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The training, recruitment and retention of primary care professionals is a constant challenge in Brazil. The recent expansion of family and community medicine residency programs in the country coexists with gaps in the literature on the effects of this process. This article explores municipal health managers' understanding of these programs and the role they play in professional training and improving the quality of health care. We conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the responses to questionnaires answered by 48 health managers working in municipal health services affiliated to residency programs. A descriptive statistical analysis of the quantitative data was performed and the qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings show that efforts were made to incorporate family and community doctors into the health care network and that managers recognized the potential residency program have to improve the quality of care and enhance professional training. Weaknesses were found in actions to improve infrastructure and facilities and the organization of the services affiliated to the programs. click here This study highlights the potential of residency programs for addressing longstanding problems in primary health care in Brazil when combined with actions to strengthen services, human resources and the programs.The paper addresses the impacts of armed violence, based on Primary Health Care, in a neighborhood in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is a qualitative exploratory study developed in two services aiming to identify the main types of violence, their impacts and the strategies used to cope with the phenomenon. The production of information included data collection in the service records, conducting semi-structured interviews, focus groups and feedback seminar. Armed violence, among all expressions of violence, was identified as one of the major concerns of healthcare professionals and users of services, due to its intense occurrence and the severity of its consequences on health. Its impact on strategies to cope with the violence and the difficulty in making the phenomenon visible are highlighted. It is considered that this type of violence, prevalent in the black territories of the city, is legitimized by structural racism, being the public security policy - based on the ideal of war on drugs and on the military confrontation with armed groups that operate in the retail trade of illicit drugs - expressions of state racism and necropolitics.This study verified the internal consistency and reliability of an instrument to evaluate dental services in Primary Health Care (PHC). In order to verify the factor validity, a factor analysis with principal component extraction and varimax orthogonal rotation method was used. Factors with three or more items with factor loadings greater than 0,35 were selected. This instrument's reliability was verified using internal consistency (total item correlation >0,30 and Cronbach alpha = or >0,70)). 562 dentists participated in the study. In the factor analysis, ten factors were kept, which explain 40,95% of the total variation. Regarding the internal consistency, only 3 items presented insufficient correlation. Also on internal consistency, using Cronbach's alpha, the following values of the coefficients were identified Access (0.55), Continuity (0,74), Care Coordination (0,55), Coordination - Information System (0.21), Comprehensiveness of Services Available (0,91), Comprehensiveness of Services Provided (0,79), Family Orientation (0.66), Community Orientation (0,87), Cultural Competence (0,81). For the success ratio of the scale, all results were higher than 88%, less the "Information Systems" component (21%).Primary Health Care (PHC) is the "front door" and keystone of Brazil's public health system, meaning that the evaluation of the quality of primary care services is of utmost importance. Using the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), this study evaluated the performance of public PHC services in Fortaleza from the view of adult service users. We conducted a cross-sectional study of 233 adult service users from 19 primary care centers (PCCs) between June and December 2019, collecting data on the sociodemographic and epidemiological characteristics of users and structural features of PCCs. The association between user and PCC characteristics and primary care attribute scores was measured by multilevel logistic regression. Most participants were women, aged between 30 and 59 years, brown, house owners, had completed high school, did not own health insurance, and belonged to families with at least 4 members. The lowest and highest-scoring attributes were "first contact accessibility" and "first contact utilization" (2.8 and 8.1, respectively). The overall essential and general scores were 6.0 and 5.7, respectively. Having complete health teams, more community health workers, and a family and community medicine residency program had a positive effect on the general score (p less then 0.05). Overall, the public services analyzed in Fortaleza received a low performance rating from the adult service users.The city of Rio de Janeiro has implemented, on a large scale, the model of Social Organizations (OSS) for the management of Primary Health Care (PHC). This option makes the understanding of the city's experience very relevant, especially since, until then, the OSS organizational model had been adopted predominantly in the SUS hospital management. Thus, the experience of PHC development at two conflicting moments of municipal management in relation to the OSS model is analyzed the implementation