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Earth Science

Origin and Structure of the Earth - Planet Earth

- is the only planet in the solar system known to harbour life.
- only planet known to sustain life.
- is unique among planets in our solar system for having water in its liquid.
- is the only planet known to support life.
- is a dynamic body with many separate but highly interacting parts or spheres.

- is mainly composed of the lightest two gases known, hydrogen and helium.

- has several benefits.
- 75% of the earth's surface, 70% of all living things.

- need water to support life, chemical reactions necessary to life occur mainly in water.

Different factors that support life on Earth
1. Distance from the Sun: Earth is at just the
appropriate distance from the Sun.

2. Atmosphere: Earth has an atmosphere, which provides gases for our survival.

3. Water: The presence of a universal solvent ensures that reactions can take place and nutrients can be moved around easily.

4. Time for development: We are lucky to have the Sun, which is and average star and has a long life, something which is essential for life to develop and sustain.

Four Spheres/Systems of Earth:

1. GEOSPHERE - includes all the stuff that make up the crust and the core of the earth.

2. HYDROSPHERE - is the total amount of water on a planet.

3. BIOSPHERE - is the layer of the planet Earth where life exists.

4. ATMOSPHERE - is a layer or a set of layers of gases.


Earth Science
- the study of the Earth and its neighbors in space.

The Four Earth Sciences
Geology: Science of the Earth
- deals with the composition of Earth materials, Earth structures, and Earth processes.

Meteorology: Science of the Atmosphere
- study of the atmosphere and how processes in the atmosphere determines Earth's weather and climate.

Astronomy: Science of the Universe
- study of the universe and the heavenly bodies.

Oceanography: Science of the Oceans
- study of the Earth's oceans-their composition, movement, organisms and processes.


Solar System
- is made up of all the planets that orbit our Sun.

- any such object in space that moves in a definite orbit around a larger body.

Formation of the Solar System Theories

Planetisimal Theory
- According to the planetesimal theory developed by T. C. Chamberlin and F. R. Moulton in the early part of the 20th cent., a star passed close to the sun. Huge tides were raised on the surface; some of this erupted matter was torn free and, by a cross-pull from the star, was thrust into elliptical orbits around the sun.

Nebular Theory
- developed by Immanuel Kant and given scientific form by P. S. Laplace at the end of the 18th cent., assumed that the solar system in its first state was a nebula, a hot, slowly rotating mass of rarefied matter, which gradually cooled and contracted, the rotation becoming more rapid, in turn giving the nebula a flattened, disklike shape.

The Sun
* is actually a large star.
* it appears as a ball of orange, yellow, or white light in the sky.
* is 860,000 miles wide, so about 109 Earths could fit inside the Sun!
* is about 93 Million Miles away from Earth.
* does not have any air or water, and is too hot for anything to live there.
* Sun's light takes 8 minutes to travel to Earth, at the speed of light which is 182,200 miles per second!

Layers of the Sun
- The inner layers are the Core, Radiative Zone and Convection Zone.
- The outer layers are the Photosphere, the Chromosphere, and the Corona

1. Core - source of all the Sun's energy.
2. Radiation zone - the region surrounding the core of the Sun.
3. Convection zone - Energy continues to move toward the surface through convection currents of the heated and cooled gas.
4. Photosphere - the deepest layer of the Sun that we can observe directly.
5. Chromosphere - an irregular layer above the photosphere where the temperature rises from 6000°C to about 20,000°C.
6. Corona - outermost layer of the Sun, starting at about 1300 miles (2100 km) above the solar surface (the photosphere).

Solar Activities
- dark, irregular patches of the photosphere.

- a large, bright, gaseous feature extending outward from the Sun's surface, often in a loop shape.

Solar Flares
- sudden eruption which spray fountains of very hot gases into space.

The Planets

4 Inner Planet:

- first planet from the Sun
- a big metal ball of iron
- contain almost no air
- just a little bit larger than Earth's moon
- smallest planet in our solar system fastest moving planet in our Solar System
- during the daytime the temperature is hotter than an oven; during the night, the temperature is colder than a freezer

- second planet from the Sun
- Earth's closest neighbor and the second brightest object in our night sky
- has more volcanoes than any of the other planets in our Solar System
- hottest planet in the Solar System atmosphere is made up from mainly carbon dioxide.

- third planet from the sun has one moon
fifth largest planet in our Solar System.
- Earth's atmosphere is mainly made up
of nitrogen, oxygen, and water vapor.
- There is a small amount of ozone in our atmosphere and this is what filters some of the damaging radiation from the Sun.
- The only planet in the solar system with an atmosphere that can sustain life.

- called the "Red Planet"
- fourth planet from the sun
- very dry and barren, but there is evidence that Mars was once covered with volcanoes, glaciers and flood waters.
- too cold for liquid water to exist for any length of time, but features on the surface suggest that water once flowed on Mars.
- Today, water exists in the form of ice in the soil, and in sheets of ice in the polar ice caps.

5 Outer Planet:

- the largest planet of all of the planets.
- is diameter is 11 times larger than Earth's diameter
- its mass is greater than the masses of all the other planets combined.
- a very stormy planet.

- second largest planet in our Solar System and it is a gas giant like Jupiter
- lightest planet
- has beautiful rings made of ice and rocks.
- its atmosphere is cloudy and windy.

- very cold, windy and, like most of the other planets, poisonous to humans.
coldest planet
- Like Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus is a gas giant.
- Scientists also believe that on the surface of Uranus there may be a huge ocean. And some scientists think that this ocean may be very hot, maybe even as hot as 2760 degree

* a very windy place. No other planet in the Solar System has winds that are as strong as Neptune's
* the windiest planet
* has no definite surface layer. Instead, the gas transits into a slushy ice and water layer.
* most distant planet from the sun, Neptune is the third most massive. Despite its great size, it was the last planet to be discovered, because it lies so far away.

* a dwarf planet.
* It is rocky and has one big moon.
* After 76 years of classification as a planet, Pluto was demoted in 2006 to a dwarf planet, in part because of its size but also because of its minor gravitational effects on the bodies around it. It remains one of the most well-known non-planetary bodies in the solar system.

Geologic Processes
- Originating ON or ABOVE the surface of the Earth.

- Originating WITHIN the Earth.

- It is a series of processes that create and transform the types of rocks in Earth's crust.

- is the process of disintegration (physical and decomposition (chemical of rocks, breaking down o rocks into smaller particles.

Two Types of Weathering
Mechanical (physical weathering)
- breaking down of rocks without changing its composition.
Chemical Weathering
- there are changes in the composition of rocks due to chemical reaction.

Mechanical Weathering Factors
* PRESSURE - Squeeze the spaces out of minerals within the rock.

* TEMPERATURE - Expands, Contracts

* FROST WEDGING - Collective term for several mechanical processes created by FREEZING of water into ICE.

* ABRASION - Breaking down or wearing away of rocks by mechanical action of other rocks.

* ORGANIC ACTIVITY - Growing roots or plant acids.

* HUMAN ACTIVITIES - like biking, driving.


Chemical Weathering

* DISSOLUTION - rocks or minerals are dissolved by water.
* HYDROLYSIS - breaking down of rocks by acidic water to produce clay and soluble salts.
* OXIDATION - breaking down of rocks by oxygen.

- is the separation and removal of weathered rocks due to different agents like water, wind, and ice.

Mass Wasting
- is the movement of sediments downslope under the influence of gravity.

- is the process in which the weathered materials carried out by erosion stle down in a particular location.
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