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Booze dehydrogenases AdhE as well as AdhB using wide substrate runs are crucial nutrients for natural and organic chemical p decline in Thermoanaerobacter sp. stress X514.
A detailed redescription of Qorimayus alticola comb. nov., along with some habitat notes are given. The presumed zoogeographical links of this endemic species with the central Chilean opiliofauna are briefly discussed.A complete catalogue is provided for the type specimens of amphibians and reptiles collected by Nikolay A. Zarudny and stored mostly in the herpetological collection of the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia (ZISP), as of August 2018. The collection contains 270 type specimens, representing 51 taxa (species and/or subspecies) of one family of turtles, one amphisbaenia family, five lizard families and four snake families from 74 type localities. As a result of studying Zarudny's collections, mainly from Iran, was the description by A. M. Nikolsky of two new genera, Microgecko and Diplometopon, and 42 species and subspecies (varieties). Twenty-two of these taxa are regarded currently as valid.A new species of the genus Limnophyes Eaton, 1875 from Xizang, China is described and figured based on adult males. Limnophyes nudus sp. nov. belongs to the minimus group and can be easily separated from other species by antenna with 13 flagellomeres, higher AR of 0.85-1.00, bluntly triangular anal point, phallapodeme with ring-like appendix, inferior volsella bare and gonostylus with bubble-like inner margin.Males of Enterobius (Colobenterobius) serratus Hasegawa et al., 2003 (Nematoda Oxyuridae) are described for the first time based on six individuals collected from the feces of proboscis monkeys, Nasalis larvatus, in the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. The males show identical cephalic morphology to females, being readily distinguishable from their congeners by the serrated inner margins of the lips. The bicolored esophageal corpus, long thin spicule and developed spicular pouch with paired muscular bands are also remarkable characteristics, presumably shared by other Asian members of the subgenus.Cold water coral reefs proved to harbour a diverse halacarid fauna. The fauna extracted from small pieces of corals was dominated by the genus Lohmannella which was represented by three species. Two species, new to science, are described and illustrated, namely Lohmannella njoerdri and Lohmannella sulensis. Of the third species only a single juvenile stage is available, since a reliable identification is not possible. Lohmannella njoerdri is characterized by long, slender claws. Lohmannella sulensis differs from other Lohmannella species by its wide dorsal plates, long and slender gnathosoma and legs and the part of the idiosoma posterior to insertion of leg IV being short.Additional work on the islands of Vanuatu has improved our understanding of the actual diversity of South Pacific coastal fireflies. Prior to recent fieldwork in Vanuatu, the only known lampyrid from Vanuatu was Atyphella aphrogeneia (Ballantyne), a coastal species also found in Papua New Guinea. After further examination, we determined that specimens from Vanuatu formerly classified as Atyphella aphrogeneia actually belong to an undescribed species. New species, Atyphella maritimus Saxton and Powell and Atyphella marigenous Saxton and Bybee, are described from specimens collected in Vanuatu. An updated key for coastal Atyphella in the South Pacific is provided.Spider community inventories have relatively well-established standardized collecting protocols. Such protocols set rules for the orderly acquisition of samples to estimate community parameters and to establish comparisons between areas. These methods have been tested worldwide, providing useful data for inventory planning and optimal sampling allocation efforts. The taxonomic counterpart of biodiversity inventories has received considerably less attention. Species lists and their relative abundances are the only link between the community parameters resulting from a biotic inventory and the biology of the species that live there. However, this connection is lost or speculative at best for species only partially identified (e. g., to genus but not to species). This link is particularly important for diverse tropical regions were many taxa are undescribed or little known such as spiders. One approach to this problem has been the development of biodiversity inventory websites that document the morphology of theorests.A new species of the Amphinemurinae genus Sphaeronemoura is described, S. multicurvata sp. n., from Sichuan Province of southwestern China. The relationships with other related species are discussed. Sphaeronemoura elephas (Zwick, 1974) is also for the first time reported from Jiangxi Province of southeastern China.Illustrated keys to females and males of the European genera and subgenera of Mymaridae (Chalcidoidea) are presented, including twenty-four genera plus two subgenera in both of Erythmelus Enock and Polynema Haliday. The key to females also includes three subgenera recognized in Anagrus Haliday, two subgenera in Anaphes Haliday, and two species groups in Anagrus s.s.; males of these either cannot be distinguished or are difficult to key. The species of Mymaridae recorded from the Czech Republic are listed and distribution records are provided based on material in three collections. Seven genera (Anagrus, Caraphractus Walker, Dicopus Enock, Macrocamptoptera Girault, Omyomymar Schauff, Pseudocleruchus Donev Huber, Stethynium Enock) and 12 species are newly recorded for the country.New combinations in the genus Phlaeopterus Motschulsky, 1853 for three Chinese species, originally described in Lesteva Latreille, 1797, are proposed P. rufimarginatus (Rougemont, 2000) comb.n., P. ruzickai (Shavrin, 2015) comb.n., and P. septemmaculatus (Rougemont, 2000) comb.n. Phlaeopterus hromadkai Shavrin sp.n. from China (Gansu Dalijia Shan) is described and illustrated. A list of species and a key to the Palaearctic species of Phlaeopterus are provided. The distributions of all Chinese species are mapped.One unrecorded species of free-living marine