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Current-induced crystallisation inside Heusler blend films with regard to memory potentiation in neuromorphic calculations.
The most commonly used computerized neurocognitive test in concussion assessment and management, Immediate Post-concussion and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT), has demonstrated varying and sometimes concerning levels of test-retest reliability. This study aimed to further examine ImPACT's psychometric qualities and whether ceiling effects may suppress its reliability.

A total of 300 consecutively selected ImPACT score reports for students attending a secondary school between 2010 and 2015 were reviewed. Test-retest reliabilities for composite scores and subscales were computed using Pearson product moment correlations (r) and intraclass correlation coefficients. To examine the potential influence of ceiling effects, we conducted frequency analyses of scores falling at, or near, the maximum possible score.

A total of 92 score reports met inclusion criteria. Test-retest reliabilities ranged from 0.42 to 0.69 for composite scores and 0.19 to 0.71 for subscales. Subscales comprising the Verbal and Visual Memory lemental, or alternative, approaches to protect against underestimating baseline functioning also warrant consideration.
To investigate safety and efficacy of MMF in patients with severe or MTX-refractory juvenile localized scleroderma.

Consecutive juvenile localized scleroderma patients undergoing systemic treatment were included in a retrospective longitudinal study. Patients treated with MMF because they were refractory or intolerant to MTX (MMF-group) were compared with responders to MTX (MTX-group). Disease activity was assessed by Localized Scleroderma Cutaneous Assessment Tool and thermography. Disease course was established on the number of relapses and treatment changes. Relapse-free survival was examined by Kaplan-Meier analysis.

MMF and MTX groups included 22 and 47 patients, respectively. No significant difference in demographics, follow-up duration and treatment before diagnosis was observed between groups. The most represented clinical subtypes in the MMF-group were pansclerotic morphea and mixed subtype (P = 0.008 and P = 0.029, respectively), and linear scleroderma of the face in the MTX-group (P = 0.048). MMF was started because of MTX resistance (18 patients), relapse during MTX tapering/withdrawal (3 patients) and anaphylaxis to MTX (1 patient). After mean 9.4 years of follow-up, 90.9% of patients on MMF and 100% of those on MTX had inactive disease. No significant difference in relapse-free survival between the groups was found (P = 0.066, log-rank test), although MMF likely induced more persistent remission. MMF was well tolerated and combination of MMF and MTX did not increase its efficacy.

The present study adds strong evidence on the efficacy and tolerance of MMF in severe and/or MTX-refractory juvenile localized scleroderma. Further controlled studies are needed to prove its efficacy as first line treatment.
The present study adds strong evidence on the efficacy and tolerance of MMF in severe and/or MTX-refractory juvenile localized scleroderma. Further controlled studies are needed to prove its efficacy as first line treatment.The yellow paper wasp, Polistes versicolor (Olivier) was first recorded in the Galapagos archipelago in 1988. Its life cycle and ecological impacts were studied on two islands 11 yr after it was first discovered. This invasive wasp adapted quickly and was found in most environments. Colony counts and adult wasp monitoring showed a strong preference for drier habitats. Nest activities were seasonally synchronized, nest building followed the rains in the hot season (typically January-May), when insect prey increases, and peaked as temperature and rains started to decline. Next, the number of adult wasps peaked during the cool season when there is barely any rain in the drier zones. In Galapagos, almost half of the prey loads of P. versicolor were lepidopteran larvae, but wasps also carried spiders, beetles, and flies back to the colonies. An estimated average of 329 mg of fresh insect prey was consumed per day for an average colony of 120-150 wasp larvae. The wasps preyed upon native and introduced insects, but likely also affect insectivorous vertebrates as competitors for food. Wasps may also compete with native pollinators as they regularly visited flowers to collect nectar, and have been recorded visiting at least 93 plant species in Galapagos, including 66 endemic and native plants. Colonies were attacked by a predatory moth, Taygete sphecophila (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera Autostichidae), but colony development was not arrested. High wasp numbers also affect the activities of residents and tourists. A management program for this invasive species in the archipelago is essential.
Paediatric data on the association between diagnostic delay and inflammatory bowel disease [IBD] complications are lacking. We aimed to determine the effect of diagnostic delay on stricturing/fistulising complications, surgery, and growth impairment in a large paediatric cohort, and to identify predictors of diagnostic delay.

We conducted a national, prospective, multicentre IBD inception cohort study including 1399 children. Diagnostic delay was defined as time from symptom onset to diagnosis >75th percentile. selleck products Multivariable proportional hazards [PH] regression was used to examine the association between diagnostic delay and stricturing/fistulising complications and surgery, and multivariable linear regression to examine the association between diagnostic delay and growth. Predictors of diagnostic delay were identified using Cox PH regression.

