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Can estradiol have an affect on your dipeptidyl peptidase Four chemical action with the Prevotella intermedia team bacteria?
We describe a new sea anemone species, Synhalcurias kahakui sp. nov., from specimens collected off Otouto-jima and Amami-oshima islands in July 2016 and May 2019. respectively. These sea anemones were identified as belonging to family Actinernidae due to their many endocoelic perfect mesenteries and identified as belonging to the genus Synhalcurias Carlgren, 1914 because they have an oral disc without any developed lobes. Though this genus presently accommodates only one species, Synhalcurias elegans (Wassilieff, 1908), our specimens are smaller than the aforementioned species, have fewer mesenteries, lack nematocyst batteries on the column, and have two types of microbasic p-mastigophores on the mesenterial filaments. These specimens are described as Synhalcurias kahakui sp. nov. In view of the new species, the diagnosis of genus Synhalcurias is revised. In addition, we redescribe S. elegans based on newly specimens collected from Japan.Based on type specimen investigation, the status of Helops tristis Rossi, 1790 as the type species of the genus Dendarus Dejean, 1821 is confirmed. Lectotypes are designated for Helops tristis and Pandarus coarcticollis Mulsant, 1854 both are classified in Dendarus. Pandarus libanicus Desbrochers des Loges, 1881 is recognised as a junior synonym of Dendarus calcaratus Baudi di Selve, 1881. Both taxa share the same locus typicus (Mount Lebanon in Lebanon) and are morphologically distinct from the Italian Dendarus lugens (Mulsant Rey, 1854). Finally, D. lugens is considered as a synonym of D. (Dendarus) coarcticollis.Herein we provide new information on Cnemaspis assamensis, the only species of Cnemaspis known from north-eastern India. Based on five new samples, morphological parameters are described. The species was found to have pre-cloacal and femoral pores, not accounted for in the original description. Genetic assessment of the species was made using a 914 bp fragment of the ND2 mitochondrial gene and the species was recovered as the sister taxon of the C. podihuna clade from Sri Lanka.Rhicnogryllus Chopard, 1925 currently comprises 13 extant species from Asia, Africa, South America and the Pacific. We describe two new species, R. xuandan He sp. nov. and R. fallax He sp. nov., from Hainan Island, China. The type specimens are deposited in Museum of Biology, East China Normal University (ECNU).We increase the knowledge on the taxonomy of Brazilian Syneches describing 10 new species S. amorimi sp. β-Glycerophosphate nov., S. barrettoi sp. nov., S. digitatus sp. nov., S. fasciatus sp. nov., S. flaviscutellatus sp. nov., S. fuscus sp. nov., S. nordestino sp. nov., S. plaumanni sp. nov., S. sinclairi sp. nov., and S. smithi sp. nov., and redescribing three species S. catarinae Smith, 1962, S. luteus (Wiedemann, 1830) and S. tomentosus Smith, 1962. Syneches ruficollis (Walker, 1852) is proposed as a nomen dubium since the type is lost and the original description does not allow identification. An identification key, high-resolution images of relevant characters, short diagnoses and maps of geographic records for all 34 Brazilian species now included in the genus are provided, as well as a checklist for the South American species of Syneches.Here we present an overview of the species of the genus Amiserica Nomura, 1974. The taxonomy of the species of eastern Asia (China and adjacent regions) is revised herein, which so far have not been treated yet. Twenty-eight species are discovered new to science Amiserica basisymmetrica Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. belousovi Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. carolusholzschuhi Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. diaocangshana Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. eucurviforceps Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. fengyangensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. funiushanica Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. gibbosiforceps Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. guanmenshanica Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. link2 guizhouensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. gulinqin Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. incisa Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. jiuhuensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. jizuensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. linzhouensis Ahrens, Fabrizi Liu, new species, A. longon maps.The Afrotropical genus Diplotrichus Jordal, 2021 is revised. Altogether 21 species are included in the genus, with 10 species described as new to science Diplotrichus pilifrons Jordal, sp. nov., Diplotrichus medius Jordal, sp. nov., and Diplotrichus calvifrons Jordal, sp. nov. from South Africa, and Diplotrichus acutior Jordal, sp. nov., Diplotrichus falcatus Jordal, sp. nov., Diplotrichus pulchellus Jordal, sp. nov., Diplotrichus granulatus Jordal, sp. nov., Diplotrichus tuberculatus Jordal, sp. nov., Diplotrichus robustus Jordal, sp. nov., and Diplotrichus plenus Jordal, sp. nov., all from Madagascar. A molecular phylogenetic analysis based on five gene fragments (COI, EF-1a, CAD, PABP1, 28S) resulted in four major clades, with South African species nested within a grade of Malagasy species, supporting a more recent colonisation of the African mainland around the early Miocene.A detailed study of morphology of the rare phytophilous cladoceran Camptocercus lilljeborgi Schoedler, 1862 revealed that populations from Eastern Siberia and Far East of Russia belong to a new species. C. smirnovi sp. nov. differs from C. lilljeborgi in body shape, morphology of ventral margin of valves, morphology of postabdomen, and length of IDL seta 1 of the thoracic limb I. link3 C. lilljeborgi s. str. is distributed in Europe and Western Siberia, therefore, the lilljeborgi-group provides an example of the western-eastern differentiation in Northern Eurasia. Some characters of taxa from the lilljeborgi-group are convergently similar to the characters of the species of genus Graptoleberis Sars, 1862; both groups are adapted to a snail-like crawling on the