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Morphology and postnatal ontogeny of the cranial endocast and also paranasal sinuses of capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), the most important residing animal.
Meiotic recombination plays dual roles in the evolution and stable inheritance of genomes Recombination promotes genetic diversity by reassorting variants, and it establishes temporary connections between pairs of homologous chromosomes that ensure their future segregation. Meiotic recombination is initiated by generation of double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) by the conserved topoisomerase-like protein Spo11. Despite strong conservation of Spo11 across eukaryotic kingdoms, auxiliary complexes that interact with Spo11 complexes to promote DSB formation are poorly conserved. Here, we identify DSB-3 as a DSB-promoting protein in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans Mutants lacking DSB-3 are proficient for homolog pairing and synapsis but fail to form crossovers. selleckchem Lack of crossovers in dsb-3 mutants reflects a requirement for DSB-3 in meiotic DSB formation. DSB-3 concentrates in meiotic nuclei with timing similar to DSB-1 and DSB-2 (predicted homologs of yeast/mammalian Rec114/REC114), and DSB-1, DSB-2, and DSB-3 are interdependent for this localization. Bioinformatics analysis and interactions among the DSB proteins support the identity of DSB-3 as a homolog of MEI4 in conserved DSB-promoting complexes. This identification is reinforced by colocalization of pairwise combinations of DSB-1, DSB-2, and DSB-3 foci in structured illumination microscopy images of spread nuclei. However, unlike yeast Rec114, DSB-1 can interact directly with SPO-11, and in contrast to mouse REC114 and MEI4, DSB-1, DSB-2, and DSB-3 are not concentrated predominantly at meiotic chromosome axes. We speculate that variations in the meiotic program that have coevolved with distinct reproductive strategies in diverse organisms may contribute to and/or enable diversification of essential components of the meiotic machinery.The system of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA)-mediated transcriptional interference that represses fission yeast phosphate homoeostasis gene pho1 provides a sensitive readout of genetic influences on cotranscriptional 3'-processing and termination and a tool for discovery of regulators of this phase of the Pol2 transcription cycle. Here, we conducted a genetic screen for relief of transcriptional interference that unveiled a mechanism by which Pol2 termination is enhanced via a gain-of-function mutation, G476S, in the RNA-binding domain of an essential termination factor, Seb1. The genetic and physical evidence for gain-of-function is compelling 1) seb1-G476S de-represses pho1 and tgp1, both of which are subject to lncRNA-mediated transcriptional interference; 2) seb1-G476S elicits precocious lncRNA transcription termination in response to lncRNA 5'-proximal poly(A) signals; 3) seb1-G476S derepression of pho1 is effaced by loss-of-function mutations in cleavage and polyadenylation factor (CPF) subunits and termination factor Rhn1; 4) synthetic lethality of seb1-G476S with pho1 derepressive mutants rpb1-CTD-S7A and aps1∆ is rescued by CPF/Rhn1 loss-of-function alleles; and 5) seb1-G476S elicits an upstream shift in poly(A) site preference in several messenger RNA genes. A crystal structure of the Seb1-G476S RNA-binding domain indicates potential for gain of contacts from Ser476 to RNA nucleobases. To our knowledge, this is a unique instance of a gain-of-function phenotype in a eukaryal transcription termination protein.Recently discovered simple quantitative relations, known as bacterial growth laws, hint at the existence of simple underlying principles at the heart of bacterial growth. In this work, we provide a unifying picture of how these known relations, as well as relations that we derive, stem from a universal autocatalytic network common to all bacteria, facilitating balanced exponential growth of individual cells. We show that the core of the cellular autocatalytic network is the transcription-translation machinery-in itself an autocatalytic network comprising several coupled autocatalytic cycles, including the ribosome, RNA polymerase, and transfer RNA (tRNA) charging cycles. We derive two types of growth laws per autocatalytic cycle, one relating growth rate to the relative fraction of the catalyst and its catalysis rate and the other relating growth rate to all the time scales in the cycle. The structure of the autocatalytic network generates numerous regimes in state space, determined by the limiting components, while the number of growth laws can be much smaller. We also derive a growth law that accounts for the RNA polymerase autocatalytic cycle, which we use to explain how growth rate depends on the inducible expression of the rpoB and rpoC genes, which code for the RpoB and C protein subunits of RNA polymerase, and how the concentration of rifampicin, which targets RNA polymerase, affects growth rate without changing the RNA-to-protein ratio. We derive growth laws for tRNA synthesis and charging and predict how growth rate depends on temperature, perturbation to ribosome assembly, and membrane synthesis.Algae are key contributors to global carbon fixation and form the basis of many food webs. In nature, their growth is often supported or suppressed by microorganisms. The bacterium Pseudomonas protegens Pf-5 arrests the growth of the green unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, deflagellates the alga by the cyclic lipopeptide orfamide A, and alters its morphology [P. Aiyar et al., Nat. Commun. link2 8, 1756 (2017)]. Using a combination of Raman microspectroscopy, genome mining, and mutational analysis, we