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Tail Risk Early on Caution Method pertaining to Money Marketplaces Based on Appliance Understanding Calculations.
This addendum expands upon the arguments made in the author's 2020 essay, "Legal Personhood for Artificial Intelligence Citizenship as the Exception to the Rule", in an effort to display the significance human augmentation technologies will have on (feasibly) inadvertently providing legal protections to artificial intelligence systems (AIS)-a topic only briefly addressed in that work. It will also further discuss the impacts popular media have on imprinting notions of computerised behaviour and its subsequent consequences on the attribution of legal protections to AIS and on speculative technological advancement that would aid the sophistication of AIS.Any first step in organisational adaptation starts with individuals' responses and willingness (or otherwise) to change an aspect of themselves given the transcontextual settings in which they are operating (Bateson in Small arcs of larger circles framing through other patterns, Triarchy Press, Axminster, 2018). This research explores the implications for organisational adaptation strategies when Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being embedded into the ecology of the organisation, and when employees have a dominant fixed or growth mindset (Dweck in Mindset changing the way you think to fulfil your potential. Robinson, London, 2017). Research participants were supplied with a single scenario based in 2030, where-as a result of Artificial Intelligence technology implementation-employees were going to be displaced. Using Torbert's (Organizational wisdom and executive courage, New Lexington Press, San Francisco, 1998) 'first, second and third person' research theory, participants were asked to independently review their thoughts, sense, and image of the future from a fixed mindset position (considered to be the worst case), then from a growth mindset perspective (best case), and then do the same collectively. Five key findings are outlined which support the principle that having a growth mindset is a key component of adaptive capacity and futures literacy. The five key findings conclude that AI adaptation processes need to include compassion and authenticity, embodiment, fundamental needs and motivations, mutual learning and considering what lies beyond the edges of the organisation (Bateson in Small arcs of larger circles framing through other patterns, Triarchy Press, Axminster, 2018).Market participants use a wide set of information before they decide to invest in risk assets, such as stocks. Investors often follow the news to collect the information that will help them decide which strategy to follow. In this study, we analyze how public news and historical prices can be used together to anticipate and prevent financial losses on the Brazilian stock market. We include an extensive set of 64 securities in our analysis, which represent various sectors of the Brazilian economy. Our analysis compares the traditional Buy & Hold and the moving average strategies to several experiments designed with 11 machine learning algorithms. We explore daily, weekly and monthly time horizons for both publication and return windows. With this approach we were able to assess the most relevant set of news for investor's decision, and to determine for how long the information remains relevant to the market. We found a strong relationship between news publications and stock price changes in Brazil, suggesting even short-term arbitrage opportunities. The study shows that it is possible to predict stock price falls using a set of news in Portuguese, and that text mining-based approaches can overcome traditional strategies when forecasting losses.The widely application of positioning technology has made collecting the movement of people feasible for knowledge-based decision. Data in its original form often contain sensitive attributes and publishing such data will leak individuals' privacy. Especially, a privacy threat occurs when an attacker can link a record to a specific individual based on some known partial information. Therefore, maintaining privacy in the published data is a critical problem. To prevent record linkage, attribute linkage, and similarity attacks based on the background knowledge of trajectory data, we propose a data privacy preservation with enhanced l-diversity. First, we determine those critical spatial-temporal sequences which are more likely to cause privacy leakage. Then, we perturb these sequences by adding or deleting some spatial-temporal points while ensuring the published data satisfy our ( L , α , β )-privacy, an enhanced privacy model from l-diversity. Our experiments on both synthetic and real-life datasets suggest that our proposed scheme can achieve better privacy while still ensuring high utility, compared with existing privacy preservation schemes on trajectory.When the novel coronavirus entered the US, most US states implemented lockdown measures. In April-May 2020, state governments started political discussions about whether it would be worth the risk to reduce protective measures. In a highly politicized environment, risk perceptions and preferences for risk mitigation may vary by political inclinations. In April-May 2020, we surveyed a nationally representative sample of 5517 members of the University of Southern California's Understanding America Study. Of those, 37% identified as Democrats, 32% as Republican, and 31% as Third Party/Independent. Overall, Democrats perceived more risk associated with COVID-19 than Republicans, including for getting infected, being hospitalized and dying if infected, as well as running out of money as a result of the pandemic. Democrats were also more likely than Republicans to express concerns that states would lift economic restrictions too quickly, and to report mask use and social distancing. Generally, participants who identified as Third Party/Independent fell in between. Monodansyl cadaverine Democrats were more likely to report watching MSNBC or CNN (vs. not), while Republicans were more likely to report watching Fox News (vs. not), and Third Party/Independents tended to watch neither. However, political inclinations predicted reported policy preferences, mask use, and social distancing, in analyses that accounted for differences in use of media sources, risk perceptions, and demographic background. In these analyses, participants' reported media use added to the partisan divide in preferences for the timing of lifting economic restrictions and reported protective behaviors. Implications for risk communication are discussed.
The online version of this article (10.1007/s11166-020-09336-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
The online version of this article (10.1007/s11166-020-09336-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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