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Mucormycosis throughout COVID-19 crisis: Risk factors and linkages.
Soft tissue fillers are a mainstay in contemporary, minimally invasive facial rejuvenation procedures owing to timely results and minimal recovery period. Although associated with a low complication rate, soft tissue fillers are not without risk. Complications range from mild superficial skin irregularities to granuloma formation to vascular occlusion leading to skin necrosis or even blindness. Fillers vary in composition, elasticity, hydrophilicity and duration of effect that is tailored to specific cosmetic indications. Selecting the right product for the desired effect can cut down on unwanted outcomes. Severe adverse events can be avoided with safe injection technique, early recognition of symptoms and a thorough knowledge of the local anatomy. This review outlines several complications all providers should recognize and discusses strategies for their prevention and management.Coronaviruses are single stranded RNA viruses usually present in bats (reservoir hosts), and are generally lethal, highly transmissible, and pathogenic viruses causing sever morbidity and mortality rates in human. Several animals including civets, camels, etc. have been identified as intermediate hosts enabling effective recombination of these viruses to emerge as new virulent and pathogenic strains. Among the seven known human coronaviruses SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV) have evolved as severe pathogenic forms infecting the human respiratory tract. About 8096 cases and 774 deaths were reported worldwide with the SARS-CoV infection during year 2002; 2229 cases and 791 deaths were reported for the MERS-CoV that emerged during 2012. Recently ~ 33,849,737 cases and 1,012,742 deaths (data as on 30 Sep 2020) were reported from the recent evolver SARS-CoV-2 infection. Studies on epidemiology and pathogenicity have shown that the viral spread was potentially caused by the contact route especially through the droplets, aerosols, and contaminated fomites. Genomic studies have confirmed the role of the viral spike protein in virulence and pathogenicity. They target the respiratory tract of the human causing severe progressive pneumonia affecting other organs like central nervous system in case of SARS-CoV, severe renal failure in MERS-CoV, and multi-organ failure in SARS-CoV-2. Herein, with respect to current awareness and role of coronaviruses in global public health, we review the various factors involving the origin, evolution, and transmission including the genetic variations observed, epidemiology, and pathogenicity of the three potential coronaviruses variants SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and 2019-nCoV.[This corrects the article DOI 10.1177/2333393620932494.].The Victoria Covid19 outbreak is well explained by the data represented in Figure 1. To August 1, 10,931 have tested positive for a coronavirus after more than 1,633,900 tests were performed. 116 people have died from coronavirus in Victoria. The number of infected, tests performed, their ratio, and the number of fatalities as communicated daily by 1 are proposed vs. eFT508 the number of days since May 31st.Purpose Deep learning models are showing promise in digital pathology to aid diagnoses. link2 Training complex models requires a significant amount and diversity of well-annotated data, typically housed in institutional archives. These slides often contain clinically meaningful markings to indicate regions of interest. If slides are scanned with the ink present, then the downstream model may end up looking for regions with ink before making a classification. If scanned without the markings, the information regarding where the relevant regions are located is lost. A compromise solution is to scan the slide with the annotations present but digitally remove them. link3 Approach We proposed a straightforward framework to digitally remove ink markings from whole slide images using a conditional generative adversarial network based on Pix2Pix. Results The peak signal-to-noise ratio increased 30%, structural similarity index increased 20%, and visual information fidelity increased 200% relative to previous methods. Conclusions When comparing our digital removal of marked images with rescans of clean slides, our method qualitatively and quantitatively exceeds current benchmarks, opening the possibility of using archived clinical samples as resources to fuel the next generation of deep learning models for digital pathology.Purpose Deep learning (DL) algorithms have shown promising results for brain tumor segmentation in MRI. However, validation is required prior to routine clinical use. We report the first randomized and blinded comparison of DL and trained technician segmentations. Approach We compiled a multi-institutional database of 741 pretreatment MRI exams. Each contained a postcontrast T1-weighted exam, a T2-weighted fluid-attenuated inversion recovery exam, and at least one technician-derived tumor segmentation. The database included 729 unique patients (470 males and 259 females). Of these exams, 641 were used for training the DL system, and 100 were reserved for testing. We developed a platform to enable qualitative, blinded, controlled assessment of lesion segmentations made by technicians and the DL method. On this platform, 20 neuroradiologists performed 400 side-by-side comparisons of segmentations on 100 test cases. They scored each segmentation between 0 (poor) and 10 (perfect). Agreement between segmentations from technicians and the DL method was also evaluated quantitatively using the Dice coefficient, which produces values between 0 (no overlap) and 1 (perfect overlap). Results The neuroradiologists gave technician and DL