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An instance of COVID-19 Vaccine Producing a Myasthenia Gravis Situation.
Another user study with the arm-mounted device discovered that the visuo-haptic stroking system maintained both continuity and pleasantness when the spacing between each substrate was relatively sparse, such as 20 mm, and significantly improved both the continuity and pleasantness at 80 and 150 mm/s when compared to the haptic only stroking system. Lastly, we introduced four potential applications in daily scenes. Our system methodology allows for a wide range of VHAR application design without concern for latency and misalignment effects.Video object segmentation is a challenging task in computer vision because the appearances of target objects might change drastically along the time in the video. To solve this problem, space-time memory (STM) networks are exploited to make use of the information from all the intermediate frames between the first frame and the current frame in the video. However, fully using the information from all the memory frames may make STM not practical for long videos. To overcome this issue, a novel method is developed in this paper to select the reference frames adaptively. First, an adaptive selection criterion is introduced to choose the reference frames with similar appearance and precise mask estimation, which can efficiently capture the rich information of the target object and overcome the challenges of appearance changes, occlusion, and model drift. Secondly, bi-matching (bi-scale and bi-direction) is conducted to obtain more robust correlations for objects of various scales and prevents multiple similar objects in the current frame from being mismatched with the same target object in the reference frame. Thirdly, a novel edge refinement technique is designed by using an edge detection network to obtain smooth edges from the outputs of edge confidence maps, where the edge confidence is quantized into ten sub-intervals to generate smooth edges step by step. Experimental results on the challenging benchmark datasets DAVIS-2016, DAVIS-2017, YouTube-VOS, and a Long-Video dataset have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed approach to video object segmentation.Video dimensions are continuously increasing to provide more realistic and immersive experiences to global streaming and social media viewers. However, increments in video parameters such as spatial resolution and frame rate are inevitably associated with larger data volumes. Transmitting increasingly voluminous videos through limited bandwidth networks in a perceptually optimal way is a current challenge affecting billions of viewers. One recent practice adopted by video service providers is space-time resolution adaptation in conjunction with video compression. Consequently, it is important to understand how different levels of space-time subsampling and compression affect the perceptual quality of videos. Towards making progress in this direction, we constructed a large new resource, called the ETRI-LIVE Space-Time Subsampled Video Quality (ETRI-LIVE STSVQ) database, containing 437 videos generated by applying various levels of combined space-time subsampling and video compression on 15 diverse video contents. We also conducted a large-scale human study on the new dataset, collecting about 15,000 subjective judgments of video quality. We provide a rate-distortion analysis of the collected subjective scores, enabling us to investigate the perceptual impact of space-time subsampling at different bit rates. We also evaluated and compare the performance of leading video quality models on the new database. The new ETRI-LIVE STSVQ database is being made freely available at (https// is a practical approach for the approximate nearest neighbor search. Deep hashing methods, which train deep networks to generate compact and similarity-preserving binary codes for entities (e.g. images), have received lots of attention in the information retrieval community. A representative stream of deep hashing methods is triplet-based hashing that learns hashing models from triplets of data. The existing triplet-based hashing methods only consider triplets that are in the form of (q,q+,q-) , where q and q+ are in the same class and q and q- are in different classes. However, the number of possible triplets is approximately the cube of training examples, triplets used in the existing methods are only a small fraction of all possible triplets. This motivates us to develop a new triplet-based hashing method that adopts many more triplets in training phase. We propose Deep Listwise Triplet Hashing (DLTH) that introduces more triplets into batch-based training and a novel listwise triplet loss to capture the relative similarity in new triplets. This method has a pipeline of two steps. In Step 1, we propose a novel way to generate triplets from the soft class labels obtained by knowledge distillation module, where the triplets in the form of (q,q+,q-) are a subset of the newly obtained triplets. In Step 2, we develop a novel listwise triplet loss to train the hashing network, which seeks to capture the relative similarity between images in triplets according to soft labels. We conduct comprehensive image retrieval experiments on four benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that the proposed method has superior performances over state-of-the-art baselines.Adversarial robustness of deep neural networks has been actively investigated. However, most existing defense approaches are limited to a specific type of adversarial perturbations. Specifically, they often fail to offer resistance to multiple attack types simultaneously, i.e., they