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Variety of Myelitis throughout Endemic Lupus Erythematosus: Knowledge collected from one of Tertiary Treatment Centre around Two-and-a-half decades.
The human tongue is involved in many essential daily activities and is comprised of eight muscles. To date tools for quantifications of the tongue's intrinsic motions are limited. In this study we explored the tongue's motion during a free-exploration paradigm, using a discreet wireless intra-oral wearable device. Six healthy subjects were instructed to freely move the tip of their tongue on the wearable device while attempting to cover the entire surface of the hard palate. The goal of this study is to compose a two-dimensional probability distribution model of the tongue's motion. We conclude that 90-seconds of non-continuous data collection was sufficient for visualizing the two-dimensional probability distribution of the free-exploration paradigm. The results suggest that the subjects concentrate the majority of the motion in the central portion of the palate.This paper describes a research collaboration with Studio 1 Labs to provide the characterization for a novel smart baby monitoring device which includes conductive fabrics. The electrical characterization of the conductive fabrics is important for designing a bedsheet that can adequately be sensitive to physiological movement. Electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) has been performed using the Metrohm Autolab potentiostat on a two-fabric interface. For an increase in applied weight, there was an overall decrease in impedance shown both in its real and imaginary components. A simple RC circuit model could be used to describe the system. A test bedsheet was made from a 3x3 conductive fabric matrix stitched into a cotton sheet. Conversely, an increase in resistance was observed from an increase in applied weights at the intersection points of the bedsheet. The following characterization provided useful insight into the future design of the smart bedsheet.Pulse wave and respiration are two important vital signals in diagnosing and treating diseases. In this paper, we investigated a Bio-impedance (BImp) based respiration and pulse wave monitoring system. The BImp signal is successfully extracted from a wearable device placed on the shoulder. Using the rate calculation algorithm, heart rate (HR), and respiration rate (RR) values are extracted accurately. The data is collected during different steps of breathing including slow, fast, deep, hold, and normal from 10 volunteers. The accuracy of HR results is compared to that of extracted from PPG with considering ECG based HR as reference. The extracted RR values are investigated against TCo2 sensor's output. The estimation of both RR and HR extracted from the BImp signal has higher accuracy compared to the other methods.With the growing trend towards personalized health, wearable fitness trackers have become a staple of the consumer electronics industry. As the prevalence of such devices booms, the medical community has been compelled to investigate the potential of such devices and explore how they can be used to create positive clinical outcomes. In this report we detail a smart-ring capable of determining heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), and temperature. The ring implements a photoplethysmogram (PPG), electrocardiogram (ECG), and thermistor to attain these metrics. After evaluation, significant correlation was found between the experimentally reported HR and RR recordings with their respective standards (p less then 0.05). Experimentally derived SpO2 had trial-dependent similarities with its reference standards, and temperature measurements were within expected values of normal skin temperature.It has been known that the fall of a patient in a hospital is a serious accident. In order to prevent such accidents, we have been studying the fall prevention using image processing technology. Our previous studies have detected the patient's end sitting position with high accuracy, but have problems responding to the sitting position of patients who are eating or responding to visitors. In order to solve these problems, this paper proposes a method to detect the patient's bed exit action by analyzing the posture of the patient extracted from the image of the monocular camera by long short-term memory (LSTM). Our proposed method introduces two strategies - abstraction of input information and use of relative position information for the input time-series human images, achieving a 99.2[%] detection rate of bed exit action with a 5.7[%] false detection rate. Detecting the bed exit action with high accuracy contributes to preventing the patient from falling down. The proposed solution handles only posture information that abstracts camera images for patient privacy purposes.In vivo fluorescence miniature microscopy has recently proven a major advance, enabling cellular imaging in freely behaving animals. However, fluorescence imaging suffers from autofluorescence, phototoxicity, photobleaching and non- homogeneous illumination artifacts. These factors limit the quality and time course of data collection. Bioluminescence provides an alternative kind of activity-dependent light indicator. Bioluminescent calcium indicators do not require light input, instead generating photons through chemiluminescence. As such, limitations inherent to the requirement for light presentation are eliminated. Further, bioluminescent indicators also do not require excitation light optics the removal of these components should make a lighter and lower cost microscope with fewer assembly parts. While there has been significant recent progress in making brighter and faster bioluminescence indicators, the advances in imaging hardware have not yet been realized. A hardware challenge is that despite potentially higher signal-to-noise of bioluminescence, the signal strength is lower than that of fluorescence. An open question we address in this report is whether fluorescent miniature microscopes