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Limited nanobubble transportation in a saturated permeable moderate: Connection between placed colloidal debris.
A phytoextraction experiment with five Cd hyperaccumulators (Amaranthus hypochondriacus, Celosia argentea, Solanum nigrum, Phytolacca acinosa and Sedum plumbizincicola) was conducted in two soils with different soil pH (5.93 and 7.43, respectively). Most accumulator plants grew better in the acidic soil, with 19.59-39.63% higher biomass than in the alkaline soil, except for S. plumbizincicola. The potential for a metal-contaminated soil to be cleaned up using phytoremediation is determined by the metal uptake capacity of hyperaccumulator, soil properties, and mutual fitness of plant-soil relationships. In the acidic soil, C. argentea and A. hypochondriacus extracted the highest amount of Cd (1.03 mg pot-1 and 0.92 mg pot-1, respectively). In the alkaline soil, S. plumbizincicola performed best, mainly as a result of high Cd accumulation in plant tissue (541.36 mg kg-1). Most plants achieved leaf Cd bioconcentration factor (BCF) of >10 in the acidic soil, compared to less then 4 in the alkaline soil. Soil Cd availability was chiefly responsible for such contrasting metal extraction capacity, with 5.02% fraction and 48.50% fraction of total Cd being available in the alkaline and acidic soil, respectively. In the alkaline soil, plants tended to increase rhizosphere soil available Cd mainly through excreting more low molecular weight organic acids, not through changing the soil pH. In the acidic soil, plants slightly decreased soil available Cd. Those species which have high Ca, Zn, Fe uptake capacity extract more Cd from soil, and a positive correlation was found between the concentrations of Cd and Ca, Zn, Fe in leaves. Soil available Ca2+, Mg2+, SO42-, Cl- did not play a key role in Cd uptake by plants. In summary, acidic soil was of higher potential to recover from Cd contamination by phytoextraction, while in the alkaline soil, S. plumbizincicola showed potential for Cd phytoextraction. The direct chlorination of dibenzo-p-dioxin (DD) and dibenzofuran (DF) is an important source of dioxins in combustion flue gas. The chlorination reaction mainly occurs via electrophilic substitution induced by Cu and Fe chlorides, which must cohabit on particulate matters in mixed state. To explore the mechanism for DD/DF chlorination in real combustions flue gas, 8 kinds of CuO/Fe2O3/CuCl2/FeCl3 composites impregnated onto silica powder were prepared to simulate the coexisting state of Cu and Fe species in combustion flue gas. Mixed Cu and Fe oxides and chlorides induced a significant synergistic effect on electrophilic chlorination of DD/DF. The efficiencies of DD/DF chlorination over composites containing both Cu and Fe species were 1-2 orders of magnitude higher than those over composites containing only Fe species at 250 °C. CuCl2 species were highly active sites for electrophilic chlorination. FeCl3 acted as an excellent promoter to accelerate DD/DF chlorination over CuCl2 species. The elevated proportion of Cu and Fe oxides was also favora ble for electrophilic chlorination. Compared with DF, DD was more prone to be chlorinated. Chlorine substitution primarily occurred at 2, 3, 7 and 8 positions of DD and DF. Furthermore, the possible mechanism for synergistic effect on electrophilic chlorination of DD/DF was speculated. The mutarotation equilibrium, by which reducing carbohydrates exist in solution as the α and β anomers of cyclic (furanoid and pyranoid) structures, along with open-chain (aldehyde and hydrate) forms, and whose ratios are depending on factors such as temperature, pH and solvent, portraits a phenomenon involved in numerous processes of chemical and biological importance. Herein, we have developed a DFT-based rationale that provides a broader landscape for anomerizations and ring-open chain interconversions, together with the pivotal role exerted not only by the aldehyde intermediate (essentially the only acyclic structure taken into account so far), but also the hydrate form (often more abundant at the equilibrium). These calculations reveal a more complex and richer scenario than was thought, and identify different mutarotation mechanisms that hinge on every monosaccharide. It is noteworthy that pyranose-furanose interconversion may actually occur without the intermediacy of open-chain forms. For the aldoses evaluated, namely d-glucose, d-ribose, and d-xylose, all structures involved in mutarotation undergo interconversion pathways, whose energy barriers calculated at the M06-2X/6-311++G(d,p) level, are in good agreement with previous experimental measurements. The paired claws in Gazami crabs, Portunus trituberculatus, are bilaterally asymmetrical, and asymmetry is remarkable on the distal two segments of the first pereiopod, that is, the dactylus and propodus. Shells are exclusively cracked by use of the right chela, representing handedness. In Gazami crabs, handedness is reversed after autotomy of the right chela. Our study focused on the ontogeny of handedness and the mechanism of handedness reversal. Morphologically, asymmetry was first detected in megalopa larvae where the right propodus was significantly larger than the left, as was the canine at the base of the right dactylus. Presumably, the rate of chelagenesis differed between the left and right chelae. With these morphological features, the right chela functioned as a crusher. The crusher exerted a closing force two to three times that of the cutter. With loss of the right crusher, the left chela was bigger than the regenerated right chela and was converted to the crusher. In contrast, the performance of the regenerated right chela deteriorated compared to that of the original right crusher, and exertion of full closing force was inhibited by the more active left chela. Furthermore, crabs with two crusher chelae did not clearly show handedness. A decrease in size and performance of the regenerated right chela can be explained by a default program hypothesis. In conclusion, a difference in the chelagenesis rate results in bilateral asymmetry of the two chelipeds, and then handedness is generated by neural regulation in the thoracic ganglion innervating these claws. Since handedness is reversed after autotomy, the thoracic ganglion would not be lateralized in Gazami crabs. A default program hypothesis is proposed to explain the ontogeny of bilateral chela asymmetry and handedness reversal.
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