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ramirezi Platnick Ewing and M. davidi Grismado is proposed, with a redescription of the female of M. ramirezi provided. New geographical records are provided for all of the species, with images and a revised diagnosis for the genus and the previously known species.The genus Gasteruption (Gasteruptiidae) is represented in Europe by more than 30 species. Of these, twenty-one are recorded from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, with six being new records for the Czech Republic and eight for Slovakia. Three species are recorded as new for Bohemia (western part of the Czech Republic). Gasteruption goberti is excluded from the fauna of the Czech Republic because specimens previously identified as G. goberti belong to G. caucasicum. Four species (G. assectator, G. caucasicum, G. jaculator and G. nigritarse) are common and widespread in both countries, G. tournieri is very common but prefers warmer regions. Only G, subtile occurs predominantly in higher altitudes of mountain ranges, while the other species are usually restricted to or are more common in warmer regions. Gasteruption opacum and G. subtile are regionally extinct from the Czech Republic and G. paternum from Slovakia, with the the most recent records of these species are pre-1990. Gasteruption freyi, G. hastator and G. hungaricum are considered very endangered thermophilous species of loess walls and steppe habitats with a marked loss of occurrence records post-1990. Locally common but much rarer than in the past are G. erythrostomum and G. boreale. Due to the fact that recent determination keys are focused on other regions, a determination key for all species recorded in central Europe is presented.We describe the Cephalozygoptera, a new, extinct suborder of Odonata, composed of the families Dysagrionidae and Sieblosiidae, previously assigned to the Zygoptera, and possibly the Whetwhetaksidae n. fam. The Cephalozygoptera is close to the Zygoptera, but differs most notably by distinctive head morphology. It includes 59 to 64 species in at least 19 genera and one genus-level parataxon. One species is known from the Early Cretaceous (Congqingia rhora Zhang), possibly three from the Paleocene, and the rest from the early Eocene through late Miocene. We describe new taxa from the Ypresian Okanagan Highlands of British Columbia, Canada and Washington, United States of America 16 new species of Dysagrionidae of the existing genus Dysagrion (D. pruettae); the new genera Okanagrion (O. threadgillae, O. hobani, O. beardi, O. lochmum, O. angustum, O. dorrellae, O. liquetoalatum, O. worleyae, all new species); Okanopteryx (O. jeppesenorum, O. fraseri, O. macabeensis, all new species); Stenodiafanus (S. westersidei, new species); the new genus-level parataxon Dysagrionites (D. delinei new species, D. sp. A, D. sp. B, both new); and one new genus and species of the new family Whetwhetaksidae (Whetwhetaksa millerae).Herein we provide a taxonomic revision of Phyllodoce species from Brazil, describing 10 new species in addition to two new records, Phyllodoce longipes Kinberg, 1866 and Phyllodoce cf. madeirensis Langerhans, 1880. Phyllodoce sp. A. and Phyllodoce sp. B. are probably new but the number and condition of available specimens do not provide adequate and reliable diagnostic features for a formal description. These species have been collected in diverse marine and estuarine environments from shallow estuarine bottoms to continental shelf and slope sediments and submarine canyons from off southern and southeastern Brazil. A key to the fourteen species of Phyllodoce occurring in Brazil is also given.This publication is the third part of an ongoing revision of Australian species of the genus Lepanus (Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Scarabaeinae) and revises three species groups. Keys to species within the L. ustulatus, L. storeyi, and L. nitidus species groups are provided and eight new species are described. Within the L. ustulatus species group, L. ustulatus (Lansberge, 1874) and L. globulus (Macleay, 1887) are redescribed and three new species are described Lepanus cameroni new species from Cape York Peninsula, far north Queensland; Lepanus cardwellensis new species from the Australian Wet Tropics, northern Queensland; and Lepanus lemannae new species from the Australian Wet Tropics to the Central Mackay Coast, Queensland. Within the L. storeyi species group, L. storeyi Weir Monteith, 2010 is redescribed and two new species are described Lepanus meierae new species from southeastern Queensland to Wollongong, New South Wales and Lepanus williamsi new species from eastern New South Wales. Within the L. nitidus species group, L. nitidus Matthews 1974 and L. dichrous Gillet, 1925 are redescribed and three new species are described Lepanus vangerweni new species, Lepanus carbinensis new species, and Lepanus kulki new species from the Australian Wet Tropics, northern Queensland. Following these descriptions, a total of 50 Lepanus species are now described from Australia.In the present monograph, the taxonomy of the species of the genus Maladera Mulsant Rey, 1871 from China is revised. We recorded 224 valid species for China, including 152 species new to science Maladera allonitens Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. anhuiensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. apicalis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. aptera Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. baii Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. baishaoensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. bansongchana Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. baoxingensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. bawanglingana Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. bawanglingensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. Deferoxamine molecular weight n., M. beibengensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. beidouensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. bikouensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. breviclava Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. bubengensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. businskyorum Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. chenzhouana Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. constellata Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, sp. n., M. crenatotibialis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, we provide maps of the species distribution, as well as illustrations of the habitus and male genitalia.Four Southern Hemisphere and one Northern Hemisphere species of Jassa (Crustacea Amphipoda Ischyrocerini) are removed from this genus. The south temperate Jassa barnardi Stephensen, 1949 is synonymized with Ventojassa frequens (Chilton, 1883). The south temperate and subantarctic Jassa multidentata Schellenberg, 1931 and Jassa wandeli Chevreux, 1906 are transferred to Pleojassa n. gen., with the addition of P. lowryi n. sp., P. moorei n. sp. and P. orientalis n. sp. Hemijassa Walker, 1907 is resurrected for the Antarctic Jassa goniamera Walker, 1903. The Northern Hemisphere Jassa ocia (Bate, 1862) is transferred to Plumulojassa n. gen. and shown to range throughout the temperate coasts of the northeastern Atlantic and its eastern seas. Placed in context of the other genera of the Ischyrocerini Stebbing, 1899, Jassa, Pleojassa, Hemijassa and Plumulojassa join Parajassa Stebbing, 1899 in having a unique uropod 3 morphology. Characteristics of the uropod 3 and other appendages are used to revise four other genera of the Ischyrocerini.
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