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Anti-VEGF solutions pertaining to age-related macular damage: a powerful your survival gear or even a straight-forward system? The option is our bait.
In this work, films of polylactide (PLA) prepared by extrusion and thermo-compression were plasticized with oligomer of lactic acid (OLA) at contents of 5, 10, and 20 wt%. The PLA sample containing 20 wt% of OLA was also reinforced with 3, 6, and 9 parts per hundred resin (phr) of halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) to increase the mechanical strength and thermal stability of the films. Prior to melt mixing, ultrasound-assisted dispersion of the nanoclays in OLA was carried out at 100 °C to promote the HNTs dispersion in PLA and the resultant films were characterized with the aim to ascertain their potential in food packaging. It was observed that either the individual addition of OLA or combined with 3 phr of HNTs did not significantly affect the optical properties of the PLA films, whereas higher nanoclay contents reduced lightness and induced certain green and blue tonalities. The addition of 20 wt% of OLA increased ductility of the PLA film by nearly 75% and also decreased the glass transition temperature (Tg) by over 18 °C. The incorporation of 3 phr of HNTs into the OLA-containing PLA films delayed thermal degradation by 7 °C and additionally reduced the permeabilities to water and limonene vapors by approximately 8% and 47%, respectively. Interestingly, the highest barrier performance was attained for the unfilled PLA film plasticized with 10 wt% of OLA, which was attributed to a crystallinity increase and an effect of "antiplasticization". However, loadings of 6 and 9 phr of HNTs resulted in the formation of small aggregates that impaired the performance of the blend films. The here-attained results demonstrates that the properties of ternary systems of PLA/OLA/HNTs can be tuned when the plasticizer and nanofiller contents are carefully chosen and the resultant nanocomposite films can be proposed as a bio-sourced alternative for compostable packaging applications.The characterization of genetic diversity in elite breeding stocks is crucial for the registration and protection of new varieties. Moreover, experimental population structure analysis and information about the genetic distinctiveness of commercial materials are essential for crop breeding programs. The purpose of our research was to assess the genetic relationships of 32 endive (Cichorium endivia L.) breeding lines, 18 from var. latifolium (escarole) and 14 from var. crispum (curly), using heterologous Cichorium intybus-derived simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) markers. We found that 14 out of 29 SSR markers were successfully amplified, but only 8 of them were related to polymorphic loci. To overcome the limitation of the low number of informative SSR marker loci, an alternative SNP-based approach was employed. The 4621 SNPs produced by a restriction site-associated DNA marker sequencing approach were able to fully discriminate the 32 endive accessions; most importantly, as many as 50 marker loci were found to distinguish the curly group from the escarole group. Interestingly, 24 of the marker loci mapped within a peripheral segment of chromosome 8 of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), spanning a chromosomal region of 49.6 Mb. Following Sanger sequencing-based validation, three genes were determined to carry nonsynonymous SNPs, and one of them matched a putative ortholog of AtELP1, subunit 1 of the Elongator complex. Considering that several previously characterized Elongator complex subunit mutants exhibited elongated and/or curly leaf phenotypes, this gene should be taken into consideration for a better understanding of the underlying mechanism controlling leaf shape in endive.Pulmonary drug delivery is a promising strategy to treat lung infectious disease as it allows for a high local drug concentration and low systemic side effects. This is particularly true for low-permeability drugs, such as tobramycin or colistin, that penetrate the lung at a low rate after systemic administration and greatly benefit from lung administration in terms of the local drug concentration. However, for relatively high-permeable drugs, such as fluoroquinolones (FQs), the rate of absorption is so high that the pulmonary administration has no therapeutic advantage compared to systemic or oral administration. Formulation strategies have thus been developed to decrease the absorption rate and increase FQs' residence time in the lung after inhalation. In the present review, some of these strategies, which generally consist of either decreasing the lung epithelium permeability or decreasing the release rate of FQs into the epithelial lining fluid after lung deposition, are presented in regards to their clinical aspects.In this work, the potential of spectroscopic techniques was studied to investigate heat-induced changes occurring during the application of thermal treatments on cod (Gadus morhua L.) fillets. Vacuum-packed samples were thermally treated in a water bath at 50, 60, 70 and 80 °C for 5 and 10 min, and further stored for one, four, and eight days at 4 ± 1 °C before analysis. Several traditional (including cooking loss, drip loss, texture, protein solubility, protein oxidation, and color) and spectroscopic (fluorescence and diffuse reflectance hyperspectral imaging) measurements were conducted on the same samples. The results showed a decrease in fluorescence intensity with increasing cooking temperature and storage time, while the impact of cooking time was only noticeable at low temperatures. Diffuse reflectance data exhibited a decrease in absorbance, possibly as a result of protein denaturation and increased scattering at higher cooking temperatures. Both fluorescence and diffuse reflectance data were highly correlated with color parameters, whereas moderate correlations were observed with most other traditional parameters. Support vector machine models performed better than partial least square ones for both classification of cod samples cooked at different temperatures and in prediction of the cooking temperature. The best classification result was obtained on fluorescence data, achieving an accuracy of 92.5%, while the prediction models resulted in a root mean square error of prediction of cooking temperature lower than 5 °C. Overall, the classification and prediction models showed good results, indicating that spectroscopic techniques, especially fluorescence hyperspectral imaging, have a high potential for monitoring thermal treatments in cod fillets.Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a contagious prion disease of cervids. The infectious agent is shed from animals at the preclinical and clinical stages of disease where it persists in the environment as a reservoir of CWD infectivity. In this study, we demonstrate that long-term incubation of CWD prions (generated from tg-mice infected with deer or elk prions) with illite, montmorillonite (Mte) and whole soils results in decreased recovery of PrPCWD, suggesting that binding becomes more avid and irreversible with time. This continual decline of immunoblot PrPCWD detection did not correlate with prion infectivity levels. Bioassay showed no significant differences in incubation periods between mice inoculated with 1% CWD brain homogenate (BH) and with the CWD-BH pre-incubated with quartz or Luvisolic Ae horizon for 1 or 30 weeks. After 55 weeks incubation with Chernozem and Luvisol, bound PrPCWD was not detectable by immunoblotting but remained infectious. This study shows that although recovery of PrPCWD bound to soil minerals and whole soils with time become more difficult, prion infectivity is not significantly altered. Detection of prions in soil is, therefore, not only affected by soil type but also by length of time of the prion-soil interaction.In this paper, an infinite circular ZnO thin film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR) with a frame-like electrode operating at the thickness-extensional (TE) mode is studied. Two-dimensional scalar differential equations established for the problem in the Cartesian coordinate system are successfully solved by transforming them into normal Bessel equations and modified Bessel equations in the cylindrical coordinate system. Resonant frequencies and vibration distributions are obtained for this frame-like FBAR sensor. A nearly uniform mass sensitivity distribution in the active area is achieved by designing proper electrode size and mass ratio of the driving electrode to the ZnO film. Numerical results show that compared with the reported ring electrode FBAR sensor, the novel frame-like electrode FBAR can achieve a maximum optimization ratio (up to 97.90%) on the uniformity of the mass sensitivity distribution in the active area under the same structural parameters, which is also higher than the optimization ratio 77.63% obtained by the reported double-ring electrode design. Moreover, the mechanism to achieve a very uniform mass sensitivity distribution in the active area by the frame-like electrode is explained in detail according to dispersion curves. Namely, when the resonant frequency of the FBAR sensor is close to the cut-off frequency of the active region in the dispersion curve, the mass sensitivity distribution is nearly uniform. These conclusions provide a theoretical guidance for the design and optimization of ZnO FBAR mass sensors with high performance.The demand for wearable and point-of-care devices has led to an increase in electrochemical sensor development to measure an ever-increasing array of biological molecules. In order to move from the benchtop to truly portable devices, the development of new biosensors requires miniaturized instrumentation capable of making highly sensitive amperometric measurements. To meet this demand, we have developed KickStat, a miniaturized potentiostat that combines the small size of the integrated Texas Instruments LMP91000 potentiostat chip (Texas Instruments, Dallas, TX, USA) with the processing power of the ARM Cortex-M0+ SAMD21 microcontroller (Microchip Technology, Chandler, AZ, USA) on a custom-designed 21.6 mm by 20.3 mm circuit board. By incorporating onboard signal processing via the SAMD21, we achieve 1 mV voltage increment resolution and an instrumental limit of detection of 4.5 nA in a coin-sized form factor. This elegant engineering solution allows for high-resolution electrochemical analysis without requiring extensive circuitry. We measured the faradaic current of an anti-cocaine aptamer using cyclic voltammetry and square wave voltammetry and demonstrated that KickStat's response was within 0.6% of a high-end benchtop potentiostat. To further support others in electrochemical biosensors development, we have made KickStat's design and firmware available in an online GitHub repository.Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Vip3A proteins are important insecticidal proteins used for control of lepidopteran insects. However, the mode of action of Vip3A toxin is still unclear. In this study, the amino acid residue S164 in Vip3Aa was identified to be critical for the toxicity in Spodoptera litura. Results from substitution mutations of the S164 indicate that the insecticidal activity of Vip3Aa correlated with the formation of a >240 kDa complex of the toxin upon proteolytic activation. read more The >240 kDa complex was found to be composed of the 19 kDa and the 65 kDa fragments of Vip3Aa. Substitution of the S164 in Vip3Aa protein with Ala or Pro resulted in loss of the >240 kDa complex and loss of toxicity in Spodoptera litura. In contrast, substitution of S164 with Thr did not affect the >240 kDa complex formation, and the toxicity of the mutant was only reduced by 35%. Therefore, the results from this study indicated that formation of the >240 kDa complex correlates with the toxicity of Vip3Aa in insects and the residue S164 is important for the formation of the complex.
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