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[Chronic paracetamol inebriation : under-diagnosed iatrogenic source of metabolic acidosis with increased anion gap].
Advanced medical imaging technology has allowed the use of fluorescence molecular imaging-guided breast cancer surgery (FMI-guided BCS) to specifically label tumour cells and to precisely distinguish tumour margins from normal tissues intra-operatively, a major challenge in the medical field. Here, we developed a surgical navigation system for real-time FMI-guided BCS. Tumours derived from highly metastatic 4T1-luc breast cancer cells, which exhibit high expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), were established in nude mice; these mice were injected with smart MMP-targeting and "always-on" HER2-targeting near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent probes. The fluorescence signal was imaged to assess in vivo binding of the probes to the tumour and metastatic sites. Then, orthotopic and metastatic breast tumours were precisely removed under the guidance of our system. The post-operative survival rate of mice was improved by 50% with the new method. Hematoxylin and eosin staining and immunohistochemical staining for MMP2 and CD11b further confirmed the precision of tumour dissection. Our method facilitated the accurate detection and complete removal of breast cancer tumours and provided a method for defining the molecular classification of breast cancer during surgery, thereby improving prognoses and survival rates.The central thesis of this paper is that Rasmussen framed his approach to Cognitive Systems Engineering from the perspective of a Triadic Semiotic Model. This frame became the context for integrating multiple intellectual threads including Control Theory, Information Theory, Ecological Psychology, and Gestalt Psychology into a coherent theoretical framework. The case is made that the triadic semiotic framework is essential for a complete appreciation of the constructs that were central to Rasmussen's approach Abstraction Hierarchy, Skill-Rules-Knowledge Model, Ecological Interface Design, and Proactive Risk Management.The zygomaticus implant was developed for patients with severe bone resorption of the posterior maxilla. These may eliminate or minimize the need for bone grafting. Although the zygomaticus implant has shown a remarkable success rate in this difficult-to-treat patient population, the method requires an advanced surgical technique and carries an increased risk of complications. There have been few anatomical studies on the zygomatic bone in relation to the insertion of zygomaticus implants. The height and thickness of the zygomatic bone for the insertion were measured in this study. The thickness at the 90° angle point, where the upper margin of the zygomatic arch and the temporal margin of the frontal process of the zygomatic bone intersect and where the apex of the implant penetrates, was found to be 1.8±0.4 mm; this gradually increased inferiorly and anteriorly. Thus, the penetration point of the apex of the zygomaticus implant should be located more inferoanterior to the 90° angle point, as the thickness in this region is thinner than the diameter of the implant. Based on the results of this study, a newer and safer insertion method for the zygomaticus implant using a drill guide is proposed.
Obesity and arthritis are leading chronic conditions, but comorbidity of these conditions and their interaction leading to depression have not been fully investigated. Evofosfamide The purpose of this study is to determine the degree to which excess body weight effect-modifies the relationship between arthritis and depressive symptoms.

We used the data of 8677 men and 8820 women aged 20 or older, who completed a depression screening and general medical condition interview as a part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2005-2012. Depression was ascertained using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9); a PHQ-9 score of 15 or higher was defined as indicative of depression.

Arthritis was reported in 26.5% (SE=0.9) of men and 36.9% (SE=1.4) of women. The association between depression and arthritis was not significant among healthy weight women, but significant among overweight and obese women. The prevalence ratios (PRs) of depression among arthritis-free women were 1.00 (reference) for healthy weight, 1.43 (0.85-2.42) for overweight, and 1.99 (1.23-3.23) for obese women. For women with arthritis, the PRs were 1.16 (0.63-2.12) for healthy weight, 3.80 (2.24-6.45) for overweight and 3.73 (2.30-6.05) for obese women. The intensifying effect from excessive body weight on the association between arthritis and depression was less salient among men than women.

The association between arthritis and depression is intensified significantly by increased body weight, in particular, among women.
The association between arthritis and depression is intensified significantly by increased body weight, in particular, among women.Starch catabolism leading to high glucose level in blood is highly problematic in chronic metabolic diseases, such as type II diabetes and obesity. α-Amylase catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch, increasing blood sugar concentration. Its inhibition represents a promising therapeutic approach to control hyperglycaemia. However, only few drug-like molecule inhibitors without sugar moieties have been discovered so far, and little information on the enzymatic mechanism is available. This work aims at the discovery of novel small α-amylase binders using a systematic in silico methodology. 3D-pharmacophore-based high throughput virtual screening of small compounds libraries was performed to identify compounds with high α-amylase affinity. Twenty-seven compounds were selected and biologically tested, revealing IC50 values in the micromolar range and ligand efficiency higher than the one of the bound form of acarbose, which is used as a reference for α-amylase inhibition.Tension pneumothorax is a rare and potentially life-threatening clinical complication. A 43-year-old Caucasian woman with type 1 diabetes mellitus presented with nausea and retching and examination revealed dehydration. Laboratory parameters were consistent with a diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis, which responded to therapy. Suddenly, 30 hours later, she developed cardiorespiratory compromise due to a tension pneumothorax. After emergent decompression and catheter placement, computerized tomographic scan of the chest demonstrated esophageal-pleural fistula confirming Boerhaave syndrome as the etiology for the pneumothorax. The patient underwent emergent esophagectomy with pleural washout with a subsequent gastric pull-up surgery. Boerhaave syndrome frequently presents atypically with chest pain, dyspnea, and nausea. It communicates with the left pleural space in 80% to 90% of cases, but less then 5% of cases involve the right pleural cavity. Unexplained and rapidly progressive pleural effusions have been associated with this entity. Only 4 cases of Boerhaave syndrome causing tension pneumothorax have been reported in the literature so far.
Dual antiplatelet therapy is the cornerstone treatment for patients with acute coronary syndrome. Recent Canadian Guidelines recommend the use of dual antiplatelet therapy for 1 year after coronary artery bypass grafting in patients with acute coronary syndrome, but considerable variability remains.

