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Despite their importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services, wetlands are among the most threatened ecosystems globally. The conservation of many migratory waterbirds depends on the conservation of a network of key sites along their flyways. However, the suitability of these sites is changing under climate change, and it is important that management of individual sites in the network adapts to these changes. Using bioclimatic models that also account for changes in inundation, we found that projected climate change will reduce habitat suitability for waterbirds at 57.5% of existing Critical Sites within Africa-Eurasia, varying from 20.1% in Eastern Europe to 87.0% in Africa. African and Middle East sites are particularly threatened, comprising 71 of the 100 most vulnerable sites. By highlighting priority sites for conservation and classifying Critical Sites into Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (CCAS) classes, our results can be used to support the climate change adaptation of both individual sites and the entire site network.A 37-year-old multiparous woman complained of uterine prolapse at 14 weeks of gestation. A silicone ring-shaped middle-size vaginal pessary (# 62 mm) was placed into the vagina to reduce prolapsed uterus. Because the cervical length became shortened at 25 weeks of gestation, we decided to start intramuscular administration of progesterone (250 mg) weekly. At 33 weeks of gestation, she complained of the vaginal pessary spontaneous falling out, so we inserted a vaginal pessary of the same size again. The uterocervical angle became acute, going from 100° to 60° after placing the vaginal pessary into the vagina. We took the vaginal pessary out at 37 weeks of gestation. The patient gave birth at 39 weeks by spontaneous vaginal delivery to a healthy baby. A vaginal pessary may help continue a pregnancy via the same mechanism as a cervical pessary, which sharpens the uterocervical angle.
The detection of serum anti-desmoglein (Dsg) IgG autoantibodies has been reported to be useful for assessment of disease activity in pemphigus. However, previous studies have reported that anti-Dsg autoantibodies remain detectable in some patients without active pemphigus lesions.

To investigate the clinical characteristics and antibody pathogenicity of pemphigus patients positive for anti-Dsg IgG autoantibodies in remission.

We retrospectively investigated pemphigus patients with a history of clinical remission who visited the Department of Dermatology of Keio University during 2019 and 2020. The antibody pathogenicity was assessed by bead aggregation assay.

When patients were recognized as having entered remission (PDAI = 0 and PSL ≦ 10 mg/day for 2 months), serum autoantibodies against Dsg were detected in 72 of 132 patients (54.5%, positive group; PG), but were not detected in 60 patients (45.5%, negative group; NG). Anti-Dsg antibody titres in remission declined from the active phase in 33 patients in the PG for whom data were available. There were no differences in the chance of reducing PSL to 5 mg/day (P = 0.885) and rate of relapse (P = 0.279) between PG and NG, but fewer patients in PG discontinued corticosteroids (P = 0.004). The ability of patients' sera to block aggregation of Dsg/desmocollin beads was significantly reduced in remission compared to the active phase. However, our results revealed that whole sera in remission still had pathogenic activity in seven of nine patients, and the approximately equal amounts of anti-Dsg antibodies in active phase and remission showed similar pathogenicity.

This study will provide guidance in cases where autoantibodies are found to be positive in pemphigus patients during remission or steroid reduction.
This study will provide guidance in cases where autoantibodies are found to be positive in pemphigus patients during remission or steroid reduction.
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on the mental health of the general public and high-risk groups worldwide. Due to its proximity and close links to China, Southeast Asia was one of the first regions to be affected by the outbreak. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the prevalence of anxiety, depression and insomnia in the general adult population and healthcare workers (HCWs) in Southeast Asia during the course of the first year of the pandemic.

Several literature databases were systemically searched for articles published up to February 2021 and two reviewers independently evaluated all relevant studies using pre-determined criteria. The prevalence rates of mental health symptoms were calculated using a random-effect meta-analysis model.

In total, 32 samples from 25 studies with 20,352 participants were included. Anxiety was assessed in all 25 studies and depression in 15 studies with pooled prevalence rates of 22% and 16% respectively. Only two studies assessed insomnirticle is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Listeria monocytogenes is a food-borne bacterium that causes gastroenteritis, meningitis, or abortion. L. monocytogenes induces its internalization (entry) into human cells and either spreads laterally in tissues or transcytoses to traverse anatomical barriers. In this review, we discuss mechanisms by which five structurally related proteins of the "internalin" family of L. monocytogenes (InlA, InlB, InlC, InlF, and InlP) interact with distinct host receptors to promote infection of human cells and/or crossing of the intestinal, blood-brain, or placental barriers. We focus on recent results demonstrating that the internalin proteins InlA, InlB, and InlC exploit exocytic pathways to stimulate transcytosis, entry, or cell-to-cell spread, respectively. We also discuss evidence that InlA-mediated transcytosis contributes to traversal of the intestinal barrier, whereas InlF promotes entry into endothelial cells to breach the blood-brain barrier. InlB also facilitates the crossing of the blood-brain barrier, but does so by extending the longevity of infected monocytes that may subsequently act as a "Trojan horse" to transfer bacteria to the brain. InlA, InlB, and InlP each contribute to fetoplacental infection by targeting syncytiotrophoblast or cytotrophoblast layers of the placenta. Selleck Y-27632 This work highlights the diverse functions of internalins and the complex mechanisms by which these structurally related proteins contribute to disease.
The aim of the study was to explore the adherence to self-management of patients with multimorbidity, identify associated factors, and determine explanatory factors of their adherence to self-management in terms of the Theory of Adherence of People with Chronic Disease.

