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Putative regulation function associated with hexokinase as well as fructokinase inside terpenoid scent biosynthesis inside Lilium 'Siberia'.
However, at r=r_c_2 the transition is always continuous.We present an electron injection scheme for plasma wakefield acceleration. The method is based on a recently proposed technique of fast electron generation via laser-solid interaction a femtosecond laser pulse with the energy of tens of mJ hitting a dense plasma target at 45^∘ angle expels a well collimated bunch of electrons and accelerates these close to the specular direction up to several MeVs. We study trapping of these fast electrons by a quasilinear wakefield excited by an external beam driver in a surrounding low density plasma. This configuration can be relevant to the AWAKE experiment at CERN. We vary different injection parameters the phase and angle of injection, the laser pulse energy. An approximate trapping condition is derived for a linear axisymmetric wake. It is used to optimize the trapped charge and is verified by three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. It is shown that a quasilinear plasma wave with the accelerating field ∼ 2.5 GV/m can trap electron bunches with ∼ 100 pC charge, ∼60μm transverse normalized emittance and accelerate them to energies of several GeV with the spread ≲ 1% after 10 m..We study the statistical distribution of the ergotropy and of the efficiency of a single-qubit battery ad of a single-qubit Otto engine, respectively fueled by random collisions. The single qubit, our working fluid, is assumed to exchange energy with two reservoirs a nonequilibrium "hot" reservoir and a zero-temperature cold reservoir. The interactions between the qubit and the reservoirs are described in terms of a collision model of open system dynamics. The qubit interacts with the nonequilibrium reservoir (a large ensemble of qudits all prepared in the same pure state) via random unitary collisions and with the cold reservoir (a large ensemble of qubits in their ground state) via a partial swap. Due to the random nature of the interaction with the hot reservoir, fluctuations in ergotropy, heat, and work are present, shrinking with the size of the qudits in the hot reservoir. While the mean, "macroscopic" efficiency of the Otto engine is the same as in the case in which the hot reservoir is a thermal one, the distribution of efficiencies does not support finite moments, so that the mean of efficiencies does not coincide with the macroscopic efficiency.In 1994, Jansen and Oerding predicted an interesting anomalous tricritical dynamic behavior in three-dimensional models via renormalization group theory. However, we highlight the lack of literature about the computational verification of this universal behavior. Here, we use some tricks to capture the log corrections and the parameters predicted by these authors using the three-dimensional Blume-Capel model. We quantify the crossover phenomena by computing the critical exponents near the tricritical point. In addition, we also perform a more detailed study of the dynamic localization of the phase diagram via power-law optimization.A map is proposed from the space of planar surface fracture networks to a four-parameter mathematical space, summarizing the average topological connectivity and geometrical properties of a network idealized as a convex polygonal mesh. The four parameters are identified as the average number of nodes and edges, the angular defect with respect to regular polygons, and the isoperimetric ratio. The map serves as a low-dimensional signature of the fracture network and is visually presented as a pair of three-dimensional graphs. A systematic study is made of a wide collection of real crack networks for various materials, collected from different sources. To identify the characteristics of the real materials, several well-known mathematical models of convex polygonal networks are presented and worked out. These geometric models may correspond to different physical fracturing processes. The proposed map is shown to be discriminative, and the points corresponding to materials of similar properties are found to form closely spaced groups in the parameter space. Results for the real and simulated systems are compared in an attempt to identify crack networks of unknown materials.Using external illumination cues, we induce the formation and dissolution of laboratory swarms of the nonbiting midge Chironomus riparius and study their behavior during these transient processes. In general, swarm formation is slower than swarm dissolution. We find that the swarm property that appears most rapidly during formation and disappears most rapidly during dissolution is an emergent mean radial acceleration pointing toward the center of the swarm. Our results strengthen the conjecture that this central effective force may be used as an indicator to distinguish when the midges are swarming from when they are not.We elucidate the nature of universal scaling in a class of quenched disordered driven models. In particular, we explore the intriguing possibility of whether coupling with quenched disorders can lead to continuously varying universality classes. We examine this question in the context of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation, with and without a conservation law, coupled with quenched disorders having distributions with pertinent structures. We show that when the disorder is relevant in the renormalization group sense, the scaling exponents can depend continuously on a dimensionless parameter that defines the disorder distribution. This result is generic and holds for quenched disorders with or without spatially long-ranged correlations, as long as the disorder remains a "relevant perturbation" on the pure system in the renormalization group sense and a dimensionless parameter naturally exists in its distribution. We speculate on its implications for generic driven systems with quenched disorders, and we compare and contrast with the scaling displayed in the presence of annealed