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Understanding, Behaviors, along with Views of Chance of COVID-19 Among B razil Student nurses: A Cross-sectional Research.
IgM and IgG antibody responses peaked at 1 month after symptom onset and decreased at 2 months. IgG response levels were significantly greater in the severe/critical group compared with other groups. Interferon-γ-producing T-cell responses increased between 1 week and 1 month after symptom onset, and had a trend toward decreasing at 2 months, but did not show significant differences according to severity. Our data indicate that SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody responses were greater in those with severe symptoms and waned after reaching a peak around 1 month after symptom onset. However, SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell responses were not significantly different according to symptom severity, and decreased slowly during the post-convalescent phase.
The present report evaluates the protective effects of luteolin against diabetic retinopathy (DR).

Diabetes was induced in rats by i.p. administration of 60 mg/kg of streptozotocin (STZ), followed by treatment with luteolin for 4 weeks. The effects of luteolin were determined based on the blood glucose and cytokine levels, and parameters of oxidative stress in retinal tissue of DR rats. The diameter of retinal vessels was estimated by fundus photography. A Western blot assay was used to determine the expression of apoptotic proteins and Nod-like receptor 3 (NLRP3) pathway proteins in the retina of DR rats. A molecular docking study was performed to evaluate the interaction between luteolin and NLRP3.

The level of blood glucose was reduced in the luteolin-treated group compared with the DR group. Reductions in cytokines and oxidative stress were observed in the retinal tissues of the luteolin-treated group relative to the DR group. Moreover, treatment with luteolin reduced the expression of NLRP1, NOX4, TXNIP, and NLRP3 proteins, and ameliorated the altered expression of apoptotic proteins in the retina of DR rats.

