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Free airline Pacific Gradient monitors ENSO and zonal Pacific sea surface area heat incline throughout the last One hundred year.
nitoring and to improve its accuracy. The proposed method utilizes a scalable multi-objective framework for sensor selection to maximize fault detection rate while minimizing the total cost of sensors. A wind turbine gearbox is considered to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework.In this invited review, we provide an overview of the recent advances in biomedical photonic sensors within the last five years. This review is focused on works using optical-fibre technology, employing diverse optical fibres, sensing techniques, and configurations applied in several medical fields. We identified technical innovations and advancements with increased implementations of optical-fibre sensors, multiparameter sensors, and control systems in real applications. Examples of outstanding optical-fibre sensor performances for physical and biochemical parameters are covered, including diverse sensing strategies and fibre-optical probes for integration into medical instruments such as catheters, needles, or endoscopes.The presented research was intended to seek new optical methods to investigate the demineralization process of bones. Optical examination of the bone condition could facilitate clinical trials and improve the safety of patients. The authors used a set of complementary methods polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) and Raman spectroscopy. Chicken bone samples were used in this research. Acetosyringone research buy To stimulate in laboratory conditions the process of demineralization and gradual removal of the hydroxyapatite, the test samples of bones were placed into 10% acetic acid. Measurements were carried out in two series. The first one took two weeks with data acquired every day. In the second series, the measurements were made during one day at an hourly interval (after 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 24 h). The relation between the content of hydroxyapatite and images recorded using OCT was analyzed and discussed. Moreover, the polarization properties of the bones, including retardation angles of the bones, were evaluated. Raman measurement confirmed the disappearance of the hydroxyapatite and the speed of this process. This work presents the results of the preliminary study on the possibility of measuring changes in bone mineralization by means of the proposed methods and confirms their potential for practical use in the future.Recently developed hybrid models that stack 3D with 2D CNN in their structure have enjoyed high popularity due to their appealing performance in hyperspectral image classification tasks. On the other hand, biological genome graphs have demonstrated their effectiveness in enhancing the scalability and accuracy of genomic analysis. We propose an innovative deep genome graph-based network (GGBN) for hyperspectral image classification to tap the potential of hybrid models and genome graphs. The GGBN model utilizes 3D-CNN at the bottom layers and 2D-CNNs at the top layers to process spectral-spatial features vital to enhancing the scalability and accuracy of hyperspectral image classification. To verify the effectiveness of the GGBN model, we conducted classification experiments on Indian Pines (IP), University of Pavia (UP), and Salinas Scene (SA) datasets. Using only 5% of the labeled data for training over the SA, IP, and UP datasets, the classification accuracy of GGBN is 99.97%, 96.85%, and 99.74%, respectively, which is better than the compared state-of-the-art methods.With the development of more/all electric aircraft, replacement of the traditional hydraulic servo actuator (HSA) with an electromechanical actuator (EMA) is becoming increasingly attractive in the aerospace field. This paper takes an EMA for a trimmable horizontal stabilizer as an example and focuses on how to establish a system model with an appropriate level of complexity to support the model-based system engineering (MBSE) approach. To distinguish the nonlinear effects that dominate the required system performance, an incremental approach is proposed to progressively introduce individual nonlinear effects into models with different complexity levels. Considering the special design and working principle of the mechanical power transmission function for this actuator, the nonlinear dynamics, including friction and backlash from the no-back mechanism, and the nonlinear compliance effect from the mechanical load path are mainly taken into consideration. The modelling principles for each effect are addressed in detail and the parameter identification method is utilized to model these nonlinear effects realistically. Finally, the responses from each model and experimental results are compared to analyze and verify how each individual nonlinearity affects the system's performance.Terahertz (THz) imaging has the potential to detect breast tumors during breast-conserving surgery accurately. Over the past decade, many research groups have extensively studied THz imaging and spectroscopy techniques for identifying breast tumors. This manuscript presents the recent development of THz imaging techniques for breast cancer detection. The dielectric properties of breast tissues in the THz range, THz imaging and spectroscopy systems, THz radiation sources, and THz breast imaging studies are discussed. In addition, numerous chemometrics methods applied to improve THz image resolution and data collection processing are summarized. Finally, challenges and future research directions of THz breast imaging are presented.We report the design of a high-efficiency spectral-domain spectrometer with cylindrical optics for line scanning optical coherence tomography (OCT). The spectral nonlinearity in k space (wavenumber) lowers the depth-dependent signal sensitivity of the spectrometers. For linearizing, in this design, grating and prism have been introduced. For line scanning, a cylindrical mirror is utilized in the scanning part. Line scanning improves the speed of imaging compared to fly-spot scanning. Line