We performed a survey of 75 Canadian cardiac surgeons to assess the use of dual antiplatelet therapy.

Whereas 58.6% of respondents indicated that the benefits of dual antiplatelet therapy were seen irrespective of how patients were managed after acute coronary syndrome, 36.2% believed that the benefits of dual antiplatelet therapy were limited to those treated medically or percutaneously. In regard to the timing of dual antiplatelet therapy administration, 57% of respondents indicated that dual antiplatelet therapy should be given upstream in the emergency department, whereas 36.2% responded that dual antiplatelet therapy should be given only once the coronary anatomy has been defined. The majority surveyed y be warranted.
Cardiac surgeons exhibit variation in their attitudes and practice patterns toward dual antiplatelet therapy after coronary artery bypass grafting, and in approximately half of cases, their practice does not adhere to current guideline recommendations. New trials focusing on coronary artery bypass grafting cases in their primary analysis and educational initiatives for surgeons that focus on guideline recommendations may be warranted.
Autograft valve preservation at reoperation may conserve some of the advantages of the Ross procedure. However, results of long-term follow-up are lacking. In this retrospective multicenter study, we present our experience with valve-sparing reoperations after the Ross procedure, with a focus on long-term outcome.

A total of 86 patients from 6 European centers, who underwent valve-sparing reoperation after the Ross procedure between 1997 and 2013, were included in the study.

Reoperation was performed a median of 9.1years after the Ross procedure in patients with a median age of 38.4years (interquartile range 27.1-51.6years). Preoperative severe autograft regurgitation (grade ≥3) was present in 46% of patients. In-hospital mortality was 1%. During a median follow-up of 4.3years, 3 more patients died of noncardiac causes, resulting in a cumulative survival at 8years of 89% (95% confidence interval 65%-97%). Fifteen patients required a reintervention after valve-sparing reoperation, mostly owing to prolapsd hazard of reintervention after valve-sparing reoperation; for these patients, careful preoperative weighing of surgical options is required.
Perturbation of the endothelial glycocalyx is discussed in the pathogenesis of complications related to cardiopulmonary bypass. We evaluated the effects of cardiopulmonary bypass on the microcirculation and the microvascular endothelial glycocalyx of infants undergoing surgery for congenital cardiac defects.

The microcirculation was visualized at the ear conch using Sidestream dark field imaging before surgery (T0), after admission to the intensive care unit (T1), 24 hours postsurgery (T2), and 7 days postsurgery (T3). Glycocalyx thickness was assessed by measurement of the perfused boundary region. Microcirculatory parameters included total and perfused vessel density, vessel diameters, and microcirculatory flow index.

A total of 40 infants undergoing cardiac surgery (36 with cardiopulmonary bypass, 4 without cardiopulmonary bypass) were examined. As controls, measurements before and after cardiac catheterization (n = 6) and before and after surgery for cleft palate (n = 9) were performed. After surgerlmonary bypass. Microcirculatory monitoring might be a useful tool to evaluate interventions aiming at reduction of bypass-related complications.
Left ventricular (LV) assist device (LVAD) support reduces pathological loading. However, load-induced adaptive responses may be suppressed. Pathological loading dysregulates cardiac G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling. Signaling through G proteins is deleterious, whereas beta(β)-arrestin-mediated signaling is cardioprotective. We examined the effectsofpathological LV loading/LV dysfunction and treatment via LVAD, on β-arrestin-mediated signaling, and genetic networks downstream of load.

An ovine myocardial infarction (MI) model was used. Sheep underwent sham thoracotomy (n=3), mid-left anterior descending coronary artery ligation to produce MI (n=3), or MI with placement of a small-platform catheter-based LVAD (n=3). LVAD support was continued for 2weeks. Animals were maintained for a total of 12weeks. Myocardial specimens were harvested and analyzed.

MI induced β-arrestin activation. Increased interactions between epidermal growth factor receptor and β-arrestins were observed. LVAD support inhibited these responses to MI (P<.
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