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[German S3 Guideline - O2 Treatment from the Intense Proper Mature Patients].
Improvements are needed in how to approach visiting children in a more individual and caring way.
The children felt good when they visited their ill parent, but at the same time not fully involved, and desired a more compassionate, caring approach by the nurses. Improvements are needed in how to approach visiting children in a more individual and caring way.
This study aimed to explore and describe existential experiences after cancer treatment.

An exploratory phenomenological hermeneutical design was used following in-depth interviews with 21 people.

The study revealed experiences of multifaceted suffering in the form of limitations in everyday life, inner struggles, and bearing the burden alone.

Existential suffering after cancer treatment was revealed as like being in a process of transition, in an intermediate state, as moving between suffering and enduring, and alternating between alienworld and homeworld. A new and broader professional perspective is needed to establish rehabilitation services based on multifaceted experiences of suffering. This means a shift in focus from biomedical symptoms towards understanding of existential meaning for the person.
Existential suffering after cancer treatment was revealed as like being in a process of transition, in an intermediate state, as moving between suffering and enduring, and alternating between alienworld and homeworld. A new and broader professional perspective is needed to establish rehabilitation services based on multifaceted experiences of suffering. This means a shift in focus from biomedical symptoms towards understanding of existential meaning for the person.Two in vitro and in vivo experiments were accomplished to investigate the impacts of integrated feed additives (IFA, combination of protected fat, lysine, and methionine plus yucca extract, eucalyptus essential oil, and direct-fed microbial) on gas production (GP), ruminal fermentation and degradability parameters and lamb performance, digestibility, and nitrogen balance. In the in vitro experiment, responses of graded doses (0, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 g IFA/kg DM) were evaluated. In the in vivo experiment, 15 Barki male lambs (30.43 ± 0.74 kg BW ± SE) were individually allotted in complete randomized design into three treatments (five animal/treatment) as control (basal diet without additive), low dose (50 g/kg DM) and high dose (100 g/kg DM) for 120 days. In vitro results showed that both doses (100 and 125 g/kg DM) quadratically decreased (p  0.05) and ruminal protozoal populations (p = 0.094) compared with low dose and control diet. Both doses of IFA increased (p  less then  0.05) serum urea, creatinine, and triglyceride concentrations, while decreased (p  less then  0.001) ruminal NH3-N concentrations. These results suggested that, although IFA was effective to modify in vitro ruminal fermentation process and feed degradability, such aspects did not improve in vivo performance of growing lambs.
Medical professionalism education intends to produce virtuous and humanistic healthcare professionals who demonstrate perseverance and professional integrity. However, today's medicine has embodied a mammoth transformation of medical practice towards sns and the digital realm. Such paradigm shift has challenged the medical professional's values, behaviors, and identities, and the distinct boundaries between personal and professional lives are blurred. This study aims to develop a framework for healthcare professionals coping with the challenges of medical professionalism in the digital realm.