lack multi-perturbation robustness. Furthermore, compared to image recognition problems, the adversarial robustness of video recognition models is relatively unexplored. While several studies have proposed how to generate adversarial videos, only a handful of approaches about defense strategies have been published in the literature. In this paper, we propose one of the first defense strategies against multiple types of adversarial videos for video recognition. The proposed method, referred to as MultiBN, performs adversarial training on multiple adversarial video types using multiple independent batch normalization (BN) layers with a learning-based BN selection module. With a multiple BN structure, each BN brach is responsible for learning the distribution of a single perturbation type and thus provides more precise distribution estimations. This mechanism benefits dealing with multiple perturbation types. The BN selection module detects the attack type of an input video and sends it to the corresponding BN branch, making MultiBN fully automatic and allowing end-to-end training. Compared to present adversarial training approaches, the proposed MultiBN exhibits stronger multi-perturbation robustness against different and even unforeseen adversarial video types, ranging from Lp-bounded attacks and physically realizable attacks. This holds true on different datasets and target models. Moreover, we conduct an extensive analysis to study the properties of the multiple BN structure.In the last years, deep learning has dramatically improved the performances in a variety of medical image analysis applications. this website Among different types of deep learning models, convolutional neural networks have been among the most successful and they have been used in many applications in medical imaging. Training deep convolutional neural networks often requires large amounts of image data to generalize well to new unseen images. It is often time-consuming and expensive to collect large amounts of data in the medical image domain due to expensive imaging systems, and the need for experts to manually make ground truth annotations. A potential problem arises if new structures are added when a decision support system is already deployed and in use. Since the field of radiation therapy is constantly developing, the new structures would also have to be covered by the decision support system. In the present work, we propose a novel loss function to solve multiple problems imbalanced datasets, partially-labeled data, and incremental learning. The proposed loss function adapts to the available data in order to utilize all available data, even when some have missing annotations. We demonstrate that the proposed loss function also works well in an incremental learning setting, where an existing model is easily adapted to semi-automatically incorporate delineations of new organs when they appear. Experiments on a large in-house dataset show that the proposed method performs on par with baseline models, while greatly reducing the training time and eliminating the hassle of maintaining multiple models in practice.Deep metric learning is a supervised learning paradigm to construct a meaningful vector space to represent complex objects. A successful application of deep metric learning to pointsets means that we can avoid expensive retrieval operations on objects such as documents and can significantly facilitate many machine learning and data mining tasks involving pointsets. We propose a self-supervised deep metric learning solution for pointsets. The novelty of our proposed solution lies in a self-supervision mechanism that makes use of a distribution distance for set ranking called the Earth's Mover Distance (EMD) to generate pseudo labels and a pointset augmentation method for supporting the learning solution. Our experimental studies on documents, graphs, and point clouds datasets show that our proposed solutions outperform baselines and state-of-the-art approaches under the unsupervised settings. The learned self-supervised representation can also be used as a pre-trained model, which can boost downstream tasks with a fine-tuning step and outperform state-of-the-art language models.Dopaminergic (DA) neurons exert profound influences on behavior including addiction. However, how DA axons communicate with target neurons and how those communications change with drug exposure remains poorly understood. We leverage cell type-specific labeling with large volume serial electron microscopy to detail DA connections in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) of the mouse (Mus musculus) before and after exposure to cocaine. We find that individual DA axons contain different varicosity types based on their vesicle contents. Spatially ordering along individual axons further suggests that varicosity types are non-randomly organized. DA axon varicosities rarely make specific synapses ( less then 2%, 6/410), but instead are more likely to form spinule-like structures (15%, 61/410) with neighboring neurons. Days after a brief exposure to cocaine, DA axons were extensively branched relative to controls, formed blind-ended 'bulbs' filled with mitochondria, and were surrounded by elaborated glia. Finally, mitochondrial lengths increased by ~2.2 times relative to control only in DA axons and NAc spiny dendrites after cocaine exposure. We conclude that DA axonal transmission is unlikely to be mediated via classical synapses in the NAc and that the major locus of anatomical plasticity of DA circuits after exposure to cocaine are large-scale axonal re-arrangements with correlated changes in mitochondria.
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