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Practices relating to sleeve gastrectomy throughout Poultry: A study involving cosmetic surgeons.
We also found that the induced association of Hrr25 with Pkc1 requires Mec1 and Tel1, and that Hrr25 catalytic activity is required for Pkc1-hyperphosphorylation, thereby delineating a pathway from the checkpoint kinases to Pkc1. We used SILAC mass spectrometry to identify three residues within Pkc1 the phosphorylation of which was stimulated by genotoxic stress. We mutated these residues as well as a collection of 13 phosphorylation sites within the regulatory domain of Pkc1 that fit the consensus for CK1 sites. Mutation of the 13 Pkc1 phosphorylation sites blocked hyper-phosphorylation and diminished RNR3 (RiboNucleotide Reductase) basal expression and induction by genotoxic stress, suggesting that Pkc1 plays a role in the DNA damage transcriptional response.The CAZy auxiliary activity family 3 (AA3) comprises FAD-dependent enzymes belonging to the superfamily of glucose-methanol-choline (GMC) oxidoreductases. Glucose oxidase (GOx; EC and glucose dehydrogenase (GDH; EC are part of subfamily AA3_2 and catalyze the oxidation of β-D-glucose at its anomeric carbon to D-glucono-1,5-lactone. Recent phylogenetic analysis showed that AA3_2 glucose oxidoreductases can be grouped into four major clades, GOx I and GDH I-III, and in minor clades such as GOx II or distinct subclades. This wide sequence space of AA3_2 glucose oxidoreductases has, however, not been studied in detail, with mainly members of GOx I and GDH I studied biochemically or structurally. Here, we report the biochemical characterization of four fungal glucose oxidoreductases from distinct, hitherto unexplored clades or subclades. The enzyme from Aureobasidium subglaciale, belonging to the minor GOx II clade, showed a typical preference for oxygen and glucose, confirming the correct annotation of this clade. The other three enzymes exhibited strict dehydrogenase activity with different substrate specificities. GDH II from Trichoderma virens showed an almost six-fold higher catalytic efficiency for maltose compared to glucose. The preferred substrate for the two GDH III enzymes from Rhizoctonia solani and Ustilago maydis was gentiobiose, a β(1→6) disaccharide, as judged from the catalytic efficiency. Overall, the newly studied AA3_2 glucose oxidoreductases showed a much broader substrate spectrum than the archetypal GOx from Aspergillus niger, which belongs to clade GOx I.Food safety is important to reduce food spoilage microorganisms and foodborne pathogens. However, food safety is challenging, as customers' demand for natural preservatives is increasing. Essential oils (EOs) and their components (EOCs) are alternative antibacterial and antimycotic food additives. In this study, the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 11 different EOCs against 13 food spoilage molds and yeasts were investigated via the microdilution method. Cinnamaldehyde (CA) revealed the lowest MIC for all tested strains and all EOCs (32.81-328.1 µg ml-1). However, CA is organoleptic and was therefore combined with other EOCs via the checkerboard method. Overall, 27 out of 91 combinations showed a synergistic effect, and both respective EOC concentrations could be reduced by maintaining MIC. Thereby, the combination with citral or citronellal showed promising results. The concentration-dependent effect of CA was studied in further detail on Saccharomyces cerevisiae, with CA causing delayed growth-kinetics and reduced total cell numbers. In addition, flow cytometric measurements combined with live-dead staining indicate the fungicidal effect of CA, due to decreasing total cell numbers and increasing relative amount of propidium iodide-positive cells. In this study, we demonstrated that CA is a potent candidate for the use as a natural preservative against food-relevant mold and yeasts showing fungistatic and fungicidal effects. Therefore, CA and EOC combinations with respective lower EOC concentrations reduce organoleptic reservations, which ease their application in the food industry.Fusarium blight of wheat is usually caused by Fusarium graminearum, and the pathogenic fungi will secrete effectors into the host plant tissue to affect its normal physiological process, so as to make it pathogenic. The CFEM (Common in Fungal Extracellular Membrane) protein domain is unique to fungi, but it is not found in all fungi. The CFEM protein contained in F. graminearum may be closely related to pathogenicity. In this study, 23 FgCFEM proteins were identified from the F. graminearum genome. Then, features of these proteins, such as signal peptide, subcellular localization, and transmembrane domains, etc., were analyzed and candidate effectors were screened out. Sequence alignment results revealed that each FgCFEM protein contains one CFEM domain. The amino acids of the CFEM domain are highly conserved and contain eight spaced cysteines, with the exception that FgCFEM8, 9, and 15 lack two cysteines and three cysteines were missed in FgCFEM18 and FgCFEM22. A recently identified CFEM_DR motif was detected in 11 FgCFEMs, and importantly we identified two new conserved motifs containing about 29 and 18 amino acids (CFEM_WR and CFEM_KF), respectively, in some of FgCFEM proteins. Transcriptome analysis of the genes encoding CFEM proteins indicated that all the CFEM-containing genes were expressed during wheat infection, with seven and six genes significantly up- and down-regulated, respectively, compared with in planta and in vitro. Based on the above analysis, FgCFEM11 and FgCFEM23 were predicted to be F. graminearum effectors. This study provides the basis for future functional analyses of CFEM proteins in F. graminearum.In this work we analyzed the relationship among native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and vine roots affected by esca, a serious grapevine trunk