We followed a systematic approach for the development of a framework about e-professionalism. Qualitative data was collected from a systematic review and a delphi study, while quantitative data was collected by administering a validated questionnaire social networking sites for medical education (snsme). Subsequently, categorization of the selected data and identifying concepts, deconstruction and further categorizinbehaviors and identity. Adherence to digital standards, accountability, empathy, sensitivity, and commitment to society are essential elements of the meep framework.
The meep framework recognises a mission-based social contract by the medical community. This mission is largely driven by professional values, behaviors and identity. Adherence to digital standards, accountability, empathy, sensitivity, and commitment to society are essential elements of the meep framework.Hu sheep is an excellent short fat-tailed breed in China. Fat deposition in Hu sheep tail affects carcass quality and consumes a lot of energy, leading to an increase in feed cost. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of HMGA1 polymorphism on tail fat weight in Hu sheep. Partial coding and non-coding sequences of HMGA1 were amplified with PCR and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of HMGA1 in 1163 Hu sheep were detected using DNA sequencing and KASPar technology. RT-qPCR analysis was performed to test HMGA1 expression in different tissues. The results showed that the expression of HMGA1 was higher in the duodenum, liver, spleen, kidney, and lung than in the heart, muscle, rumen, tail fat, and lymph. A mutation, g.5312 C > T, was detected in HMGA1; g.5312 C > T was significantly associated with tail fat weight, relative weight of tail fat (body weight), and relative weight of tail fat (carcass) (p  less then  0.05). The tail fat weight of the TT genotype was remarkably higher than that of the CC and TC genotypes. Therefore, HMGA1 can be used as a genetic marker for marker-assisted selection of tail fat weight in Hu sheep.Campus sexual violence risk reduction and resistance interventions have been developed and tested among female students in the global North and proven effective. Evidence-based interventions to prevent sexual violence tested amongst female students in the global South and in South African campuses are lacking. We present preliminary evidence of promise of Ntombi Vimbela! (NV!), a sexual violence prevention intervention piloted amongst first year female students in eight purposively selected campuses in South Africa. Focus group discussions were conducted with 118 female students who participated in NV! workshops. Most students found the content of NV! relevant and reported having experienced its positive effects. They perceived that NV! empowered them with skills to assess and deal with sexual assault risky situations. NV! changed their attitudes and beliefs about gender, shifted their acceptance of rape myths and beliefs, improved communication skills, enhanced self-esteem, and confidence to defend oneself in risky sexual assault situations. Few participants were unsure whether they will be able to use the skill in real life. These findings indicate a range of short-term positive outcomes which we anticipate would reduce the risk of sexual assault among first year female students. This suggests that NV! should be subject to further evaluation.Clustering genes in similarity graphs is a popular approach for orthology prediction. Most algorithms group genes without considering their species, which results in clusters that contain several paralogous genes. Moreover, clustering is known to be problematic when in-paralogs arise from ancient duplications. Recently, we proposed a two-step process that avoids these problems. First, we infer clusters of only orthologs (i.e. with only genes from distinct species), and second, we infer the missing inter-cluster orthologs. In this paper, we focus on the first step, which leads to a problem we call Colorful Clustering. In general, this is as hard as classical clustering. However, in similarity graphs, the number of species is usually small, as well as the neighborhood size of genes in other species. We therefore study the problem of clustering in which the number of colors is bounded by [Formula see text], and each gene has at most [Formula see text] neighbors in another species. We show that the well-known cluster editing formulation remains NP-hard even when [Formula see text] and [Formula see text]. We then propose a fixed-parameter algorithm in [Formula see text] to find the single best cluster in the graph. We implemented this algorithm and included it in the aforementioned two-step approach. read more Experiments on simulated data show that this approach performs favorably to applying only an unconstrained clustering step.Problems in the genome rearrangement field are often formulated in terms of pairwise genome comparison given two genomes [Formula see text] and [Formula see text], find the minimum number of genome rearrangements that may have occurred during the evolutionary process. This broad definition lacks at least two important considerations the first being which features are extracted from genomes to create a useful mathematical model, and the second being which types of genome rearrangement events should be represented. Regarding the first consideration, seminal works in the genome rearrangement field solely used gene order to represent genomes as permutations of integer numbers, neglecting many important aspects like gene duplication, intergenic regions, and complex interactions between genes. Regarding the second consideration, some rearrangement events are widely studied such as reversals and transpositions. In this paper, we shed light on the first consideration and created a model that takes into account gene order and the number of nucleotides in intergenic regions. In addition, we consider events of reversals, transpositions, and indels (insertions and deletions) of genomic material. We present a 4-approximation algorithm for reversals and indels, a [Formula see text]-approximation algorithm for transpositions and indels, and a 6-approximation for reversals, transpositions, and indels.Recently, we proposed an efficient ILP formulation [Rubert DP, Martinez FV, Braga MDV, Natural family-free genomic distance, Algorithms Mol Biol 164, 2021] for exactly computing the rearrangement distance of two genomes in a family-free setting. In such a setting, neither prior classification of genes into families, nor further restrictions on the genomes are imposed. Given two genomes, the mentioned ILP computes an optimal matching of the genes taking into account simultaneously local mutations, given by gene similarities, and large-scale genome rearrangements. Here, we explore the potential of using this ILP for inferring groups of orthologs across several species. More precisely, given a set of genomes, our method first computes all pairwise optimal gene matchings, which are then integrated into gene families in the second step. Our approach is implemented into a pipeline incorporating the pre-computation of gene similarities. It can be downloaded from We obtained promising results with experiments on both simulated and real data.We present BOPAL 2.0, an improved version of the BOPAL algorithm for the evolutionary history inference of tRNA and rRNA genes in bacterial genomes. Our approach can infer complete evolutionary scenarios and ancestral gene orders on a phylogeny and considers a wide range of events such as duplications, deletions, substitutions, inversions and transpositions. It is based on the fact that tRNA and rRNA genes are often organized in operons/clusters in bacteria, and this information is used to help identify orthologous genes for each genome comparison. BOPAL 2.0 introduces new features, such as a triple-wise alignment step, context-aware singleton matching and a second pass of the algorithm. Evaluation on simulated datasets shows that BOPAL 2.0 outperforms the original BOPAL in terms of the accuracy of inferred events and ancestral genomes. We also present a study of the tRNA/rRNA gene evolution in the Clostridium genus, in which the organization of these genes is very divergent. Our results indicate that tRNA and rRNA genes in Clostridium have evolved through numerous duplications, losses, transpositions and substitutions, but very few inversions were inferred.
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