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The Quality and also Reliability of your MacNew Cardiovascular disease Health-related Total well being Set of questions: The Indonesian Variation.
Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are an urgent problem. The issues of diagnosis and treatment of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are currently one of the most complex and relevant ones in modern oncological endocrinology. The growing interest in NETs is due to the fact that the incidence rate of this pathology has increased significantly in the world over the past 30-35 years. In the diagnosis of NETs, morphological research is crucial; later it plays an important role in the choice of therapeutic tactics. The morphological diagnosis of a pancreatic NET is based on the classification of the World Health Organization and criteria for assessing NET prognosis. The main study in a pancreatic NET morphological diagnosis is immunohistological (IHC) examination using markers that allow establishing the neuroendocrine nature of the tumor, and markers that determine the potential of tumor malignancy. To determine a NET, it is advisable to use a combination of immune markers such as chromogranin A, synaptophysin, and CD56, and to determine the potential of tumor malignancy, Ki-67, p53, and AMACR. The paper presents a clinical case of morphological diagnosis of a pancreatic NET (VIPoma) from the practical experience of TARGET Cancer Clinic. These recommendations are based on data from the clinical recommendations of the European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS), the American National standards for the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumors (NCCN), a review of the literature for 2014-2019 using search resource PubMed, Pathology Outlines, and CAP (College of American pathologists), and data from patients with pancreatic NETs treated at the TARGET Cancer Clinic.The microstructural characteristics of the leaf of Rhododendron ponticum L., an alternative source of biologically active compounds - constituents of the antiherpetic ointment Rhodopes, were studied. The study resulted in the establishment of the sustainable diagnostic characteristics of Rh. ponticum L. leaf. The leaf is naked, double-sided, hypostomatic, with dorsoventral structure of mesophyll; the conductive system represents a vascular fibrous, reverse collateral structure. Druze crystals of calcium oxalate are found in the pulp of the leaf. The underlying cells of the adiaxial and abaxial leaf epidermis are uneven, oblong and curved. The robustness of the main vascular bundle is determined by increased amount of mechanical cells - collenchyma, layer of sclerenchyma cells and xylem fibers. In the phloem, differentiation of secretory channels is visible; the lumen of the wood conducting vessels is rounded, with a spirally thickened inner shell; radial rays are short, single-layered.The aim of the study was to develop cosmetic and cosmeceutical systems with sufficient stability, сontaining the therapeutic mud Akhtala. On the basis of previous experiments as the basis for obtaining creams in most cases were used distilled monoglycerides, emulsion wax, vegetable oils, cetylpalmitate, stearin, purified beeswax, carbomer 940, glycerin, demineralized water. We studied the process of solubilization of the base with the terapeutic mud, with the amount of lipophilic substances, extracted from the mud, with a number of plant extracts (in the form of dry, aqueous, and glycerin extracts), with some plant oils, organic acids and some other substances, used in cosmetic and cosmeceutical creams. When studying the stability of the developed systems,the centrifugation for 5 minutes at a rotor speed of 6000 rpm was used as the main test. The thermal stability was also studied . Based on the obtained results , the possible concentrations of the above biologically active substances in similar systems without their structural damage are determined . This makes it possible to use the primary data in the development of the formulation of a number of cosmetic and cosmeceutical products, containing the mud Akhtala. It is possible to use in the recipe a number of cosmetic and cosmeceutical remedies both the mud Akhtala and oil extracts from it.Deposits on teeth may differ in color and degree of cariogenicity. Their prevalence rate is up to 18%. The review of relevant literature revealed a lack of classification of stained plaque in children. In this paper the systematization of stained plaque is proposed. The aim of our study was to systematize stained dental plaques. The literature review and two own researches, involving 154 children from 6 to 15 years and 408 children from 6 to 17 years, resulted in the proposed systematization of stained plaques, based on plaque color, its localization, degree of cariogenicity and classes of associated diseases (according to the international classification of diseases, 10th revision - ICD 10). Colored dental plaque was found in 64 children from 6 to 17 years old. It is systematized according to its color (black, brown, green, orange, blue), its localization on the tooth surface, the degree of cariogenicity (high, low) and the class of associated diseases (according to ICD 10). At present, the correlation between stained dental plaque formation and associated diseases, diet characteristics, carious process intensity, and oral microflora has not been sufficiently disclosed, and therefore these issues require further examination.The aim of the study was to analyze fecal volatile organic compounds in premature babies born with a weight of less than 1,500 grams in order to identify predictors of BPD. The study presents the results of the study in parallel groups, which are represented by premature babies born with a weight of less than 1500 grams. In the course of scientific work, 137 children were examined, from which stool samples were taken on the 14th and 28th days of life to detect VOCs