disease. The AMF symbiosis was analyzed on the roots of neighboring plants (symptomatic and asymptomatic to esca) in 14 sites of three vineyards in Marche region (central-eastern Italy). The AMF colonization intensity, identified by non-vital staining, showed higher value in all esca symptomatic plants (ranging from 24.6% to 61.3%) than neighboring asymptomatic plants (from 17.4% to 57.6%). The same trend of Glomeromycota phylum abundance was detected by analyzing fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs) linked to the AMF community, obtained by amplicon high throughput analysis of ITS 1 region. Overall, the highest amount of OTUs was detected on roots from symptomatic plants (0.42%), compared to asymptomatic roots (0.29%). Specific primer pairs for native Rhizophagus irregularis and Funneliformis mosseae AMF species, were designed in 28S rRNA and large subunit (LSU) ribosomal RNA, respectively, and droplet digital PCR protocol for absolute quantification was set up. A higher number of DNA copies of both fungal species were detected more frequently in symptomatic than asymptomatic vines. Our study suggests a relationship between esca and native AMF in grapevine. These results underline the importance of native rhizosphere microbial communities for a better knowledge of grapevine esca disease.Since 1999, an unusual Phytophthora species has repeatedly been found associated with stem lesions and root and collar rot on young olive trees in Southern Italy. In all cases, this species was obtained from recently established commercial plantations or from nursery plants. Morphologically, the Phytophthora isolates were characterized by the abundant production of caducous non-papillate conidia-like sporangia (pseudoconidia) and caducous papillate sporangia with a short pedicel, resembling P. palmivora var. heterocystica. Additional isolates with similar features were obtained from nursery plants of Ziziphus spina-christi in Iran, Juniperus oxycedrus and Capparis spinosa in Italy, and mature trees in commercial farms of Durio zibethinus in Vietnam. In this study, morphology, breeding system and growth characteristics of these Phytophthora isolates with peculiar features were examined, and combined mitochondrial and nuclear multigene phylogenetic analyses were performed. The proportion between pseudoconidia and sporangia varied amongst isolates and depended on the availability of free water. GSK-3 phosphorylation Oogonia with amphigynous antheridia and aplerotic oospores were produced in dual cultures with an A2 mating type strain of P. palmivora, indicating all isolates were A1 mating type. Phylogenetically, these isolates grouped in a distinct well-supported clade sister to P. palmivora; thus, they constitute a separate taxon. The new species, described here as Phytophthora heterospora sp. nov., proved to be highly pathogenic to both olive and durian plants in stem inoculation tests.Increasing high temperature (HT) has a deleterious effect on plant growth. Earlier works reported the protective role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) under stress conditions, particularly influencing the physiological parameters. However, the protective role of AMF under high-temperature stress examining physiological parameters with characteristic phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) of soil microbial communities including AMF has not been studied. This work aims to study how high-temperature stress affects photosynthetic and below-ground traits in maize plants with and without AMF. Photosynthetic parameters like quantum yield of photosystem (PS) II, PSI, electron transport, and fractions of open reaction centers decreased in HT exposed plants, but recovered in AMF + HT plants. AMF + HT plants had significantly higher AM-signature 161ω5cis neutral lipid fatty acid (NLFA), spore density in soil, and root colonization with lower lipid peroxidation than non-mycorrhizal HT plants. As a result, enriched plants had more active living biomass, which improved photosynthetic efficiency when exposed to heat. This study provides an understanding of how AM-mediated plants can tolerate high temperatures while maintaining the stability of their photosynthetic apparatus. This is the first study to combine above- and below-ground traits, which could lead to a new understanding of plant and rhizosphere stress.Fungi are a diverse group of microorganisms that play many roles in human livelihoods. However, the isolation of potential fungal species is the key factor to their utilization in different sectors, including the enzyme industry. Hence, in this study, we used two different fungal repositories-soil and weed leaves-to isolate filamentous fungi and evaluate their potential to produce the cellulase enzyme. The fungal strains were isolated using dichloran rose bengal agar (DRBA) and potato dextrose agar (PDA). For cellulase enzyme production, a rice straw submerged fermentation process was used. The enzyme production was carried out at the different incubation times of 3, 5, and 7 days of culture in submerged conditions with rice straw. Fungal identification studies by morphological and molecular methods showed that the soil colonies matched with Trichoderma reesei, and the weed leaf colonies matched with Aspergillus awamori. These species were coded as T. reesei UMK04 and A. awamori UMK02, respectively. This is the first report of A. awamori UMK02 isolation in Malaysian agriculture. The results of cellulase production using the two fungi incorporated with rice straw submerged fermentation showed that T. reesei produced a higher amount of cellulase at Day 5 (27.04 U/mg of dry weight) as compared with A. awamori (15.19 U/mg of dry weight), and the concentration was significantly different (p less then 0.05). Our results imply that T. reesei can be utilized for cellulase production using rice straw.
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