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Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) are active at multiple levels of the eukaryotic ubiquitin system. DUBs are important for ubiquitin activation and maintaining cellular ubiquitin levels but can also edit or dissolve ubiquitin chains or deconjugate ubiquitin from substrates. Eukaryotic DUBs can be grouped into seven molecular classes, most of which enzymes are cysteine proteases assuming the papain fold. In recent years, an ever-increasing number of pathogen-encoded DUBs have been characterized, which are active inside the host cell and help the pathogens to evade the defense response. At first sight, bacterial and viral DUBs appear to be very different from their eukaryotic counterparts, making them hard to identify by bioinformatic methods. However, apart from very few exceptions, bacterial and viral DUBs are distantly related to eukaryotic DUB classes and possess several hallmarks that can be used to identify high-confidence DUB candidates from pathogen genomes - even in the complete absence of biochemical or functional annotation. This chapter addresses bioinformatical DUB discovery approaches based on a previously published analysis of DUB evolution. The core set of bioinformatical tools required for this endeavor are freely accessible and do not require a particular bioinformatics infrastructure.Ubiquitylation (or ubiquitination) is the reversible conjugation of a 76-amino-acid polypeptide (ubiquitin) to a target protein to modulate various biological processes. Deubiquitylating enzymes (DUBs) are a class of enzymes that specifically remove ubiquitin from a substrate. In recent years DUBs have garnered significant attention as a new class of targets in multiple therapeutic areas. The recent development of high-throughput Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has provided new tools to perform drug discovery screening. Here we present a facile and high-throughput step-by-step protocol of the MALDI-TOF MS-based DUB assay for screening the activity of DUBs in vitro. In a MALDI-TOF DUB assay, we quantitate the amount of mono-ubiquitin generated by the in vitro cleavage of ubiquitin chains. The presented protocol takes advantage of nanoliter dispensing robotics and automated MALDI-TOF MS analysis to screen large and diverse compound libraries.This chapter provides detailed methodology and materials required to profile deubiquitinases (DUBs) in a cellular matrix using specific activity-based probes, with immunoblotting and mass spectrometry proteomics-based readouts. Different types of activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) for studying the potency and selectivity of DUB inhibitors are outlined here, including the standard ABPP, the deep DUBome ABPP, and the ABPP-HT (high-throughput compatible).Rpn11 is an essential metalloprotease responsible for the en bloc removal of ubiquitin chains from protein substrates that are targeted for degradation by the 26S proteasome. A unique feature of Rpn11 is that its deubiquitinase (DUB) activity is greatly stimulated by the mechanical translocation of the substrate into the proteasomal AAA+ (ATPase Associated with diverse cellular Activities) motor, which delivers the scissile isopeptide bond between a substrate lysine and the proximal moiety of an attached ubiquitin chain to the DUB catalytic active site. As a consequence, Rpn11 cleaves at the base of ubiquitin chains and lacks selectivity towards specific ubiquitin-chain linkage types, which is in contrast to other DUBs, including the related AMSH that selectively cleaves Lys63-linked chains. Prevention of Rpn11's deubiquitinase activity leads to inhibition of proteasomal degradation by stalling substrate translocation. With the proteasome as an approved anticancer target, Rpn11 is therefore an attractive point of attack for the development of new inhibitors, which requires robust biochemical assays to measure DUB activity. Here we describe a method for the purification of the Rpn8/Rpn11 heterodimer and ubiquitin-GC-TAMRA, a model substrate that can be used to characterize the DUB activity of Rpn11 in isolation without the need of purifying 26S proteasomes. This assay thus enables a high-throughput screening platform for Rpn11-targeted small-molecule discovery.Several chemical approaches have been applied to develop Ub-based substrates and probes selective toward one or a narrow subset of deubiquitinases (DUBs). Since DUBs are highly specific toward ubiquitin and exhibit low activity toward shorter peptides, it is challenging to design truly selective chemical tools to investigate one DUB in biological samples. Incorporating amino acids other than canonical LRG at the P4-P2 positions in the Ub improves DUB activity and selectivity toward Ub derivatives. Here, we describe the protocol for identifying selective peptide sequences using a hybrid combinatorial substrate library (HyCoSuL) approach that can be introduced in the C-terminal motif of Ub. Furthermore, we describe the synthesis protocol of Ub-based probes and substrates containing unnatural amino acids and the application of Ub-based probes to detect DUBs in cell lysates.Ubiquitination is a post-translational modification, that regulates essential cellular functions, and the enzymes that control the removal of this modification, deubiquitinases (DUBs), have been well described for the model organisms. However, the information about DUBs is still largely lacking for the non-model organisms, such as agriculturally relevant animals. To understand the expression of these enzymes in animal tissues, we have used chemical proteomics which can be used to identify biologically active DUBs present in tissues based on