segmentations mean scores of 6.97 and 7.31, respectively ( p less then 0.00007 ). The DL method achieved a mean Dice coefficient of 0.87 on the test cases. Conclusions This was the first objective comparison of automated and human segmentation using a blinded controlled assessment study. Our DL system learned to outperform its "human teachers" and produced output that was better, on average, than its training data.Purpose Accurate segmentation of treatment planning computed tomography (CT) images is important for radiation therapy (RT) planning. However, low soft tissue contrast in CT makes the segmentation task challenging. We propose a two-step hierarchical convolutional neural network (CNN) segmentation strategy to automatically segment multiple organs from CT. Approach The first step generates a coarse segmentation from which organ-specific regions of interest (ROIs) are produced. The second step produces detailed segmentation of each organ. The ROIs are generated using UNet, which automatically identifies the area of each organ and improves computational efficiency by eliminating irrelevant background information. For the fine segmentation step, we combined UNet with a generative adversarial network. The generator is designed as a UNet that is trained to segment organ structures and the discriminator is a fully convolutional network, which distinguishes whether the segmentation is real or generator-predicted, thusns of different sizes and shapes and show its potential to be applicable to different disease sites.Purpose Since breast mass is a clear sign of breast cancer, its precise segmentation is of great significance for the diagnosis of breast cancer. However, the current diagnosis relies mainly on radiologists who spend time extracting features manually, which inevitably reduces the efficiency of diagnosis. Therefore, designing an automatic segmentation method is urgently necessary for the accurate segmentation of breast masses. Approach We propose an effective attention mechanism and multiscale pooling conditional generative adversarial network (AM-MSP-cGAN), which accurately achieves mass automatic segmentation in whole mammograms. In AM-MSP-cGAN, U-Net is utilized as a generator network by incorporating attention mechanism (AM) into it, which allows U-Net to pay more attention to the target mass regions without additional cost. As a discriminator network, a convolutional neural network with multiscale pooling module is used to learn more meticulous features from the masses with rough and fuzzy boundaries. The proposed model is trained and tested on two public datasets CBIS-DDSM and INbreast. Results Compared with other state-of-the-art methods, the AM-MSP-cGAN can achieve better segmentation results in terms of the dice similarity coefficient (Dice) and Hausdorff distance metrics, achieving top scores of 84.49% and 5.01 on CBIS-DDSM, and 83.92% and 5.81 on INbreast, respectively. Therefore, qualitative and quantitative experiments illustrate that the proposed model is effective and robust for the mass segmentation in whole mammograms. Conclusions The proposed deep learning model is suitable for the automatic segmentation of breast masses, which provides technical assistance for subsequent pathological structure analysis.Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an attractive target for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) therapy. CAR T cells have proved remarkably potent in targeted killing of cancer cells, and we surmised that CAR T cells could prove useful in eradicating HIV-infected cells. Toward this goal, we interrogate several neutralizing single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) that target different regions of the HIV envelope glycoprotein, gp120. We find here that CAR T cells with scFv from NIH45-46 antibody demonstrated the highest cytotoxicity. Although NIH45-46 CAR T cells are capable of eliminating antigen-expressing cells, we wanted to address HIV reactivation from ex vivo culture of HIV patient-derived CAR T cells. In order to capitalize on the HIV reactivation, we developed a conditionally replicating lentiviral vector (crLV). The crLV can hijack HIV machinery, forming a chimeric lentivirus (LV) instead of HIV and delivered to uninfected cells. We find that CAR T cells generated with crLVs have similar CAR-mediated functionality as traditional CARs. We also demonstrate crLVs' capability of expanding CAR percentage and protecting CD4 CAR T cell in HIV donors. Collectively, we demonstrate here that the novel crLV NIH45-46 CAR can serve as a strategy to combat HIV, as well as overcome HIV reactivation in CD4+ CAR T cells.With many ongoing clinical trials utilizing adeno-associated virus (AAV) gene therapy, it is necessary to find scalable and serotype-independent primary capture and recovery methods to allow for efficient and robust manufacturing processes. Here, we demonstrate the ability of a hydrophobic interaction chromatography membrane to capture and recover AAV1, AAV5, AAV8, and AAV "Mutant C" (a novel serotype incorporating elements of AAV3B and AAV8) particles from cell culture media and cell lysate with recoveries of 76%-100% of loaded material, depending on serotype. A simple, novel technique that integrates release and recovery of cell-associated AAV capsids is demonstrated. We show that by the addition of lyotropic salts to AAV-containing cell suspensions, AAV is released at an equivalent efficiency to mechanical lysis. The addition of the lyotropic salt also promotes a phase separation, which allows physical removal of large amounts of DNA and insoluble cellular debris from the AAV-containing aqueous fraction. The AAV is then captured and eluted from a hydrophobic interaction chromatography membrane.
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