Overall (64% Crohn's disease [CD]; 36% ulcerative colitis/IBD unclassified [UC/IBD-U]; 57% male]), median time to diagnosis was 4.2 (interquartile range [IQR] odcast.
This article has an associated podcast which can be accessed at https//
Patients with aphasia can present a type of acalculia referred to as aphasic acalculia.

To investigate the correlation and to test regression models for one- and two-digit calculation skills using verbal and nonverbal predictors.

We selected an aphasia sample of 119 men and 81 women with a mean age of 57.37years (SD=15.56) and an average level of education of 13.52years (SD=4.08). Spanish versions of the Western Aphasia Battery and Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, plus a Written Calculation test, were individually administered. The calculation section of the Western Aphasia Battery and the Written Calculation tests were used to pinpoint calculation difficulties.

Calculation difficulties were more severe in Global and Mixed non-fluent aphasia; they were very similar in Broca, Conduction, and Amnesic Aphasia. All correlations between the two calculation subtests and the other subtests of the Western Aphasia Battery were statistically significant. Calculation subtests correlated negatively with age and positively with schooling. Sex and time post-onset did not show any correlation with the calculation scores. Education, Reading, Block Design, and Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices were significant predictors of Western Aphasia Battery Calculation. Writing was the only significant predictor of the Written Calculation scores.

Nonverbal abilities were predictors of calculation tests, whereas agraphia defects were predictors of the Written Calculation test. Therefore, calculation abilities can be regarded both as written language-dependent and verbal language-independent.
Nonverbal abilities were predictors of calculation tests, whereas agraphia defects were predictors of the Written Calculation test. Therefore, calculation abilities can be regarded both as written language-dependent and verbal language-independent.The objectives of this study were to quantify the virulence of four entomopathogenic fungal species to pupae of Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh) (Diptera Tephritidae) and to determine the potential to combine entomopathogenic fungi (EPFs) and entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) for biological control of this pest. The four species of EPFs included Beauveria bassiana (strain GHA), Metarhizium brunneum (strain F52), Isaria javanica (wf GA17), and Isaria fumosorosea (Apopka 97 strain). In laboratory assays, all fungi reduced adult emergence but there were no differences between fungal species. Isaria javanica and M. brunneum were examined further in a EPFs and EPNs bioassay that also included the EPNs Steinernema carpocapsae (ALL strain) and S. riobrave (355 strain). All nematodes and fungi were applied either alone or in combination (fungus + nematode). There were no differences between species within the same entomopathogen group (fungi and nematodes). However, the treatment with S. riobrave resulted in lower R. pomonella emergence than either fungal species. The combination of S. riobrave and I. javanica resulted in the lowest R. pomonella emergence (3%) at fourth-week interval, which was significantly lower than any of the single-agent applications, yet virulence of the other three combination treatments was not different from their respective nematode treatments applied alone. Additive interactions were detected for all fungus-nematode combinations. This study suggests that application of entomopathogenic nematodes and fungi could be an effective option to suppress R. pomonella populations.Atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia (AVNRT) is the most common regular tachycardia in the human, but its exact circuit remains elusive. In this article, recent evidence about the electrophysiological characteristics of AVNRT and new data on the anatomy of the atrioventricular node, are discussed. Based on this information, a novel, unified theory for the nature of the circuit of the tachycardia is presented.Bullying is a significant problem for young people nowadays, regardless of their identity, culture, or background. Although the scientific evidence warns of a greater impact of bullying on vulnerable groups such as cochlear implant (CI) users, few specific studies have been carried out in this regard. As such, the fundamental objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of both traditional bullying and cyberbullying among Spanish adolescents and young people with CI. Parents with children CI users were also invited to participate to explore their perspective concerning the victimization of their children. The information was collected using one survey for students aged 11-23 year (n = 102) and another for parents (n = 127). Beyond the frequency and types of bullying suffered or the methods used for coping with victimization, results also show lower rates of bullying when students were asked specifically with a single-item question than when applying multi-item questionnaires. The results are discussed in terms of the broader international bullying and victimization literature.Past work investigating spatial cognition suggests better mental rotation abilities for those who are fluent in a signed language. However, no prior work has assessed whether fluency is needed to achieve this performance benefit or what it may look like on the neurobiological level. We conducted an electroencephalography experiment and assessed accuracy on a classic mental rotation task given to deaf fluent signers, hearing fluent signers, hearing non-fluent signers, and hearing non-signers. Two of the main findings of the study are as follows (1) Sign language comprehension and mental rotation abilities are positively correlated and (2) Behavioral performance differences between signers and non-signers are not clearly reflected in brain activity typically associated with mental rotation. In addition, we propose that the robust impact sign language appears to have on mental rotation abilities strongly suggests that "sign language use" should be added to future measures of spatial experiences.
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