discovered a polyyne toxin, protegencin, which is secreted by P. protegens, penetrates the algal cells, and causes destruction of the carotenoids of their primitive visual system, the eyespot. Together with secreted orfamide A, protegencin thus prevents the phototactic behavior of C. reinhardtii A mutant of P. protegens deficient in protegencin production does not affect growth or eyespot carotenoids of C. reinhardtii Protegencin acts in a direct and destructive way by lysing and killing the algal cells. The toxic effect of protegencin is also observed in an eyeless mutant and with the colony-forming Chlorophyte alga Gonium pectorale These data reveal a two-pronged molecular strategy involving a cyclic lipopeptide and a conjugated tetrayne used by bacteria to attack select Chlamydomonad algae. link3 In conjunction with the bloom-forming activity of several chlorophytes and the presence of the protegencin gene cluster in over 50 different Pseudomonas genomes [A. J. Mullins et al., bioRxiv [Preprint] (2021). https// (Accessed 17 April 2021)], these data are highly relevant to ecological interactions between Chlorophyte algae and Pseudomonadales bacteria.Self-assembly of microscopic building blocks into highly ordered and functional structures is ubiquitous in nature and found at all length scales. Hierarchical structures formed by colloidal building blocks are typically assembled from monodisperse particles interacting via engineered directional interactions. Here, we show that polydisperse colloidal bananas self-assemble into a complex and hierarchical quasi-two-dimensional structure, called the vortex phase, only due to excluded volume interactions and polydispersity in the particle curvature. Using confocal microscopy, we uncover the remarkable formation mechanism of the vortex phase and characterize its exotic structure and dynamics at the single-particle level. These results demonstrate that hierarchical self-assembly of complex materials can be solely driven by entropy and shape polydispersity of the constituting particles.Attention alters perception across the visual field. Typically, endogenous (voluntary) and exogenous (involuntary) attention similarly improve performance in many visual tasks, but they have differential effects in some tasks. Extant models of visual attention assume that the effects of these two types of attention are identical and consequently do not explain differences between them. Here, we develop a model of spatial resolution and attention that distinguishes between endogenous and exogenous attention. We focus on texture-based segmentation as a model system because it has revealed a clear dissociation between both attention types. For a texture for which performance peaks at parafoveal locations, endogenous attention improves performance across eccentricity, whereas exogenous attention improves performance where the resolution is low (peripheral locations) but impairs it where the resolution is high (foveal locations) for the scale of the texture. Our model emulates sensory encoding to segment figures from their background and predict behavioral performance. To explain attentional effects, endogenous and exogenous attention require separate operating regimes across visual detail (spatial frequency). Our model reproduces behavioral performance across several experiments and simultaneously resolves three unexplained phenomena 1) the parafoveal advantage in segmentation, 2) the uniform improvements across eccentricity by endogenous attention, and 3) the peripheral improvements and foveal impairments by exogenous attention. Overall, we unveil a computational dissociation between each attention type and provide a generalizable framework for predicting their effects on perception across the visual field.Lipid-coated noble metal nanoparticles (L-NPs) combine the biomimetic surface properties of a self-assembled lipid membrane with the plasmonic properties of a nanoparticle (NP) core. In this work, we investigate derivatives of cholesterol, which can be found in high concentrations in biological membranes, and other terpenoids, as tunable, synthetic platforms to functionalize L-NPs. Side chains of different length and polarity, with a terminal alkyne group as Raman label, are introduced into cholesterol and betulin frameworks. The synthesized tags are shown to coexist in two conformations in the lipid layer of the L-NPs, identified as "head-out" and "head-in" orientations, whose relative ratio is determined by their interactions with the lipid-water hydrogen-bonding network. The orientational dimorphism of the tags introduces orthogonal functionalities into the NP surface for selective targeting and plasmon-enhanced Raman sensing, which is utilized for the identification and Raman imaging of epidermal growth factor receptor-overexpressing cancer cells.Four-wave mixing (FWM) of optical fields has been extensively used in quantum information processing, sensing, and memories. It also forms a basis for nonlinear spectroscopies such as transient grating, stimulated Raman, and photon echo where phase matching is used to select desired components of the third-order response of matter. Here we report an experimental study of the two-dimensional quantum noise intensity difference spectra of a pair of squeezed beams generated by FWM in hot Rb vapor. The measurement reveals details of the [Formula see text] susceptibility dressed by the strong pump field which induces an AC Stark shift, with higher spectral resolution compared to classical measurements of probe and conjugate beam intensities. We demonstrate how quantum correlations of squeezed light can be utilized as a spectroscopic tool which unlike their classical counterparts are robust to external noise.
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