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COVID-19 inside people using cancer: can easily baseline radiologic seriousness as well as first progression anticipate specialized medical benefits?
Aberrant inflammation, such as that associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is fueled by the inordinate activity of RelA/NF-κB factors. As such, the canonical NF-κB module mediates controlled nuclear activation of RelA dimers from the latent cytoplasmic complexes. What provokes pathological RelA activity in the colitogenic gut remains unclear. The noncanonical NF-κB pathway typically promotes immune organogenesis involving Nfkb2 gene products. Because NF-κB pathways are intertwined, we asked whether noncanonical signaling aggravated inflammatory RelA activity. Our investigation revealed frequent engagement of the noncanonical pathway in human IBD. In a mouse model of experimental colitis, we established that Nfkb2-mediated regulations escalated the RelA-driven proinflammatory gene response in intestinal epithelial cells, exacerbating the infiltration of inflammatory cells and colon pathologies. Our mechanistic studies clarified that cell-autonomous Nfkb2 signaling supplemented latent NF-κB dimers, leading to a hyperactive canonical RelA response in the inflamed colon. In sum, the regulation of latent NF-κB dimers appears to link noncanonical Nfkb2 signaling to RelA-driven inflammatory pathologies and may provide for therapeutic targets.A chromosome 1q21.3 region that is frequently amplified in diverse cancer types encodes phosphatidylinositol (PI)-4 kinase IIIβ (PI4KIIIβ), a key regulator of secretory vesicle biogenesis and trafficking. Chromosome 1q21.3-amplified lung adenocarcinoma (1q-LUAD) cells rely on PI4KIIIβ for Golgi-resident PI-4-phosphate (PI4P) synthesis, prosurvival effector protein secretion, and cell viability. Here, we show that 1q-LUAD cells subjected to prolonged PI4KIIIβ antagonist treatment acquire tolerance by activating an miR-218-5p-dependent competing endogenous RNA network that up-regulates PI4KIIα, which provides an alternative source of Golgi-resident PI4P that maintains prosurvival effector protein secretion and cell viability. These findings demonstrate an addiction to Golgi-resident PI4P synthesis in a genetically defined subset of cancers.The interaction between spontaneous and externally evoked neuronal activity is fundamental for a functional brain. Increasing evidence suggests that bursts of high-power oscillations in the 15- to 30-Hz beta-band represent activation of internally generated events and mask perception of external cues. Yet demonstration of the effect of beta-power modulation on perception in real time is missing, and little is known about the underlying mechanism. Here, we used a closed-loop stimulus-intensity adjustment system based on online burst-occupancy analyses in rats involved in a forepaw vibrotactile detection task. We found that the masking influence of burst occupancy on perception can be counterbalanced in real time by adjusting the vibration amplitude. Offline analysis of firing rates (FRs) and local field potentials across cortical layers and frequency bands confirmed that beta-power in the somatosensory cortex anticorrelated with sensory evoked responses. Mechanistically, bursts in all bands were accompanied by transient synchronization of cell assemblies, but only beta-bursts were followed by a reduction of FR. Our closed loop approach reveals that spontaneous beta-bursts reflect a dynamic state that competes with external stimuli.When exposed to high light, plants produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). In Arabidopsis thaliana, local stress such as excess heat or light initiates a systemic ROS wave in phloem and xylem cells dependent on NADPH oxidase/respiratory burst oxidase homolog (RBOH) proteins. In the case of excess light, although the initial local accumulation of ROS preferentially takes place in bundle-sheath strands, little is known about how this response takes place. Using rice and the ROS probes diaminobenzidine and 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, we found that, after exposure to high light, ROS were produced more rapidly in bundle-sheath strands than mesophyll cells. This response was not affected either by CO2 supply or photorespiration. Consistent with these findings, deep sequencing of messenger RNA (mRNA) isolated from mesophyll or bundle-sheath strands indicated balanced accumulation of transcripts encoding all major components of the photosynthetic apparatus. However, transcripts encoding several isoforms of the superoxide/H2O2-producing enzyme NADPH oxidase were more abundant in bundle-sheath strands than mesophyll cells. ROS production in bundle-sheath strands was decreased in mutant alleles of the bundle-sheath strand preferential isoform of OsRBOHA and increased when it was overexpressed. Despite the plethora of pathways able to generate ROS in response to excess light, NADPH oxidase-mediated accumulation of ROS in the rice bundle-sheath strand was detected in etiolated leaves lacking chlorophyll. We conclude that photosynthesis is not necessary for the local ROS response to high light but is in part mediated by NADPH oxidase activity.Unicellular eukaryotic predators play a crucial role in the functioning of the ocean ecosystem by recycling nutrients and energy that are channeled to upper trophic levels. Traditionally, these evolutionarily diverse organisms have been combined into a single functional group (heterotrophic flagellates), overlooking their organismal differences. Here, we investigated four evolutionarily related species belonging to one cosmopolitan group of uncultured marine picoeukaryotic predators marine stramenopiles (MAST)-4 (species A, B, C, and E). Co-occurrence and distribution analyses in the global surface ocean indicated contrasting patterns in MAST-4A and C, suggesting adaptation to different temperatures. We then investigated whether these spatial distribution patterns were mirrored by MAST-4 genomic content using single-cell genomics. Analyses of 69 single cells recovered 66 to 83% of the