disorders.The free-energy landscape of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick (SK) Ising spin glass is simple in the framework of the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer (TAP) equations as each solution (which are minima of the free energy) has associated with it a nearby index-one saddle point. The free-energy barrier to escape the minimum is just the difference between the saddle point free energy and that at its associated minimum. This difference is calculated for the states with free energies f>f_c. It is very small for these states, decreasing as 1/N^2, where N is the number of spins in the system. These states are not marginally stable. We argue that such small barriers are why numerical studies never find these states when N is large. Instead, the states that are found are those that have marginal stability. For them the barriers are at least of O(1). f_c is the free energy per spin below which the states develop broken replica-symmetry-like overlaps with each other. In the regime f less then f_c we can only offer some possibilities based around scaling arguments. One of these suggest that the barriers might become as large as N^1/3. That might be consistent with recent numerical studies on the Viana-Bray model, which were at variance with the expectations of Cugliandolo and Kurchan for the SK model.The characterization of the interactions between two fully flexible self-avoiding polymers is one of the classic and most important problems in polymer physics. In this paper we measure these interactions in the presence of active fluctuations. We introduce activity into the problem using two of the most popular models in this field, one where activity is effectively embedded into the monomers' dynamics, and the other where passive polymers fluctuate in an explicit bath of active particles. We establish the conditions under which the interaction between active polymers can be mapped into the classical passive problem. We observe that the active bath can drive the development of strong attractive interactions between the polymers and that, upon enforcing a significant degree of overlap, they come together to form a single double-stranded unit. A phase diagram tracing this change in conformational behavior is also reported.We study the percolation of randomly rotating patchy particles on 11 Archimedean lattices in two dimensions. Each vertex of the lattice is occupied by a particle, and in each model the patch size and number are monodisperse. When there are more than one patches on the surface of a particle, they are symmetrically decorated. As the proportion χ of the particle surface covered by the patches increases, the clusters connected by the patches grow and the system percolates at the threshold χ_c. We combine Monte Carlo simulations and the critical polynomial method to give precise estimates of χ_c for disks with one to six patches and spheres with one to two patches on the 11 lattices. For one-patch particles, we find that the order of χ_c values for particles on different lattices is the same as that of threshold values p_c for site percolation on these lattices, which implies that χ_c for one-patch particles mainly depends on the geometry of lattices. For particles with more patches, symmetry becomes very important in determining χ_c. With the estimates of χ_c for disks with one to six patches, using analyses related to symmetry, we are able to give precise values of χ_c for disks with an arbitrary number of patches on all 11 lattices. The following rules are found for patchy disks on each of these lattices (1) as the number of patches n increases, values of χ_c repeat in a periodic way, with the period n_0 determined by the symmetry of the lattice; (2) when mod(n,n_0)=0, the minimum threshold value χ_min appears, and the model is equivalent to site percolation with χ_min=p_c; and (3) disks with mod(n,n_0)=m and n_0-m (m less then n_0/2) share the same χ_c value. The results can be useful references for studying the connectivity of patchy particles on two-dimensional lattices at finite temperatures.Exchangeability is a desired statistical property of network ensembles requiring their invariance upon relabeling of the nodes. However, combining sparsity of network ensembles with exchangeability is challenging. Here we propose a statistical physics framework and a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm defining exchangeable sparse network ensembles. The model generates networks with heterogeneous degree distributions by enforcing only global constraints while existing (nonexchangeable) exponential random graphs enforce an extensive number of local constraints. This very general theoretical framework to describe exchangeable networks is here first formulated for uncorrelated simple networks and then it is extended to treat simple networks with degree correlations, directed networks, bipartite networks, and generalized network structures including multiplex networks and simplicial complexes. In particular here we formulate and treat both uncorrelated and correlated exchangeable ensembles of simplicial complexes using statistical mechanics approaches.In the present work we illustrate that classical but nonlinear systems may possess features reminiscent of quantum ones, such as memory, upon suitable external perturbation. As our prototypical example, we use the two-dimensional complex Ginzburg-Landau equation in its vortex glass regime. selleck compound We impose an external drive as a perturbation mimicking a quantum measurement protocol, with a given "measurement rate" (the rate of repetition of the drive) and "mixing rate" (characterized by the intensity of the drive). Using a variety of measures, we find that the system may or may not retain its coherence, statistically retrieving its original glass state, depending on the strength and periodicity of the perturbing field. The corresponding parametric regimes and the associated energy cascade mechanisms involving the dynamics of vortex waveforms and domain boundaries are discussed.
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