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N-acetylcysteine is a thiol-containing antioxidant, which has shown otoprotective effects in in-vitro as well as in-vivo models of cisplatin induced hearing loss. Systemic administration of antioxidants, however, is associated with the major potential drawback of interference with the tumoricidal effect of cisplatin. This therapeutic limitation can be overcome by local intratympanic injection of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine, which results in very restricted systemic uptake of the drug, whilst intracochlear drug levels are substantially higher. Furthermore, osmolality and pH properties of formulations for intratympanic injection need to be controlled, as they impact the fraction of drug crossing the barriers of the inner ear and could potentially damage middle and inner ear structures. This study focused on (i) the evaluation of concentration-time profiles of N-acetylcysteine in perilymph, cerebrospinal fluid and plasma after intratympanic administration, (ii) the influence of the dosage form, i.e. a thermasma N-acetylcysteine levels. N-acetylcysteine concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid were below the level of detection (5ng/ml) in both treatment groups. N-acetylcysteine-containing formulations applied to the middle ear were isohydric and osmolality was reduced by up to 200mosmol/kg compared to equally concentrated formulations used in previous studies. In summary, we were able to demonstrate that the intratympanic injection of thermoreversible poloxamer 407 hydrogels increases and sustains N-acetylcysteine delivery to the inner ear. Given the low plasma N-acetylcysteine levels after topical application and the physiological pH and osmolality of the hydrogel, the risk of compromising the antineoplastic effects of cisplatin therapy and of local side effects is minimal. V.Eye drops and ointments are the most prescribed methods for ocular drug delivery. However, due to low drug bioavailability, rapid drug elimination, and low patient compliance there is a need for improved ophthalmic drug delivery systems. This study provides insights into the design of a new drug delivery device that consists of an ocular coil filled with ketorolac loaded PMMA microspheres. Nine different ocular coils were created, ranging in wire diameter and coiled outer diameter. Based on its microsphere holding capacity and flexibility, one type of ocular coil was selected and used for further experiments. No escape of microspheres was observed after bending the ocular coil at curvature which reflect the in vivo situation in human upon positioning in the lower conjunctival sac. Shape behavior and tissue contact were investigated by computed tomography imaging after inserting the ocular coil in the lower conjunctival fornix of a human cadaver. Thanks to its high flexibility, the ocular coil bends along the circumference of the eye. Because of its location deep in the fornix, it appears unlikely that in vivo, the ocular coil will interfere with eye movements. In vitro drug release experiments demonstrate the potential of the ocular coil as sustained drug delivery device for the eye. We developed PMMA microspheres with a 26.5 ± 0.3 wt % ketorolac encapsulation efficiency. After 28 days, 69.9% ± 5.6% of the loaded ketorolac was released from the ocular coil when tested in an in vitro lacrimal system. In the first three days high released dose (48.7% ± 5.4%) was observed, followed by a more gradually release of ketorolac. Hence, the ocular coil seems a promising carrier for ophthalmic drugs delivery in the early postoperative time period. Kawasaki disease (KD) is a common vasculitis of childhood, typically affecting children under the age of five. Despite many aspects of its presentation that bear resemblence to acute infection, no causative infectious agent has been identified despite years of intense scrutiny. Unlike most infections, however, there are significant differences in racial predilection that suggest a strong genetic influence. The inflammatory response in KD specifically targets the coronary arteries, also unusual for an infectious condition. In this review, we discuss recent hypotheses on KD pathogenesis as well as new insights into the innate immune response and mechanisms behind vascular damage. The pathogenesis is complex, however, and remains inadequately understood. Intrinsically disordered or unstructured proteins (or regions in proteins) have been found to be important in a wide range of biological functions and implicated in many diseases. Due to the high cost and low efficiency of experimental determination of intrinsic disorder and the exponential increase of unannotated protein sequences, developing complementary computational prediction methods has been an active area of research for several decades. Here, we employed an ensemble of deep Squeeze-and-Excitation residual inception and long short-term memory (LSTM) networks for predicting protein intrinsic disorder with input from evolutionary information and predicted one-dimensional structural properties. The method, called SPOT-Disorder2, offers substantial and consistent improvement not only over our previous technique based on LSTM networks alone, but also over other state-of-the-art techniques in three independent tests with different ratios of disordered to ordered amino acid residues, and for sequences with either rich or limited evolutionary information. More importantly, semi-disordered regions predicted in SPOT-Disorder2 are more accurate in identifying molecular recognition features (MoRFs) than methods directly designed for MoRFs prediction. SPOT-Disorder2 is available as a web server and as a standalone program at https// V.The allele frequency spectrum (AFS), or site frequency spectrum, is commonly used to summarize the genomic polymorphism pattern of a sample, which is informative for inferring population history and detecting natural selection. In 2013, Chen and Chen developed a method for analytically deriving the AFS for populations with temporally varying size through the coalescence time-scaling function. However, their approach is only applicable to population history scenarios in which the analytical form of the time-scaling function is tractable. In this paper, we propose a computational approach to extend the method to populations with arbitrary complex varying size by numerically approximating the time-scaling function. We demonstrate the performance of the approach by constructing the AFS for two population history scenarios the logistic growth model and the Gompertz growth model, for which the AFS are unavailable with existing approaches. Software for implementing the algorithm can be downloaded at http//chenlab.big.
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