and development of the PPPs (2009-2016); and their dismantling (2017-2020). Case Studies, Literature Review and analysis of public data from DATASUS/Ministry of Health were used. It was verified that the adoption of outsourcing based on OSS can be directly associated with the rapid expansion of PHC in the city and PHC coverage improvement indicators; the diffusion of the OSS model is associated with the high priority given to health expenditures in the municipal budget; the sustainability of the adoption of the OSS model did not depend on the municipality's economic status, but on the government's political choice in the period of 2009 to 2016. The PPP arrangement resulted in important organizational advances, although it did not prevent the veto of the OSS model carried out during the 2017-2020 term.Data management tools, called Business Intelligence (BI), can be important to provide complete and customizable information for the demands of health management. The objective of the article is to present the evaluation of the applicability and potential of a BI tool in the planning of management actions of Primary Health Care. Exploratory study, with a quantitative approach, using the dimensions of efficiency and optimization as attributes of quality. A Family Clinic was selected in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Data from the territory, from the Bolsa Família Program register and some "Care Lines" were inserted in the BI, in order to explore the possibilities of combining and generating indicators. In this article, we present the use of Form A and the pregnant woman's Care Line. As a result, greater range of detailed indicators compared to a common tab, and optimization in obtaining lists and perform monitoring tasks by the teams and the manager. Regarding efficiency, its low cost and easy handling reduces the costs of creation and necessary professionals. As a conclusion, the BI tool enables greater organization and planning, facilitating the Family Health Clinic management, mainly for the monitoring of indicators and evaluation processes.The National Primary Care Policy has provided a significant change in terms of health actions in the riverside territory, establishing health teams and equipment. The Riverside and Fluvial Family Health teams for the Legal Amazon and Pantanal areas have been innovative regarding the integral care of the forest populations. This study aims to analyze primary health care in the rural and riverside context in the Amazon territory, based on the production of individual and collective actions by health teams, as well as their performance through services offered in the municipalities. The study is cross-sectional, with a descriptive-analytical design and quantitative approach, and analyzes the coverage of primary health care actions of family health strategy teams in urban, rural and riverside areas of eight municipalities located in the state of Amazonas. The results showed that there was an increase in primary care coverage in almost all analyzed municipalities, indicating that techno-assistance models such as the riverside and fluvial teams resulted in the inclusion of a population that is scattered over large areas of the territory of municipalities. A health policy that promotes equity results in changes and alterations in the ways of life and health status of the Amazonian populations.Technological advances play an undeniable role in strengthening health systems. With regard to digital technologies, information systems and the analysis of health data are playing a growing role in health surveillance and preparing for and responding to disease outbreaks, the theme addressed by this article within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. This study departs from the assumption that digital health interventions can increase Covid-19 response capacity. We developed a technology ecosystem that integrates different information systems to meet the needs outlined in international regulations governing the response to the pandemic. In addition to the main elements of the ecosystem, this article describes the application of this instrument by different institutional actors. The main decision making tool used in the state government's Covid-19 response, the ecosystem is a model for digital health interventions in Brazil's national health service. This experience in Rio Grande do Norte brings together elements that can contribute to studies investigating the resilience of health systems and analyzing health policies in emergency situations.Barriers faced by health services providing scheduled care result in high no-show rates. This article describes the main characteristics of an online appointment scheduling system incorporated into the citizens' electronic health record system (PEC e-SUS APS). Developed by the Bridge Laboratory, Federal University of Santa Catarina, which also developed the PEC e-SUS APS, the system allows patients to schedule appointments using the national patient communications hub, Conecte SUS Cidadão. The PEC e-SUS APS includes a professional's agenda module that allows patients to view available time slots and book and cancel appointments. Unfortunately, despite the benefits of online scheduling systems, their potential has been poorly exploited in Brazil. The main reasons for this include lack of information and training of health professionals on how to use the system and its potential benefits for Primary Health Care (PHC) services. Wider dissemination is needed to improve the adoption of the system and promote the routine use of this tool in health services in order to facilitate access to primary health care.
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