MAST-4A/B/C/E genomes, which displayed substantial interspecies divergence. MAST-4 genomes were similar in terms of broad gene functional categories, but they differed in enzymes of ecological relevance, such as glycoside hydrolases (GHs), which are part of the food degradation machinery in MAST-4. Interestingly, MAST-4 species featuring a similar GH composition (A and C) coexcluded each other in the surface global ocean, while species with a different set of GHs (B and C) appeared to be able to coexist, suggesting further niche diversification associated with prey digestion. We propose that differential niche adaptation to temperature and prey type has promoted adaptive evolutionary diversification in MAST-4. We show that minute ocean predators from the same phylogenetic group may have different biogeography and genomic content, which needs to be accounted for to better comprehend marine food webs.Artificial lighting, day-length changes, shift work, and transmeridian travel all lead to sleep-wake disturbances. The nychthemeral sleep-wake cycle (SWc) is known to be controlled by output from the central circadian clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN), which is entrained to the light-dark cycle. Additionally, via intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells containing the photopigment melanopsin (Opn4), short-term light-dark alternations exert direct and acute influences on sleep and waking. However, the extent to which longer exposures typically experienced across the 24-h day exert such an effect has never been clarified or quantified, as disentangling sustained direct light effects (SDLE) from circadian effects is difficult. Recording sleep in mice lacking a circadian pacemaker, either through transgenesis (Syt10 cre/cre Bmal1 fl/- ) or SCN lesioning and/or melanopsin-based phototransduction (Opn4 -/- ), we uncovered, contrary to prevailing assumptions, that the contribution of SDLE is as important as circadian-driven input in determining SWc amplitude. Specifically, SDLE were primarily mediated (>80%) through melanopsin, of which half were then relayed through the SCN, revealing an ancillary purpose for this structure, independent of its clock function in organizing SWc. Based on these findings, we designed a model to estimate the effect of atypical light-dark cycles on SWc. This model predicted SWc amplitude in mice exposed to simulated transequatorial or transmeridian paradigms. Taken together, we demonstrate this SDLE is a crucial mechanism influencing behavior on par with the circadian system. In a broader context, these findings mandate considering SDLE, in addition to circadian drive, for coping with health consequences of atypical light exposure in our society.Genetic variation segregates as linked sets of variants or haplotypes. Haplotypes and linkage are central to genetics and underpin virtually all genetic and selection analysis. Yet, genomic data often omit haplotype information due to constraints in sequencing technologies. Here, we present "haplotagging," a simple, low-cost linked-read sequencing technique that allows sequencing of hundreds of individuals while retaining linkage information. We apply haplotagging to construct megabase-size haplotypes for over 600 individual butterflies (Heliconius erato and H. melpomene), which form overlapping hybrid zones across an elevational gradient in Ecuador. Haplotagging identifies loci controlling distinctive high- and lowland wing color patterns. Divergent haplotypes are found at the same major loci in both species, while chromosome rearrangements show no parallelism. Remarkably, in both species, the geographic clines for the major wing-pattern loci are displaced by 18 km, leading to the rise of a novel hybrid morph in the center of the hybrid zone. We propose that shared warning signaling (Müllerian mimicry) may couple the cline shifts seen in both species and facilitate the parallel coemergence of a novel hybrid morph in both comimetic species. Our results show the power of efficient haplotyping methods when combined with large-scale sequencing data from natural populations.The most represented components of clathrin-coated vesicles (CCVs) are clathrin triskelia and the adaptors clathrin assembly lymphoid myeloid leukemia protein (CALM) and the heterotetrameric complex AP2. Investigation of the dynamics of AP180-amino-terminal-homology (ANTH) recruitment during CCV formation has been hampered by CALM toxicity upon overexpression. We used knock-in gene editing to express a C-terminal-attached fluorescent version of CALM, while preserving its endogenous expression levels, and cutting-edge live-cell microscopy approaches to study CALM recruitment at forming CCVs. Our results demonstrate that CALM promotes vesicle completion upon membrane tension increase as a function of the amount of this adaptor present. Since the expression of adaptors, including CALM, differs among cells, our data support a model in which the efficiency of clathrin-mediated endocytosis is tissue specific and explain why CALM is essential during embryogenesis and red blood cell development.Shift current is a direct current generated from nonlinear light-matter interaction in a noncentrosymmetric crystal and is considered a promising candidate for next-generation photovoltaic devices. The mechanism for shift currents in real materials is, however, still not well understood, especially if electron-hole interactions are included. Here, we employ a first-principles interacting Green's-function approach on the Keldysh contour with real-time propagation to study photocurrents generated by nonlinear optical processes under continuous wave illumination in real materials. We demonstrate a strong direct current shift current at subbandgap excitation frequencies in monolayer GeS due to strongly bound excitons, as well as a giant excitonic enhancement in the shift current coefficients at above bandgap photon frequencies. Our results suggest that atomically thin two-dimensional materials may be promising building blocks for next-generation shift current devices.
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