In conclusion, luteolin prevents retinal apoptosis in DR rats by regulating the NLRP/NOX4 signalling pathway.
In conclusion, luteolin prevents retinal apoptosis in DR rats by regulating the NLRP/NOX4 signalling pathway.Motivated by the guaranteed stability margins of linear quadratic regulators (LQRs) and standard Kalman filter (KF) in the frequency domain, this article extends these results to the distributed Kalman-consensus filter (DKCF) for distributed estimation in sensor networks. In particular, we study the robustness margins of DKCF in two cases, one of which is based on the direct target observation while the other uses estimates from neighbor sensors in the network. The loop transfer functions of the two cases are established, and gain and phase margin robustness results are derived for both. The robustness margins of DKCF are improved compared to the single-agent KF. Furthermore, as communication topology varies in sensor networks, graph overall coupling strengths change. We also analyze the correlation between overall coupling strengths and the robustness margins of DKCF.For sequence classification, an important issue is to find discriminative features, where sequential pattern mining (SPM) is often used to find frequent patterns from sequences as features. To improve classification accuracy and pattern interpretability, contrast pattern mining emerges to discover patterns with high-contrast rates between different categories. To date, existing contrast SPM methods face many challenges, including excessive parameter selection and inefficient occurrences counting. To tackle these issues, this article proposes a top-k self-adaptive contrast SPM, which adaptively adjusts the gap constraints to find top-k self-adaptive contrast patterns (SCPs) from positive and negative sequences. One of the key tasks of the mining problem is to calculate the support (the number of occurrences) of a pattern in each sequence. To support efficient counting, we store all occurrences of a pattern in a special array in a Nettree, an extended tree structure with multiple roots and multiple parents. We employ the array to calculate the occurrences of all its superpatterns with one-way scanning to avoid redundant calculation. Meanwhile, because the contrast SPM problem does not satisfy the Apriori property, we propose Zero and Less strategies to prune candidate patterns and a Contrast-first mining strategy to select patterns with the highest contrast rate as the prefix subpattern and calculate the contrast rate of all its superpatterns. Experiments validate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm and show that contrast patterns significantly outperform frequent patterns for sequence classification. The algorithms and datasets can be downloaded from https// article aims at addressing the transient bipartite synchronization problem for cooperative-antagonistic multiagent systems with switching topologies. A distributed iterative learning control protocol is presented for agents by resorting to the local information from their neighbor agents. Through learning from other agents, the control input of each agent is updated iteratively such that the transient bipartite synchronization can be achieved over the targeted finite horizon under the simultaneously structurally balanced signed digraph. To be specific, all agents finally have the same output moduli at each time instant over the desired finite-time interval, which overcomes the influences caused by the antagonisms among agents and topology nonrepetitiveness along the iteration axis. As a counterpart, it is revealed that the stability can be achieved over the targeted finite horizon in the presence of a constantly structurally unbalanced signed digraph. Simulation examples are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the distributed learning results developed among multiple agents.People today live a stressful life. Compared with acute stress, long-term chronic stress is more harmful, and may cause or exacerbate many serious health problems, including high blood pressure, heart disease, chronic pain, and mental diseases. check details With social media becoming an integral part of our daily lives for information sharing and self-expression, detecting category-aware long-standing chronic stress from a large volume of historic open posts made by social media users is possible. In this study, we construct a data set containing 971 chronically stressed users with totally 54,546 open posts on Sina microblog from July 5, 2018 to December 1, 2019, and design two techniques for category-aware chronic stress detection (1) a stress-oriented word embedding on the basis of an existing pre-trained word embedding, aiming to strengthen the sensibility of stress-related expressions for linguistic post analysis; (2) a multi-attention model with three layers (i.e., category-attention layer, posts self-attention layer, and category-specific post attention layer), aiming to capture inter-relevance from a sequence of posts and infer long-term stress categories and stress levels. The experimental results show that the proposed multi-attention model equipped with the stress-oriented word embedding can achieve (accuracy 80.65%, recall 80.92%, precision 80.48%, and F1-measure 80.70%) in detecting category-aware stress levels, (accuracy 86.49%, recall 86.79%, precision 86.68%, and F1-measure 86.71%) in detecting chronic stress levels only, and (accuracy 93.07%, recall 92.56%, precision 93.15%, and F1-measure 92.85%) in detecting chronic stress categories only. Limitations and implications of the study are also discussed at the end of the paper.ECG classification is a key technology in intelligent ECG monitoring. In the past, traditional machine learning methods such as SVM and KNN have been used for ECG classification, but with limited classification accuracy. Recently, the end-to-end neural network has been used for the ECG classification and shows high classification accuracy. However, the end-to-end neural network has large computational complexity including a large number of parameters and operations. Although dedicated hardware such as FPGA and ASIC can be developed to accelerate the neural network, they result in large power consumption, large design cost, or limited flexibility. In this work, we have proposed an ultra-lightweight end-to-end ECG classification neural network which has extremely low computational complexity (~8.2k parameters & ~227k MUL/ADD operations) and can be squeezed into a low-cost MCU (i.e. microcontroller) while achieving 99.1% overall classification accuracy. This outperforms the state-of-the-art ECG classification neural network. Implemented on a low-cost MCU (i.e. MSP432), the proposed design consumes only 0.4 mJ and 3.1 mJ per heartbeat classification for normal and abnormal heartbeats respectively for real-time ECG classification.The novel 2019 Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection has spread worldwide and is currently a major healthcare challenge around the world. Chest computed tomography (CT) and X-ray images have been well recognized to be two effective techniques for clinical COVID-19 disease diagnoses. Due to faster imaging time and considerably lower cost than CT, detecting COVID-19 in chest X-ray (CXR) images is preferred for efficient diagnosis, assessment, and treatment. However, considering the similarity between COVID-19 and pneumonia, CXR samples with deep features distributed near category boundaries are easily misclassified by the hyperplanes learned from limited training data. Moreover, most existing approaches for COVID-19 detection focus on the accuracy of prediction and overlook uncertainty estimation, which is particularly important when dealing with noisy datasets. To alleviate these concerns, we propose a novel deep network named RCoNet ks for robust COVID-19 detection which employs Deformable Mutual Information Maximization (DeIM), Mixed High-order Moment Feature (MHMF), and Multiexpert Uncertainty-aware Learning (MUL). With DeIM, the mutual information (MI) between input data and the corresponding latent representations can be well estimated and maximized to capture compact and disentangled representational characteristics. Meanwhile, MHMF can fully explore the benefits of using high-order statistics and extract discriminative features of complex distributions in medical imaging. Finally, MUL creates multiple parallel dropout networks for each CXR image to evaluate uncertainty and thus prevent performance degradation caused by the noise in the data. The experimental results show that RCoNet ks achieves the state-of-the-art performance on an open-source COVIDx dataset of 15 134 original CXR images across several metrics. Crucially, our method is shown to be more effective than existing methods with the presence of noise in the data.For solving dynamic generalized Lyapunov equation, two robust finite-time zeroing neural network (RFTZNN) models with stationary and nonstationary parameters are generated through the usage of an improved sign-bi-power (SBP) activation function (AF). Taking differential errors and model implementation errors into account, two corresponding perturbed RFTZNN models are derived to facilitate the analyses of robustness on the two RFTZNN models. Theoretical analysis gives the quantitatively estimated upper bounds for the convergence time (UBs-CT) of the two derived models, implying a superiority of the convergence that varying parameter RFTZNN (VP-RFTZNN) possesses over the fixed parameter RFTZNN (FP-RFTZNN). When the coefficient matrices and perturbation matrices are uniformly bounded, residual error of FP-RFTZNN is bounded, whereas that of VP-RFTZNN monotonically decreases at a super-exponential rate after a finite time, and eventually converges to 0. When these matrices are bounded but not uniform, residual error of FP-RFTZNN is no longer bounded, but that of VP-RFTZNN still converges.
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