their reactivity with the activity-based probes (ABPs). Here we describe a sample preparation protocol for ABP-based purification of DUBs from animal tissue using two approaches to homogenize and lyse the animal tissue compatible with ABP labeling of DUBs, including an ultrasonication-based tissue processing method and bead-beating method. Both of these methods retain the enzymatic activity of DUBs. In addition, we describe a protocol for ABP labeling of DUBs in tissue lysates and the immunoprecipitation of the probe-reactive DUBs that can be used along with mass spectrometric identification of proteins and the detection of these DUBs by Western blotting.Fluorescently tagged molecular probes capable of time- and concentration-dependent quantification of deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB) activity allow for precise characterization of both enzyme and DUB inhibitor. These probes are compatible with most plate readers allowing for rapid, facile fluorometric analysis of DUB activity. DUB activity can be measured in purified enzyme reactions, in cell lysates, or in intact cells depending upon the choice of the fluorometric probe. This chapter describes protocols and potential analysis tools to investigate DUB activity in these three scenarios.Development of (semi-)synthetic methods to prepare ubiquitin (Ub)-based reagents has proven to be helpful in the classification of deubiquitinating proteases (DUBs). To study DUB selectivity for one or more of the eight possible poly-Ub chains, fluorogenic assay reagents have been reported relying on the appearance of a fluorescent signal upon DUB-mediated cleavage of the reagent. In this protocol, we describe the use of such an assay to profile the selectivity of TRABID, a member of the OTU family of DUBs.The activity of deubiquitinases (DUBs) is tightly regulated in eukaryotes via various mechanisms. One of the regulatory strategies is substrate-induced catalytic triad rearrangement, where ubiquitin-binding helps the DUB adopt an active conformation for catalysis. The crystal structure of the apo form of such a DUB, when not bound to ubiquitin, reveals an inactive conformation of the catalytic residues, necessitating the structure of the ubiquitin-bound form to visualize the active state of the DUB. Comparing the apo and ubiquitin-bound structures reveals conformational changes leading to catalytic activation. To capture the deubiquitinase in its ubiquitin-bound form, a series of activity-based ubiquitin probes (Ub-ABPs) harboring C-terminal electrophiles were designed to react with the catalytic nucleophile of cysteine protease DUBs. The resulting covalently linked DUB-ubiquitin complex is amendable for structural studies to probe the DUB-ubiquitin interface and the potential conformational change of the DUB. Here, we present a detailed protocol for the generation and purification of ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1 (UCHL1) in complex with a Ub-ABP, ubiquitin-vinyl methyl ester (UbVME), and the subsequent structural analysis to characterize the catalytic state of the DUB.Netrin-4, a member of the Netrins family, is an important secreted protein that plays a role in axonal outgrowth and migration orientation. It was initially described that Netrin-4 had a high correlation with the laminin β-chain and promoted the growth of neurites in cultured olfactory bulb explants. Subsequently, it was discovered that Netrin-4 is involved in regulating various physiological processes, including angiogenesis, the occurrence and metastasis of various tumors, and the development of the kidney and alveoli. This paper reviews the current research on Netrin-4 since its discovery and provides a theoretical basis for further research on the biological characteristics of Netrin-4. Compound9 Effects of Netrin-4. Netrin-4 regulates axon guidance, angiogenesis and the development of various tumors.
Data on gastrointestinal infections in horses in Southeastern Europe are limited; thus, this study aimed to add to the existing knowledge on this topic by reporting on the prevalence of intestinal parasites of horses in the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

In the period from April 2017 to December 2018, parasitological examination of 548 samples from horses of different breed, age and sex from four regions and 18 districts of the country was performed. Coprological diagnostic was done by using qualitative methods without concentration and qualitative methods with concentration of parasitic elements. Quantification of the obtained results was performed using semi-qualitative faecal egg count.

Four helminthoses were detected in the examined samples P. equorum (8.57%), O. equi (3.65%), strongylid eggs (71.17%) and Anoplocephala spp. (0.91%). The total prevalence of helminthoses was 77.19%. Monoinfections were significantly more present 70.07% compared to coinfections (7.12%). The highest prevalence of helminthoses was detected in free-ranging horses (93.10%-27/29), in autumn 86.67% (117/135) and winter 79.71% (165/207), in Šumadija and West Serbia region (100%), and in the youngest category (100%). Significant difference (p < 0.001) was detected in the prevalence of monoinfections by strongylids and O. equi and also coinfections by strongylid/P. equorum between horses of different age categories.

Obtained results are of great contribution to clinical parasitology and pathology, especially from the aspect of animal health, welfare and preservation of horse population.
Obtained results are of great contribution to clinical parasitology and pathology, especially from the aspect of animal health, welfare and preservation of horse population.
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