scanning OCT requires a spectrometer that utilizes cylindrical optics. In this work, an optical design of a linear wavenumber spectrometer with cylindrical optics is introduced. While there are many works using grating and prism to linearize the K space spectrometer design, there is no work on linearizing the k-space spectrometer with cylindrical optics for line scanning that provides high sensitivity and high-speed imaging without the need for resampling. The design of the spectrometer was achieved through MATLAB and ZEMAX simulations. The spectrometer design is optimized for the broadband light source with a center wavelength of 830 ± 100 nm (8.607 μm-1- 6.756 μm-1 in k-space). The variation in the output angle with respect to the wavenumber can be mentioned as a nonlinearity error. From our design results, it is observed that the nonlinearity error reduced from 147.0115 to 0.0149 Δθ*μm within the wavenumber range considered. The use of the proposed reflective optics for focusing reduces the chromatic aberration and increases image quality (measured by the Strehl ratio (SR)). The complete system will provide clinicians a powerful tool for real-time diagnosis, treatment, and guidance in surgery with high image quality for in-vivo applications.The annotation of sensor data with semantic metadata is essential to the goals of automation and interoperability in the context of Industry 4.0. In this contribution, we outline a semantic description of quality of data in sensor networks in terms of indicators, metrics and interpretations. The concepts thus defined are consolidated into an ontology that describes quality of data metainformation in heterogeneous sensor networks and methods for the determination of corresponding quality of data dimensions are outlined. By incorporating support for sensor calibration models and measurement uncertainty via a previously derived ontology, a conformity with metrological requirements for sensor data is ensured. A quality description for a calibrated sensor generated using the resulting ontology is presented in the JSON-LD format using the battery level and calibration data as quality indicators. Finally, the general applicability of the model is demonstrated using a series of competency questions.The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is establishing itself as a technology to improve data acquisition and information management in the construction field. It is consolidating as an emerging technology in all phases of the life cycle of projects and specifically in the execution phase of a construction project. One of the fundamental tasks in this phase is related to Health and Safety Management since the accident rate in this sector is very high compared to other phases or even sectors. For example, one of the most critical risks is falling objects due to the peculiarities of the construction process. Therefore, the integration of both technology and safety expert knowledge in this task is a key issue including ubiquitous computing, real-time decision capacity and expert knowledge management from risks with imprecise data. Starting from this vision, the goal of this paper is to introduce an IoT infrastructure integrated with JFML, an open-source library for Fuzzy Logic Systems according to the IEEE Std 1855-2016, to support imprecise experts' decision making in facing the risk of falling objects. The system advises the worker of the risk level of accidents in real-time employing a smart wristband. The proposed IoT infrastructure has been tested in three different scenarios involving habitual working situations and characterized by different levels of falling objects risk. As assessed by an expert panel, the proposed system shows suitable results.Within the field of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems, facing impaired speech is a big challenge because standard approaches are ineffective in the presence of dysarthria. The first aim of our work is to confirm the effectiveness of a new speech analysis technique for speakers with dysarthria. This new approach exploits the fine-tuning of the size and shift parameters of the spectral analysis window used to compute the initial short-time Fourier transform, to improve the performance of a speaker-dependent ASR system. The second aim is to define if there exists a correlation among the speaker's voice features and the optimal window and shift parameters that minimises the error of an ASR system, for that specific speaker. For our experiments, we used both impaired and unimpaired Italian speech. Specifically, we used 30 speakers with dysarthria from the IDEA database and 10 professional speakers from the CLIPS database. Both databases are freely available. The results confirm that, if a standard ASR system performs poorly with a speaker with dysarthria, it can be improved by using the new speech analysis. Otherwise, the new approach is ineffective in cases of unimpaired and low impaired speech. Furthermore, there exists a correlation between some speaker's voice features and their optimal parameters.Early and self-identification of locomotive degradation facilitates us with awareness and motivation to prevent further deterioration. We propose the usage of nine squat and four one-leg standing exercise features as input parameters to Machine Learning (ML) classifiers in order to perform lower limb skill assessment. The significance of this approach is that it does not demand manpower and infrastructure, unlike traditional methods. We base the output layer of the classifiers on the Short Test Battery Locomotive Syndrome (STBLS) test used to detect Locomotive Syndrome (LS) approved by the Japanese Orthopedic Association (JOA). We obtained three assessment scores by using this test, namely sit-stand, 2-stride, and Geriatric Locomotive Function Scale (GLFS-25). We tested two ML methods, namely an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) comprised of two hidden layers with six nodes per layer configured with Rectified-Linear-Unit (ReLU) activation function and a Random Forest (RF) regressor with number of estimators varied from 5 to 100.
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