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Risk factors for carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae an infection along with linked medical outcomes.
The application of smartphones as detectors is essential to achieve ubiquitous measurement targeting biomolecules. Because bioluminescence (BL), as a tag for a target sample, does not require an excitation light source, it can be combined with a smartphone to constitute a compact and mobile measurement system. A method was recently established to detect the spectral change of ratiometric indicators based on bioluminescence resonance energy transfer with a smartphone camera. For example, it was possible to detect changes in the BL color of the Ca2+ indicator quantitatively and easily calculate the concentration of free Ca2+ by setting appropriate image acquisition conditions in a smartphone application. In this paper, we describe techniques to obtain scientifically relevant and reliable BL data with such a convenient instrument. This protocol expands the potential of the smartphone as a personal imaging device with high mobility that can be used anywhere.Optogenetic calcium sensors enable the imaging in real-time of the activities of single or multiple neurons in brain slices and in vivo. Bioluminescent probes engineered from the natural calcium sensor aequorin do not require illumination, are virtually devoid of background signal, and exhibit wide dynamic range and low cytotoxicity. These probes are thus well suited for long-duration, whole-field recordings of multiple neurons simultaneously. Here, we describe a protocol for monitoring and analyzing the dynamics of neuronal ensembles using whole-field bioluminescence imaging of an aequorin-based sensor in brain slice.A method to generate small amount of reactive oxygen species (ROSs) at intracellular targeted region has great potential to manipulate the function of particular proteins. The present protocol introduces a fusion protein that consisted of firefly luciferase (FLuc), photosensitizer protein KillerRed and F-actin-targeting peptide Lifeact (Lifeact-KillerFirefly) to generate ROSs in the vicinity of F-actin and found that morphological change in F-actin structure was induced by the fusion protein after luciferin treatment. This manipulating and imaging method is of use to analyze the role of the locally generated ROSs on the function of intracellular proteins.Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) is a commonly used assay system for studying protein-protein interactions. The present protocol introduces a conceptually unique ligand-activatable BRET system (termed BRET9), where a full-length artificial luciferase variant 23 (ALuc23), acting as the energy donor, is sandwiched in between a protein pair of interest, FRB and FKBP, and further linked to a fluorescent protein as the energy acceptor for studying protein-protein interaction. A specific ligand, rapamycin, which initiates intramolecular interactions of FRB and FKBP inside the probe, which develops molecular strain in the sandwiched ALuc23 to complete its folding, thus, the probe system greatly enhances both the overall bioluminescence (BL) spectrum and the BRET signal in the far-red (FR) region. This new BRET system provides a robust ligand-activatable platform that efficiently reports FR-BL signals in mammalian cells.The present protocol demonstrates a novel mammalian cell imaging platform exerting a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) system. This platform achieves a ~300 nm blue-to-near infrared shift of the emission (NIR-BRET) with the development of a unique coelenterazine (CTZ) derivative named BBlue2.3 and a fusion reporter protein probe named iRFP-RLuc8.6-535SG. The best NIR-BRET shift was achieved by tuning the blue emission peak of BBlue2.3 to a Soret band of the iRFP. In mammalian cells, BBlue2.3 emits light that is ~50-fold brighter than DeepBlueC in cell imaging when combined with RLuc8.6-535SG. This NIR-BRET platform is sufficiently brighter to be used for imaging live mammalian cells at single-cell level, and also for imaging metastases in deep tissues in live mice without generating considerable autoluminescence. This unique optical platform provides the brightest NIR-BLI template that can be used for imaging a diverse group of cellular events in living subjects.Living cells dynamically change their morphology and function according to the cell cycle. Long-term observations of living cells are privileged when we spy the unique, cell cycle-driven molecular events, which cannot be obtained from short-term ones. Mg2+, a metal ion abundant in cells, has been shown to be involved in a variety of physiological phenomena by noninvasive cellular observation using fluorescence microscopy. However, long-term observation of Mg2+ in cells has been a great challenge. Herein, we present a protocol for the long-term microscopic imaging of intracellular Mg2+ levels using a small molecule-protein hybrid fluorescent probe we developed.Recent extensive studies revealed that the intracellular concentration of magnesium ions (Mg2+) is one of the important factors to regulate cellular functions. To evaluate the impact of Mg2+ concentration changes on intracellular signals or events, simultaneous imaging of Mg2+ with those phenomena is a powerful technique. The present protocol describes the synthesis and evaluation of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent Mg2+-selective probes, named KMG-500 series, and the application to simultaneous imaging of the corresponding intracellular signal transductions and molecular events. The present protocol for multicolor imaging using fluorescent probes in the NIR and visible ranges is highly useful to reveal how multiple molecular events are correlated each other in each single cell.Various fluorescent probes for the detection of intracellular reactive oxidative species (ROS) have been developed because ROS levels are closely associated with cellular states. Here, we describe a method for detection of intracellular ROS in living cells using the fluorescent probe, hydroxyphenyl fluorescein (HPF), which detects hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite. NIH3T3 cells and p53 knockout (p53-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) were transformed by expressing oncogenic RAS using a retrovirus system. The cells were treated with HPF at 37 °C for 30 min, and subsequently, images were acquired using a confocal fluorescence microscope at an excitation wavelength of 488 nm after washing with PBS.Fluorescence (FL)-guided detection of cancer is one of the most promising approaches to achieve intraoperative assessment of surgical margins. Enzymes, such as aminopeptidase, carboxypeptidase, and glycosidase, whose activities are increased in cancer, have attracted great interest as imaging targets for rapid and sensitive visualization of cancerous tissues with fluorescent probes. Activatable probes, which are initially nonfluorescent but become strongly fluorescent upon rapid one-step cleavage of their substrate moiety by the target enzyme, are especially promising for practical clinical application during surgical or endoscopic procedures due to the highly amplified FL change generated by enzyme-catalyzed turnover at lesion sites. Here, we describe robust protocols for using activatable fluorescent probes targeting cancer-associated enzyme activities to visualize cultured cancer cells, metastatic cancer in a mouse model, and cancerous lesions in surgical specimens from patients.Fluorescent ligands have emerged as powerful tools for noninvasive research of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), since they could provide the invaluable information regarding GPCRs' structure and function in vitro. However, the in vivo applications of thus tools are hampered owing to their short-wavelength spectra and lack of fluorogenic switch. Here, we describe the experimental details of discovery of the environment-sensitive near-infrared (NIR) fluorogenic ligand for in vivo imaging of α1-adrenergic receptor (α1-AR).Microtubules (MTs) are important targets for imaging in living cells because of their vital roles in cellular processes. The dynamics (polymerization/depolymerization) of MTs has been imaged in living cells by utilizing MT-targeted drugs as scaffolds. We previously developed a unique MT-binding motif derived from a MT-associated protein, Tau. The Tau-derived peptide (TP) binds to the inner surface of MTs without inhibiting the dynamics of MTs. We introduce a new protocol for live-cell imaging of MTs by using fluorescently labeled TP. We exemplify that tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-labeled TP (TP-TMR) is spontaneously internalized into HepG2 cells and binds to intracellular MTs, enabling visualization of MTs in living cells. PI3K inhibitor TP-TMR shows no apparent effects on polymerization/depolymerization of MTs and no cytotoxicity. Thus, the peptide-based approach is useful for long-term imaging of MTs.Sirtuins (SIRTs) are a family of NAD+-dependent histone deacetylases (HDACs). In mammals, dysfunction of SIRTs is associated with age-related metabolic diseases, cancers, and even aging. Therefore, the detection of SIRT activity in living cells or tissues would be helpful for diagnosis of a wide range of SIRT-associated diseases. Here, we present methodology to measure SIRT activity in living cells by using our newly developed SIRT fluorescence probe, KST-F-DA.Visualization of virus-infected cells is usually performed by immunostaining with an antiviral antibody. On the other hand, we established an easy method for fluorescence (FL) imaging of cells infected with influenza A and B viruses and some paramyxoviruses without the need for cell fixation and an antiviral antibody. These viruses and the cells they have infected express the viral surface enzyme "neuraminidase" or "hemagglutinin-neuraminidase" that shows sialidase activity. Sialidase activity is fluorescently visualized by using a sialidase fluorogenic probe developed in our previous study. The probe enables histochemical FL imaging of the virus-infected cells and is applicable to virus isolation and detection of an influenza virus resistant to antiinfluenza drugs of sialidase inhibitors.Spectral overlaps in fluorescence (FL) and bioluminescence (BL) commonly cause optical cross talks. The present protocol introduces five different lineages of coelenterazine (CTZ) analogues, which have selectivity to a specific luciferase, and thus cross talk-free. For example, some CTZ analogues with ethynyl or styryl groups display dramatically biased BL to specific luciferases and pH by modifying the functional groups at the C-2 and C-6 positions of the imidazopyridinne backbone of CTZ. The optical cross talk-free feature is exemplified with the multiplex system, which simultaneously illuminated antiestrogenic and rapamycin activities without optical cross talks. This unique protocol contributes to specific and high-throughput BL imaging of multiple optical readouts in mammalian cells without optical contamination.Coelenterazine (CTZ) is a common substrate to most marine luciferases and photoproteins. The present protocol introduces mammalian cell imaging with nine novel dye- and azide-conjugated CTZ analogues, which were synthesized by conjugating a series of fluorescent dyes or an azide group to the C-2 or C-6 position of CTZ backbone. The investigation on the optical properties revealed that azide-conjugated CTZs emit greatly selective bioluminescence (BL) to artificial luciferases (ALucs) and ca. 130 nm blue-shifted BL with Renilla luciferase variant 8.6 (RLuc8.6) in mammalian cells. The corresponding kinetic study explains that azide-conjugated CTZ exerts higher catalytic efficiency than CTZ. Nile red-conjugated CTZ completely showed red-shifted CRET spectra and characteristic BRET spectra with artificial luciferase 16 (ALuc16). The present protocol shows that the minimal spectral overlap occurs among the pairs of [Furimazine/NanoLuc], [6-N3-CTZ/ALuc26], [6-pi-OH-CTZ/RLuc8.6], and [6-N3-CTZ/RLuc8.6] because of the substrate-driven luciferase specificity or color shifts, convincing a cross talk-free multiplex bioassay platform.
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