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Encephalopathies Associated With Serious COVID-19 Current Neurovascular Product Changes Without having Evidence pertaining to Robust Neuroinflammation.
Finally, we highlight the relevance of different habitat and ecosystem conservation strategies to promote amphibian diversity studies in the Andes.The Bythograeidae is unique amongst brachyuran crab taxa as it is the only family where all 6 genera and 16 species are endemic to hydrothermal vents. During the research conducted by German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources to identify inactive polymetallic sulphide deposits along Central and Southeast Indian Ridges, the INDEX project collected from hydrothermal vent fields 6 Bythograeidae megalopae. Entire specimens and dissected appendages were stained, mounted on slides and examined using Light Microscopy and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy. Additional molecular analysis using mtCOI confirmed the identification of the specimens as Austinograea rodriguezensis Tsuchida Hashimoto, 2002. The megalopal stage of A. rodriguezensis shows similarities and distinctions between the characters of two other bythograeid megalopae, Bythograea thermydron Williams, 1980, and B. microps Saint Laurent, 1984. Unlike other brachyuran megalopae, B. thermydron and A. rodriguezensis lack long serrate setae and stout serrate spines on the dactylus of the fifth pereiopod. In both species no coxal spines on the pereiopods were observed. The elliptical carapace of B. thermydron is broader than long vs longitudinally rectangular in A. rodriguezensis. This carapace shape resembles B. microps more than B. thermydron, however, the dorsal surface of B. microps carapace is densely covered in short setae vs only covered with short setae on the anterior 1/4 and the posterior 1/6 length of carapace in A. rodriguezensis. Furthermore, the amount of plumose natatory setae on the pleopods in B. microps is in total larger and more variable, than in A. rodriguezensis. Bythograeid megalopae seem quite generalized and miss specific features that reveal them distinctively as endemic vent crab. A distinction from other species is possible by observing the unique combinations of certain characters. This is the first megalopal stage description of Austinograea and the fourth within the Bythograeidae.A new species of Pomponia Stl, 1866 (Hemiptera Cicadidae) from the P. linearis group is described from the Western Ghats of southern India. The hitherto unknown species, P. pseudolinearis sp. nov., is easily diagnosed from the other Pomponia species of the Western Ghats based on the unique structure of its male genitalia, low to mid-altitudinal distribution, and the characteristic male song. The new taxon is a member of the P. linearis species group according to its morphology and the distinctly protruding paramedian basal pygofer lobe suggests its affiliation to the linearis species complex inside the P. linearis species group. The divergent basal lobes of pygofer of males of this species are the critical characteristic feature that can be used to distinguish it from all the other members of the P. linearis species complex. It appears that this cryptic, common, and widespread species of the southern Western Ghats region was confused with P. linearis in the past. Pomponia linearis may not occur in the Western Ghats and its records are possibly a result of erroneous identification due to species lumping with similar taxa of linearis species complex distributed from Northeast India to Vietnam. In addition, some new morphometric indices are introduced. Notes on other known Pomponia species of the Western Ghats, namely P. cyanea Fraser, 1948 and P. zebra Bliven, 1964 are also provided with P. folei Fraser, 1948 treated as a nomen nudum.The genera and species of the tribe Rhaconotini are reviewed for the fauna of the Korean Peninsula. A new Rhaconotus species, Rh. koreanus sp. nov., is described and illustrated. The generic placement of the Oriental Rhyssalus striatulus Cameron is corrected and Ipodoryctes species described from China, overlooked in a recent publication on Rhaconotini, are reclassified. The following are new combinations Rhyssalus striatulus Cameron, 1909 = Mimipodoryctes striatulus (Cameron, 1909) comb. nov.; Ipodoryctes guizhouensis Tang et Chen, 2011 = Rhaconotinus (Rhaconotinus) guizhouensis (Tang et Chen, 2011), comb. nov.; Ipodoryctes hebeiensis Tang et Chen, 2011 = Rhaconotinus (Rhaconotinus) hebeiensis (Tang et Chen, 2011), comb. nov.; Ipodoryctes rugosus Tang et Chen, 2011 = Rhaconotinus (Rhaconotinus) rugosus (Tang et Chen, 2011), comb. nov.; Ipodoryctes rutilans Tang et Chen, 2011 = Rhaconotinus (Rhaconotinus) rutilans (Tang et Chen, 2011), comb. nov.; Ipodoryctes wuyiensis Tang et Chen, 2011 = Rhaconotinus (Rhaconotinus) wuyiensis (Tang et Chen, 2011), comb. nov.; and Ipodoryctes liui Tang et Chen, 2011 = Rhaconotinus (Hexarhaconotinus) liui (Tang et Chen, 2011), comb. nov.Six new species of spider beetle are described from southwestern Peru Cordielytrum silvae, sp. n., C. inca, sp. n., C. fimbriatum, sp. n., C. obscurum, sp. n., C. adustum, sp. n., and C. globuloides, sp. n. The potential for undescribed diversity in this genus is discussed, as well as the geographic distribution and biology of species.Gonyleptes robustus Holmberg, 1876 (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae), hitherto under the synonymy of Acanthopachylus aculeatus (Kirby, 1819) is revalidated. It is recognized as the second species of genus Acanthopachylus Roewer, 1913, currently monotypic, giving the new combination Acanthopachylus robustus (Holmberg, 1876) comb. nov. The huge synonymy formerly assigned to A. aculeatus is split among the newly identified entities. Diagnostic