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Dimensionality-driven metal-insulator cross over throughout spin-orbit-coupled IrO2.
Cattle saliva is available in large amounts easily and cheaply, and it can be used without further purification. Thus, cattle saliva could be a promising additive for efficient saccharification of cellulose on an industrial scale.Thin-film epitaxy is critical for investigating the original properties of materials. To obtain epitaxial films, careful consideration of the external conditions, i.e. single-crystal substrate, temperature, deposition pressure and fabrication method, is significantly important. In particular, selection of the single-crystal substrate is the first step towards fabrication of a high-quality film. Sapphire (single-crystalline α-Al2O3) is commonly used in industry as a thin-film crystal-growth substrate, and functional thin-film materials deposited on sapphire substrates have found industrial applications. However, while sapphire is a single crystal, two types of atomic planes exist in accordance with step height. Here we discuss the need to consider the lattice mismatch for each of the sapphire atomic layers. Furthermore, through cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy analysis, we demonstrate the uniepitaxial growth of cubic crystalline thin films on bistepped sapphire (0001) substrates.
Healthcare professionals have an important role to play both as advisers influencing smoking cessation and as role models. Despite this many of them continue to smoke. In this pilot study we have evaluated the reliability and validity of the Global Health Professional Students Survey questionnaire to examine smoking prevalence, in the Piedmont region.

Reliability analysis was tested and content validity was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha to check internal consistency with the intention to obtain no misunderstanding with the results. The questionnaire composed of 6 sections for a total of 36 items, was administered among nursing students in Piedmont's hospitals and data were collected in the period between January and July 2013. Statistical analysis was performed through SPSS Statistics for Windows version 19 (IBM Corp. Released 2010. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 19.0.Armonk, NY IBM Corp, USA).

Questionnaire was administered to 265 nursing students 77 (29.1%) men and 188 (70.9%) women. Onlyention and treatment of tobacco addiction among nursing students.
This pilot study demonstrated that the questionnaire has very good reliability properties in the study and this needs to be taken into account for future extensive studies needed due to the high percentage of students in nursing who currently smoke (about a quarter of the total in our study). In addition, this study revealed that the education of students on smoking cessation is highly associated with their positive perception of their role as health model. This is a fact which may indicate the importance of adopting a core-curriculum related to the prevention and treatment of tobacco addiction among nursing students.This narrative review aimed to synthetize the results of the main studies analysing nurses' experience of stalking in different clinical settings. We searched the electronic databases MEDLINE (through PubMed), CINAHL (through EBSCOhost) and the search engine "Google Scholar". click here Searches were limited to articles published in English and Italian, and published between 1999 and 2013. Stalking refers to a behavioural pattern characterized by persistent unwanted communications and contacts imposed to another person, which, consequently suffer from distress, fear, and anxiety. Several studies explored the risk of stalking in healthcare system, especially in doctors and psychiatrists. Some authors analysed nurses' experience of stalking with particular attention to mental health professionals as a group category with an increased risk of stalking by patients. Results of some studies carried out in different clinical settings (medical and surgical areas, and other healthcare settings) also revealed, even if in a minority, the presence of this phenomenon, showing the presence of staking's behaviours by patients and healthcare colleagues too. However, more researches with large sample size are needed to better understand the phenomenon of stalking in nurses working in different clinical areas.
The Businco Transplant Program undertook the JACIE standards accreditation process since January 2010. The process is here analyzed by a descriptive-exploratory quantitative study to verify the hypothesis that accreditation according to the standard JACIE improves health professionals performance and organization output.

An analysis was performed before starting the whole process. An analysis of the planning, programming and implementation of actions was carried out. Data analysis focuses on the organizational and structural changes, training, and preparation of documentation, implementation and verification of objectives achievement. The data refer to the period between January 2010 and October 2012.

A dedicated team was set up, an implementation plan and process map was developed. A Quality Management System was also implemented. This included risk management, audit and quality indicators.

Despite the difficulties the JACIE accreditation process has been useful for integration and professional collaboration. Education of the staff has played a key role in the implementation of the whole system and in particular for the quality management system.
Despite the difficulties the JACIE accreditation process has been useful for integration and professional collaboration. Education of the staff has played a key role in the implementation of the whole system and in particular for the quality management system.
To identify and analyze the definitions of self-care in the healthcare system in the evolution over time as well as to identify the key actors of self-care.