can be rendered sensitive enough to detect bioluminescence. We demonstrate this possibility in vitro and in vivo by implementing optimizations of the UCLA fluorescent miniscope v3.2. These optimizations yielded a miniscope (BLmini) which is 22% lighter in weight, has 45% fewer components, is up to 58% less expensive, offers up to 15 times stronger signal and is sensitive enough to capture spatiotemporal dynamics of bioluminescence in the brain with a signal-to-noise ratio of 34 dB.Increased concentrations of lactate levels in blood are often seen in patients with life-threatening cellular hypoperfusion or infections. State-of-the-art techniques used in clinical practice for measuring serum lactate concentrations rely on intermittent blood sampling and do not permit continuous monitoring of this all important parameter in critical care environments.In recent years, Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopy has been established as a possible alternative to existing methods that can mitigate these constraints and be used for non-invasive continuous monitoring of lactate. Nevertheless, the dominant absorption of -OH overtone bands of water in the NIR presents a challenge and complicates the accurate detection of other absorbers such as lactate. For this reason, comprehensive analysis of the -OH overtone bands with systematic lactate concentration changes is essential. This paper reports on the analysis of NIR spectra of two aqueous systems of varying concentrations of lactate in saline and whole blood using the principles of Aquaphotomics.The results show distinctive conformational and structural differences in lactate-water binding, which arise due to the molecular interactions of bonds present in respective solvents.We describe the design of a thermometer that can be worn during everyday activities for monitoring core body temperature (CBT) at the skin surface. This sensor estimates the CBT by measuring the heat flux from the body core based on a thermal conductive model. The heat flux is usually affected by the ambient convective conditions (e.g. air conditioner or posture), which in turn affects the model's accuracy. Thus, we analytically investigated heat conduction and designed a sensor interface that would be robust to convection changes. We performed an in vitro experiment and a preliminary in vivo experiment. The accuracy of CBT in an in vitro experiments was 0.1°C for convective values ranging from 0 to 1.2 m/s. The wearable thermometer has high potential as non-invasive CBT monitor.A new multi-material polymer fiber electrode has been developed for smart clothing applications. The conductive fiber is optimized for bipotential measurements such as surface electromyogram (sEMG) and electrocardiogram (ECG). The main benefit of this fiber is its flexibility and being a dry and non-obtrusive electrode. It can be directly integrated into a garment to make a smart textile for real time biopoten-tial monitoring. A customized wireless electronic system has been developed to acquire electrophysiological signal from the fiber. The receiver base station is connected to a PC host running Matlab. The multi-material polymer fiber electrode recording setting were first optimized in length and inter-electrode distance by recording different sEMG signals. The typical sEMG signal to noise ratio ranges from 19.1 dB to 33.9 dB depending on the geometry. These value are comparable with those obtained with Ag/AgCl electrodes and dry electrode-base commercial system such as Delsys Trigno. The frequency domain analysis obtained from the power spectral density reveals that the new flexible fiber-electrode enables high sEMG signals recording quality while being suitable for integration in smart clothing fabric. A muscle fatigue analysis and ECG recording are also presented in this study. The multi-material polymer fiber electrodes demonstrate a viable solution for sEMG and ECG data acquisition.In this report, we introduce a flexible board combining a custom switching circuit and 16 integrated antennas for a time-domain ultrawideband radar for breast health monitoring in one device. The goal of this study is to assess the suitability of the flexible prototype for tumor detection using carbon-polyurethane experimental breast models and comparing the performance to an earlier prototype with a rigid switching circuit and 16 separate antennas. The flexible antenna array allows direct contact with the patient skin while reducing the number of RF and DC cables needed in the previously reported system. this website We evaluate that the introduced flexible board successfully transmits and receives the microwave signals, and isolates tumor responses using a simple method. However, we observe that the board exhibits an early signal in the recordings of all antenna pairs which corresponds to direct cross-talk on the board and is not part of the signal that has passed through the phantom.Aspiration pneumonia is a life-threatening disease for the elderly. To prevent its risk, regular swallowing assessment is necessary; however, current screening tools for swallow assessment are not widely available and medical experts are insufficient. As a portable assessment tool, we have been developing a smartphone-based realtime monitoring device (GOKURI) which can evaluate swallowing ability based on swallow sounds. For better detection accuracy of the system, we integrated a deep learning model which was developed based on the swallowing anatomy. In this paper, we provide a detailed analysis to see how the swallow sounds detected by the deep learning-based monitor correspond to the actual swallow activities. Also, as an example of practical application of the system, we analyzed the changes of the swallow abilities over time by recording swallow sounds twice for the same participants at a nursing home. To minimize the risk of aspiration pneumonia, caregivers need to understand the disability levels of the patient's swallows so that safe feeding assistance can be provided.
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