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Pressurised Warm water Removal regarding Okra Plant seeds Reveals Antioxidant, Antidiabetic and Vasoprotective Activities.
、 。" -" 。 ,--, 。 , ,。 。" -" ,。 ,。 ,( )、;;( ) , 、、 。 ,,(,、100% 、 )( )。-- ()," ",.Owing to the health benefits associated with whole grains, there has been a sustained global effort to increase their consumption, with many countries developing guidelines for recommended amounts of whole grain intake. In China, the consumption of whole grains is low. This is due, in part, to technical obstacles in the development of whole grain foods. This review focuses on possible solutions in the whole value chain and the application of new food technologies to develop whole grain foods that taste better, have more appealing texture, are safe to consume, and better retain bioactive compounds.Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death globally. Consumption of whole grains and cereal fiber, as part of a healthy diet, can lower the risk of CHD. Health claims on food products are effective in helping consumers select healthful diets. The US Food and Drug Administration was the first to approve a health claim, in 1997, between beta-glucan soluble fiber from whole oats, oat bran, and whole oat flour and reduced risk of CHD. Only a few countries have approved similar claims. Since 1997, a significant amount of additional evidence has been published on the relationship between oat beta-glucan and CHD. To assist other jurisdictions in potentially utilizing this claim, the full extent of data that supports this claim (ie, the evidence utilized by the US Food and Drug Administration to substantiate the claim, as well as the results of 49 clinical trials published since 1997) are reviewed here. The complexities involved in authoring evidence-based health claims, including the impact of processing on beta-glucan cholesterol-lowering efficacy in approving eligible beta-glucan products, are also discussed.The aim of this article is to review the definitions and regulations for dietary fiber and whole grains worldwide and to discuss barriers to meeting recommended intake levels. Plant foods, such as whole grains, that are rich in dietary fiber are universally recommended in dietary guidance. Foods rich in dietary fiber are recommended for all, but dietary recommendations for whole grains and dietary fiber depend on definitions and regulations. Official recommendations for dietary fiber in the United States and Canada are denoted by dietary reference intakes (DRIs), which are developed by the Institute of Medicine. An adequate intake (AI) for dietary fiber was based on prospective cohort studies of dietary fiber intake and cardiovascular disease risk that found 14 grams of dietary fiber per 1000 kilocalories protected against cardiovascular disease (CVD). This value was used to set AIs for dietary fiber across the life cycle based on recommended calorie intakes. Actual intakes of dietary fiber are generally about half of the recommended levels. Recommendations for whole grain intake are equally challenging, as definitions for whole grain foods are needed to set recommendations. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that half of all grain servings be whole grains, but usual intakes are generally less than 1 serving per day, rather than the recommended 3 servings per day. Scientific support for whole grain recommendations is based on the same prospective cohort studies and links to CVD protection used to inform dietary fiber guidance. Thus, dietary fiber is a recommended nutrient and whole grains are a recommended dietary pattern in dietary guidance in North America and around the world. Challenges for attaining recommended intakes of dietary fiber and whole grains include low-carbohydrate diets, low-gluten diets, and public health recommendations to avoid processed foods.This review of whole grain and dietary fiber recommendations and intake levels was presented at the symposium on whole grains, dietary fiber, and public health, convened in Beijing, China, on May 11, 2018. The review reflects on inconsistencies among the definitions of whole grains and fiber as well as recommended intake levels in different countries. The lack of consistent dietary recommendations from authoritative sources may delay the regional implementation and consumer adoption of diets that include whole grains and fiber. Currently, few countries include specific intake recommendations for whole grain, and even among those countries with guidance the recommendations can be vague and qualitative. As a result of the well-documented associations between increasing whole grain intake and reduced disease risk, there is compelling evidence to create clear, actionable dietary recommendations for both whole grains and fiber. Furthermore, work is ongoing to develop uniform standards for whole grain and whole-grain food to ensure recommendations are being met. Health and regulatory authorities are encouraged to acknowledge the public health benefits that could be derived from strong, clear whole-grain and dietary fiber recommendations; examine existing definitions (whole grain as an ingredient, whole-grain food, and dietary fiber); and adopt the most appropriate approach to best serve public health needs for their respective populations.、b- 、2 。 , 。 ,,。, b-,b.。, 。 。1997 , ,、b- 。, 。1997 ,b- 。, ( 1997 49 ), ,b- 。.(whole grain, WG) , ,, (dietary reference intakes, DRIs) (adequate intake, AI) 1000 kcal 14 g (cardiovascular disease, CVD) ,,(14 g/1000 Kcal) , , 2005 《》, ,, , , 、., ,。 ,,, 。(ILSI) ,,。 ,10 , /、、。 (FDA), ," "。,。 , 。 , 。.2018 5 11 "、"。 。 、。, , ,。 ,, 、。 ,。 ; 、、; 。.There is wide global consensus that whole grains are an important component of a healthy diet, yet in many countries around the globe populations continue to fall short of recommended intakes for whole grains. This article aims to evaluate whole grain promotional strategies of various stakeholders across 4 countries with diverse culinary and cultural norms the United States, Singapore, the Philippines, and Denmark. UPF 1069 clinical trial To do this, information was collected on regulations, NGO (nongovernmental organization) activities, and promotional campaigns across each of the target countries. The effort led to the identification of best practices for promoting whole grain consumption in both the public and private spheres.1982-2015 20 、。 ,3 24 。,2015 20 281.1 /(145.6 /、120.7 /、14.8 /);9.7 /,3.8 ,40%; 。1982 , ,。 , 。.Recommendations to increase whole grain consumption are part of dietary guidelines around the world. To assist consumers in meeting this recommendation, some countries, and health-promoting organizations, have defined qualifying criteria for a whole grain food for product labeling or health claims. Other countries have not yet developed similar guidelines. Existing whole grain definitions and health claims are reviewed here. While there appears to be increasing consensus for defining a whole grain, significant disparity exists in defining a whole grain food when a product is not 100% whole grain. Moreover, while whole grain health claims have been approved in a few countries, other countries have concluded there is insufficient evidence to substantiate such claims.Evidence mapping is a useful methodology for characterizing existing research on a broad topic and identifying gaps in the scientific literature. Evidence mapping entails conducting a systematic literature search and extracting information on study details, often in the form of a database. Researchers at Tufts University and the North American branch of the International Life Sciences Institute created the Diet-Related Fibers & Human Health Outcomes Database, which is publicly available and updated annually. The database captures intervention studies examining dietary fiber and 10 predefined physiological health outcomes, including weight/adiposity, blood pressure, gut microbiota, and bone health. The database and subsequent potential for evidence mapping may be particularly useful in light of new food labeling requirements by the US Food and Drug Administration that require fibers to have accepted scientific evidence of a physiological health benefit in order to be labeled as "dietary fiber." Following the success of the fiber database, Tufts University and the General Mills Bell Institute of Health and Nutrition collaborated to develop a whole grain database and evidence map. This work successfully highlighted the need for better consistency in how whole grains are reported with respect to amount and type of whole grains and intervention compliance., , ,。 。 ,100% 。,, 。.(whole grain, WG) ,。 ,。, WGs ,、 。, 。 WGs , 、WGs WGs 。.,,。, ,。 , ,、、 。.;,。 4 ,、、。, 、(NGO) 。 。.
Obesity is highly comorbid with psychological symptoms in veterans, particularly post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety. Obese veterans with comorbid psychological symptoms often display suboptimal weight loss and poor physical functioning when participating in weight management programs. The MOVE! program aims to increase healthy eating and physical activity to promote weight loss in obese veterans. Adequately addressing psychological barriers is necessary to maximize outcomes in MOVE! for veterans with PTSD, depression, and anxiety. We examined the preliminary outcomes of administering the Healthy Emotions and Improving Health BehavioR Outcomes (HERO) intervention. HERO is adjunctive cognitive-behavioral therapy to MOVE! that addresses PTSD, depression, and anxiety symptom barriers to engagement in physical activity.

All recruitment and study procedures were approved by the institutional review board and research and development committees of the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affaiuals who traditionally experience barriers to making positive weight management changes.Today's healthcare environment is predictably unpredictable and increasingly complex, thus challenging the intellectual, emotional, physical, and spiritual limits in all of us, and resulting in real consequences such as provider turnover, burnout, shortages, and poor patient health outcomes. Strengthening our resilience results in part from reclaiming hold on our most powerful gift, the ability to choose how we see things. Identifying and shifting our mindset, and especially to an outward mindset in which we clearly see and connect with others around us, will restore the healing in healthcare.Previous studies have demonstrated that sleep-breathing disorders, and especially obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), can be observed in patients with a higher risk of progression to Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recent evidence indicates that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) AD-biomarkers are associated with OSA. In this study, we investigated these associations in a sample of patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a condition that is considered the first clinical phase of AD, when patients showed biomarkers consistent with AD pathology. A total of 57 patients (mean age = 66.19; SD = 7.13) with MCI were included in the study. An overnight polysomnography recording was used to assess objective sleep parameters (i.e. apnea/hypopnea index [AHI], total sleep time, sleep efficiency, sleep latency, arousal index, awakening, stage 1, 2, and slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep, periodic limb movement index, O2 saturation during sleep, and percentage of time O2 saturation less then 90%). Phosphorylated-tau (P-tau), total-tau (T-tau), and amyloid-beta 42 (Aβ42) were measured in CSF.
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