surface of water macrophytes.Two new species-groups of the cantharid genus Stenothmeus Bourgeois are defined, S. laterophysus species-group and S. notaticollis species-group. The S. laterophysus species-group is composed of two species, including S. laterophysus vihla, 2004 and a new species, S. nigritibius Y. Yang et H. Liu, sp. nov., and characterized by the pitch black elytra and bicolored legs, the subrounded pronotum with widely rounded anterior angles and projecting posterior angles, male genitalia with slender ventral processes of parameres which are slightly bent inwards at apical parts, laterophyses tilting ventrally at an angle of more than 45 with dorsal plates, compressed at apical parts, as well as the slender spermathecal duct, extremely long spermatheca and diverticulum. The S. notaticollis species-group consists of five species, including S. notaticollis (Gorham, 1895), S. bourgeoisi Wittmer, 1974, S. tamil vihla, 2011 and two new species, S. parameratus Y. Yang et S. Ge, sp. nov. and S. acutiapicis Y. Yang et X. Yang, sp. nov., which is differentiated from the S. laterophysus species-group by the more variable body coloration, elytra pitch black or black brown or pale-yellow, male genitalia with thick or flattened ventral processes of parameres which are diverging apically, laterophyses parallel to dorsal plates, expanded at apices, as well as the stout spermathecal duct, moderately long spermatheca and diverticulum. The above species are illustrated with photographs of habitus, male genitalia, abdominal sternites and internal genitalia of female. A key for the identification of these species is provided and a distribution map is presented.The third instar larvae of Aphodius (Alocoderus) hydrochaeris (Fabricius, 1798) and A. (Bodilus) ictericus (Laicharting, 1781) are described based on scanning electron microscopy and COI sequences. COI barcode sequence for A. (A.) hydrohaeris is provided for the first time. Two haplotypes are discovered in A. (B.) ictericus.The new Archaeorthoptera Duquesnia gallica gen. et sp. nov. Nel Roques, is described from the upper Carboniferous of Northern France. It shows several putative synapomorphies with the three genera Contracladus Dvok et al., 2021 (Pennsylvanian of Germany), Nugonioneura (lower Permian of USA), and Avionugonioneura from the Moscovian of Avion (France).Based on a large series of specimens found in several localities in Mexico Euphara loculata n. sp. is described. It is the second species of this Neotropical genus, and includes for the first time a description and illustration of the male and female genitalia of the genus.We describe a new harpacticoid, Stammericaris remotaepatriae sp. nov., collected from the hyporheic habitat of a stream in Nantucket, MA, USA. The new species is characterized by the size of the caudal rami of both sexes, which are shorter than the anal somite, by the morphology and armature of the P3 and, mainly, by the P4 endopod of males, represented by a curved plate with a strongly bifid tip, the distal proximal outgrowth of the distal margin spiniform and denticled, the proximal outgrowth missing. The study of the new species allowed us to review the systematic position of Parastenocaris palmerae Reid, 1992, which we transferred to Stammericaris Jakobi, 1972 as Stammericaris palmerae (Reid, 1992) comb. nov., based mainly on the structure of the male P4 endopod complex and the setation of the caudal rami. We also discussed the taxonomic position and affinities of Parastenocaris trichelata Reid, 1955, suggesting that this species is related to the two former ones for a set of diagnostic features, but can not be attributed to the genus due to the peculiar morphology of the male P4 endopod complex; P. trichelata is therefore considered species inquirenda. We also discussed Parastenocaris sp. 1 and Parastenocaris sp. 3, two taxa only partially described and drawn in Strayer (1988). In fact, Parastenocaris sp. 1 can be related to Stammericaris and might represent a third species of the genus in the Nearctic region. Remarkably, the structure of the male P4 endopod of Parastenocaris sp. 3 is typical of Proserpinicaris Jakobi, 1972; this hypothetical assignment of the species to Proserpinicaris, if confirmed, would be of relevant taxonomic and biogeographic value. Finally, we provide an updated distribution map of the genus Stammericaris and brief remarks on the faunistic and ecological characteristics of the taxa presented and discussed in this paper.A checklist of the flesh flies occurring in Kalamaili Mountain Ungulate Nature Reserve, Xinjiang, NW China, is presented, based on material collected from 2009 to 2017. The checklist includes 18 genera and 46 species, 12 of which are new records for China. Four new species are described Asiosarcophila kashanensis sp. nov., Miltogramma szpilai sp. nov., Sphecapatodes superciliosa sp. nov., and Sphecapatodes xinjiangensis sp. nov. Extensive documentation of the male and female habitus, details of the head, and the specialised setae of the male fore tarsus is given for all species where relevant, except for those already well illustrated in other publications. The male terminalia of almost all species of Paramacronychiinae and Sarcophaginae recorded from Kalamaili are illustrated with focus-stacked photographs.The northern South American genus Haematotropis Jeekel, 2000 is shown to presently encompass 21 species, all duly redescribed, illustrated, keyed, and mapped, including 13 new species H. amazonica sp. nov. (Amazonas, Brazil), H. aripuanensis sp. nov. (Mato Grosso, Brazil), H. callyi sp. nov. (French Guiana), H. dentata sp. nov. (Maranho, Brazil), H. disjunctoides sp. nov. (Par, Brazil), H. goeldii sp. nov. (Par, Brazil), H. jurutiensis sp. nov. (Par, Brazil), H. driki sp. nov. (Amazonas, Brazil), H. melgacensis sp. nov. (Par, Brazil), H. mosaica sp. nov. (Par, Brazil), H. paraensis sp. nov. (Par, Brazil), H. poranga sp. nov. (Par, Brazil) and H. tysoni sp. nov. (Amazonas, Brazil). New characters are used in all descriptions and redescriptions. Aphelidesmus guianensis Chamberlin, 1923, the type species of Ochrotropis Jeekel, 2000, is a new junior synonym of Aphelidesmus divergens Chamberlin, 1918, comb. nov. ex Ochrotropis in Haematotropis.
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