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Coherence findings throughout single-pixel electronic digital holography.
"Patient on demand table" shows a direct comparison of patient characteristics, whereas "Criteria selection" allows the selection of different patient criteria to get deeper insights into the data. The "Time-Series chart" shows the time course of clinical parameters (e.g. blood pressure) whereas a "Patient timeline" indicates which time events exist for a patient (e.g. several symptoms on different dates). In the future, we will develop a software-prototype of the Clinical Decision Support System to include the visualization methods and evaluate the clinical usage.Rare lung diseases affect 1.5-3 million people in Europe while causing bad prognosis or early deaths for patients. The European Reference Network for Respiratory Diseases (ERN-Lung) is a patient centric network, funded by the European Union (EU). The aims of ERN-LUNG is to increase healthcare and research regarding rare respiratory diseases. An initial need for cross-border healthcare and research is the use of registries and databases. A typical problem in registries for RDs is the data exchange, since the registries use different kind of data with different types or descriptions. Therefore, ERN-Lung decided to create a new Registry Data-Warehouse (RDW) where different existing registries are connected to enable cross-border healthcare within ERN-Lung. This work facilitates the aims, conception and implementation for the RDW, while considering a semantic interoperability approach. We created a common dataset (CDS) to have a common descriptions of respiratory diseases patients within the ERN registries. We further developed the RDW based on Open Source Registry System for Rare Diseases (OSSE), which includes a Metadata Repository with the Samply.MDR to unique describe data for the minimal dataset. Within the RDW, data from existing registries is not stored in a central database. TAK-243 mouse The RDW uses the approach of the "Decentral Search" and can send requests to the connected registries, whereas only aggregated data is returned about how many patients with specific characteristics are available. However, further work is needed to connect the different existing registries to the RDW and to perform first studies.The Operational Data Model (ODM) is a data standard for interchanging clinical trial data. ODM contains the metadata definition of a study, i.e., case report forms, as well as the clinical data, i.e., the answers of the participants. The portal of medical data models is an infrastructure for creation, exchange, and analysis of medical metadata models. There, over 23000 metadata definitions can be downloaded in ODM format. Due to data protection law and privacy issues, clinical data is not contained in these files. Access to exemplary clinical test data in the desired metadata definition is necessary in order to evaluate systems claiming to support ODM or to evaluate if a planned statistical analysis can be performed with the defined data types. In this work, we present a web application, which generates syntactically correct clinical data in ODM format based on an uploaded ODM metadata definition. Data types and range constraints are taken into account. Data for up to one million participants can be generated in a reasonable amount of time. Thus, in combination with the portal of medical data models, a large number of ODM files including metadata definition and clinical data can be provided for testing of any ODM supporting system. The current version of the application can be tested at https// and source code is available, under MIT license, at https// is an important ability, especially for patients during their medical treatment. It is needed, for instance, to complete administrative forms and patient-reported outcome questionnaires in clinical routine. Unfortunately, not every patient is able to read caused by illiteracy, low vision or simply speaking another language. Thus, a minder is required to support the mentioned reading tasks. Providing patients with the possibility to read and understand texts without additional help is an important factor to improve their self-empowerment. Digital voice pens can be programmed to play prerecorded audio files if tipped onto predefined areas of interactive paper. They can be a tool for impaired patients to read texts aloud in multiple languages. In this work, we wanted to evaluate the possibilities of these digital voice pens. A feasibility study was conducted by using the commercially available tiptoi digital voice pen by Ravensburger AG and the tttool application by Joachim Breitner for the programming of the pen. Focusing on the use case of questionnaires, a schematic questionnaire was implemented which enforced the usage of a digital voice pen. To simulate foreign languages or illiteracy, questions and answers of the document were represented by placeholders and the digital voice pen was required to read aloud the question texts. The correctness of the given answers was documented and the usability of the digital voice pen was measured by the System Usability Scale. The evaluation was performed by 15 volunteers (8 male/7 female) between 24 and 35 years old. The usability and acceptance of digital voice pens were rated as "Good" in our constructed setting.The objectives of this paper are to analyze the terminologies SNOMED CT and Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) and to provide a guideline for the translation of LOINC concepts to SNOMED CT. Verified research data sets were used for this study, so this experiment is replicable with other research data. 50 LOINC concepts of frequently performed laboratory services were translated to SNOMED CT. Information would be lost with pre-coordinated mapping but the compositional grammar of SNOMED CT allows for the linking of individual concepts into complicated postcoordinated expressions including all embedded information in LOINC concepts. All information can thus be transferred smoothly to SNOMED CT.This manuscript investigates sample sizes for interim analyses in group sequential designs. Traditional group sequential designs (GSD) rely on "information fraction" arguments to define the interim sample sizes. Then, interim maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) are used to decide whether to stop early or continue the data collection until the next interim analysis. The possibility of early stopping changes the distribution of interim and final MLEs possible interim decisions on trial stopping excludes some sample space elements. At each interim analysis the distribution of an interim MLE is a mixture of truncated and untruncated distributions. The distributional form of an MLE becomes more and more complicated with each additional interim analysis. Test statistics that are asymptotically normal without a possibly of early stopping, become mixtures of truncated normal distributions under local alternatives. Stage-specific information ratios are equivalent to sample size ratios for independent and identically distributed data.
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