively; body depth below lateral line 21.7-27.1 (23.4)% SL; lips without labial papillae; eyes separated by scaled interorbital space; cycloid or weakly ctenoid scales on blind side; body on ocular side uniformly brown or grey with dark vermiculation, some small white blotches along dorsal- and anal-fin bases, or without remarkable pattern. Brachirus dicholepis (Peters 1877), B. heterolepis (Bleeker 1856), B. marmoratus (Bleeker 1853), and B. sorsogonensis (Evermann Seale 1907), previously regarded as valid species, are all regarded as junior synonyms of B. aspilos. In addition, specimens previously reported as Dagetichthys marginatus (Boulenger 1900) from the western Pacific Ocean are re-identified as B. aspilos, the former species being considered restricted to South African waters.A key to the members of the subfamily Opilioninae is presented, including the genus Homolophus. That same genus is briefly reviewed, diagnosed, and redescribed based upon a study of approximately half of the described species. Many older museum specimens from the Zoological Institute (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) were identified and all species present were redescribed. A list of the 29 currently accepted species (all from Northeastern and Central Asia) is presented along with a list of another four species that their validity and proper inclusion in the genus are questioned (still need to be investigated extensively). Descriptions and redescriptions with many illustrations are presented for two new species and 15 previously described species of Homolophus H. albofasciatus (Kulczyński, 1901); H. almasyi (Roewer, 1911); H. andreevae Staręga Snegovaya, 2008; H. arcticus Banks, 1893; H. asiaticus (Gricenko, 1979a); H. betpakdalensis (Gricenko, 1976); H. charitonovi (Gricenko, 1972); H. chemerisi Staręga Snegovaya, 2008; H. chevrizovi Staręga Snegovaya, 2008; H. gobiensis Tsurusaki, Tchemeris Logunov, 2000; H. kozlovi sp. nov.; H. martensi (Staręga, 1986); H. milkoi sp. nov.; H. nordenskioeldi (L. Koch, 1879a); H. pallens (Kulczyński, 1901); H. silhavyi Staręga Snegovaya, 2008; H. tibetanus (Roewer, 1911); H. vladimirae (Šilhavý, 1967). New country distributional records are detailed for nine species, not including those for the two new species. Three new combinations with Homolophus (H. almasyi, H. asiaticus, H. charitonovi) are recognized for Opilio almasyi Roewer, 1911, Opilio asiaticus Gricenko, 1979a, and Globipes charitonovi Gricenko, 1972.The new testate amoeba species Meisterfeldia bitsevi is described from the linden-tree trunk hollow in the urban park in Moscow (Russia). New species is characterized by elongated ovoid bilaterally symmetrical shell, which is laterally not compressed. The shell is composed of proteinaceous material without mineral particles. Almost circular subterminal aperture is placed on ventral side. The key to the species of the genus Meisterfeldia is developed.
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