Adherence to self-management is essential for successful care of multimorbid patients, but multimorbidity poses challenges for both patients and practitioners due to its care complexity and broad impact on patients' lives.

A cross-sectional, descriptive exploratory design with the STROBE reporting checklist was applied.

Adult multimorbid patients who attended primary healthcare consultations in Finland were surveyed using self-administered questionnaires with several instruments including the Adherence of People with Chronic Disease Instrument, Kasari's FIT Index, and Alcohol Use Disorders Identification test. Responses of 124 patients were analysed using descriptive statistics, Spearman correlations, binary logistic regression analysiquired support for good adherence to self-management. Healthcare professionals, especially nurses working in primary health care, are well-positioned to meet this need.
The findings highlight needs for an individualised whole-person approach in multimorbid patients' care to provide the required support for good adherence to self-management. Healthcare professionals, especially nurses working in primary health care, are well-positioned to meet this need.
The well-being of oral lichen planus patients (OLPs) may be strongly influenced by a poor quality of sleep (QoS) and psychological impairment. The aims were to analyze the prevalence of sleep disturbance, anxiety and depression in OLPs and to validate the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) in OLPs.

300 keratotic OLPs (K-OLPs), 300 with predominant non-keratotic OLP (nK-OLPs) and 300 controls were recruited in 15 Italian universities. The PSQI, Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Hamilton Rating Scales for Depression and Anxiety (HAM-D and HAM-A), Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), Total Pain Rating Index (T-PRI), were administered.

OLPs had statistically higher scores than the controls in the majority of the PSQI sub-items (p-values <0.001**). Moreover, OLPs had higher scores in the HAM-D, HAM-A, NRS and T-PRI (p-values <0.001**). No differences in the PSQI sub-items' scores were found between the K-OLPs and nK-OLPs, although nK-OLPs suffered from higher levels of anxiety, depression and pain (p-values HAM-A, 0.007**, HAM-D, 0.009**, NRS, <0.001**, T-PRI, <0.001**). The female gender, anxiety, depression (p-value 0.007**, 0.001**, 0.020*) and the intensity of pain, anxiety and depression (p-value 0.006**, <0.001**, 0.014*) were independent predictors of poor sleep (PSQI>5) in K-OLPs and nK-OLPs, respectively. The PSQI's validation demonstrated good internal consistency and reliability of both the total and subscale of the PSQI.

The OLPs, reported an overall impaired QoS which seemed to be an independent parameter according to the regression analysis. Hence, clinicians should assess QoS in OLPs and treat sleep disturbances in order to improve OLPs management.
The OLPs, reported an overall impaired QoS which seemed to be an independent parameter according to the regression analysis. Hence, clinicians should assess QoS in OLPs and treat sleep disturbances in order to improve OLPs management.Pomaces are food industry by-products and may serve as animal feed to increase sustainability of meat and milk production. The aim of the present study was to evaluate fermentation characteristics of dried fruit and vegetable pomaces in a short-term in vitro experiment using the Hohenheim Gas Test. A selection of six fruit (apple, aronia, orange, pomegranate, red, white grape) and three vegetable (beetroot, carrot, tomato) pomaces was tested in three concentrations (150, 300, 500 g kg-1 of dry matter (DM)) as supplement to the basal diet (hay, used as control). Three runs were performed, using rumen fluid from one of three different rumen-cannulated cows in each run. Per run, each compound was tested in duplicate. After 24 h incubation, total gas production, methane and CO2 concentration, short-chain fatty acids, in vitro organic matter digestibility as well as microbial counts were determined. In addition, the pomaces' polyphenol content including the fractions non-tannin phenols, condensed tannins and hydro.
Scar severity and scar viewing are known to affect body image. The literature is lacking on the relationship between body image and surgical scar assessment. The aims of this study were to compare patients from 3 different surgical departments in terms of body image and scar assessment at discharge, in comparison with nurses' scar assessment, and 3months post-surgery. In addition, the research examined age and gender in relation to the main variables.

A longitudinal, comparative, correlational study was conducted using an instrument which included a health history, a nurses scar assessment tool and a patient scar assessment tool at hospital discharge, as well as a body image tool used both at discharge and at 3months' post-surgery. The 10-item body image scale was comprised of affective items, behavioural items and cognitive items. The STROCSS 2019 checklist is used.

75 patients were studied who were mostly male (68.0%) with a mean age of 59 and married (77.3%). The sample distribution of departments included 30.
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