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Standard Nerfs
Ancient of Lore
Pre- 7 mana 5/5 with choose one- draw 2 cards or restore 5 health
Post- 7 mana 5/5 with choose one- draw a card or restore 5 health
Mana Breakdown
5/5- 4.5 mana
Draw 2 cards- 3 mana
Restore 5 health- 2.5 mana
5/5- 4.5 mana
Draw a card- 1.5 mana
Restore 5 health- 2.5 mana
Ancient of Lore was a staple in every druid deck. The reason is clearly shown in the Mana Breakdown. When used to draw cards, Ancient of Lore could easily cheat out an extra half mana worth of value. With this nerf, it may still be run just for the card draw, but a more fair nerf would likely be a 6 mana card with the same stats and text, or a 7 mana 6/6 with the same text, as drawing cards now makes the card worth only 6 mana.
Force of Nature
Pre- 6 Mana- summon 3 2/2 treants with charge that die and the end of the turn.
Post- 5 Mana- summon 3 2/2 treants
Mana Breakdown
Pre- 2/2 treant with charge that dies at end of turn- 2 mana x 3
Post- 2/2 treant - 1.5 mana x 3
Yet another deserving druid card was nerfed. Yes, the combo needed to be nerfed in some way, but this just ruins the entire flavor of the card. Blizzard seems to have a habit of completely remaking a card when it is too strong as this happened with warsong commander as well. An interesting replacement could have been 6 Mana- summon 2 2/2 treants with charge that die at the end of the turn. At first sight, it doesn't look like much, but it would effectively make the combo a 2 card pyroblast for 9 mana, which isn't bad because you do have to use 2 cards. Sidenote: in the mana breakdown: 3 2/2 treants is actually worth around 5 mana because you save cards, not just 4.5.
Keeper of the Grove
Pre- 4 Mana 2/4 with choose one- deal 2 damage or silence a minion
Post- 4 Mana 2/2 with choose one - deal 2 damage or silence a minion
Mana Breakdown
2/4- 2.5 mana
Deal 2 damage- 1 mana
Silence a minion- 2 mana
2/2- 1.5 mana
Deal 2 damage- 1 mana
Silence a minion- 2 mana
IMO a less needed nerf but still needed nonetheless. No complaints really, just think it should be a 2/3 instead of a 2/2.
Ironbeak Owl
Pre- 2 Mana 2/1 with silence a minion
Post- 3 Mana 2/1 with silence a minion
Mana Breakdown
2/1- 1 mana
Silence a minion- 2 mana
2/1- 1 mana
Silence a minion- 2 mana
Such a small yet impactful nerf. For quite a while now, I have valued silence AT LEAST at 2 mana. Owl is held until something with a silenceable effect is played, then it gets silenced. THANK YOU Blizzard, for doing this correctly.
Big Game Hunter
Pre- 3 Mana 4/2 with destroy a minion with 7 or more attack
Post- 5 Mana 4/2 with destroy a minion with 7 or more attack
Mana Breakdown
4/2- 2.5 mana
Destroy a minion with 7 or more attack- 2.5 mana
4/2- 2.5 mana
Destroy a minion with 7 or more attack- 2.5 mana
Some of my numbers may be a bit controversial, but I do think that if Shadow Word: Death can be 3 mana, then BGH's effect is worth at least 2.5. This was the perfect nerf IMO. All BGH did was limit design space. Thank you Blizzard.
Hunter's Mark
Pre- 0 mana- set a minions health to 1
Post- 1 mana- set a minions health to 1
Mana Breakdown
Pre- set a minions health to 1- 1 mana
Post- set a minions health to 1- 1 mana
If you ask me, this card is still to strong. Play it on Ysera, oh no biggie, just dealt 11 damage for 1 mana. I don't actually have a solution though, so I'll say this: It's a start.
Blade Flurry
Pre- 2 mana- destroy your weapon and deal it's damage to all enemies
Post- 4 mana- destroy your weapon and deal it's damage to all enemy minions
Mana Breakdown
Pre- Deal weapons damage to all enemies- 6 mana
Post- Deal weapons damage to all enemy minions- 3 mana
Yes, I like this nerf. However, it could have been done better. I got my numbers by using 3 damage as an average. Consecration is the same effect except 1 damage less (on average) meaning that 1 damage to all enemies is worth 2 mana. Also, 1 damage to all enemy minions is worth 2 mana, according to arcane explosion. However, arcane explosion isn't run anywhere and blade flurry is less consistent, as you aren't guaranteed 3 damage. This should cost 3 mana. Side note- destroying your weapon is no drawback IMO because you usually use this when you have 1 durability anyway.
Knife Juggler
Pre- 2 Mana 3/2 with whenever you summon a minion deal 1 damage to a random enemy.
Post- 2 Mana 2/2 with whenever you summon a minion deal 1 damage to a random enemy.
Mana Breakdown
3/2- 2 mana
Whenever you summon a minion, deal 1 damage to a random enemy-1 mana
2/2- 1.5 mana
Whenever you summon a minion, deal 1 damage to a random enemy-1 mana
I value the text as about an arcane missiles making it 1 mana. However, the mana doesn't add up even after the nerf, but I don't think this card is overpowered anymore. Perfect nerf Blizzard.
Leper Gnome
Pre- 1 mana 2/1 with Deathrattle: deal 2 damage to the enemy hero
Post- 1 mana 1/1 with Deathrattle: deal 2 damage to the enemy hero
Mana Breakdown
2/1- 1 mana
Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero- .5 mana
1/1- .5 mana
Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero- .5 mana
I value 2 damage to face at about .5 mana, meaning that making it a 1/1 was a perfect idea. Good job Blizzard.
Arcane Golem
Pre- 3 Mana 4/2 charge with give your opponent a mana crystal
Post- 3 mana 4/4 with give your opponent a mana crystal
Mana Breakdown
4/2 charge- 3.5 mana
Give your opponent a mana crystal- -1 mana
4/4- 3.5 mana
Give your opponent a mana crystal- -1 mana
Once again, wrong nerf. Blizzard needs to get out of the habit of completely changing the flavor of cards. Just like warsong commander and force of nature, you put this in the nerf oven and it comes out a completely different card. The better nerf is making it a 3/2 charge with the same text.
Molten Giant
Pre- 20 mana 8/8 that costs 1 less for each damage your hero has taken
Post- 25 mana 8/8 that costs 1 less for each damage your hero has taken
Mana Breakdown
Pre- 8/8- 8 mana
Post- 8/8 - 8 mana
This is a fair nerf. I don't think it was needed at all but it shows that they want the giants to be discounted, not outright free. I suspect the average cost now will be around 3-5 in handlock because dropping to 5 is just too low.
Master of Disguise
Pre- 4 mana 4/4 with give a friendly minion stealth
Post- 4 mana 4/4 with give a friendly minion stealth until your next turn
Mana Breakdown
4/4- 3.5 mana
Give a friendly minion stealth- 1.5 mana
4/4- 3.5 mana
Give a friendly minion stealth until your next turn- .5 mana
This card just limited design space. It's actually still a strong card, but no longer "OP" in a sense. Well done Blizzard.

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