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Combination anatomical unique stratifies lower-grade gliomas much better than histological rank.
Numerical simulations are subsequently performed to validate the proposed scheme. The numerical results show that the improved scheme is capable of eliminating the thermodynamic inconsistency and can significantly reduce the spurious currents in comparison with the standard forcing-based free-energy LB model.A multiple-relaxation-time discrete Boltzmann model (DBM) is proposed for multicomponent mixtures, where compressible, hydrodynamic, and thermodynamic nonequilibrium effects are taken into account. It allows the specific heat ratio and the Prandtl number to be adjustable, and is suitable for both low and high speed fluid flows. From the physical side, besides being consistent with the multicomponent Navier-Stokes equations, Fick's law, and Stefan-Maxwell diffusion equation in the hydrodynamic limit, the DBM provides more kinetic information about the nonequilibrium effects. The physical capability of DBM to describe the nonequilibrium flows, beyond the Navier-Stokes representation, enables the study of the entropy production mechanism in complex flows, especially in multicomponent mixtures. Moreover, the current kinetic model is employed to investigate nonequilibrium behaviors of the compressible Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI). The entropy of mixing, the mixing area, the mixing width, the kinetic and internal energies, and the maximum and minimum temperatures are investigated during the dynamic KHI process. It is found that the mixing degree and fluid flow are similar in the KHI process for cases with various thermal conductivity and initial temperature configurations, while the maximum and minimum temperatures show different trends in cases with or without initial temperature gradients. Physically, both heat conduction and temperature exert slight influences on the formation and evolution of the KHI morphological structure.We revisit the question of wave-number selection in pattern-forming systems by studying the one-dimensional stabilized Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation with additive noise. In earlier work, we found that a particular periodic state is more probable than all others at very long times, establishing the critical role of noise in the selection process. However, the detailed mechanism by which the noise picked out the selected wave number was not understood. Here, we address this issue by analyzing the noise-averaged time evolution of each unstable mode from the spatially homogeneous state, with and without noise. We find drastic differences between the nonlinear dynamics in the two cases. In particular, we find that noise opposes the growth of Eckhaus modes close to the critical wave number and boosts the growth of Eckhaus modes with wave numbers smaller than the critical wave number. We then hypothesize that the main factor responsible for this behavior is the excitation of long-wavelength (q→0) modes by the noise. This hypothesis is confirmed by extensive numerical simulations. We also examine the significance of the magnitude of the noise.Cells of the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum migrate to a source of periodic traveling waves of chemoattractant as part of a self-organized aggregation process. An important part of this process is cellular memory, which enables cells to respond to the front of the wave and ignore the downward gradient in the back of the wave. During this aggregation, the background concentration of the chemoattractant gradually rises. In our microfluidic experiments, we exogenously applied periodic waves of chemoattractant with various background levels. We find that increasing background does not make detection of the wave more difficult, as would be naively expected. Instead, we see that the chemotactic efficiency significantly increases for intermediate values of the background concentration but decreases to almost zero for large values in a switch-like manner. These results are consistent with a computational model that contains a bistable memory module, along with a nonadaptive component. Within this model, an intermediate background level helps preserve directed migration by keeping the memory activated, but when the background level is higher, the directional stimulus from the wave is no longer sufficient to activate the bistable memory, suppressing directed migration. These results suggest that raising levels of chemoattractant background may facilitate the self-organized aggregation in Dictyostelium colonies.Two-temperature rotational energy distributions from rarefied diatomic molecules are very often observed in laboratory plasmas. There has been much debate over the years about the physical meaning of this kind of rotational energy distributions and the associated statistical physics. We show here that under certain reasonable assumptions and constraints the condition of Shannon-Jaynes entropy maximization may produce a two-temperature distribution. This may happen, for instance, when a system is simultaneously coupled to different thermal baths. In plasmas this is possible because rarefied molecular species may be immersed in a medium where electrons and the dominant atomic species are quasidecoupled, each of them acting as distinct thermal baths. Considering that molecular species may interact both with electrons and heavy neutral species, we may ask what should be the resulting molecular energy distribution. We answer this question in this paper and give some examples on how this can be used to interpret experimental molecular distribution from partially ionized plasmas.The structure of many real networks is not locally treelike and, hence, network analysis fails to characterize their bond percolation properties. In a recent paper [P. Mann, V. A. Smith, J. B. O. Mitchell, and S. this website