using gas chromatography with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The Torion T-9 GC / MS was used to separate and identify the VOCs present in the feces of the subjects. After sampling, these children were further divided into two groups group I (main) - children who realized BPD (n=89) and group II (control) - children who did not realize BPD (n=48). During the study, 28 VOCs were found in the feces of the subjects on the 14th and 28th days of life, among which the three most significant were identified, among them tetradecane, N-nitrosopyrrolidine, and trichloretene.The aim of the study is to assess the effectivity of the drug «Betargin» in complex management of patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in remission of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The research had shown the results of treatment of 41 children with CHB in remission of ALL aged from 3 to 17 years old, who were on dispensary observation in Vinnytsia Regional Children's Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital during 2013-2017 years. Patients were devided into the following groups the comparison group (group A), which included 18 children with CHB in remission of ALL, who received basis therapy; the main group (group B) which consisted of 23 patients with CHB in remission of ALL, who got betaine arginine complex («Betargin») in addition to basis therapy. The control group was formed out of 30 healthy children. Determination of effectivity of the proposed treatment regimen was performed by studying the indicators of cholestasis, cytolysis, hepatocellular insufficiency, and lipid metabolism. To assess the linfirmed by a decrease in the level of plasma osteopontin up to 104,92 ng/ml against 178,15 ng/ml in the comparison group (p less then 0,05).Studies conducted in various departments of "Feofania" Clinical Hospital over the past 5 years, indicate the extremely widespread prevalence of arterial hypertension. According to a survey of a representative sample, the age-standardized prevalence of arterial hypertension in Feofania Clinical Hospital is 39.9% among men and 41.1% among women. Purpose of the study - to determine preventive measures for the prevalence of arterial hypertension among the cohort of medical workers of the "Feofania" Clinical Hospital. Among the complications of hypertension, the first places are occupied by lesions of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, and brain. To reduce the number of patients with AH and its complicated forms, improve their quality of life, national measures are necessary to prevent risk factors (RF) for the development of this pathology. To date, three strategies are identified for preventive measures population-based, high-risk, and secondary prevention. 201 doctors participated, including 51 women (25.37%) ae a healthy lifestyle for the population. The prevalence of arterial hypertension and risk factors among medical workers is quite high, as in the unorganized population, while there is a low awareness of their disease and low treatment efficiency.Parenteral viral hepatitis is one of the most pressing medical and social problems, both in Ukraine and in the world, due to its high prevalence, the formation of chronic liver diseases, high risk of developing cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between IL-4 (rs2243250), IL-10 (rs1800896) and TNFα (rs1800620), SMAD 7 (rs4939827) gene polymorphisms, and the degree of liver fibrosis to create a prognostic scale. A pilot study included 100 patients with chronic hepatitis C. Non-invasive Fibrotest, an alternative to puncture liver biopsy, was used to assess the degree of morphological changes. It has been suggested that the genotypes of СС IL-4 (rs2243250), GG TNFα (rs1800620), СС SMAD family member 7 (rs4939827) and have a protective effect on the course of chronic hepatitis C, as they are established in patients with HCV with less fibrosis. Homozygous genotypes of TT IL-4 (rs2243250), AA TNFα (rs1800620), TT SMAD family member 7 (rs4939827) have a pro-fibrotic effect on the course of chronic hepatitis C, as they are established in patients with high-fibrosis HCV. To create a prognostic scale, the projective and profibrotic genotypes of each individual patient were summarized. To simplify the summation, coding was performed each pro-fibrotic genotype was assigned a -1 point, each protective one a +1 mark, and then all genotype variants were summed together. The higher the score in a patient, the lower the likelihood of developing high-grade fibrosis. Comprehensive assessment of allelic gene polymorphism and degree of liver fibrosis allows to estimate with high degree of certainty the individual risk of disease progression, to predict the course of the disease in the early stages and to plan the tactics of patient management.Sedentary lifestyle leads to deteriorating health. This problem is especially on the rise in the era of computer technology development and increasing workplaces with inactive physical activities. Women in general are less physically active than men and more often suffer from obesity. Our goal was to study the correlation between body composition and indicators of the state of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Women (42.5±5.4 years of age) of different body compositions were randomly selected. Body composition parameters were examined using Tanita BC-601 analyzer scales. OTSSP167 price CVS status was examined through endothelial function (EF) with the help of rheograph "ReoCom" (KHAI-Medica) and heart rate variability (HRV) using the electrocardiograph "CardioLab" (KHAI-Medica). The indicator of visceral fat (VF) was positively correlated with the degree of tension of regulatory systems (RS) and negatively with the indicator of endothelial function. The fat content in the extremities and torso was positively correlated with HRV, and the muscle content was negatively correlated with EF.
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