We conducted a narrative review of the literature on the definition of self-care in the CINAHL, PubMed and ILISI databases. The searches ranged from the first year included in each database until May 2013. In addition, a secondary analysis was performed on the references of articles selected to identify additional data sources. The self-care definitions were grouped according to decades and examined in their evolution.

The first self-care definitions date back to the seventies, but only in the eighties self-care has been seen as a key resource for healthcare systems. In the nineties, care activities previously considered the exclusive domain of the health professions were included in this concept; and finally over the 2000s the role of health professionals in self-care is highlighted, extending the self-care activities to the psychological, social and spiritual dimensions. Self-care activities can be carried out directly by the person upon himself, delegated to others, or performed on others.

The review has showed the large body of literature published in different disciplinary and cultural fields, which has led to the proliferation of definitions and interpretations of self-care. Italy has taken part in a marginal way to the international debate. It would be useful that also Italian nurses did research to describe and understand.
The review has showed the large body of literature published in different disciplinary and cultural fields, which has led to the proliferation of definitions and interpretations of self-care. Italy has taken part in a marginal way to the international debate. It would be useful that also Italian nurses did research to describe and understand.Prevention and health promotion are based on the amendment of unhealthy lifestyles. The purpose of this work is to identify and highlight unhealthy habits and behaviours of nursing students and nurses professionals, in order to explore possible correlations between unhealthy choices and culture, knowledge and skills in health education. The study population is represented by three separate samples a) Students from high schools in the province of Pistoia, b) Nursing Undergraduate students of the University of Florence (campus of Pistoia), c) Nurses employed within the Health Services 3 of Pistoia. Investigated behaviours were smoking and alcohol habits, painkiller and inflammatory consumption. Data gathered through the questionnaires were useful to identify and classify educational needs for each of the three samples . This study helps to bring out important aspects of nurses' role on health promotion within the society.
Although communication and counseling skills are essential for nursing profession, specific educational program are not so widespread.

Evaluation of the improvement of Counseling skills as a result of a specific training.

A multi-center pilot study with pre-post test design with a convenience sample of 65 students was carried out. The Counseling training consisted in three consecutive levels over a period of six months for a total of six days. To measure the ability of reformulation, basic tool of Counseling, a questionnaire was used with 20 interviews (hypothetical interview between health professional and patient).

62 students participated. The sample is composed mainly by females (84%), the average age is 23 years. The average value of BEES (level of empathy) is 41 points (± SD 11.5), the value does not correlate with age nor gender. Before the training (PRE) most of the students identified as the most suitable approach/strategy to deal with educational problems that investigative (347-27%) and the relational one. At the end of intervention (POST) most of the students used a comprehension approach/strategy (90% of the responses), opposed to before the course (18%).

The training course, shows to lead to a significant improvement in using comprehension strategies to deal with issues of educational assistance of clients.
The training course, shows to lead to a significant improvement in using comprehension strategies to deal with issues of educational assistance of clients.ICNP is a standardized nursing terminology included within acknowledged terminologies by WHO, it is a relevant aspect of ICN programs and strategies. This paper aims to describe structure and characteristics of ICNP terminology as well as to highlight how this tool can be useful both in practice and in terms of nursing professional development. This version looks like a pyramid with seven axes describing different areas of nursing and related interventions, enriched by two special axes related to pre-coordinated Diagnosis / Outcomes (DC) and Operations (IC) which facilitate daily use in practice. In order to clarify how this tool can be actually be used in daily nursing practice some examples are provided, clarifying how adopting the current version of ICNP terminology (2015 release) Diagnosis/Outcomes and Interventions can be built. The ICNP Italian Centre is committed to introduce it to Italian nurses as a tool for sharing and disseminating terminology in our Country, having as main final aim to achieve even in Italy, professional visibility objectives promoted in different ways by the International Council of Nurses.Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) for HIV prevention in Tanzania was introduced by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in 2010 as part of the national HIV prevention strategy. A qualitative study was conducted prior to a cluster randomized trial which tested effective strategies to increase VMMC up take among men aged ≥20 years. During the formative qualitative study, we conducted in-depth interviews with circumcised males (n = 14), uncircumcised males (n = 16), and participatory group discussions (n = 20) with men and women aged 20-49 years in Njombe and Tabora regions of Tanzania. Participants reported that mothers and female partners have an important influence on men's decisions to seek VMMC both directly by denying sex, and indirectly through discussion, advice and providing information on VMMC to uncircumcised partners and sons. Our findings suggest that in Tanzania and potentially other settings, an expanded role for women in VMMC communication strategies could increase adult male uptake of VMMC services.
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