Dobson, arXiv2006.06744], we developed analytical solutions to the percolation properties of random networks with homogeneous clustering (clusters whose nodes are degree equivalent). In this paper, we extend this model to investigate networks that contain clusters whose nodes are not degree equivalent, including multilayer networks. Through numerical examples, we show how this method can be used to investigate the properties of random complex networks with arbitrary clustering, extending the applicability of the configuration model and generating function formulation.Artificial intelligence provides an unprecedented perspective for studying phases of matter in condensed-matter systems. Image segmentation is a basic technique of computer vision that belongs to a branch of artificial intelligence. Inspired by the image segmentation techniques, in this work, we propose a scheme named virtual configuration binarization (VCB) to unveil quantum phases and quantum phase transitions in many-body systems. By encoding the information of renormalized quantum states into a color image and binarize the color image through the VCB, the renormalized quantum states can be visualized, from which quantum phase transitions can be revealed and the corresponding critical points can be identified. Our scheme is benchmarked on several strongly correlated spin systems, which does not depend on the priori knowledge of order parameters of quantum phases. This demonstrates the potential to disclose the underlying structure of quantum phases by the techniques of computer vision.We investigate the dynamics of a conservative version of Conway's Game of Life, in which a pair consisting of a dead and a living cell can switch their states following Conway's rules but only by swapping their positions, irrespective of their mutual distance. Our study is based on square-lattice simulations as well as a mean-field calculation. As the density of dead cells is increased, we identify a discontinuous phase transition between an inactive phase, in which the dynamics freezes after a finite time, and an active phase, in which the dynamics persists indefinitely in the thermodynamic limit. Further increasing the density of dead cells leads the system back to an inactive phase via a second transition, which is continuous on the square lattice but discontinuous in the mean-field limit.There are numerous examples of studied real-world systems that can be described as dynamical systems characterized by individual phases and coupled in a networklike structure. Within the framework of oscillatory models, much attention has been devoted to the Kuramoto model, which considers a collection of oscillators interacting through a sinus function of the phase differences. In this paper, we draw on an extension of the Kuramoto model, called the Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model, which adds a phase lag parameter to each node. We construct a general formalism that allows us to compute the set of lag parameters that may lead to any phase configuration within a linear approximation. In particular, we devote special attention to the cases of full synchronization and symmetric configurations. We show that the set of natural frequencies, phase lag parameters, and phases at the steady state is coupled by an equation and a continuous spectra of solutions is feasible. In order to quantify the system's strain to achieve that particular configuration, we define a cost function and compute the optimal set of parameters that minimizes it. Despite considering a linear approximation of the model, we show that the obtained tuned parameters for the case of full synchronization enhance frequency synchronization in the nonlinear model as well.The emergence of transition phenomena between metastable states induced by noise plays a fundamental role in a broad range of nonlinear systems. The computation of the most probable paths is a key issue to understanding the mechanism of transition behaviors. The shooting method is a common technique for this purpose to solve the Euler-Lagrange equation for the associated action functional, while losing its efficacy in high-dimensional systems. In the present work, we develop a machine learning framework to compute the most probable paths in the sense of Onsager-Machlup action functional theory. Specifically, we reformulate the boundary value problem of a Hamiltonian system and design a neural network to remedy the shortcomings of the shooting method. The successful applications of our algorithms to several prototypical examples demonstrate its efficacy and accuracy for stochastic systems with both (Gaussian) Brownian noise and (non-Gaussian) Lévy noise. This approach is effective in exploring the internal mechanisms of rare events triggered by random fluctuations in various scientific fields.The nonequilibrium temperature in the kinetic theory of gases is reexamined and an alternative definition of the temperature in terms of the local equilibrium distribution function is proposed. The alternative definition introduces a new physical quantity, 'exoenergy,' which represents the nonequilibrium nature of thermodynamic systems. The internal energy equation is split into two equations, the temperature equation and the exoenergy equation. In order to rationalize the equation splitting, the nonequilibrium thermodynamics is considered introducing the nonequilibrium entropy phenomenologically. The proposed temperature equation resolves the overshooting anomaly of temperature profiles of the Monte Carlo data for one-dimensional normal shock waves. The exoenergy equation makes the theory self-consistent and gives the entropy production of shock waves in closed form. The theory gives a general form of the shock wave equation and the general relation of the bulk viscosity to the shear viscosity and the heat conductivity of dilute monatomic gases.
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