nematodes from the South China Sea is described as Wieseria bicepes sp. nov. The present species is characterized by three circles of anterior sensilla nearly equal in length; four cephalic setae just behind the outer labial setae; oblong amphideal fovea with double contours and a handle-like protrusion at the base; tail tip bifurcate; spicules slightly curved with proximally cephalated and distally tapered; gubernaculum absent. The species is easily distinguished from the congeneric species by tail with a bifurcate tip and cephalic setae closely adjacent to labial setae.Remarks on the endemicity of the Italian stonefly-fauna are presented. Notes on conservation issues are also given, together with the updated list of stoneflies of Italy.Polkepsilonema arabicensis sp. n. is discovered from the coralline sand of Lakshadweep island, located off the south-western coast of India. The species differs from other congeners by its unique combination of characters presence of fine spines along the body curvatures, 5-6 rows of bisinuous ambulatory setae, male with two clusters of ventral copulatory thorns and 14 subcephalic sensilla. The novel species is the fourth discovery of the genus and first record from the coastal areas of Indian subcontinent. A key to species level is provided.Two new species of Clypeocaenis (Ephemeroptera Caenidae) are described from Gayathripuzha River, Kerala, and Tunga River, Karnataka, Southern India. The species are best distinguished from congeners based on leg and gill characteristics, as follows. Clypeocaenis gayathri sp. nov. (1) fore tibia with two rows of ventral and lateral filtering setae, femur with bifid spines, middle tibia with trifurcated spines apically; (2) tracheated gill covers with spines and bifurcated ridges on margins, gills III-VI with more numerous fringed bifid fimbriae. Clypeocaenis sharadhae sp. nov. (1) fore tibia with two rows of long filtering setae on lateral margin and one row on ventral margin arranged vertically, fore tarsus with transverse row of long setae, hind tibia with a row of lanceolate setae on lateral margin; (2) gills III-VI approximately triangular shaped, with fringed bifid fimbriae, gill III with 12 bifurcated and 2 trifurcated fimbriae.A new species of the genus Empidideicus, E. jirofti Gharali, Mogbeli Fekrat sp. nov., is described from the south of Iran, and diagnostic morphological and genitalic features are photographed. This species is distinguished by the completely dark brown occiput with yellow spot, completely dark brown scutellum, and dark brown mesonotum with two admedian yellow vittae. A key to the Iranian species of the genus is provided.A comprehensive material of Afrotropical Sciophila including 262 male specimens of 15 species collected from 7 countries are studied. Two new species-S. geiri sp. n. and S. tchabalensis sp. n.-are described from Madagascar and Cameroon, respectively. New records of the following 13 species are presented S. digitilenta Søli, 1997 (Uganda), S. fenestralis Søli, 1997 (South Africa), S. kakumensis Søli, 1997 (Cameroon, Uganda), S. kjaerandseni Søli, 1997 (Uganda), S. koundensis Søli, 1997 (Uganda), S. leptosoma Søli, 1997 (Democratic Republic of Congo), S. longistyla Søli, 1997 (South Africa), S. mazumbaiensis Søli, 1997 (Uganda), S. ocreata Philippi, 1865 (France La Réunion), S. papula Søli, 1997 (Democratic Republic of Congo), S. pinniger Søli, 1997 (South Africa, Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya), S. quadra Søli, 1997 (Democratic Republic of Congo), S. stellata Søli, 1997 (Uganda). The majority of the new records represent the first ones since initial description of the species. S. ocreata is considered to be introduced to the Island of La Réunion. The number of Afrotropical Sciophila species is set at 23.The taxonomic position of Pristodactyla advena LeConte, 1848 (= "Acalathus" advena in the sense of previous authors) is discussed in light of a novel review of the morphological characters of Calathina and closely related taxa. All Acalathus Semenov, 1889 species and all other Dolichina share the distinct character state of having the sensory pits of the apical gonocoxites reduced or absent, while these pits are well-developed in P. advena. Therefore, P. advena is moved into the genus Calathus Bonelli, 1810 (Calathina), where it is placed in the molecular phylogeny of Ruiz et al. (2010). This move necessitates the description of Certocalathus subgen. n. for this species. Diagnostic characters of the new subgenus with respect to other Calathina and Dolichina beetles are presented. Given the lack of any clear synapomorphies, the subtribe Calathina is not obviously defined by morphology alone. However, recent molecular phylogenies indicate its monophyly is highly likely and therefore diagnostic morphological characters are polythetic. The states of selected morphological characters in Calathina and Dolichina taxa are provided as a summary for this and future studies.Six species of hermit crabs of the family Paguridae from the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico region, including two new species, Anisopagurus asteriscus sp. nov. and Pagurus alarius sp. nov., are documented. The two new species are described, and recognition characters summarized for the four previously known species. Reports of the latter, Nematopaguroides fagei Forest de Saint Laurent, 1968, N. karukera Lemaitre, Felder Poupin, 2017, Paguriscus robustus Lemaitre, Felder Poupin, 2017, and Pylopaguridium markhami McLaughlin Lemaitre, 2001, represent range extensions for all four species. Color photographs are included for four of the species, as well as remarks on their taxonomy and distributions. All six species included can be categorized as micro-pagurids (with shield length rarely exceeding 2.0 mm), and were collected from cryptic reef habitats in Bocas del Toro, Panama; the French Antillean island of Guadeloupe; and the Gulf of Mexico coasts of Louisiana, Yucatán, and Florida Keys. MSAB cell line The discovery of these new or rare species supports the conclusion of recent studies that the diversity of pagurids from the Caribbean region has yet to be fully realized.
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