differences (male exomorphology) that underlie the taxonomic and nomenclatural decision are succinctly displayed. Brief historical references to the arachnological work of Eduardo L. Holmberg are also given.A little stout crawler mayfly Sparsorythus nanjangudensis sp. nov., is described based on nymphs and male adult from Western Ghats, southern India. The new species is differentiated from all known species on the basis of the extended anterolateral margin of pronotum, absence of subapical teeth on claws and wing pads reaching abdominal segment III. Distribution and ecological notes are provided for the new species.Eight species of Goja are here described and illustrated, seven of them are from Colombia, they present peculiar phallosomes and constitute assemblages of three and four related species each, they are G. andina n. sp., G. garridoi n. sp., G. meremberg n. sp., G. risaraldensis n. sp., G. tenerife n. sp., G. vallecaucana n. sp. and G. vavilovi n. sp. The other species, G. sierrajuarez n. sp., collected in the Sierra Jurez of Oaxaca, Mexico, is the first species of Goja, in which the male is brachypterous. A key to the identification of the males here treated is included, as well as a cladistic analysis of the species of Goja known to date.The subgenus Anthidium (Gulanthidium) is a species-poor group of similar species, which is distributed across the West Palaearctic, from Morocco in the west to central Asia in the east. Due to some incorrect species determinations in the literature, the taxonomic situation remains to be fully understood. The situation is reviewed with reference to a rich, still unpublished resource of material from throughout the range. Anthidium flavissimum sp. nov. is described from Afghanistan, A. preoccipitale sp. nov. from Iran, and A. occidentale sp. nov. from Morocco, based on a combination of colour, structural traits, genital morphology, and morphometry. The subgenus as treated here now comprises six species for which a key is presented. Some of the species are sympatric. Species of the subgenus Gulanthidium are very close to A. (Proanthidium) and it should be further examined as to whether these two subgenera should be better combined in a single subgenus.The Oriental species belonging to genus Brachycerocoris Costa, 1863 (Hemiptera Pentatomoidea Pentatomidae Podopinae s.l.) are revised with description of two new species, B. petrii sp. nov. and B. davidii sp. nov. from India and Philippines respectively. Brachycerocoris camelus Costa, 1863 is diagnosed and illustrated for female genitalia and B. dromedarius (Vollenhoven, 1863) is diagnosed and illustrated for both male and female genitalia. Additionally, host record, bionomics of B. petrii sp. nov. and a key to the Oriental species are provided.We recently examined specimens of the Rhopalopsole from Hubei, Ningxia and Shaanxi, China and three new synonyms of Rhopalopsole sinensis Yang Yang, 1993 are established Rhopalopsole furcata Yang Yang, 1994, Rhopalopsole hongpingana Sivec Harper, 2008 and Rhopalopsole ningxiana Li Yang, 2010 are synonymized with Rhopalopsole sinensis Yang Yang, 1993. We also place Rhopalopsole furcospina (Wu, 1973) as a nomen dubium. Long hairs on the antennae of R. sinensis thought to be diagnostic also occur on Rhopalopsole ampulla Du Qian, 2011, Rhopalopsole exiguspina Du Qian, 2011, and Rhopalopsole memorabilis Qian Du, 2014. We provide new images of several species to facilitate identification.Indian Megamyrmaekion and Sosticus species are revised, mostly based on the type material available in the National Zoological Collection, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata. The following new synonymies are recognised Megamyrmaekion ashae syn. nov. is synonymised with Megamyrmaekion caudatum Reuss, 1834, Megamyrmaekion kajalae syn. nov. with Drassodes luridus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874), Sosticus jabalpurensis syn. nov. and Sosticus sundargarhensis syn. nov., both with the liocranid species Sphingius barkudensis Gravely, 1931 and Sosticus poonaensis syn. nov. with the liocranid species Sphingius caniceps Simon, 1906. The following new combinations are recognised Poecilochroa jodhpurense (Gajbe, 1993) comb. nov., ex. Megamyrmaekion, Urozelotes pawani (Gajbe, 1993) comb. nov., Sphingius dherikanalensis (Gajbe, 1979) comb. nov., Sphingius nainitalensis (Gajbe, 1979) comb. nov. and Sphingius solanensis (Gajbe, 1979) comb. nov., all ex. Sosticus. All the examined type material are imaged and supplementary descriptions for P. jodhpurense comb. nov. and U. pawani comb. nov. are provided. A new monotypic genus, Gaviphosa Sankaran, 2021 gen. nov. for Gaviphosa kera Sankaran, 2021 gen. et sp. nov., featured by dorsal tibial apophysis is described and illustrated in detail from the southern Western Ghats of India.A new species of carpenter moth Xyleutes ramamurthyi Yakovlev Sankararaman, sp. selleck chemicals nov. (Lepidoptera, Cossidae, Zeuzerinae) is described as new to science from the Western Ghats of south India. The identification key and species catalog of the genus is provided. In this study, we illustrated with images of all the species of the genus and morphological structures of the new species. The photos of biotopes and the map of new species distribution are provided.A new species of the genus Suwallia from Japan, S. kawaii sp. n. is described, illustrated with color images and compared with related taxa. Based on the examination of the holotype, we consider Alloperla teleckojensis mal, 1939 is synonymized with Alloperla deminuta Zapekina-Dulkeit, 1970, and the former was a valid name. The name S. errata sp. n. is given for the widespread species hitherto known as Suwallia teleckojensis sensu Zapekina-Dulkeit (1955).
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